Ivan Bratko

Faculty of Computer and Information Sc. University of Ljubljana
Trzaska 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
+386 1 4768393, fax +386 1 4264647
bratko fri.uni-lj.si (insert @ as appropriate)
Ivan Bratko is professor of computer science at University of
Ljubljana. He has B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering, and
a Ph.D. degree in computer science, all from the University of
Ljubljana. He is head of Artificial intelligence Laboratory, Faculty of Computer and Information Sc. of Ljubljana University. Until 2002, professor Bratko also directed the AI group at J. Stefan Institute in Ljubljana.
Professor Bratko has conducted research in machine learning,
knowledge-based systems, qualitative modelling, intelligent robotics,
heuristic programming and computer chess. His main interests in machine
learning have been in learning from noisy data, combining learning and
qualitative reasoning, constructive induction, Inductive Logic
Programming and various applications of machine learning, including
medicine and control of dynamic systems.
Professor Bratko has published over 200 scientific papers and a number of books, including Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence (Addison-Wesley/Pearson Education, fourth edition, 2011), KARDIO: a Study in Deep and Qualitative Knowledge for Expert Systems (MIT Press, 1989; co-authored by I. Mozetič and N. Lavrač), and Machine Learning and Data Mining: Methods and Applications (Wiley, 1998; co-edited by R.S. Michalski and M. Kubat).
He has been member of the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Journal of AI Research, Journal of ML Research, and KAIS (Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems). He was one of the founders and the first chairman of SLAIS
(Slovenian AI Society) and chairman of ISSEK, International School for
the Synthesis of Expert Knowledge, based in Udine, Italy. He is member
of SAZU (Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences), member of Academia Europaea, and a Fellow of ECCAI.
He has been visiting professor or visiting scientist at various
universities, including Edinburgh University, Strathclyde University,
Sydney University, University of New South Wales, Polytechnic University
of Madrid, University of Klagenfurt, Delft University of Technology. |