# coding=utf-8 from operator import itemgetter import socket import prolog.engine import prolog.util from server.hints import Hint import server.problems id = 98 number = 6 visible = True facts = 'family_relations' solution = '''\ sister98(X, Y) :- parent(P, X), parent(P, Y), female(X), X \== Y. aunt(X, Y) :- sister98(X, Z), parent(Z, Y). ''' hint_type = { 'x_and_y_mixed_up': Hint('x_and_y_mixed_up'), 'precedence_fail': Hint('precedence_fail'), 'x_must_have_sibling': Hint('x_must_have_sibling'), 'x_must_be_female': Hint('x_must_be_female'), 'y_must_have_parent': Hint('y_must_have_parent'), 'aunt_vs_mother': Hint('aunt_vs_mother'), 'x_need_not_be_parent': Hint('x_need_not_be_parent'), 'y_need_not_be_parent': Hint('y_need_not_be_parent'), 'predicate_always_false': Hint('predicate_always_false'), } test_cases = [ ('aunt(X, _)', [{'X': 'sally'}, {'X': 'melanie'}, {'X': 'vanessa'}, {'X': 'patricia'}]), ('aunt(_, X)', [{'X': 'vanessa'}, {'X': 'patricia'}, {'X': 'joanne'}, {'X': 'john'}, {'X': 'susan'}]), ('aunt(sally, X)', [{'X': 'vanessa'}, {'X': 'patricia'}]), ] def test(code, aux_code): n_correct = 0 engine_id = None try: engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code+aux_code, timeout=1.0) if engine_id is not None and 'error' not in map(itemgetter(0), output): # Engine successfully created, and no syntax error in program. for query, answers in test_cases: if prolog.engine.check_answers(engine_id, query=query, answers=answers, timeout=1.0): n_correct += 1 except socket.timeout: pass finally: if engine_id: prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id) hints = [{'id': 'test_results', 'args': {'passed': n_correct, 'total': len(test_cases)}}] return n_correct, len(test_cases), hints def hint(code, aux_code): tokens = prolog.util.tokenize(code) try: engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code+aux_code, timeout=1.0) # target predicate seems to always be false if not prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'aunt(_, _)'): return [{'id': 'predicate_always_false'}] # X and Y mixed up # warning: knowledge base dependent # independent: match on findall(X/Y, (sister(Y, P), parent(P, X)), L) if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'setof(X/Y, aunt(X, Y), [alessandro/daniela, alessandro/luana, jeffrey/andrew, \ jeffrey/melanie, patricia/susan, vanessa/john, william/andrew, william/melanie])'): return [{'id': 'x_and_y_mixed_up'}] # precedence fail (AND block vs OR block) # case in point: female(X), parent(P, Y), brother(P, X) ; sister(P, X) # warning: knowledge base dependent if prolog.util.Token('SEMI', ';') in tokens and prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'findall(_, aunt(X, Y), L), length(L, 15)'): return [{'id': 'precedence_fail'}] # X must be female if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'aunt(X, _), male(X)'): return [{'id': 'x_must_be_female'}] # Y must have a parent # perhaps risky as only one such nephew exists in DB (susan) if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'aunt(_, Y), \+ parent(_, Y)'): return [{'id': 'y_must_have_parent'}] # X and P can be the same person # this can occur if the problem is not solved using sister/2 if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'aunt(X, Y), mother(X, Y)'): return [{'id': 'aunt_vs_mother'}] # X must have sibling if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'aunt(X, _), \+ (sister(X, _) ; brother(X, _))'): # TODO: Tim, can I use sister/brother predicates here? Or sister98? return [{'id': 'x_must_have_sibling'}] # X does not necessarily need to be a parent # perhaps risky as only one aunt that is not a parent exists in DB (melanie) if prolog.engine.ask_one(engine_id, 'aunt(X, _), \+ parent(X, _)') == 'false': return [{'id': 'x_need_not_be_parent'}] # Y does not necessarily need to be a parent # perhaps risky as only one such nephew exists in DB (susan) if prolog.engine.ask_one(engine_id, 'aunt(_, Y), \+ parent(Y, _)') == 'false': return [{'id': 'y_need_not_be_parent'}] except socket.timeout as ex: pass finally: if engine_id: prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id) return None