The knowledge base for this set contains data about countries and geographic features from the CIA World Factbook. Facts are given using the following predicates:
country(Name, Code, Capital, Province, Area, Population) population(CountryCode, GrowthRate, Births) economy(CountryCode, GDP, Agriculture, Services, Industry, GDPperCapita, Inflation, Unemployment) language(CountryCode, Language, Percentage) ethnicGroup(CountryCode, Ethnicity, Percentage) religion(CountryCode, Religion, Percentage) borders(CountryCode1, CountryCode2, Length) continent(Name, Area) encompasses(CountryCode, Continent, Percentage) city(Name, CountryCode, Province, Population, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation) cityothername(Name, CountryCode, Province, OtherName) province(Name, CountryCode, Population, Area, Capital, CapitalProvince) provinceothername(Name, CountryCode, OtherName) sea(Name, Depth) river(Name, FlowsToRiver, FlowsToLake, FlowsToSea, Length, Basin, SourceLatitude, SourceLongitude, SourceName, SourceElevation, MouthLatitude, MouthLongitude) lake(Name, Area, Depth, Elevation, Type, River, Latitude, Longitude) riverthrough(River, Lake) island(Name, Group, Area, Elevation, Type, Latitude, Longitude) mountain(Name, Range, Height, Type, Latitude, Longitude) desert(Name, Area, Latitude, Longitude) geo_sea(Sea, CountryCode, Province) mergesWith(Sea1, Sea2) located(City, Province, CountryCode, River, Lake, Sea) islandIn(Island, Sea, Lake, River) mountainOnIsland(Mountain, Island)