import re from python.util import has_token_sequence, string_almost_equal, \ string_contains_number, get_tokens, get_numbers, get_exception_desc from server.hints import Hint id = 20612 number = 13 visible = True solution = '''\ import collections def following_words(txt): words = txt.split() freq = collections.defaultdict(list) for word, next_word in zip(words, words[1:]): freq[word].append(next_word) return freq def freq_following_word(txt): following = following_words(txt) for f in following: vals = collections.Counter(following[f]) s = sorted(vals.most_common(), key = lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])) following[f] = s[0][0] return following def text(word, full_text, num): freq = freq_following_word(full_text) words = [] for i in range(num): words.append(word) word = freq[word] return ' '.join(words) ''' hint_type = { 'final_hint': Hint('final_hint') } def test(python, code, aux_code=''): func_name = 'text' tokens = get_tokens(code) if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['def', func_name]): return False, [{'id' : 'no_func_name', 'args' : {'func_name' : func_name}}] in_out = [ (('in', 'in in in in', 5), 'in in in in in'), (('in', 'in to in ono in to smo mi', 5), 'in to in to in'), (('danes', 'danes je lep dan danes sije sonce', 5), 'danes je lep dan danes'), (('danes', 'danes je lep dan danes sije sonce danes sije dan ki je sonce', 5), 'danes sije dan danes sije'), ] test_in = [(func_name+'%s'%str(l[0]), None) for l in in_out] test_out = [l[1] for l in in_out] answers = python(code=aux_code+code, inputs=test_in, timeout=1.0) n_correct = 0 tin, tout = None, None for i, (ans, to) in enumerate(zip(answers, test_out)): corr = ans[0] == to n_correct += corr if not corr: tin = test_in[i][0] tout = to passed = n_correct == len(test_in) hints = [{'id': 'test_results', 'args': {'passed': n_correct, 'total': len(test_in)}}] if tin: hints.append({'id': 'problematic_test_case', 'args': {'testin': str(tin), 'testout': str(tout)}}) if passed: hints.append({'id': 'final_hint'}) return passed, hints def hint(python, code, aux_code=''): tokens = get_tokens(code) # run one test first to see if there are any exceptions answer = python(code=aux_code+code, inputs=[(None, None)], timeout=1.0) exc = get_exception_desc(answer[0][3]) if exc: return exc return None