#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # kpov_random_helpers should be imported by add_assignment.py # TODO (polz): instructions = { 'si':u""" Prijavi se na sistem kot uporabnik student z geslom vaje. V domači mapi najdeš imenik Mapa z 20 datotekami. - Preimenuj vse datoteke tako, da zamenjaš minuse s podčrtaji - Napiši čim krajši ukaz v bash, ki vse datoteke iz enega (izvornega) podanega imenika premakne v drug (ciljni) podani imenik. Spravi ga v /home/student/mv_ukaz. Pazi, da bodo ob testiranju v izvornem imeniku iste datoteke, kot so bile, ko je bila virtualka nova, ciljni imenik pa bo prazen. - Napiši ukaz, ki s pomočjo ukaza grep v datoteko "mama.txt" izpiše vse navade (ne skrite) datoteke v trenutnem imeniku, ki vsebujejo niz "mama", v datoteko "napake.txt" pa izpiše vse morebitne napake (npr. to, da so nekateri objekti v trenutnem imeniku dejansko imeniki ali napačne simbolične povezave) - Napiši ukaz, ki bo 5s sledil vsebini /var/log/syslog. V primeru, da se v syslogu pojavi niz "zmeda", naj program izpiše "imam ga". Poleg tega naj program med sledenjem syslog-u odšteva od 5 do 1 (vsako sekundo naj se izpiše naslednja številka. - Nastavi okoljsko spremenljivko TEST, da bo imela isto vrednost kot okoljska spremenljivka USER + število okoljskih spremenljivk, ki v imenu ali vrednosti ne vsebujejo besede TEST. Primer: polz37 # tole je zoprno, ker se lahko zelo hitro spremeni. Treba bo izbrati # neko drugo stran - recimo http://localhost/mojastran.html - S pomočjo programa cURL preštej pojavitev niza "images" v html kodi (shranjena stran 24ur.com) in število zapiši v spremenljivko $images. - V imeniku "Mapa" najdeš datoteko count.txt. Preštej število vrstic v njej in rezultat zapiši v novo datoteko lines.txt - Namesti paket "cowsay" in ga preizkusi :) - Napiši najkrajši ukaz, ki s pomočjo Pythona zažene preprost (integriran) HTTP strežnik kateri streže datoteke iz imenika, ki ga dobite podanega. """, 'en':u""" Log into the system. In your home folder you will find a directory called Folder containing 20 files. - Rename all files replacing minus sign with the underscore - Specify the shortest command for copying all the files located in /home/user/Folder into the folder /home/user/new - Specify the shortest command, which will, using the grep command, write all normal (not hidden) files containing a string "mama" located in working directory (pwd) into file "mama.txt" while writing errors such as files in current directory being folders or symbolic links in the file called "Errors.txt" - Specify a command, which will track the contents of /var/log/syslog for 5s. In case it finds the entry "confusion" in syslog, print "got it". In addition, let the program subtrack 1 from the counter every second(5 to 1) to show the status of the tracker. - Set the variable TEST, which will have the same value as the variable USER + the number of variables that do not include the name TEST, for example polz37. - With the help of cURL count the number of "images" string occurences in html code (saved 24ur.com website) and save it to variable $images. - In directory "Mapa" exists file count.txt - Install packet "cowsay" and test it :) - Write shortest command possible which will with the help of Python start a simple (integrated) HTTP server and will serve the files from the current directory on port 8000.""" } computers = { 'malishell': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'malishell', }, #{ 'name': 'CDROM', # 'options':{'readonly': True}, # 'parts': [],# no parts, no mounting. #} ], 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False }, 'SimpleArbiter': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'simpleArbiterDhcp', # attempt automount }, #{ 'name': 'CDROM', # 'options': {'readonly': True}, # 'parts': [{'dev': 'b1', 'path': '/cdrom'}], #}, ], 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}, {'network': 'test-net'}], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False } } networks = { 'net1': {'public': False}, 'test-net': {'public': True} } params_meta = { 'IP_malishell': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov malishell'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True}, 'file_creator_random_seed': {'descriptions': {'si': 'random file creator seed'}, 'w': False, 'public':False, 'type': None, 'generated': True}, '20_file_dirname': {'descriptions': {'si': 'imenik z datotekami, ki naj se jih preimenuje'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'dirname', 'generated': True}, 'mv_src_dir': {'descriptions': {'si': 'imenik, iz katerega premakni datoteke'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'dirname', 'generated': True}, 'mv_dst_dir': {'descriptions': {'si': 'imenik, v katerega premakni datoteke'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'dirname', 'generated': True}, 'cowsay_string': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Kaj rece krava?'