#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # kpov_random_helpers should be imported by add_assignment.py instructions = { 'si':u""" Postavi dva navidezna računalnika - SimpleArbiter z diska SimpleArbiterVPN ter VPNClient1. Poskrbite, da bosta povezana med seboj in v Internet. Na VPNClient1 namestite OpenVPN in program za nadzor nad virtualnimi napravami (s katerim kreirate napravo tap). Na strežniku SimpleArbiterVPN že teče VPN strežnik in uporablja skrivnost, ki jo najdete tudi na VPNClient1 v domačem imeniku uporabnika student. Na VPNClient1 vzpostavite VPN tako, da napišete primerno datoteko z nastavitvami. VPNClient1 na navideznem lokalnem omrežju nastavite naslov {IP_VPNClient1} Nato poskrbite, da bo na VPNClient1 na navideznem omrežju prek NFS omogočen dostop do imenika /home/test/{DIRNAME}. V ta imenik skopirajte datoteke, ki so prek SMB dostopne na SimpleArbiter. """, 'en':u""" Setup two virtual machines - SimpleArbiterVPN and a VPN client (VPNClient1). Set the client's network up so that it has access to the internal network and the internet. On VPNClient1, install OpenVPN and a program for supervising virtual devices (which you will use to create a tap device). On the VPN, set the IP for VPNClient1 to {IP_VPNClient1}. An OpenVPN server is already running on SimpleArbiterVPN. Use the secret available on VPNClient1 in the home directory of user student to connect to the VPN server on SimpleArbiterVPN. To do that, you will have to write your own OpenVPN configuration file. After you have set up the VPN, make the directory /home/test/{DIRNAME} on VPNClient1 available over NFS from SimpleArbiter over your VPN. Copy files that are available from SimpleArbiter over SMB to /home/test/{DIRNAME}. """ } computers = { 'SimpleArbiter': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'simpleArbiterDhcpGWVPN', # attempt automount }, #{ 'name': 'CDROM', # 'options': {'readonly': True}, # 'parts': [{'dev': 'b1', 'path': '/cdrom'}], #}, ], 'network_interfaces': [ { 'network': 'test-net' }, { 'network': 'net1' } ], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False }, 'VPNClient1': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'student-VPNClient1', }, #{ 'name': 'CDROM', # 'options':{'readonly': True}, # 'parts': [],# no parts, no mounting. #} ], 'network_interfaces': [ { 'network': 'net1' } ], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False }, } networks = { 'test-net': { 'public': True }, # Used for the VPN tunnel 'net1': { 'public': False } } #Tukaj sem generiral tri parametre, prosil bi če se upoštevajo pri Tasku. params_meta = { 'IP_SimpleArbiterVPN': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP za SimpleArbiter na VPN'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True}, 'IP_VPNClient1': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta na VPN'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True}, 'IP_LANClient1': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta na LAN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': False}, 'DIRNAME': {'descriptions':{'si':'Imenik, dostopen prek NFS'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True}, 'secret_random_seed': {'descriptions':{'si':'Seme za skrivnost'}, 'w': False, 'public': False, 'type': None, 'generated': True}, } def task(IP_SimpleArbiterVPN, IP_VPNClient1, IP_LANClient1, DIRNAME): from pexpect import pxssh # Used to set up an SSH connection to a remote machine import pexpect # Allows the script to spawn a child application and control it as if a human were typing commands # The necessary things we need to check if the task was performed correctly results = dict() # The login params (these must be used on the machines!) peer_user = 'student' peer_passwd = 'vaje' ### # Sets up the SSH connections to the machines ### # VPNClient1 sC1 = pxssh.pxssh() # Logs in to the machines with the default login params sC1.login( IP_LANClient1, peer_user, peer_passwd ) ###### # sA ###### results['SimpleArbiter_ifconfig'] = pexpect.run( '/sbin/ifconfig -a') results['SimpleArbiter_route'] = pexpect.run( '/sbin/route -n') # Pings each of the clients # and are the first two default addresses distributed by OpenVPN # Will output everything ping outputs (set to ping 3 times) results['SimpleArbiter_ping_C1'] = pexpect.run( 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP_VPNClient1)) results['SimpleArbiter_traceroute'] = pexpect.run( '/usr/bin/traceroute {}'.format(IP_VPNClient1)) sC1.sendline('cat /etc/exports') sC1.prompt() output = sC1.before results['VPNClient1_nfs_access_control_list'] = output results['SimpleArbiter_mount'] = pexpect.run( 'sudo mount {}:/home/test/{} /mnt'.format(IP_VPNClient1, DIRNAME)) results['SimpleArbiter_mount_result'] = pexpect.run( 'sudo mount') results['SimpleArbiter_ls'] = pexpect.run( 'ls /mnt') pexpect.run( 'sudo umount /mnt') # Ping the VPN server sC1.sendline('ping -c 3 {0}'.format( IP_SimpleArbiterVPN )) sC1.prompt() results['VPNClient1_ping_VPN_server'] = sC1.before sC1.sendline('/sbin/ifconfig -a') sC1.prompt() results['VPNClient1_ifconfig'] = sC1.before sC1.sendline('ps xa') sC1.prompt() results['VPNClient1_ps'] = sC1.before sC1.logout() return results def gen_params(user_id, params_meta): params = dict() #Tukaj sem generiral te tri parametre (ime skupne skrivnosti je heidi ) #(ime imenika kjer naj bo shranjena skupna skrivnost naj bo openvpn) #(HASH bo naključno generiran niz iz user_id s katerim se bo preverjalo plagiatorstvo) import random r = random.Random(user_id) net = kpov_random_helpers.IPv4_subnet_gen(r, '', 24) params['IP_VPNClient1'], params['IP_SimpleArbiterVPN'] = kpov_random_helpers.