path: root/prolog/problems
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authorAleksander Sadikov <>2016-08-09 16:32:15 +0200
committerAleksander Sadikov <>2016-08-09 16:32:15 +0200
commiteca7d4651ea9e16e8a92520bad7d00fccef867bc (patch)
treed30dab359d7c68385915a948761944eb7996dbe2 /prolog/problems
parenta30f8224b0da43b17d19acba896182418caf979b (diff)
English translation for descendant/2 added.
Diffstat (limited to 'prolog/problems')
2 files changed, 39 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/prolog/problems/family_relations/ancestor_2/ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/ancestor_2/
index cec2a29..322ab92 100644
--- a/prolog/problems/family_relations/ancestor_2/
+++ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/ancestor_2/
@@ -77,12 +77,13 @@ e.g. grandgrandparents or grandgrandgrandparents are also ancestors.</p>
'predicate_always_false': '''\
-<p>It seems your predicate is <emph>always</emph> "false". Did you give it the correct name, or is it perhaps misspelled?</p>
+<p>It seems your predicate is <emph>always</emph> "false". Did you give it the correct name,
+or is it perhaps misspelled?</p>
<p>If the name is correct, check whether something else is misspelled, perhaps there is a full stop instead of
a comma or vice versa, or maybe you typed a variable name in lowercase?</p>
<p>It is, of course, also possible that your conditions are too restrictive, or even impossible to satisfy
-(as would be, for example, the condition that <code>X</code> is both parent and a sister of <code>Y</code>, or
-something similar).</p>
+(as would be, for example, the condition that <code>X</code> is both a parent and a sister of <code>Y</code>, or
+something similarly impossible).</p>
'timeout': '''\
diff --git a/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
index 535ef23..c50ac17 100644
--- a/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
+++ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
@@ -15,81 +15,85 @@ described with predicates <code>parent/2</code>, <code>male/1</code>, and
plan = ['''\
-<p>I believe recursion is needed... how can we transpose the problem to a smaller one (a single step smaller that is)?</p>
-<p><img src="[%@resource Prolog_descendant_03.svg%]" alt="A descendant of someone, who is a child of Y, is also a descendant of Y." /></p>
+<p>I believe recursion is needed... how can we transpose the problem to a smaller one
+(a single step smaller that is)?</p>
+<p><img src="[%@resource Prolog_descendant_03.svg%]" alt="A descendant of someone, who is a child of Y,
+is also a descendant of Y." /></p>
''', '''\
<p>If <code>Z</code> is a parent of some <code>X</code> and at the same time
<code>Z</code> is a descendant of <code>Y</code>,
then <code>X</code> is also a descendant of <code>Y</code>.</p>
''', '''\
-<p><img src="[%@resource Prolog_descendant_04.svg%]" alt="If X is a descendant of Z, and Z is a child of Y, then X is also a descendant of Y." /></p>
+<p><img src="[%@resource Prolog_descendant_04.svg%]" alt="If X is a descendant of Z, and Z is a child of Y,
+then X is also a descendant of Y." /></p>
hint = {
'gender_is_irrelevant': '''\
-<p>Je spol res pomemben?</p>
+<p>Is gender really important?</p>
'gender_is_irrelevant_markup': '''\
-<p>Je to res potrebno?</p>
+<p>Is this necessary?</p>
'grandparent_used': '''\
-<p>Rešitev z "grandparent" bo premalo splošna, poskusi nadomestiti to z rekurzijo.
-Skratka, poskusi prevesti na "manjši" problem, npr. potomec v enem koraku manj
-(en korak bližji potomec)...</p>
+<p>The solution using the grandparent relation will not be general enough, try using recursion instead.
+Try to transpose the problem into a "smaller" one, e.g. a descendant in one step less (a closer descendant).</p>
'grandparent_used_markup': '''\
-<p>Bi se dalo rešiti brez tega?</p>
+<p>Can you solve without using this?</p>
'base_case': '''\
-<p>Si pomislil na robni pogoj? Rekurzija se mora enkrat tudi ustaviti.
-Kaj je najbolj enostaven par (potomec, prednik)?</p>
+<p>Did you think of a base case? The recursion has to stop at some point.
+What is the most obvious pair (descendand, ancestor)?</p>
<p><img src="[%@resource Prolog_descendant_01.svg%]" /></p>
''', # TODO: morda ta hint naredim z "more": najprej tekst, ob kliku pa še slika... (sicer je preveč očitno)
'descendant_of_oneself': '''\
-<p>Kako je lahko nekdo potomec samega sebe? Iz trenutne verzije rešitve se da izpeljati tudi to.
