From 68c1b0639151b079ea700d2537a386b9b3b5dbc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 23:32:55 +0000 Subject: nekrt git-svn-id: 5cf9fbd1-b2bc-434c-b4b7-e852f4f63414 --- .../tasks/isc_dhcp_live_boot/howtos/si/index.html | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/kpov_judge/tasks/isc_dhcp_live_boot/howtos/si/index.html b/kpov_judge/tasks/isc_dhcp_live_boot/howtos/si/index.html index 3b53422..9970ba2 100644 --- a/kpov_judge/tasks/isc_dhcp_live_boot/howtos/si/index.html +++ b/kpov_judge/tasks/isc_dhcp_live_boot/howtos/si/index.html @@ -250,21 +250,21 @@ Server!

Google's DNS server is responding. Great!
However, we still cannot run apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
Let's tempororly add another interface and set it to NAT, so we get internet access and install the DHCP server.

- We add a new interface by turning off the virtual computer, , ter v VirtualBoxu označimo naš virtualni računalnik in pritisnemo na Settings -> Network
- Adapter 1 imamo že nastavljeno na Internal Network, Adapter 2 pa nastavimo na NAT

+ We add a new interface by turning off the virtual computer, in VirtualBox we select our virtual machine and then select Settings -> Network
+ Adapter 1 has already been set to Internal Network, we set Adapter 2 to NAT

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Zaženemo naš DHCP Server in v /etc/network/interfaces začasno na koncu dodamo vrstico iface eth1 inet dhcp,datoteko shranimo ter poženemo ukaz ifup eth1.
- Sedaj imamo dostop do interneta in lahko namestimo naš DHCP strežnik z ukazom apt-get install isc-dhcp-server install

We run DHCP Server and in file/etc/network/interfaces at the end of the line add iface eth1 inet dhcp, then save the file and run ifup eth1.
+ Now we have access to the internet and can install our DHCP server with apt-get install isc-dhcp-server install command

Poglejmo kaj je v /var/log/syslog, to je datoteka kamor se shranjujejo sporočila kaj se dogaja v našem sistemu


Let's see what's in/var/log/syslog, which is a file where our system information is stored in.


Očitno moramo nastaviti dhcp strežnik ter mu povedati tudi kam naj posluša!
- Za nastavitve DHCP strežnika imamo /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. Let's set it!
- Prvo zakomentiramo option domain-name-servers zaradi tega da nebo napak da jih ne najde.


Looks like we need to set up a DHCP server and specify where it should listen!
+ DHCP settings are stored in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. Let's set it!
+ First let's comment out option domain-name-servers to avoid having errors.


Nato skonfiguriramo dhcp strežnik, da bo serviral ip-je na nekem podomrežju. Dodamo naslednje zapise:


Then we configure DHCP server, so it would serve IPs a a certain subnet. We add the following lines:

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(subnet) Nastavimo podomrežje ter območje naslovov od koder naj jih DHCP strežnik dodeli, katero datoteko naj servira,
poleg tega so eni PXE tako neumni, da če jim ti serviraš filename nevejo iz katerega serverja ga dobim, zato napišem še next-server
(ip od koder serviram, v našem primeru simpleArbiter), nastavim tudi gateway kateri je v našem primeru tudi simpleArbiter.

Ker bi radi, da v primeru zagona navideznega računalnika BootableClient B serviramo drugo datoteko, to naredimo tako da definiramo nek dodaten host na sledeč način:
(host special) Pod hardware ethernet zapišemo MAC naslov našega BootableClient B katerega bo imel, dodelimo mu nek statičen ip naslov ter povemo še iz kje se naj datoteka live-ISO zažene.


(subnet) We set the subnet and the IP range, which the DHCP server should use, and which file it should serve.

Some PXEs are so unintelligent, that you should specify where they should get the files from and to do that you specify next-server
(IP from which it will be served from, in our case simpleArbiter), we also specify gateway, which, in our case is also simpleArbiter.

Ker bi radi, da v primeru zagona navideznega računalnika BootableClient B serviramo drugo datoteko, to naredimo tako da definiramo nek dodaten host na sledeč način:
(host special) Pod hardware ethernet zapišemo MAC naslov našega BootableClient B katerega bo imel, dodelimo mu nek statičen ip naslov ter povemo še iz kje se naj datoteka live-ISO zažene.

We save the settings and kill terthe process with ubijemo named dnsmasqusingkilall dnsmasq.


Sledi restart našega DHCP strežnika, da bo deloval z novimi nastavitvami, to naredimo z ukazom service isc-dhcp-server restart
DHCP Strežnik je pripravljen! Pripravimo BootableClientA ter BootableClientB ter testirajmo!

-- cgit v1.2.1