name = 'checkLicensePlate/3' slug = 'check if the numbers in a license plate form an equation' description = '''\

checkLicensePlate(LP, E1, E2): the digits in the list LP can be combined into a valid equation E1 = E2. E1 and E2 are arithmetic expressions, obtained from sublists of Plate by inserting arithmetic operators (+, -, * and /) between elements. An additional unary minus can be inserted before the leftmost number of E1 and E2.

?- checkLicensePlate([l,j,l,3,-,2,1,7], E1, E2).
  E1 = 3,       E2 = 21/7 ;
  E1 = -3,      E2 = -21/7 ;
  E1 = 3*2,     E2 = -1+7 ;
  E1 = -3*2,    E2 = 1-7 ;
  E1 = 3*2+1,   E2 = 7 ;
  E1 = -3*2-1,  E2 = -7.
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