(function () {
// constants
var firstCharacterPos = {'line': 0, 'ch': 0},
sel_no_scroll = {'scroll': false};
codeq.makeHinter = function (jqHints, jqEditor, editor, trNamespace, problemDef, commonDef) {
var hintCounter = 0, // for generating unique class-names
hintCleaners = [],
popoverHintCleaners = [], // we require separate cleaners for popups, because they are rebuilt when the editor's DOM changes
popoverCreators = [], // functions that rebuild popover handlers after the editor's DOM changes
planIdx = 0,
dictionary = [],
jqHintsContainer = jqHints.parent(),
hintProblemDefs = problemDef.hint_type,
hintCommonDefs = commonDef.hint_type,
hintProblemTr = problemDef.hint,
hintCommonTr = commonDef.hint,
planDef = problemDef.plan,
templatePath = [problemDef.language, problemDef.group, problemDef.problem],
templateName = templatePath.join('/'),
guiDict = codeq.tr.getDictionary('gui'),
btnMoreTranslations = guiDict['btn_more'] || {}, // get the default translations for the "more..." button
clearHints = function () {
var i;
for (i = hintCleaners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
hintCleaners.length = 0;
for (i = popoverHintCleaners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
popoverHintCleaners.length = 0;
hintCounter = 0;
addMark = function (start, end) {
var posStart = editor.posFromIndex(start),
posEnd = editor.posFromIndex(end),
doc = editor.getDoc(),
mark = doc.markText(posStart, posEnd, {'className': 'editor-mark _emark_' + hintCounter}),
result = {'start': posStart, 'end': posEnd, 'mark': mark, 'className': '_emark_' + hintCounter};
hintCleaners.push(function () { mark.clear(); mark = null; doc = null; result.mark = null; });
return result;
processTemplate = function (template, args) {
var fn = codeq.templator(template, templatePath, templateName);
return fn(args);
/* if (!args)
return template;
return template.replace(/\[%=(\w+)%\]/g, function(match, name) {
return args[name].toString()
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(//g, '>');
prepareStaticHintContent = function (hintContent, indices, hintId) {
var content = {},
langs = codeq.availableLangs,
skippedLangs = [],
Nhints = 0, // count hints and remember the count
haveIndices = indices instanceof Array,
i, lang, j, node, tmpContent;
for (j = langs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
lang = langs[j];
node = hintContent[lang];
if (!node) {
// no translation for this language, mark for later
else {
if (haveIndices) {
// traverse node's indices
for (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
node = node[indices[i]];
if (!node) {
// index out of bounds, mark this language for later
codeq.log.error('Cannot reference hint ' + hintId + ' with indices ' + indices);
continue langLoop;
if (typeof node === 'string') {
// we have a single string (= a simplex message), put it into an array
content[lang] = [node];
if (Nhints < 1) Nhints = 1;
else if (node instanceof Array) {
// we already have an array
if (node.length == 0) {
if (haveIndices) codeq.log.error('Hint ' + hintId + ' with indices ' + indices + ' for language ' + lang + ' contains an empty array');
else codeq.log.error('Hint ' + hintId + ' for language ' + lang + ' contains an empty array');
// verify that each array element is a string or an object with a message
for (i = node.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tmpContent = node[i];
if (typeof tmpContent === 'string') {
// this is okay
else if (tmpContent && (typeof tmpContent === 'object')) {
if (typeof tmpContent.message !== 'string') {
if (haveIndices) tmpContent.message = 'There is no message defined for hint ' + hintId + 'with indices ' + indices + ' in language ' + lang + ' at index ' + i;
else tmpContent.message = 'There is no message defined for hint ' + hintId + ' in language ' + lang + ' at index ' + i;
else {
// not a string or an object with a message
if (haveIndices) tmpContent = 'There is no message defined for hint ' + hintId + 'with indices ' + indices + ' in language ' + lang + ' at index ' + i;
else tmpContent = 'There is no message defined for hint ' + hintId + ' in language ' + lang + ' at index ' + i;
node[i] = tmpContent;
content[lang] = node;
if (Nhints < node.length) Nhints = node.length;
else if (node && (typeof node === 'object') && (typeof node.message === 'string')) {
// we have a single object with a message (= a complex message), put it into an array
content[lang] = [node];
if (Nhints < 1) Nhints = 1;
else {
if (haveIndices) codeq.log.error('Hint ' + hintId + ' with indices ' + indices + ' did not result in a terminal node for language ' + lang + ', but: ' + node);
else codeq.log.error('Hint ' + hintId + ' probably needs indices because it does not have a terminal node for language ' + lang + ', but: ' + node);
if (Nhints === 0) {
// provide error feedback on display when there is no hint translation available in any language
if (haveIndices) tmpContent = ['No hints found for hint ' + hintId + ' with indices ' + indices];
else tmpContent = ['No hints found for hint ' + hintId];
for (j = langs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
content[langs[j]] = tmpContent;
Nhints = 1;
else if (skippedLangs.length > 0) {
// choose a default content and assign it to skipped languages
lang = 'en'; // try English first
tmpContent = content[lang];
if (!tmpContent) {
// if no English exists, find one that does
for (lang in content) {
if (!content.hasOwnProperty(lang)) continue;
tmpContent = content[lang];
if (tmpContent) break;
codeq.log.error('Translations in languages ' + skippedLangs.join(', ') + ' are missing or erroneous for hint ' + hintId + ', replacing their content with translation for ' + lang);
// assign the default content to skipped languages
for (j = skippedLangs.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
content[skippedLangs[j]] = tmpContent;
