#!/usr/bin/python3 # coding=utf-8 """This tool processes all problem files and database data, and outputs JSON files to describe problems, to be used as static web resources. Before running the script define the following environment variables, if defaults are not okay: CODEQ_WEB_OUTPUT - directory where to write the output, defaults to /var/www/html/data CODEQ_PROBLEMS - directory where you have codeq-problems checked out, defaults to /var/local/codeq-problems CODEQ_DB_HOST - hostname or IP of the database server, defaults to localhost CODEQ_DB_PORT - TCP port number of the database server, defaults to 5432 CODEQ_DB_DATABASE - name of the database, defaults to codeq CODEQ_DB_USER - database username, defaults to codeq CODEQ_DB_PASS - database password, defaults to c0d3q """ import os import traceback import sys import json # insert the parent directory, so the problem scripts find their modules sys.path.insert(0, os.sep.join(os.path.dirname(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-1])) import server.problems import db problems_path = os.environ.get('CODEQ_PROBLEMS') or '/var/local/codeq-problems' # where to find problems, the same as server.problems._path_prefix output_path = os.environ.get('CODEQ_WEB_OUTPUT') or '/var/www/html/data' # the base directory where to create subdirectories and output the files for web translations = {'sl', 'en'} # translations to seek (sl.py, en.py, ...) # default values (properties) for various types of items, also the list of properties to copy from modules language_props = { # for translation files inside the language subdirectory 'name': 'Name not set', 'description': 'Description not set', 'hint': {} } group_props = { # for translation files inside the problem group subdirectory 'name': 'Name not set', 'description': 'Description not set' } problem_props = { # for translation files inside the problem subdirectory 'name': 'Name not set', 'slug': 'Slug not set', 'description': 'Description not set', 'plan': [], 'hint': {} } problem_common_props = { # for common.py inside the problem subdirectory 'number': 0, # display index of problems inside their groups 'visible': True } languages = {} # programming languages, info from database groups = {} # problem groups, info from database conn = db.get_connection() cur = conn.cursor() def load_translation_data(package, defaults): result = {} path = os.sep.join(package.split('.')) for lang in translations: mod_path = os.path.join(problems_path, path, lang + '.py') if os.path.exists(mod_path) and os.path.isfile(mod_path): mod = None try: mod = server.problems.load_module(package + '.' + lang) except: traceback.print_exc() lang_data = {} result[lang] = lang_data if mod is None: print('Could not load module {}'.format(package + '.' + lang)) for prop, default in defaults.items(): lang_data[prop] = default else: for prop, default in defaults.items(): lang_data[prop] = getattr(mod, prop, default) return result def load_common_data(package, defaults): result = {} path = os.sep.join(package.split('.')) mod_path = os.path.join(problems_path, path, 'common.py') if os.path.exists(mod_path) and os.path.isfile(mod_path): mod = None try: mod = server.problems.load_module(package + '.common') except: traceback.print_exc() if mod is None: print('Could not load module {}'.format(package + '.common')) for prop, default in defaults.items(): result[prop] = default else: for prop, default in defaults.items(): result[prop] = getattr(mod, prop, default) return result cur.execute('select id, name, identifier from language') row = cur.fetchone() while row: languages[row[0]] = {'id': row[0], 'name': row[1], 'identifier': row[2]} row = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('select id, name, identifier from problem_group') row = cur.fetchone() while row: groups[row[0]] = {'id': row[0], 'name': row[1], 'identifier': row[2]} row = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('select id, language_id, problem_group_id, identifier from problem where is_visible = true order by language_id, problem_group_id') previous_language_id = None previous_group_id = None lang_output_path = None lang_index = None row = cur.fetchone() def dump_language_defs(): if lang_index: with open(os.path.join(lang_output_path, 'language.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(lang_index, f, indent=2) while row: # process language data, it all goes into the language directory language.json language_id = row[1] if previous_language_id != language_id: language = languages[language_id] lang_identifier = language['identifier'] language_path = os.path.join(problems_path, lang_identifier) if not (os.path.exists(language_path) and os.path.isdir(language_path)): print('ERROR: the directory for language {0} does not exist: {1}'.format(lang_identifier, language_path)) continue dump_language_defs() # dump the previous language index lang_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, lang_identifier) if not os.path.exists(lang_output_path): os.mkdir(lang_output_path) previous_language_id = language_id problem_groups_map = {} lang_index = {'id': language_id, 'identifier': lang_identifier, 'groups': problem_groups_map, 'translations': load_translation_data(lang_identifier, language_props)} previous_group_id = None # process problem group data, it all goes into the language directory language.json group_id = row[2] if previous_group_id != group_id: group = groups[group_id] group_identifier = group['identifier'] group_path = os.path.join(language_path, 'problems', group_identifier) if not (os.path.exists(group_path) and os.path.isdir(group_path)): print('ERROR: the directory for group {0}/{1} does not exist: {2}'.format(lang_identifier, group_identifier, group_path)) continue group_output_path = os.path.join(lang_output_path, group_identifier) if not os.path.exists(group_output_path): os.mkdir(group_output_path) group_package = lang_identifier + '.problems.' + group_identifier previous_group_id = group_id problems_map = {} problem_groups_map[group_identifier] = {'id': group_id, 'identifier': group_identifier, 'problems': problems_map, 'translations': load_translation_data(group_package, group_props)} # process problem data, from common.py goes into the language directory language.json, others go into problem subdirectory's problem.json problem_id = row[0] problem_identifier = row[3] problem_path = os.path.join(group_path, problem_identifier) if not (os.path.exists(problem_path) and os.path.isdir(problem_path)): print('ERROR: the directory for problem {0}/{1}/{2} does not exist: {3}'.format(lang_identifier, group_identifier, problem_identifier, group_path)) continue problem_package = group_package + '.' + problem_identifier # load common data, for the language directory common_data = load_common_data(problem_package, problem_common_props) if not common_data['visible']: continue # problem is not visible, do not generate anything del common_data['visible'] # we don't need this field in the GUI common_data['id'] = problem_id common_data['identifier'] = problem_identifier problems_map[problem_identifier] = common_data # load and dump translations, for the problem subdirectory's problem.json problem_data = {'id': problem_id, 'identifier': problem_identifier, 'translations': load_translation_data(problem_package, problem_props)} problem_output_path = os.path.join(group_output_path, problem_identifier) if not os.path.exists(problem_output_path): os.mkdir(problem_output_path) with open(os.path.join(problem_output_path, 'problem.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(problem_data, f, indent=2) row = cur.fetchone() dump_language_defs() # dump the last language index