# coding=utf-8 import server mod = server.problems.load_language('python', 'en') id = 205 name = 'Circle 20 cm' slug = 'Circle 20 cm' description = '''\

Write a program that will make the robot drive in circle (r=20cm) and stop after one loop.

''' hint = { 'mW_init':mod.hint['init'], 'connectMotorLeft':mod.hint['connectMotorLeft'], 'connectMotorRight':mod.hint['connectMotorRight'], 'moveSteering':mod.hint['moveSteering'], 'onForSeconds':mod.hint['onForSeconds'], 'direction':mod.hint['direction']+['''

The value of this parameter should be such that would make the robot circle with radius 20cm. This value highly depends on the construction of the robot.

''', '''

robot.move_steering( 'on_for_seconds', direction=20, ... ).

'''], 'seconds':mod.hint['seconds']+['''

Experimentally determine the time (in seconds) the robot needs for one loop.

''', '''

robot.move_steering( 'on_for_seconds', direction=0, seconds=3 ).

'''], } plan = ['''\

The program should:

  1. create a mindstorms_widgets() object, which represents the robot in your code.
  2. connect the driving motors.
  3. calculate the turn so that the robot would drive in circle with radius 20 cm.
  4. synchronize the motors and run them for a specified time, so that the robot stops after one round.
''' ]