
  1. Set up a virtual machine
  2. Install VLC
  3. Create RTP video stream
  4. Make sure the stream is accessible from the internet


  1. Set up a virtual machine

    Use disk simpleArbiter. You can get it here.

  2. Install VLC

    In file /etc/apt/sources.list replace wheezy with testing or if missing, add rows:

    deb wheezy main contrib non-free
    deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free


    Check for updates and install VLC with the following commands:

    apt-get update
    apt-get install vlc

  3. Create a new stream

    Open VLC. In Media menu select Stream.


    Here we choose stream source. This can be a file, a network stream or a capture device.
    For this excercise, add one or more video file by clicking Add ... Continue with a click on button Stream.

    stream source

    We must also choose the stream destination. For this excercise, choose RTP/MPEG Transport Stream and click Add. You can configure multiple destinations simultaneously.

    Configure destination settings. Enter address and stream name.

    stream destination

    Next, we can set transcoding, encapsulation, audio and video codecs and also subtitles. When you finish, click Save and Next.

    stream settings

    In the last step, it is important to check option Stream all elementary streams. In the text area, we can see the string that can be used to run the stream from a command line. This is useful if you want to run stream from a computer without graphic interface.

  4. Open stream

    We can now play the stream from another device using VLC.

    play stream