path: root/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2
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Diffstat (limited to 'prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2')
2 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
index 53320b3..9032612 100644
--- a/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
+++ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
@@ -13,3 +13,104 @@ descendant(X, Y) :-
parent(Y, Z),
descendant(X, Z).
+hint_type = {
+ 'gender_is_irrelevant': Hint('gender_is_irrelevant'),
+ 'grandparent_used': Hint('grandparent_used'),
+ 'base_case': Hint('base_case'),
+ 'descendant_of_oneself': Hint('ancestor_to_oneself'),
+ 'descendant_need_not_be_parent': Hint('descendant_need_not_be_parent'),
+ 'wrong_direction': Hint('wrong_direction'),
+test_cases = [
+ # TODO
+def test(program, solved_problems):
+ code = (program + '\n' +
+ server.problems.solutions_for_problems('prolog', solved_problems) + '\n' +
+ server.problems.load_facts('prolog', facts).facts)
+ engine_id = None
+ try:
+ engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code, timeout=1.0)
+ if not engine_id or 'error' in map(itemgetter(0), output):
+ # Engine creation failed, or syntax error in code.
+ return 0, len(test_cases)
+ n_correct = 0
+ for query, answers in test_cases:
+ # Limit inferences for each solution to curb unbounded recursion.
+ limited = 'call_with_inference_limit(({}), 100000, _)'.format(query)
+ if prolog.engine.check_answers(engine_id, query=limited, answers=answers, timeout=1.0):
+ n_correct += 1
+ finally:
+ if engine_id:
+ prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id)
+ passed = n_correct == len(test_cases)
+ hints = [{'id': 'test_results', 'args': {'passed': n_correct, 'total': len(test_cases)}}]
+ return passed, hints
+def hint(program, solved_problems):
+ tokens = prolog.util.tokenize(program)
+ code = (program + '\n' +
+ server.problems.solutions_for_problems('prolog', solved_problems) + '\n' +
+ server.problems.load_facts('prolog', facts).facts)
+ engine_id = None
+ try:
+ engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code, timeout=1.0)
+ if not engine_id:
+ raise Exception('Prolog engine failed to create.')
+ # gender testing is redundant
+ # this is not necessarily wrong, but worth mentioning anyway
+ targets = [prolog.util.Token('NAME', 'male'), prolog.util.Token('NAME', 'female')]
+ pos = [(t.pos, t.pos + len(t.val)) for t in tokens if t in targets]
+ if pos:
+ # TODO: resolve how highlighting info is communicated
+ return [{'id': 'gender_is_irrelevant', 'highlight': pos}]
+ # grandparent is a sign of complications
+ # it's likely used instead of recursion
+ targets = [prolog.util.Token('NAME', 'grandparent')]
+ pos = [(t.pos, t.pos + len(t.val)) for t in tokens if t in targets]
+ if pos:
+ # TODO: resolve how highlighting info is communicated
+ return [{'id': 'grandparent_used', 'highlight': pos}]
+ # missing/failed base case
+ # TODO: how will ask_truth handle/return timeouts...
+ # TODO: timeout is the same as fail in this particular case
+ if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id,
+ 'parent(Y, X), \+ descendant(X, Y)'):
+ return [{'id', 'base_case'}]
+ # descendant of oneself
+ if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'descendant(X, X)'):
+ return [{'id', 'descendant_of_oneself'}]
+ # X does not necessarily need to be a parent
+ if prolog.engine.ask_one(engine_id,
+ 'descendant(X, _), \+ parent(X, _)') == 'false':
+ return [{'id': 'descendant_need_not_be_parent'}]
+ # ancestor instead of descendant (wrong direction)
+ # warning: knowledge base dependent
+ if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id,
+ 'findall(_, descendant(william, X), L1), length(L1, 6), \
+ findall(_, descendant(X, william), L2), length(L2, 2)'):
+ return [{'id', 'wrong_direction'}]
+ except socket.timeout as ex:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ if engine_id:
+ prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id)
+ return None
diff --git a/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb60e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/problems/family_relations/descendant_2/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+id = 101
+name = 'descendant/2'
+slug = 'the descendant relation'
+description = '''\
+<p><code>descendant(X, Y)</code>: <code>X</code> is a descendant (child, grandchild,...) of <code>Y</code>.</p>
+ ?- descendant(patricia, X).
+ X = william ;
+ X = tina ;
+ X = thomas.
+plan = ['''\
+<p>Brez rekurzije ne bo šlo... kako lahko problem prevedem na (en korak) manjši problem?</p>
+<p><img src="Descendant-3.png" /></p>
+<p>Loni naj zbriše imena relacij (parent, ancestor) s te slike!</p>
+''', '''\
+<p><img src="Descendant-3.png" /></p>
+''', '''\
+<p>Če je nek <code>Z</code> starš od <code>X</code> in je
+ta <code>Z</code> hkrati potomec od <code>Y</code>,
+potem je tudi <code>X</code> potomec od <code>Y</code>.</p>
+hint = {
+ 'gender_is_irrelevant': '''\
+<p>Je spol res pomemben?</p>
+ 'grandparent_used': '''\
+<p>Rešitev z "grandparent" bo premalo splošna, poskusi nadomestiti to z rekurzijo.
+Skratka, poskusi prevesti na "manjši" problem, npr. potomec v enem koraku manj
+(en korak bližji potomec)...</p>
+ 'base_case': '''\
+<p>Si pomislil na robni pogoj? Kaj je najbolj enostaven par (potomec, prednik)?</p>
+<p><img src="Descendant-1.png" /></p>
+ 'descendant_of_oneself': '''\
+<p>Kako je lahko nekdo potomec samega sebe?</p>
+ 'descendant_need_not_be_parent': '''\
+<p>Potomec <code>X</code> pravzaprav ne rabi imeti otrok...</p>
+ 'wrong_direction': '''\
+<p>Si morda sprogramiral ravno obratno in zamenjal prednika s potomcem?
+<code>X</code> naj bo potomec od <code>Y</code> in ne obratno!</p>
+ 'interesting_tidbit': '''\
+<p>Zanimivost: nalogo bi lahko rešil tudi z uporabo rešitve za relacijo "ancestor".
+Samo obrni spremenljivki <code>X</code> in <code>Y</code>;
+če je <code>X</code> potomec od <code>Y</code>, potem je <code>Y</code> prednik od <code>X</code>.</p>