path: root/js/codeq/comms.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/codeq/comms.js')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/js/codeq/comms.js b/js/codeq/comms.js
index 25c1f8c..f32b4db 100644
--- a/js/codeq/comms.js
+++ b/js/codeq/comms.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(function () {
+/*(function () {
var send = function (service, json) {
if (json instanceof Object) json = codeq.jsonize(json);
@@ -150,4 +150,273 @@
+(function () {
+ var BinaryMessageError = function (message) {
+ var e = new Error(message);
+ this.message = message;
+ if (e.stack) this.stack = e.stack;
+ };
+ BinaryMessageError.prototype = new Error();
+ = 'BinaryMessageError';
+ var MessageParseError = function (message) {
+ var e;
+ if (message instanceof Error) {
+ e = message;
+ this.message = 'Message parse error: ' + e.toString();
+ }
+ else {
+ e = new Error(message);
+ this.message = message;
+ }
+ if (e.stack) this.stack = e.stack;
+ };
+ MessageParseError.prototype = new Error();
+ = 'MessageParseError';
+ var currentTID = 0, // transaction ID of the next message
+ sid = null, // session ID, changes after each successful initial login
+ socket = null,
+ reconnectTimer = null,
+ login_username = null,
+ login_password = null,
+ waiters = {}, // keyed by TID: {packet, created, promise}
+ connected = false,
+ connectPromise = null,
+ handleIncomingMessageError = function (error, data) {
+ if (error instanceof BinaryMessageError) {
+ codeq.log.error('Incoming message is not a string, attempting reconnect');
+ connected = false;
+ socket.close(); // connection will be reestablished in the close event handler
+ }
+ else if (error instanceof MessageParseError) {
+ codeq.log.error('Incoming message is not a JSON message, ignoring: ' + data);
+ }
+ else {
+ codeq.log.error('Unknown error, attempting reconnect: ' + error);
+ connected = false;
+ socket.close(); // connection will be reestablished in the close event handler
+ }
+ },
+ parseData = function (data) {
+ if (typeof data !== 'string') {
+ throw new BinaryMessageError('Message is not a string');
+ }
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ codeq.log.error('Incoming message is not a JSON message, ignoring: ' + data);
+ throw new MessageParseError(e);
+ }
+ },
+ onMessage = function (data) {
+ var m, waiter;
+ try {
+ m = parseData(data);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ handleIncomingMessageError(e, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ('tid' in m) {
+ waiter = waiters[m.tid];
+ if (waiter) {
+ delete waiters[m.tid];
+ waiter.promise.resolve(m);
+ codeq.log.debug('Delivered an incoming message, TID=' + m.tid);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ codeq.log.debug('There is noone waiting for the incoming message, TID=' + m.tid);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ codeq.log.debug('Incoming message without a TID, handing it off to handlers');
+ }
+ // TODO handle message delivery
+ },
+ onConnect = function () {
+ var tid, sortedWaiters = [], i;
+ connected = true;
+ if (connectPromise) {
+ // manual connect
+ connectPromise.resolve();
+ connectPromise = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ // auto re-connect
+ }
+ // resend anything not already sent
+ for (tid in waiters) {
+ if (waiters.hasOwnProperty(tid)) {
+ sortedWaiters.push(waiters[tid]);
+ }
+ }
+ // sort by ascending transaction ID before sending
+ sortedWaiters.sort(function (a, b) {return a.tid - b.tid;});
+ for (i = 0; i < sortedWaiters.length; i++) {
+ (function (waiter) {
+ if (!waiter.sent) {
+ socket.send(JSON.stringify(waiter.packet), function () {
+ waiter.sent = true;
+ });
+ }
+ })(sortedWaiters[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ onClose = function () {
+ connected = false;
+ if (connectPromise) {
+ // resulted from manual connect, don't attempt reconnect
+ connectPromise.reject(new Error('Connection failed'));
+ connectPromise = null;
+'open', onConnect);
+'close', onClose);
+'message', onMessage);
+ socket = null;
+ }
+ else {
+ // spurious disconnect, attempt reconnect
+ reconnectTimer = setTimeout(function () {
+ reconnectTimer = null;
+ }, 250); // reconnect in quarter of a second
+ }
+ };
+ codeq.comms = {
+ 'connect': function () {
+ var deferred = Q.defer();
+ if (connectPromise) {
+ // connection already taking place
+ connectPromise.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.notify);
+ }
+ else if (socket) {
+ // already connected
+ if (connected) {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ else {
+ // auto re-connecting
+ connectPromise = deferred;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // create a new connection
+ connectPromise = deferred;
+ socket = eio('ws://' +, {
+ 'upgrade': true,
+ 'path': '/ws',
+ 'transports': ['polling', 'websocket']
+ });
+ socket.on('open', onConnect);
+ socket.on('close', onClose);
+ socket.on('message', onMessage);
+ }
+ return deferred.promise;
+ },
+ 'disconnect': function () {
+ if (socket) {
+'open', onConnect);
+'close', onClose);
+'message', onMessage);
+ socket.close();
+ socket = null;
+ }
+ if (reconnectTimer !== null) {
+ clearTimeout(reconnectTimer);
+ reconnectTimer = null;
+ }
+ connected = false;
+ if (connectPromise) {
+ connectPromise.reject(new Error('Forced disconnect'));
+ connectPromise = null;
+ }
+ login_password = null; // manual disconnect will prevent auto-login
+ sid = null;
+ },
+ 'send': function (packet) {
+ return Q.Promise(function (resolve, reject, notify) {
+ var waiter = {
+ 'packet': packet,
+ 'created':,
+ 'promise': {'resolve': resolve, 'reject': reject, 'notify': notify},
+ 'sent': false
+ };
+ packet.tid = currentTID;
+ if (sid !== null) packet.sid = sid;
+ waiters[currentTID] = waiter;
+ currentTID++;
+ if (connected) {
+ socket.send(JSON.stringify(packet), function () { waiter.sent = true; });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ 'login': function (username, password) {
+ var packet = {'action': 'login', 'username': username, 'password': password},
+ myself = this,
+ performLogin = function () {
+ return myself.send(packet).then(function (response) {
+ if (response.code === 0) {
+ // login successful, remember the login credentials for auto-reconnects
+ login_username = username;
+ login_password = password;
+ sid = response.new_sid || response.sid;
+ }
+ return response;
+ });
+ };
+ if (socket) return performLogin();
+ // this is the only method where we do connect() first, if we're not already connected
+ return this.connect().then(performLogin);
+ },
+ sendActivity: function commsSendActivity (trace, solution, problem_id) {
+ return this.send({'action': 'activity', 'trace': trace, 'solution': solution, 'problem_id': problem_id});
+ },
+ sendQuery: function commsSendQuery (query, problem_id) {
+ query['action'] = 'query';
+ return this.send(query);
+ },
+ sendPush: function commsSendPush (json) {
+ json['action'] = 'python_push';
+ return this.send(json);
+ },
+ sendPull: function commsSendPull (json) {
+ json['action'] = 'python_pull';
+ return this.send(json);
+ },
+ sendHint: function commsSendHint (json) {
+ json['action'] = 'hint';
+ return this.send(json);
+ },
+ sendTest: function commsSendTest (json) {
+ json['action'] = 'test';
+ return this.send(json);
+ },
+ getProblem: function commsGetProblem (language, problem_group, problem) {
+ return this.send({
+ 'action': 'get_problem',
+ 'language': language,
+ 'problem_group': problem_group,
+ 'problem': problem
+ });
+ }
+ };