{ "language": "Language", "ui_language_title": "Select the UI language.", "robot_address": "Robot’s IP address", "robot_address_placeholder": "IP address", "robot_address_title": "Set the robot's IPv4 or IPv6 address.", "settings": "User settings", "problem_list": "Problems", "save": "Save", "python": "Python", "prolog": "Prolog", "robot": "Robot", "logout": "Logout", "profile": "Profile", "change_pass": "Change password", "btn_plan": "Plan", "btn_hint": "Hint", "btn_test": "Test", "btn_run": "Run", "btn_stop": "Stop", "btn_more": "More...", "instructions": "Instructions", "hints": "Hints", "code": "Code", "console": "Console", "signin_header": "Please sign in", "signin_via": "Login via", "signin_or": "or", "signin_button": "Sign in", "signin_footer": "New here?", "signin_footer_signup": "Sign up!", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "name" : "Display name", "email": "E-mail", "cancel": "Cancel", "signup_header": "Sign up", "signup_button": "Sign up", "username_placeholder": "Desired username", "name_placeholder" : "Desired display name", "password_verify": "Verify password", "password_verify_placeholder": "Repeat the password again", "username_title": "Choose a alpha-numeric username of 5-15 characters.", "name_title": "Choose a display name.", "email_title": "Enter a valid email address.", "password_title": "Choose a password with at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter and at least 6 characters.", "change_password_header": "Change password", "password_new": "New Password", "password_new_placeholder": "Enter a new password", "change_password_button": "Change password", "signed_in_as": "Signed in as", "go_back": "Go back", "joined": "Joined", "last_login": "Last seen", "statistics": "Statistics", "problem_group": "Problem group", "problems_count": "All", "done": "Done", "in_progress": "In progress", "layout_select": "Layout", "line_layout": "Line", "square_layout": "Square", "settings_cancel_btn": "Close", "upgrade_to_aai_header": "Upgrade to AAI?", "upgrade_to_aai_body_text_1": "

User with this email address already exists.

Enter its password and select Yes to upgrade it to AAI.

", "upgrade_to_aai_body_text_2": "

Select No to do a separate account.

", "upgrade_to_aai_no_button": "No, make new", "upgrade_to_aai_yes_button": "Yes, upgrade to AAI", "about": "About", "about_html" : "

CodeQ™ is an e-service and a mobile app for teaching programming. The application enables the user to work on his or her own by solving a number of carefully prepared programming exercises and by guiding the user with automatically generated hints and test. ...

The project was co-funded by European Regional Development Fund and Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport.


Aleksander Sadikov, PhD, project leader.

Mobile applications - minimum requirements

Android: version 3.1, iOS: version 5, Windows Phone: version 8

Programming by Guru Ltd, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

" }