#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import pickle import sys from termcolor import colored from db.models import CodeqUser, Problem, Solution from .edits import classify_edits, trace_graph from .graph import graphviz from . import fix, fix_hints from prolog.util import annotate, compose, stringify import server.problems from .util import indent # Get problem id from commandline. if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ') sys.exit(1) pid = int(sys.argv[1]) language, problem_group, problem = Problem.get_identifier(pid) solved_problems = [p for p in CodeqUser.solved_problems(1, language) if p != (problem_group, problem)] other_solutions = server.problems.solutions_for_problems(language, solved_problems) problem_module = server.problems.load_problem(language, problem_group, problem, 'common') name = server.problems.load_problem(language, problem_group, problem, 'en').name # Testing function. def test(code): correct, hints = problem_module.test(code, solved_problems) return correct traces = [s.trace for s in Solution.filter(problem_id=pid)] # Load hint database stored in edits.pickle. edits, submissions, queries, names = pickle.load(open('edits.pickle', 'rb')) edits, submissions, queries, names = edits[pid], submissions[pid], queries[pid], names[pid] # Load current status (programs for which a hint was found). try: done = pickle.load(open('status-'+str(problem.pk)+'.pickle', 'rb')) except: done = [] def print_hint(code, solution, steps, fix_time, n_tested): if solution: print(colored('Hint found! Tested {} programs in {:.1f} s.'.format(n_tested, fix_time), 'green')) print(colored(' Edits', 'blue')) for step_type, pos, a, b in steps: print(' {}: {} {} → {}'.format(pos, step_type, stringify(a), stringify(b))) print(colored(' Hints', 'blue')) for fix_type, start, end, msg in fix_hints(code, steps): print(' {}-{}: {} (fix type: {})'.format(start, end, msg, fix_type)) print(colored(' Final version', 'blue')) print(indent(compose(annotate(solution)), 2)) else: print(colored('Hint not found! Tested {} programs in {:.1f} s.'.format(n_tested, fix_time), 'red')) # Run interactive loop. if len(sys.argv) == 2: while True: # Read the program from stdin. print('Enter program, end with empty line:') code = '' try: while True: line = input() if not line: break code += line + '\n' except EOFError: break # Try finding a fix. print(colored('Analyzing program…', 'yellow')) solution, steps, fix_time, n_tested = fix(name, code, edits, test, debug=True) print_hint(code, solution, steps, fix_time, n_tested) # Test fix() on incorrect student submissions. elif sys.argv[2] == 'test': timeout = int(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) == 4 else 10 # Find incorrect submissions. incorrect_all = [] for submission, count in sorted(submissions.items()): if not test(submission): # This incorrect submission appeared in [count] traces. incorrect_all += [submission]*count incorrect = set(incorrect_all) print('Fixing {}/{} programs (timeout={})…'.format( len([p for p in incorrect if p not in done]), len(incorrect), timeout)) for i, program in enumerate(sorted(incorrect)): if program in done: continue print(colored('Analyzing program {0}/{1}…'.format(i+1, len(incorrect)), 'yellow')) print(indent(compose(annotate(program)), 2)) solution, steps, fix_time, n_tested = fix(name, program, edits, test, timeout=timeout) if solution: done.append(program) print_hint(program, solution, steps, fix_time, n_tested) print() pickle.dump(done, open('status-'+str(problem.pk)+'.pickle', 'wb')) print('Found hints for ' + str(len(done)) + ' of ' + str(len(incorrect)) + ' incorrect programs') # Print info for this problem. elif sys.argv[2] == 'info': # With no additional arguments, print some stats. if len(sys.argv) == 3: print('Problem {} ({}): {} edits and {} unique submissions in {} traces'.format( pid, colored(name, 'yellow'), colored(str(len(edits)), 'yellow'), colored(str(len(submissions)), 'yellow'), colored(str(len(traces)), 'yellow'))) # Print all observed edits and their costs. elif sys.argv[3] == 'edits': inserts, removes, changes = classify_edits(edits) print('Inserts') for after, cost in sorted(inserts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): print(' {:.4f}\t{}'.format(cost, stringify(after))) print('Removes') for before, cost in sorted(removes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): print(' {:.4f}\t{}'.format(cost, stringify(before))) print('Changes') for (before, after), cost in sorted(changes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): print(' {:.4f}\t{} → {}'.format(cost, stringify(before) if before else 'ε', stringify(after) if after else 'ε')) # Print all observed edits and their costs. elif sys.argv[3] == 'names': for name, count in sorted(names.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): print(' {:.4f}\t{}'.format(count, name)) # Print all student queries and their counts. elif sys.argv[3] == 'queries': for query, count in queries.most_common(): print(' ' + str(count) + '\t' + query) # Print the edit graph in graphviz dot syntax. elif sys.argv[2] == 'graph' and len(sys.argv) == 4: uid = int(sys.argv[3]) solution = Solution.get(problem_id=pid, codeq_user_id=uid) nodes, submissions, queries = trace_graph(solution.trace) def position(node): return (node.data[1]*150, node.data[0]*-60) def label(node): return stringify(node.data[2]) def edge_attr(a, b): if a.data[2] == b.data[2]: return 'arrowhead="none"' return '' graphviz_str = graphviz(nodes, pos=position, label=label, edge_attr=edge_attr) print(graphviz_str)