# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # kpov_util should be imported by add_assignment.py # Poglej nek film na nekem določenem URL. # (?md5 vsota filma?) # Nastavi nek računalnik tako, da bo izvajal NAT. #TODO: finish this instructions = { 'si': '''\

Postavi dva navidezna računalnika: SimpleArbiter in NATServer. NATServer naj ima dva omrežna vmesnika - z enim naj bo povezan na lokalno omrežje, na katerem naj bo tudi simpleArbiter, z drugim pa na Internet.

Na NATServer skonfiguriraj omrežne vmesnike tako, da bo imel dostop do Interneta in da bo imel na lokalnem omrežju {{IP_NAT}}. Na NATServer ustvarite še uporabnika {{IP_NAT_user}}.

Poskrbi, da bo SimpleArbiter prek DHCP dobil naslov {{IP_simple}}. Poskrbi, da bo NATServer deloval kot prehod za SimpleArbiter in izvajal NAT. ''', 'en': '''\

Set up two virtual machines: SimpleArbiter and NATServer. NATServer should have two network adapters. Connect the first adapter to SimpleArbiter and the second adapter to the Internet.

Configure the network in NATServer so that one interface is connected to the Internet while the other is connected to SimpleArbiter and has the address {{IP_NAT}}. Create a user called {{IP_NAT_user}} on NATServer.

Configure a DHCP server on NATServer so that SimpleArbiter gets the IP {{IP_simple}}. Also, set up NAT on NATServer and set it as the gateway for SimpleArbiter. ''', } computers = { 'NATServer': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'student-NATServer', }, ], 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}, {'network': 'test-net'}], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False }, 'SimpleArbiter': { 'disks': [ { 'name': 'simpleArbiter', }, ], 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}], 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'config_drive': False }, } networks = { 'net1': {'public': False}, 'test-net': {'public': True} } #ne potrebujemo dnsjev in ip za malibreznewtork manager? params_meta = { 'IP_simple': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov SimpleArbiter', 'en': 'SimpleArbiter address'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True}, 'IP_NAT': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov NATServer', 'en': 'NATServer address'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True }, 'IP_NAT_user': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Username na NATServer', 'en': 'Username on NATServer'}, 'w': False, 'public' : True, 'type' : 'username', 'generated' : True}, 'IP_NAT_passwd': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Password na NATServer', 'en': 'Password on NATServer'}, 'w': True,'public' : True, 'type' : 'passwd', 'generated' : False}, } def task(IP_simple, IP_NAT, IP_NAT_user, IP_NAT_passwd): import pexpect results = kpov_util.ssh_test(IP_NAT, IP_NAT_user, IP_NAT_passwd, ( ('IP_NAT_ip_forward', 'cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'), )) # Check if If IP_simple is connected to NAT results['IP_simple_ping_to_NAT'] = pexpect.run('ping -c 5 {}'.format(IP_NAT), encoding='utf-8') # Check routing table on IP_simple results['IP_simple_routing_table'] = pexpect.run('route -n', encoding='utf-8', env={'PATH': '/bin:/sbin'}) # Tracert Check if IP_simple is connected to internet results['IP_simple_to_internet'] = pexpect.run('traceroute', encoding='utf-8') return results def gen_params(user_id, params_meta): params = dict() r = random.Random(user_id) # IP_NM, DNS_NM, IP_static, DNS_static) # dns_servers = ['', '', '', '', '', ''] net = kpov_util.IPv4_net_gen(r, 253, True, False) # params['DNS_NM'] = r.choice(dns_servers) params['IP_NAT'], params['IP_simple'] = kpov_util.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 2) params['IP_NAT_user'] = kpov_util.default_generators['username'](r) # params['IP_NM'] # params['IP_simple'] = kpov_util.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 1) # params['DNS_static'] = r.choice(dns_servers) return params def task_check(results, params): import re score = 0 hints = [] if re.search( "PING.*\r\n64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=64 time=[0-9.]* ms".format( params['IP_NAT']), results['IP_simple_ping_to_NAT']): score += 3 else: hints.append("Ping to NAT incorrect") if results['IP_NAT_ip_forward'].strip() == "1": score += 2 else: hints.append("ip_forward not set on NAT?") rs = r"1 +{0} +\({0}\)".format(params['IP_NAT']) if re.search(rs, results['IP_simple_to_internet']): score += 3 else: hints.append("traceroute not OK") gateway=r'0\.0\.0\.0 +{} +0\.0\.0\.0 +UG'.format(params['IP_NAT'].replace('.', '\.')) if re.search(gateway,results['IP_simple_routing_table']) and \ re.search("Kernel IP routing table\r\nDestination", results['IP_simple_routing_table']): score += 2 else: hints.append("route not OK") return score, hints def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params): write_default_config(templates['simpleArbiter'], global_params)