#!/usr/bin/python3 class Node(object): def __init__(self, data, eout=None): self.data = data self.ein = [] self.eout = eout if eout else [] # (Re-)insert a child node [target] to [self] at index [idx] (or as the # rightmost child if index is not given). Also append [self] to the list of # parents of [target]. def add_out(self, target, idx=None): if target in self.eout: self.eout.remove(target) if idx is None: self.eout.append(target) else: self.eout.insert(idx, target) if self not in target.ein: target.ein.append(self) return target # Return a list of nodes in [self]. def preorder(self): nodes = [self] for n in self.eout: nodes += n.preorder() return nodes # Return a one-line string representation of [self]. def __str__(self): return '(' + str(self.data) + ' ' + \ ' '.join([str(c) if c.eout else '"'+str(c.data)+'"' for c in self.eout]) + \ ')' def __repr__(self): return str(self.data) def __lt__(self, other): return self.data < other.data # Print the edit graph containing [nodes] in graphviz dot format. The [label] # and [pos] functions determine node labels and coordinates (x,y), and the # [node_attr] and [edge_attr] functions specify additional attributes for each # node and edge. To actually use the coordinates returned by [pos], generate # the image using neato -n1. def graphviz(nodes, label=str, pos=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None): # Generate node descriptions. node_str = '' gv_nodes = {} for node in nodes: gv_nodes[id(node)] = len(gv_nodes) node_label = label(node).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') node_str += '\t{} [label="{}"'.format(gv_nodes[id(node)], node_label) if pos: node_str += ', ' + 'pos="{},{}"'.format(*pos(node)) if node_attr: node_str += ', ' + node_attr(node) node_str += '];\n' # Generate edge descriptions (breadth-first). edge_str = '' for node in nodes: a = gv_nodes[id(node)] for child in node.eout: b = gv_nodes[id(child)] edge_str += '\t{} -> {}'.format(a, b) if edge_attr: edge_str += ' [' + edge_attr(node, child) + ']' edge_str += ';\n' output = 'digraph G {\n' output += '\tordering="out";\n' output += '\tnode [shape="box", margin="0.05,0", fontname="sans", fontsize=13.0];\n' output += '\n' output += node_str output += '\n' output += edge_str output += '}\n' return output