# coding=utf-8 import socket import prolog.engine import prolog.util from server.hints import Hint, HintSequence import server.problems id = 96 group = 'family_relations' number = 3 visible = True facts = 'family_relations' solution = '''\ sister(X, Y) :- parent(P, X), parent(P, Y), female(X), X \== Y. ''' hint_defs = { 'general_hint': HintSequence('general_hint', 3), 'x_must_be_female': Hint('x_must_be_female'), 'common_parent_needed': Hint('common_parent_needed'), 'Y_can_be_of_any_gender': Hint('Y_can_be_of_any_gender'), 'x_y_must_be_different': Hint('x_y_must_be_different'), } def test(session, program): # Test queries and expected answers (values of X). queries = [ ('sister(melanie, X)', set(['andrew'])), ('sister(X, andrew)', set(['melanie'])), ('sister(X, _)', set(['michelle', 'daniela', 'patricia', 'luana', 'sally', 'melanie', 'nevia', 'vanessa', 'anna'])), ] code = program + '\n' + server.problems.load_facts('prolog', facts).facts engine_id = None try: engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code, timeout=1.0) if not engine_id: return 0, len(queries) n_correct = 0 for query, solution in queries: answers, error = prolog.engine.ask_all(engine_id, query=query, timeout=1.0) if answers and answers[-1] != 'timed out': values_x = set([ans.get('X') for ans, constraints in answers]) if values_x == solution: n_correct += 1 finally: if engine_id: prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id) return n_correct, len(queries) def hint(session, program): # how do I know which general hints were already shown? # how do I know enough time has elapsed for general hints to be shown? # how do I know whether the hint button was pressed? # should we have another hint button which appears in hint window (like more...) # when a hint is available after testing the current version of the program # and this button triggers code-specific hints (i.e. non-general ones) # one way to do hints is to use a hierarchy of hints... # similar to how some rule-based systems work # the trigger-testing could be easier that way as well # what I have in mind is: # e.g. when I test if X is sister to itself, I've already done other trigger-tests # and I don't need to do them again # first general hints (triggered by the hint button) # do we do it like this? this button triggers general hints only? # not sure this is ok.. discuss with others (include Janez) # if hbutton.pressed: # trigger generalhint(#buttonpress) # code-specific hints next # tokenize (and similar) only if *needed* for a given exercise # to reduce server processor load tokens = prolog.util.tokenize(program) # start the engine to unit-test triggers for hints code = program + '\n' + server.problems.load_facts('prolog', facts).facts engine_id = None try: engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code, timeout=1.0) if not engine_id: raise Exception('Prolog engine failed to create.') # X must be female if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'male(X), sister(X, _)'): return [{'id': 'x_must_be_female'}] # X and Y must have a common parent if prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'sister(X, Y), \+ (parent(P, X), parent(P, Y))'): return [{'id': 'common_parent_needed'}] # Y can be of any gender, incl. male # as this is after previous hints, by this stage the code probably # does return some sensible results already # this is an example of using the ordering of hints for easier trigger checks if prolog.engine.ask_one(engine_id, 'sister(_, Y), male(Y)') == 'false': return [{'id': 'Y_can_be_of_any_gender'}] # X and Y must be different # this is the last code-specific hint (when everything else doesn't trigger anymore) ans = prolog.engine.ask_one(engine_id, 'setof(X, (member(X, [sally, nevia, vanessa]), sister(X, X)), L), length(L, N).') # TODO this barfs if ans is 'false' #if ans.get('N') == '3': # return [{'id': 'x_y_must_be_different'}] # last hints are connected with programming style # here, this means detecting such code: # parent(P1, X), parent(P2, Y), P1 == P2 (or P1 = P2) # I guess program tokens can be used for this # do we require that the program is correct for this? # or is it enough that this is after ALL code-specific hints AND it has to trigger? # regular expressions, anyone? # QUESTION to discuss: # where do AI hints come into play? # only after all code-specific and non stylistic hints are exhausted? # or randomly before? or? # QUESTION to discuss: # I suggest hint triggers (if code-based or also token-based?) # are used as CLASSES of unit tests # although.. this makes random counterexamples harder to implement # (does it?) except socket.timeout as ex: pass finally: if engine_id: prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id) return None