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'short', 'generated': True}, } def task(IP_malishell, 20_file_dirname, mv_src_dir, mv_dst_dir, cowsay_string): import pxssh # TODO: (polz) this has to be changed! Get a move on! # # sv: Z primozem lavricem sva skusala nekaj narediti # Ker gen params ni narejen, sklepam da je "Mapa" na namizju, # imena datotek pa so: 1,1-,2,2-,3,3-,4,5,6,7,8,9,.mama1,mama2,mama3,mama4,mama5,mojimenik,novi,oce1 # v mojimenik se nahaja mojimenikfile # mama2 vsebuje "mama" #Stirje subt-aski dodani.By Mihec. results = dict() conn = pxssh.pxssh() conn.login(IP_malishell, 'student', 'vaje') conn.sendline('ls -a {}'.format()) conn.prompt() results['preimenuj'] = conn.before conn.sendline('ls -a {}'.format(mv_src_dir)) conn.prompt() results['pre_mv_src'] = conn.before conn.sendline('ls -a {}'.format(mv_dst_dir)) conn.prompt() results['pre_mv_dst'] = conn.before conn.sendline('. ~/mv_ukaz') conn.sendline('ls -a {}'.format(mv_src_dir)) conn.prompt() results['post_mv_src'] = conn.before conn.sendline('ls -a {}'.format(mv_dst_dir)) conn.prompt() results['post_mv_dst'] = conn.before conn.logout() # ta more met mojimenikfile # results['novi'] = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "/home/student/Desktop/Mapa/novi"]) # ta more bit prazen #results['mojimenik'] = subprocess.check_output(["ls", "/home/student/Desktop/Mapa/mojimenik"]) # ta more met mama2 #results['mamatxt'] = subprocess.check_output(["cat", "/home/student/Desktop/mama.txt"]) # ta pa grep: mojimenik: Is a directory, grep: novi: Is a directory #results['napaketxt'] = subprocess.check_output(["cat", "/home/student/Desktop/napake.txt"]) #results['curl'] = subprocess.check_output(["cat","/home/student/Desktop/website.txt"]) #results['chkimages'] = subprocess.check_output(["curl www.24ur.com >> dlg.txt && cat dlg.txt | grep -c ","images"]) #results['count'] = subprocess.check_output(["wc","/home/student/Desktop/count.txt"]) #results['lines'] = subprocess.check_output(["cat","/home/student/Desktop/lines.txt"]) #results['cowsay'] = subprocess.check_output(["dpkg --get-selections | grep","cowsay"]) #results['phttp'] = subprocess.check_output(["lsof -i ",":8080"]) return results def gen_params(user_id, params_meta): import random import subprocess params = dict() r = random.Random(user_id) params['cwsay'] = "cowsay" params['phttp'] = "8080" params['images'] = subprocess.check_output(["echo","$images"]) return params def task_check(results, params): import re score = 0 #TO FINISH SCORING WE REQUIRE DICT KEYS AND FUNCTIONS gen_params AND task TO BE FINISHED #POINTS FOR EACH TASK MAY BE ADJUSTED IN THE FUTURE #TASK 1 if results['NoNameATM'].find('NoFormatATM'.format(params['NoNameAtm'])) > -1: score += 1 #TASK 2 if results['NoNameATM'].find('NoFormatATM'.format(params['NoNameAtm'])) > -1: score += 1 #TASK 3 if results['NoNameATM'].find('NoFormatATM'.format(params['NoNameAtm'])) > -1: score += 1 #TASK 4 if results['NoNameATM'].find('NoFormatATM'.format(params['NoNameAtm'])) > -1: score += 1 #TAKS 5 if results['NoNameATM'].find('NoFormatATM'.format(params['NoNameAtm'])) > -1: score += 1 #TASK 6 if int(results['chkimages']) == int(params['images']): score += 1 #TASK 7 if int(results['count'].split()[0]) == int(results['lines'].split()[0]): score += 1 #TASK 8 if results['cowsay'].find(params['cwsay']) > -1: score += 1 #TASK 9 if results['phttp'].find(params['phttp']) > -1: score += 1 return score def prepare_disks(templates, params): # d = templates['simpleArbiterDhcp'] import random print "Haha!" print params print templates d = templates['malishell'] r = random.Random(params['file_creator_random_seed']) d.mkdir('student', 'www-data', '/home/student/mamica_je_ena_sama.txt') pass