from operator import itemgetter import socket import prolog.engine from server.hints import Hint, HintPopup id = 125 number = 60 visible = True facts = None solution = '''\ conc125([], L, L). conc125([H|T], L2, [H|L]) :- conc125(T, L2, L). pivoting125(_, [], [], []). pivoting125(P, [H|T], [H|S], G) :- H =< P, pivoting125(P, T, S, G). pivoting125(P, [H|T], S, [H|G]) :- H > P, pivoting125(P, T, S, G). quick_sort([], []). quick_sort([Pivot|T], Sorted) :- pivoting125(Pivot, T, Smaller, Greater), quick_sort(Smaller, SortedSmaller), quick_sort(Greater, SortedGreater), conc125(SortedSmaller, [Pivot|SortedGreater], Sorted). ''' hint_type = { 'eq_instead_of_equ_markup': HintPopup('eq_instead_of_equ_markup'), 'eq_instead_of_equ': Hint('eq_instead_of_equ'), 'predicate_always_false': Hint('predicate_always_false'), 'base_case': Hint('base_case'), 'recursive_case': Hint('recursive_case'), 'timeout': Hint('timeout'), 'arbitrary_base_case': Hint('arbitrary_base_case'), 'forgotten_pivot': Hint('forgotten_pivot'), } test_cases = [ ('quick_sort([], X)', [{'X': '[]'}]), ('quick_sort([5, 3, 5, 5, 1, 2, 0], X)', [{'X': '[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5]'}]), ('quick_sort([2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 0, 22, 3], X)', [{'X': '[0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 22]'}]), ('quick_sort([5, 4, 3, 2, 1], X)', [{'X': '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'}]), ] def test(code, aux_code): n_correct = 0 engine_id = None try: engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code+aux_code, timeout=1.0) if engine_id is not None and 'error' not in map(itemgetter(0), output): # Engine successfully created, and no syntax error in program. for query, answers in test_cases: if prolog.engine.check_answers(engine_id, query=query, answers=answers, timeout=1.0): n_correct += 1 except socket.timeout: pass finally: if engine_id: prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id) hints = [{'id': 'test_results', 'args': {'passed': n_correct, 'total': len(test_cases)}}] return n_correct, len(test_cases), hints def hint(code, aux_code): tokens = prolog.util.tokenize(code) try: engine_id, output = prolog.engine.create(code=code+aux_code, timeout=1.0) # strict equality testing instead of simple matching # this is usually (but not necessarily) wrong targets = [prolog.util.Token('EQ', '==')] marks = [(t.pos, t.pos + len(t.val)) for t in tokens if t in targets] if marks: return [{'id': 'eq_instead_of_equ_markup', 'start': m[0], 'end': m[1]} for m in marks] + \ [{'id': 'eq_instead_of_equ'}] if prolog.engine.ask_truthTO(engine_id, 'quick_sort([], [yowza])'): return [{'id': 'arbitrary_base_case'}] if prolog.engine.ask_truthTO(engine_id, '''\ quick_sort([3, 5, 9, 6, 3, 7, 2], []), asserta(quick_sort([], [q])), quick_sort([3, 5, 9, 6, 3, 7, 2], [q, q, q, q, q, q, q, q]), retract(quick_sort([], [q]))'''): return [{'id': 'forgotten_pivot'}] # missing/failed base case if not prolog.engine.ask_truthTO(engine_id, 'quick_sort([], [])'): return [{'id': 'base_case'}] # target predicate seems to always be false if not prolog.engine.ask_truthTO(engine_id, 'quick_sort(_, _)'): return [{'id': 'predicate_always_false'}] # base case works, the recursive doesn't (but it doesn't timeout) # this may be left as the last, most generic hint if not prolog.engine.ask_truth(engine_id, 'quick_sort([41, 82, -2, 100], [-2, 41, 82, 100])'): return [{'id': 'recursive_case'}] except socket.timeout as ex: return [{'id': 'timeout'}] finally: if engine_id: prolog.engine.destroy(engine_id) return []