path: root/prolog/problems/lists/permute_2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'prolog/problems/lists/permute_2')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prolog/problems/lists/permute_2/bugs.json b/prolog/problems/lists/permute_2/bugs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2778c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/problems/lists/permute_2/bugs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ "patterns": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\"))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args \"[]\")))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\" (args \"[]\")))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t \"[]\"))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable) (t \"[]\"))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" \"[]\"))",
+ "(clause (binop variable \"=\" \"[]\"))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"memb\") (args variable)) (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"memb\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t \"[]\")) (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args (list (t (list (h variable)))))))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable)))) (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\" (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"memb\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))) (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"delete\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"delete\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (binop \"=\" variable))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"delete\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable) (t (list (t \"[]\"))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\"))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable) (t \"[]\"))))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)) (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t \"[]\")) (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))) (args (list (t (list (h variable)))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))) (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"memb\") (args variable)) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (binop variable \"=\") (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable))))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (binop variable \"=\") (binop \"=\" variable))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable)) (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable))))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (t variable))))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"memb\") (args variable)) (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))) (binop \"=\" (list (t (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))) (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (binop \"=\" (list (t (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))) (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (binop (list (t variable)) \"=\") (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop (list (h variable)) \"=\") (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"ins\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args (list (t variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args (list (t variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"ins\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (binop \"=\" (list (t variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"insert1\") (args (args (args variable))))) (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (binop \"\\=\" variable) (compound (functor \"seperateFirst2\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (list (t variable))))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (t (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable)) (args (list (t variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t (list (h variable)))))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable))))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable) (t (list (t \"[]\")))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (binop \"=\" variable))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute2\") (args \"[]\"))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args (list (h variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable))))))) (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (binop variable \"=\")))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute2\") (args \"[]\" (args \"[]\")))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))) (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable (args (list (h variable))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"conc\") (args (list (h variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable)) (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute2\") (args (args \"[]\")))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (h variable)))) (args (list (t (list (t \"[]\")))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t (list (h variable) (t \"[]\")))))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t (list (t variable))))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))) (binop variable \"=\"))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args (list (t variable)))))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"memb\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 95,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9817038429772349
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 190,
+ 2
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9794084745917714
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 104,
+ 1
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9714418818841668
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 48,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9588757057531605
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable))))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 47,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9578821829207189
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 39,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.947298305452628
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 38,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9455670056323863
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 37,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9437215576522013
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 35,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9396299620514391
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 33,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9350104617264203
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 33,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9350104617264203
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\" (args \"[]\")))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 8,
+ 133
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9332657919230357
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (h variable)) (args variable)))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 29,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9232913557196254
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 28,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9213023067023905
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\"))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 7,
+ 123
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9187239800583585
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t \"[]\")) (args variable)))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 27,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9173202964615395
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 26,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.911839211889241
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\"))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args variable))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 12,
+ 139
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9114837140195694
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 24,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.9035625911236866
+ },
+ {
+ "class": false,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"delete\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 22,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.8914631047764715
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\"))))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 2,
+ 27
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.7900995111489282
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (t variable)))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args (list (h variable)))))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 3,
+ 31
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.7888513731459508
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args \"[]\"))))",
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable)))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args (args (args variable)))))",
+ "(clause (binop \"=\" (list (h variable))) (compound (functor \"insert\") (args variable)))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 8,
+ 17
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.4809085141607073
+ },
+ {
+ "class": true,
+ "condition": [
+ "(clause (head (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (list (t variable))))) (compound (functor \"permute\") (args variable)))",
+ "(clause (compound (functor \"permute\") (args (args variable))) (compound (functor \"del\") (args (args (args variable)))))"
+ ],
+ "distribution": [
+ 0,
+ 5
+ ],
+ "quality": 0.4468970492731071
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file