/** * Created by robert on 10/14/15. */ (function(){ var jqScreen = $("#screen_change_pass"), jqNew = $("#modalChangePasswordNew"), jqVerify = $("#modalChangePasswordVerify"), jqCancelBtn = $("#cancel_change_pass_button"), jqChangePassForm = $('#formChangePassword'); codeq.globalStateMachine.register('changePassword',{ 'enter': function(){ jqCancelBtn.on('click',function(){ history.back();//forces a transition to the previous state }); jqChangePassForm.on('submit',function(event) { if (jqNew.val() != jqVerify.val()) { alert('Passwords do not match.'); } else { codeq.comms.changePassword(jqNew.val()) .then(function (data) { if (data.code !== 0) throw new Error('Password change failed, code: ' + data.code + ', message: ' + data.message); alert('Password changed.'); history.back();//force to return to previous state }) .fail(function (reason) { codeq.log.error('Password change failed: ' + reason, reason); alert('Password change failed: ' + reason); }) .done(); } event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting via the browser. }); jqScreen.css('display', ''); $('#disabled').css('display', 'none'); }, 'exit' : function(){ jqChangePassForm.off('submit'); jqCancelBtn.off('click'); jqScreen.css('display', 'none'); jqNew.val(''); jqVerify.val(''); } }); })();