path: root/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m
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authorTimotej Lazar <>2015-10-13 13:00:05 +0200
committerTimotej Lazar <>2015-10-13 13:00:05 +0200
commita86a6ca92d315dedf3ce4d5035a4c38178f8b531 (patch)
tree96ae9beb094aa8bfa74d69a0878349107e900b04 /robot/problems/introduction/wall1m
parent1e5d42ba53ea0c631dbc6f21887839c91571ebca (diff)
Remove backup files and add *~ to .gitignore
Diffstat (limited to 'robot/problems/introduction/wall1m')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/ b/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/
deleted file mode 100644
index 319cea2..0000000
--- a/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-from python.util import has_token_sequence, string_almost_equal, \
- string_contains_number, get_tokens, get_numbers, get_exception_desc
-from server.hints import Hint, HintSequence
-id = 215
-group = 'introduction'
-number = 6
-visible = True
-solution = '''\
-from ev3dev import *
-from mindstorms_widgets import mindstorms_widgets
-robot = mindstorms_widgets()
-robot.connect_motor( 'left' )
-robot.connect_motor( 'right' )
-robot.connect_sensor( 'ultrasonic' )
-robot.move_steering( 'on', power=80 )
-while robot.ultrasonic_sensor_measure( 'distance-cm' ) > 500:
- pass
-robot.move_steering( 'on', power=20 )
-while robot.ultrasonic_sensor_measure( 'distance-cm' ) > 200:
- pass
-robot.move_steering( 'off' )
-hint_type = {
- 'mW_init': Hint('mW_init'),
- 'connectMotorLeft': Hint('connectMotorLeft'),
- 'connectMotorRight': Hint('connectMotorRight'),
- 'moveSteeringOn': Hint('moveSteeringOn'),
- 'moveSteeringOff': Hint('moveSteeringOff'),
- 'connectUltrasonicSensor': Hint('connectUltrasonicSensor'),
- 'ultrasonicSensorMeasure': Hint('ultrasonicSensorMeasure'),
- 'power80': Hint('power80'),
- 'power20': Hint('power20'),
- 'while': Hint('while')
-def hint( code ):
- tokens = get_tokens(code)
- lines = code.split('\n')
- # if code does not include mindstorms_widgets(), a student gets a hint that the robot should be somehow represented in the program
- if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['mindstorms_widgets', '(',')']):
- return [{'id': 'mW_init'}]
- # if code does not include connect_motor statement, a student needs to learn about how to connect the motors
- if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['connect_motor']) and not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['left']):
- return [{'id': 'connectMotorLeft'}]
- # if code does not include connect_motor statement, a student needs to learn about how to connect the motors
- if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['connect_motor']) and not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['right']):
- return [{'id': 'connectMotorRight'}]
- if not (has_token_sequence(tokens, ['connect_sensor', '(']) and 'ultrasonic' in code) :
- return [{'id': 'connectUltrasonicSensor'}]
- if not (has_token_sequence(tokens, ['move_steering', '(']) and 'on' in code):
- return [{'id': 'moveSteeringOn'}]
- if not (has_token_sequence(tokens, ['move_steering', '(']) and 'off' in code):
- return [{'id': 'moveSteeringOff'}]
- #if not (has_token_sequence(tokens, ['ultrasonic_sensor_measure', '(']) and 'distance-cm' in code):
- if not any(('ultrasonic_sensor_measure' in s and '(' in s and 'distance-cm' in s) for s in lines)
- return [{'id': 'ultrasonicSensorMeasure'}]
- if not any(('power' in s and '80' in s and '=' in s) for s in lines):
- return [{'id': 'power80'}]
- if not any(('power' in s and '20' in s and '=' in s) for s in lines):
- return [{'id': 'power20'}]
- if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['while']):
- return [{'id': 'while'}]
- return None
diff --git a/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/ b/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e6bad..0000000
--- a/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-print """
-Naloga 6:
- Robota postavi pred zid, tako da bo od njega oddaljen vsaj 1 m; vmes naj ne bo ovir.
- Napisi program, s katerim bo robot vozil naravnost proti zidu z 80% mocjo.
- Na razdalji 50 cm od zida naj robot zmanjsa hitrost na 20%, na razdalji 20 cm od zida pa naj se ustavi.
-import time
-from ev3dev import *
-from mindstorms_widgets import mindstorms_widgets
-us = ultrasonic_sensor(); assert us.connected
-us.mode = 'US-DIST-CM' # Continuous measurement of distance (0-2550 mm)
-# for m in us.modes:
-# print "\t",m
-robot = mindstorms_widgets()
-robot.connect_motor( 'left' )
-robot.connect_motor( 'right' )
-robot.move_steering( 'on', power=80 )
-while us.value()>500:
- pass
-robot.move_steering( 'on', power=20 )
-while us.value()>200:
- pass
-robot.move_steering( 'off' )
diff --git a/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/ b/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8455bab..0000000
--- a/robot/problems/introduction/wall1m/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-name = 'Pelji do zida'
-slug = 'Pelji do zida'
-description = '''\
-<p>Robota postavi pred zid, tako da bo od njega oddaljen vsaj 1 m; vmes naj ne bo ovir.
- Napisi program, s katerim bo robot vozil naravnost proti zidu z 80% mocjo.
- Na razdalji 50 cm od zida naj robot zmanjsa hitrost na 20%, na razdalji 20 cm od zida pa naj se ustavi.</p>'''
-hint = {
- 'mW_init':['''<p>Robota v programu predstavimo z mindstorms_widgets(): <code>robot = mindstorms_widgets()</code>.</p>'''],
- 'connectMotorLeft':['''<p>Robotu priključi levi motor</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.connect_motor( 'left' )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'connectMotorRight':['''<p>Robotu priključi desni motor</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.connect_motor( 'right' )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'moveSteeringOn':['''<p>Sinhroniziraj motorja in ju zaženi.</p>''',
- '''<p>Za sinhronizirano vožnjo je najbolj primerna metoda <code>robot.move_steering( 'on' )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'moveSteeringOff':['''<p>Ustavi motorja.</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.move_steering( 'off' )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'power80': ['''<p>Nastavi moč motorjev na 80%.</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.move_steering( 'on', power=80 )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'power20': ['''<p>Nastavi moč motorjev na 20%.</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.move_steering( 'on', power=20 )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'connectUltrasonicSensor':['''<p>Robotu moramo priključiti ultrazvočni senzor.</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.connect_sensor( 'ultrasonic' )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'ultrasonicSensorMeasure':['''<p>Medtem ko se robot pomika naprej, naj uporabi ultrazvočni senzor v načinu 'distance-cm', s katerim meri razdaljo v cm.</p>''',
- '''<p><code>robot.ultrasonic_sensor_measure( 'distance-cm' )</code>.</p>'''],
- 'while':['''<p>Uporabi zanko: robot naj se pelje naprej, dokler ne pride do razdalje 50 cm od zida.</p>''',
- '''<p>Uporabi še eno zanko: robot naj se pelje naprej z 20% močjo, dokler ne pride do razdalje 20 cm od zida.</p>'''],