-Premisli, morda se ti splača tudi grafično skicirati tvojo trenutno rešitev.</p>
+<p>How can anyone be a descendant of him- or herself? This can be inferred from the current version of the program.
+It might also help to graphically sketch your current solution.</p>
'descendant_of_oneself_with_or': '''\
-<p>Kako je lahko nekdo potomec samega sebe? Iz trenutne verzije rešitve se da izpeljati tudi to.
-Premisli, morda se ti splača tudi grafično skicirati tvojo trenutno rešitev.</p>
-<p>Morda se ti splača preveriti tudi uporabo podpičja. To praktično naredi dva ločena stavka oz. veji
-(eno ali drugo velja, morda tudi oboje). Vendar pazi, ker sta ti dve veji med seboj neodvisni
--- vrednosti iz ene se ne prenašajo v drugo vejo.</p>
+<p>How can anyone be a descendant of him- or herself? This can be inferred from the current version of the program.
+It might help to graphically sketch your current solution.</p>
+<p>Perhaps you should also check your use of the semicolon. The semicolon basically creates two separate clauses or
+branches (one or the other can hold, or even both). However, be careful, as this two branches are independent of
+one another -- assigned values to variables in one branch do not transfer to the other branch.</p>
'descendant_need_not_be_parent': '''\
-<p>Potomec <code>X</code> pravzaprav ne rabi imeti otrok...</p>
+<p>The descendant <code>X</code> doesn't actually need to have any children...</p>
'predicate_always_false': '''\
-<p>Vse kaže, da tvoj predikat vedno vrne "false". Si mu dal pravilno ime, si se morda pri imenu zatipkal?</p>
-<p>Če je ime pravilno, se morda splača preveriti tudi, če se nisi zatipkal kje drugje,
-je morda kakšna pika namesto vejice ali obratno, morda kakšna spremenljivka z malo začetnico?</p>
-<p>Možno je seveda tudi, da so tvoji pogoji prestrogi ali celo nemogoči (kot bi bila npr. zahteva,
-da je <code>X</code> hkrati starš in sestra od <code>Y</code> ali kaj podobnega).</p>
+<p>It seems your predicate is <emph>always</emph> "false". Did you give it the correct name,
+or is it perhaps misspelled?</p>
+<p>If the name is correct, check whether something else is misspelled, perhaps there is a full stop instead of
+a comma or vice versa, or maybe you typed a variable name in lowercase?</p>
+<p>It is, of course, also possible that your conditions are too restrictive, or even impossible to satisfy
+(as would be, for example, the condition that <code>X</code> is both a parent and a sister of <code>Y</code>, or
+something similarly impossible).</p>
'timeout': '''\
-<p>Je morda na delu potencialno neskončna rekurzija? Kako se bo ustavila?</p>
-<p>Morda pa je kriv tudi manjkajoč, neustrezen ali preprosto nekompatibilen (s splošnim primerom) robni pogoj?</p>
+<p>Is there an infinite recursion at work here? How will it ever stop?</p>
+<p>Or perhaps is there a missing, faulty, or simply incompatible (with the general recursive case) base case?</p>
'wrong_direction': '''\
-<p>Si morda sprogramiral ravno obratno in zamenjal prednika s potomcem?
-<code>X</code> naj bo potomec od <code>Y</code> in ne obratno!</p>
+<p>Did you perhaps program exactly the reverse relation, ancestor instead of descendant?
+<code>X</code> should be a descendant of <code>Y</code> and not the other way around!</p>
<p><img src="[%@resource Prolog_descendant_02.svg%]" /></p>
''', # TODO: Tim, kako bi lahko še query poslali med parametri v Hint dict? Je to predvideno? Tukaj bi recimo pasalo...
'final_hint': '''\
-<p>Zanimivost: nalogo bi lahko rešil tudi z uporabo rešitve za relacijo <code>ancestor/2</code>.
-Samo obrni spremenljivki <code>X</code> in <code>Y</code>;
-če je <code>X</code> potomec od <code>Y</code>, potem je <code>Y</code> prednik od <code>X</code>.</p>
+<p>Interesting tidbit. This exercise could also be solved using the solution to the <code>ancestor/2</code>
+relation. Simply reverse the variables <code>X</code> and <code>Y</code>;
+if <code>X</code> is a descendant of <code>Y</code>, then <code>Y</code> is an ancestor of <code>X</code>.</p>