Navodila 1. Spremenil omrežne nastavitve obem navideznim računalnikom SimpleArbiterDhcpGw: Adapter 1 na NAT za dostop do interneta in Adapter 2 na internal network za lokalno omrežje Student: Adapter1 na internal-network da je v enakem omrežju kot SimpleArbiterDhcpGw. 2. Nato sem na računalniku Student ustvaril nov uporabnik marjankoral19 3. Računalniku Student, ima ip: 4. Nato v datoteko /etc/motd sem dodal niz Not for Human consumption 5. Za testiranje sem se s testnim uporabniškim imenom prijavil na prvem računallniku in se preko ssh povezal na Student z uporabniškim imenom marjankoral19 in z geslom marjan , kjer se je izpisalo motd sporočilo. Howto(English) 1. Change the network settings for each vitual machine: SimpleArbiterDhcpGw: Set Adapter 1 to NAT for internet access and Adapter 2 to internal network. Student: Set adapter 1 to internal network so it is in the same network as SimpleArbiterDhcpGw 2. Create a new user in Student, marjankoral19 3. Set ip to Student, ip for Student is: 4. Change the motd in /etc/motd to your message. 5. To test this out log in to tester on SimpleArbiterDhcpGw and ssh into Student using the newly created user marjankoral19 and look for the motd message after login.