#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # TODO: finish this! # kpov_random_helpers should be imported by add_assignment.py instructions = { 'si':u""" Prijavi se na sistem. V domači mapi najdeš imenik Mapa z 20 datotekami. - preimenuj vse datoteke tako, da zamenjaš minuse s podčrtaji - Napiši čim krajši ukaz, ki vse datoteke iz /home/user/mapa/mojimenik premakne v /home/user/novi - Napiši ukaz, ki s pomočjo ukaza grep v datoteko "mama.txt" izpiše vse navade (ne skrite) datoteke v trenutnem imeniku, ki vsebujejo niz "mama", v datoteko "napake.txt" pa izpiše vse morebitne napake (npr. to, da so nekateri objekti v trenutnem imeniku dejansko imeniki ali napačne simbolične povezave) - Napiši ukaz, ki bo 5s sledil vsebini /var/log/syslog. V primeru, da se v syslogu pojavi niz "zmeda", naj program izpiše "imam ga". Poleg tega naj program med sledenjem syslog-u odšteva od 5 do 1 (vsako sekundo naj se izpiše naslednja številka. - Nastavi okoljsko spremenljivko TEST, da bo imela isto vrednost kot okoljska spremenljivka USER + število okoljskih spremenljivk, ki v imenu ali vrednosti ne vsebujejo besede TEST. Primer: polz37 - S pomočjo programa cURL shrani vsebino spletne strani www.google.com v datoteko z imenom website.txt - Napiši ukaz, ki bo število pojavitev značke
v datoteki website.txt dodal na konec te iste datoteke brez, da bi se ukaz zapisal v zgodovino ukazov "bash history" - Napiši ukaz brez uporabe programa cron, kateri 5 minut po izvedbi izpiše vsebino imenika v katerem se trenutno nahajaš - Napiši nakrajši ukaz, ki s pomočjo Pythona zažene preprost (integriran) HTTP strežnik kateri streže datoteke iz imenika iz katerega je bil pognan na vratih 8000 """ } instructios = { 'en':u""" Log into the system. In your home folder you will find a directory called Folder containing 20 files. - Rename all files replacing minus sign with the underscore - Specify the shortest command for copying all the files located in /home/user/Folder into the folder /home/user/new - Specify the shortest command, which will, using the grep command, write all normal (not hidden) files containing a string "mama" located in working directory (pwd) into file "mama.txt" while writing errors such as files in current directory being folders or symbolic links in the file called "Errors.txt" - Specify a command, which will track the contents of /var/log/syslog for 5s. In case it finds the entry "confusion" in syslog, print "got it". In addition, let the program subtrack 1 from the counter every second(5 to 1) to show the status of the tracker. - Set the variable TEST, which will have the same value as the variable USER + the number of variables that do not include the name TEST, for example polz37. - With the help of cURL fetch the website content of www.google.com and save it into file named website.txt - Write a command which will count the number of
tags in the filename website.txt and will then append the result to this same file. Command should not be logged in "bash history"! - Write a command (don't use cron!) which will list all the files in the current directory 5 minutes after execution - Write shortest command possible which will with the help of Python start a simple (integrated) HTTP server and will serve the files from the current directory on port 8000. } computers = { 'malishell': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'malishell', }, #{ 'name': 'CDROM', # 'options':{'readonly': True}, # 'parts': [],# no parts, no mounting. #} ], 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False }, 'SimpleArbiter': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'simpleArbiterDhcp', # attempt automount }, #{ 'name': 'CDROM', # 'options': {'readonly': True}, # 'parts': [{'dev': 'b1', 'path': '/cdrom'}], #}, ], 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}, {'network': 'test-net'}], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False } } networks = { 'net1': {'public': False}, 'test-net': {'public': True} } params_meta = { 'IP_NM': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov maliNetworkManager'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True}, } def task(IP_NM, DNS_NM, IP_static, DNS_static): import pxssh import pexpect results = dict() peer_user = 'student' peer_passwd = 'vaje' sA = pxssh.pxssh() sB = pxssh.pxssh() sA.login(IP_NM, peer_user, peer_passwd) sB.login(IP_static, peer_user, peer_passwd) # sA # make sure NM is not handling eth0 results['NM_nmcli'] = sA.run('nmcli d') results['NM_nslookup'] = sA.run('nslookup www.arnes.si') # sB # check whether NM is handling eth0 results['static_nmcli'] = sB.run('nmcli d') results['static_nslookup'] = sB.run('nslookup www.arnes.si') sA.logout() sB.logout() return results def gen_params(user_id, params_meta): params = dict() r = random.Random(user_id) # IP_NM, DNS_NM, IP_static, DNS_static) dns_servers = ['', '', '', '', '', ''] net = kpov_random_helpers.IPv4_subnet_gen(r, '', 24) params['DNS_NM'] = r.choice(dns_servers) params['IP_NM'], params['IP_static'] = kpov_random_helpers.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 2) params['DNS_static'] = r.choice(dns_servers) return params def task_check(results, params): import re score = -9 if results['NM_nslookup'].find('Server:\t\t{0}\r'.format(params['DNS_NM'])) > -1: score += 3 if results['static_nslookup'].find('Server:\t\t{0}\r'.format(params['DNS_static'])) > -1: score += 3 if re.search(r'eth0 +802-.*connected', results['NM_nmcli']): score += 2 if not re.search(r'eth0 +802-.*connected', results['static_nmcli']): score += 2 score = 0 return score def prepare_disks(templates, params): # d = templates['simpleArbiterDhcp'] pass