Installation ============ Install the following packages: - apache2 - nodejs (>= 10.0.22) - python3 (>= 3.4) - python3-ply - python3-psycopg2 - python3-termcolor - swi-prolog-nox (>= 7.2) SWI prolog ---------- To use the correct SWI prolog package (>= 7.2) on Debian, add a custom repository by creating the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prolog.list containing the following 2 lines: deb trusty main deb-src trusty main After that run the following sequence of shell statements to update the package cache, register the new repository's key, and again refresh the package cache using the additional key: apt-get update apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys EF8406856DBFCA18 apt-get update libseccomp ---------- A new version of libseccomp (≥ 2.2) with Python bindings is needed to sandbox Python interpreters. This is not available yet in most distributions, so fetch the latest sources with git clone then build and install it with ./configure --enable-python make make install nodejs ------ Run "npm install" inside the "web" directory to install all dependencies (they will be installed inside the "web" directory) Settings ======== - point webroot to codeq-web - set up reverse proxy for /ws/ to the node server: - using the command a2enmod enable apache modules: proxy, proxy_http, proxy_wstunnel, rewrite - add to the apache configuration the following directives: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/ws/ [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} transport=websocket [NC] RewriteRule /(.*) ws://localhost:8083/$1 [P,L] ProxyPass /ws/ http://localhost:8083/ws/ ProxyPassReverse /ws/ http://localhost:8083/ws/ - set problems path via environment variable CODEQ_PROBLEMS (defaults to /var/local/codeq-problems) - set DB settings via environment variables CODEQ_DB_HOST, CODEQ_DB_DATABASE, CODEQ_DB_USER and CODEQ_DB_PASS Running ======= - first build static JSON data with scripts/, read its heading comment for details - the output of the script must go to the data subdirectory of where you have codeq-web - run the prolog interpreter server: swipl prolog/runner/ - run the session daemon: python3 - run the web server for client communication: node web/main.js Misc. ===== Add a new problem to the database by running python -m scripts.add_problem in the toplevel directory. This will ask for language and problem group (groups can be shared between languages, e.g. Introduction can be used for both Prolog and Python). The script will print the ID and path for the new problem. You can test stuff in a python interpreter: >>> import server >>> session = server.user_session.authenticate_and_create_session(, ) >>> session.get_problem_data('python', 'introduction', 'fahrenheit_to_celsius') >>> python = session.get_python() >>> python.test(231, 180, '''print('-17.7')''') >>> python.hint(231, 180, '''print('-17.7')''') >>> prolog = session.get_prolog() >>> prolog.test(231, 96, 'sister(X,Y):- parent(P,X), parent(P,Y), female(X).') >>> prolog.hint(231, 96, 'sister(X,Y):- parent(P,X), parent(P,Y), female(X).')