# coding=utf-8 from python.util import has_token_sequence, string_almost_equal, \ string_contains_number, get_tokens, get_numbers, get_exception_desc from server.hints import Hint, HintSequence id = 206 group = 'introduction' number = 10 visible = True solution = '''\ import time from ev3dev import * from mindstorms_widgets import mindstorms_widgets color_table = ['none', 'black', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'red', 'white', 'brown'] robot = mindstorms_widgets() robot.connect_motor( 'left' ) robot.connect_motor( 'right' ) robot.connect_sensor( 'color' ) robot.move_steering( 'on' ) start = time.time() stevec = 0 color = -1 while time.time()-start < 2.1: c = robot.color_sensor_measure( 'color' ) # values: 0-7 see the scale above if c!=color: if c!=6 and c!=0: stevec += 1 color = c robot.move_steering( 'off' ) print( "Stevilo crt:", stevec ) ''' hint_type = { 'mW_init': Hint('mW_init'), 'connectMotorLeft': Hint('connectMotorLeft'), 'connectMotorRight': Hint('connectMotorRight'), 'moveSteeringOn': Hint('moveSteeringOn'), 'moveSteeringOff': Hint('moveSteeringOff'), 'connectColorSensor': Hint('connectColorSensor'), 'colorSensorMeasure': Hint('colorSensorMeasure'), 'while': Hint('while') } def hint( code): tokens = get_tokens(code) # if code does not include mindstorms_widgets(), a student gets a hint that the robot should be somehow represented in the program if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['mindstorms_widgets', '(',')']): return [{'id': 'mW_init'}] # if code does not include connect_motor statement, a student needs to learn about how to connect the motors if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['connect_motor']) and not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['left']): return [{'id': 'connectMotorLeft'}] # if code does not include connect_motor statement, a student needs to learn about how to connect the motors if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['connect_motor']) and not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['right']): return [{'id': 'connectMotorRight'}] if not (has_token_sequence(tokens, ['connect_sensor', '(' ]) and 'color' in code): return [{'id': 'connectColorSensor'}] if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['move_steering', '(', 'on', ')']): return [{'id': 'moveSteeringOn'}] if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['move_steering', '(', 'off', ')']): return [{'id': 'moveSteeringOff'}] if not (has_token_sequence(tokens, ['color_sensor_measure', '(']) and 'color' in code): return [{'id': 'colorSensorMeasure'}] if not has_token_sequence(tokens, ['while']): return [{'id': 'while'}] return None