content.hintLength = Nhints;
return content;
ta = function (trObj) { // an object of the form: {'en': 'english content', 'sl': 'slovenska vsebina'}
var result = ['data-dict="', trNamespace, '" data-tkey="', dictionary.length, '"'].join('');
return result;
typeHandlers = {
'static': function (type, template, serverHint, hintId) {
var content = prepareStaticHintContent(template, serverHint.indices, hintId),
args = serverHint ? serverHint.args : null,
hintIndex = 0,
trButton = {},
Nhints = content.hintLength,
nextJqHint = function () {
var trContent = {},
langs = codeq.availableLangs,
lang, i, msg, jq, deltaHeight;
for (i = langs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
lang = langs[i];
try {
msg = content[lang][hintIndex];
if (typeof msg === 'string') {
trContent[lang] = processTemplate(msg, args);
trButton[lang] = btnMoreTranslations[lang] || 'More...';
else {
trContent[lang] = processTemplate(msg.message, args);
trButton[lang] = msg.linkText;
catch (e) {
msg = 'Error processing hint ' + hintId + ' at index ' + hintIndex + ' for language ' + lang + ': ' + e;
codeq.log.error(msg, e);
trContent[lang] = msg;
jq = $('
if (jqButton) {
if (hintIndex < Nhints) {
else {
else {
// scroll into view if overflowing
deltaHeight = jqHints.height() - jqHintsContainer.height();
if (deltaHeight > 0) {
jqContainer, jqButton;
if (Nhints > 1) {
// hint sequence
jqContainer = $('
jqButton = $('
jqButton.on('click', function () {
else {
// a single hint
jqContainer = jqHints;
jqButton = null;
// no hint cleaner here, a static hint remains on the screen
'popup': function (type, template, serverHint) {
codeq.log.debug('Processing popup hint');
var args = serverHint.args,
mark = addMark(serverHint.start, serverHint.end), // add the mark
langs = codeq.availableLangs,
translations = {},
lang, i, content, htmlPrefix, instFunc;
// execute templates for all languages
for (i = langs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
lang = langs[i];
content = template[lang];
if (typeof content === 'string') {
translations[lang] = processTemplate(content, args);
else {
translations[lang] = 'No translation in ' + lang + ' available for ' + type + ' hint ' + serverHint.id;
// construct the wrapper element for the translation mechanism
htmlPrefix = '
// create the popover after all the DOM modifications have been made, otherwise only the last made popover can be triggered
instFunc = function () {
var jqMark = jqEditor.find('.' + mark.className);
'content': function () {
// decide on what to display only after the popup is triggered, so we can choose the correct translation
return htmlPrefix + translations[codeq.getLang()] + '';
'html': true,
'placement': 'auto bottom',
'trigger': 'hover focus click',
'container': 'body'
// remove the popup on next hint pack
popoverHintCleaners.push(function () { if (jqMark) { jqMark.popover('destroy'); jqMark = null; } });
return instFunc;
'dropdown': function (type, template, serverHint) {
codeq.log.debug('Processing dropdown hint');
var completion = null, // the completion object, created in showHint()
close = function () {
if (completion) {
completion = null;
if (/*(editor.listSelections().length > 1) ||*/ editor.somethingSelected()) {
// showHint() doesn't work if a selection is activeparts
editor.setSelection(firstCharacterPos, firstCharacterPos, sel_no_scroll); // deselect anything
hint: function () {
var hints = {
list: serverHint.choices,
from: editor.posFromIndex(serverHint.start),
to: editor.posFromIndex(serverHint.end)
completion = editor.state.completionActive;
return hints;
completeOnSingleClick: true,
completeSingle: false
* When the editor updates its DOM, we have to re-register any popup hints.
onEditorUpdate = function () {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < popoverHintCleaners.length; i++) popoverHintCleaners[i]();
for (i = 0; i < popoverCreators.length; i++) popoverCreators[i]();
codeq.tr.registerDictionary(trNamespace, dictionary);
editor.on('update', onEditorUpdate);
return {
* Display the next "planning" hint and return whether there are
* any more available.
'planNext': function () {
if (planIdx < planDef.length) {
typeHandlers.static('static', planDef[planIdx], {}, 'plan');
return planIdx < planDef.length;
'hasNextPlan': function () {
return planIdx < planDef.length;
* Processes and display appropriately the server hints.
* TODO: sort hints so static and popup hints come first, and a (single) drop-down hint last
* @param {ServerHint[]} serverHints an array of hints from the server
'handle': function (serverHints) {
var n = serverHints.length,
finalizers = [],
i, serverHint, hintId, hintDef, hintContent, hintType, t, fn, ret;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
serverHint = serverHints[i];
hintId = serverHint.id;
hintDef = hintProblemDefs[hintId];
if (hintDef) {
hintContent = hintProblemTr[hintId];
else {
hintDef = hintCommonDefs[hintId];
hintContent = hintCommonTr[hintId];
if (!hintDef) {
codeq.log.error('Undefined hint: ' + hintId);
if (!hintContent) {
codeq.log.error('Hint without content: ' + hintId);
t = typeof hintDef;
if (t === 'string') hintType = hintDef; // currently a hint type is a string
else if ((t === 'object') && (hintDef !== null)) hintType = hintDef.type; // but in future we may use an object, if a definition becomes more complex
else {
codeq.log.error('Cannot determine the type of hint ' + hintId + ' from: ' + hintDef);
fn = typeHandlers[hintType];
if (!fn) codeq.log.error('Unsupported hint type: ' + hintType);
else {
ret = fn(hintType, hintContent, serverHint, hintId);
if (typeof ret === 'function') finalizers.push(ret);
// invoke any finalizers
for (i = 0; i < finalizers.length; i++) {
'destroy': function () {
editor.off('update', onEditorUpdate);
jqHints = null;
jqEditor = null;
jqHintsContainer = null;
editor = null;