VirtualBox - Network Adapter Settings SimpleArbiterDhcp ..... adapter (1) - internal network FileServer ............ adapter 1 - NAT ............ adapter 2 - internal network FileServer 1. Set up a DHCP server 1.1 apt-get update 1.2 apt-get install isc-dhcp-server 1.3 There is an error. No worries: - in file/etc/default/isc-dhcp-server set on which interface your DHCP server shoud run - in file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf set your subnet (address, mask, rang etc.) - set static ip for SimpleArbiterDhcp's MAC 2. Set up a NFS server 2.1 apt-get install nfs-kernel-server 2.2 Define export rules in file /etc/exports () E.g.: /srv/nfs/ERLbbBrT,sync) For IP from step 1.3 define a rule with rw permission SimpleArbiterDhcp 3.) Run mount command as root: mount -t nfs : <"dest"> In directoriy <"dest"> that you specified earlier you should be able to access shared files. Samba - FileServer 4. Set up a SMB server 4.1 apt-get install samba 4.2 Somewhere on the server create dir urania-03. 4.3 In file /etc/samba/smb.conf under [global] mark define netbios name value as zarptica-32 under [home] mark set path to dir urania-03 path =