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 2) params['DIRNAME'] = kpov_random_helpers.fname_gen(r, extension=False) params['secret_random_seed']=str(r.random()) return params def task_check(results, params): import re score = 0 hints = [] # zal si se nisem prišla na jasno s pingi IP_SA = params['IP_SimpleArbiterVPN'].replace('.', '\.') IP_C1 = params['IP_VPNClient1'].replace('.', '\.') rs = r"tap0: flags=.* mtu 1500\r\n +inet {}".format( IP_SA) # print rs, re.match(rs, results['SimpleArbiter_ifconfig']) if re.search(rs, results['SimpleArbiter_ifconfig']): score += 1 # print "ifconfig OK" else: hints.append("ifconfig on SimpleArbiter not OK") pass # print ('SA_ifconfig', results['SimpleArbiter_ifconfig']) # results['SimpleArbiter_route'] = pexpect.run( if re.search( "PING.*\r\n64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=64 time=[0-9.]* ms".format( IP_C1), results['SimpleArbiter_ping_C1']): # print "Server ping OK" score += 1 else: hints.append("ping from server not OK") pass # print ("Server ping", results['SimpleArbiter_ping_C1']) # ignore this # print results['SimpleArbiter_mount'] # print results['SimpleArbiter_traceroute'] rs = "1 +{0} \({0}\)".format(IP_C1) if re.search(rs, results['SimpleArbiter_traceroute']): score += 1 else: hints.append("traceroute not OK") pass # print ("fail!", rs, results['SimpleArbiter_traceroute']) if results['VPNClient1_nfs_access_control_list'].find( '/home/test/' + params['DIRNAME'] + ' ') >= 0: score += 1 if results['SimpleArbiter_mount_result'].find( '{}:/home/test/{} on /mnt type nfs'.format( params['IP_VPNClient1'], params['DIRNAME'])): # print "mount OK" score += 1 else: hints.append("mount not OK") # get r into the correct state r = random.Random(params['secret_random_seed']) s = "\n".join([ "".join([r.choice("0123456789abcdef") for i in xrange(32)]) for i in xrange(16)]) keyfile = kpov_random_helpers.fname_gen(r, extension=False) # now check the filenames fnames_ok = True for i in xrange(3): fname = kpov_random_helpers.fname_gen(r, False) foo = kpov_random_helpers.fortune(r, 4096) pos = results['SimpleArbiter_ls'].find(fname + '.txt') fnames_ok = fnames_ok and pos >= 0 #if pos < 0: # hints.append("missing file:" + fname) if fnames_ok: score += 2 else: hints.append("shared filenames not OK:") # Ping the VPN server if re.search( "PING.*\r\n64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=64 time=[0-9.]* ms".format( IP_SA), results['VPNClient1_ping_VPN_server']): # print "ping OK" score += 1 else: hints.append("ping from client not OK") pass # print "Client ping", results['VPNClient1_ping_VPN_server'] rs = r"tap0: flags=.* mtu 1500\r\n +inet {}".format( IP_C1) if re.search(rs, results['VPNClient1_ifconfig']): score += 1 # print "ifconfig OK" else: hints.append("ifconfig on VPNClient1 not OK") pass # print ('VPNClient1_ifconfig', results['VPNClient1_ifconfig']) if results['VPNClient1_ps'].find('openvpn') > 0: score += 1 else: hints.append("openvpn not found running on VPNClient") return score, hints def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params): #d = templates['simpleArbiterDhcp'] #guestmount -a d -m /dev/VG/LV -m /dev/sda1:/boot --ro /mnt #asistent je pocasnela :) import random r = random.Random(task_params['secret_random_seed']) s = "\n".join([ "".join([r.choice("0123456789abcdef") for i in xrange(32)]) for i in xrange(16)]) s = """# # 2048 bit OpenVPN static key # -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- {} -----END OpenVPN Static key V1----- """.format(s) keyfile = kpov_random_helpers.fname_gen(r, extension=False) + ".key" templates['simpleArbiterDhcpGWVPN'].write("/etc/openvpn/secret.key", s) netaddr_s = """auto tap0 iface tap0 inet static openvpn server pre-up tunctl -t tap0 address {} netmask """.format(task_params['IP_SimpleArbiterVPN']) templates['simpleArbiterDhcpGWVPN'].write_append("/etc/network/interfaces", netaddr_s) for i in xrange(3): fname = kpov_random_helpers.fname_gen(r, False) templates['simpleArbiterDhcpGWVPN'].write( "/srv/smb/" + fname + '.txt', kpov_random_helpers.fortune(r, 4096)) write_default_config(templates['simpleArbiterDhcpGWVPN'], global_params) templates['student-VPNClient1'].write("/home/student/" + keyfile, s) # uid, gid (student = ) templates['student-VPNClient1'].chown(1000, 1000, "/home/student/" + keyfile)