# CodeQ: an online programming tutor. # Copyright (C) 2015 UL FRI # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from collections import namedtuple from collections.abc import Iterable from nltk import Tree # Stores a token's type and value, and optionally the position of the first # character in the lexed stream. class Token(namedtuple('Token', ['type', 'val', 'pos'])): __slots__ = () # Custom constructor to support default parameters. def __new__(cls, type, val='', pos=None): return super(Token, cls).__new__(cls, type, val, pos) def __str__(self): return self.val # Only consider type and value when comparing tokens. There is probably a # cleaner way of doing this. __eq__ = lambda x, y: x[0] == y[0] and x[1] == y[1] __ne__ = lambda x, y: x[0] != y[0] or x[1] != y[1] __lt__ = lambda x, y: tuple.__lt__(x[0:2], y[0:2]) __le__ = lambda x, y: tuple.__le__(x[0:2], y[0:2]) __ge__ = lambda x, y: tuple.__ge__(x[0:2], y[0:2]) __gt__ = lambda x, y: tuple.__gt__(x[0:2], y[0:2]) # Only hash token's value (we don't care about position, and types are # determined by values). def __hash__(self): return hash(self[1]) # Return a copy of this token, possibly modifying some fields. def clone(self, type=None, val=None, pos=None): return Token(self.type if type is None else type, self.val if val is None else val, self.pos if pos is None else pos) from .lexer import lexer, operators from .parser import parser def parse(code): try: return parser.parse(code) except SyntaxError: return None # Return a list of tokens in [text]. def tokenize(text): lexer.input(text) return [Token(t.type, t.value, t.lexpos) for t in lexer] # Return a one-line string representation of [obj] which may be a Tree or a # list of tokens. def stringify(obj): if isinstance(obj, Token): if obj.type in ('PERIOD', 'COMMA'): return str(obj) + ' ' if obj.type in operators.values(): return ' ' + str(obj) + ' ' return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, Iterable): if isinstance(obj, Tree) and obj.label() == 'clause': return ''.join([stringify(child) for child in obj]) + '\n' return ''.join([stringify(child) for child in obj]) # Rename variables in [tokens] to A0, A1, A2,… in order of appearance. def rename_vars(tokens, names=None): if names is None: names = {} next_id = len(names) # Return a new list. tokens = list(tokens) for i, t in enumerate(tokens): if t.type == 'PERIOD': pass # names.clear() # next_id = 0 elif t.type == 'VARIABLE': if t.val.startswith('_'): tokens[i] = t.clone(val='A{}'.format(next_id)) next_id += 1 else: cur_name = t.val if cur_name not in names: names[cur_name] = 'A{}'.format(next_id) next_id += 1 tokens[i] = t.clone(val=names[cur_name]) return tokens # Rename variables in [tokens] to A0, A1, A2,… in order of appearance. def rename_vars_list(tokens, names=None): if names is None: names = {} next_id = len(names) # Return a new list. tokens = list(tokens) for i, t in enumerate(tokens): if t.type == 'VARIABLE': if t.val.startswith('_'): tokens[i] = t.clone(val='A{}'.format(next_id)) next_id += 1 else: cur_name = t.val if cur_name not in names: names[cur_name] = 'A{}'.format(next_id) next_id += 1 tokens[i] = t.clone(val=names[cur_name]) return tokens # Rename variables in AST rooted at [root] to A0, A1, A2,… in order of # appearance. def rename_vars_ast2(root, fixed_names=None): if fixed_names is None: fixed_names = {} names = {} next_id = len(fixed_names) + len(names) def rename_aux(node): nonlocal fixed_names, names, next_id if isinstance(node, Tree): if node.label() == 'clause': names = {} next_id = len(fixed_names) + len(names) new_children = [rename_aux(child) for child in node] new_node = Tree(node.label(), new_children) elif isinstance(node, Token): if node.type == 'VARIABLE': token = node if token.val.startswith('_'): new_node = token.clone(val='A{}'.format(next_id)) next_id += 1 else: cur_name = token.val if cur_name in fixed_names: new_name = fixed_names[cur_name] else: if cur_name not in names: names[cur_name] = 'A{}'.format(next_id) next_id += 1 new_name = names[cur_name] new_node = token.clone(val=new_name) else: new_node = node return new_node return rename_aux(root) # Yield "interesting" parts of a Prolog AST as lists of tokens. def interesting_ranges(ast, path=()): if ast.label() in {'clause', 'head', 'or', 'if', 'and'}: if ast.label() == 'and': for i in range(0, len(ast), 2): for j in range(i, len(ast), 2): subs = ast[i:j+1] terminals = [] for s in subs: terminals.extend([s] if isinstance(s, Token) else s.leaves()) # We want at least some context. if len(terminals) > 1: yield terminals, path + (ast.label(),) else: terminals = ast.leaves() # We want at least some context. if len(terminals) > 1: yield terminals, path + (ast.label(),) for subtree in ast: if isinstance(subtree, Tree): yield from interesting_ranges(subtree, path + (ast.label(),)) # Helper function to remove trailing punctuation from lines and rename # variables to A1,A2,A3,… (potentially using [var_names]). Return a tuple. def normalized(line, var_names=None): # Remove trailing punctuation. i = len(line) while i > 0: if line[i-1].type not in ('COMMA', 'PERIOD', 'SEMI'): break i -= 1 return tuple(rename_vars(line[:i], var_names)) # Map "formal" variable names in the edit a→b to actual names in code [tokens]. # The set [variables] contains all variable names in the current scope. These # are used in cases such as [A]→[A,B], where the edit introduces new variables. # Return a new version of b with actual variable names. def map_vars(a, b, tokens, variables): mapping = {} new_index = 0 for i in range(len(a)): if tokens[i].type == 'VARIABLE': formal_name = a[i].val if tokens[i].val != '_': actual_name = tokens[i].val else: actual_name = 'New'+str(new_index) new_index += 1 mapping[formal_name] = actual_name remaining_formal = [t.val for t in b if t.type == 'VARIABLE' and t.val not in mapping.keys()] remaining_actual = [var for var in variables if var not in mapping.values()] while len(remaining_actual) < len(remaining_formal): remaining_actual.append('New'+str(new_index)) new_index += 1 for i, formal_name in enumerate(remaining_formal): mapping[formal_name] = remaining_actual[i] return [t if t.type != 'VARIABLE' else t.clone(val=mapping[t.val]) for t in b] # Basic sanity check. if __name__ == '__main__': var_names = {} before = rename_vars(tokenize("dup([A0|A1], [A2|A3])"), var_names) after = rename_vars(tokenize("dup([A0|A1], [A5, A4|A3])"), var_names) line = lines[0] variables = [t.val for t in tokenize(code) if t.type == 'VARIABLE'] mapped = map_vars(before, after, line, variables) print(mapped)