Purpose of the assignment

Learn how to setup network interfaces in most modern Linux distributions (NetworkManager).

Quick instructions

Set a static IP in NetworkManager, set a static IP and DNS server in /etc/network/interfaces. You'll get both IP's when you execute script run_test.py.


  1. From the directory with images of virtual computers, download the following:
    maliNetworkManager, maliBrezNetworkManager, SimpleArbiterDhcp.
  2. Set the network for virtual computers, so that SimpleArbiterDhcp's 1. nework interface is connected to the same network, as the only network interface for maliNetworkManager and maliBrezNetworkManager,
    SimpleArbiterDhcp's 2. network interface will be connected to a NAT or a physical network, where the address and route (gateway) to the internet is obtained via DHCP.
  3. Start SimpleArbiterDhcp. Sign in as user "tester" with password "SedemKrogovPekla".
  4. slika-04
    Use command
    to check if SimpleArbiterDhcp is connected to internet. If you get ping reply, you're connected to the internet. Cancel the ping with combination CTRL+C.
    If SimpleArbiterDhcp doesn't have internet access, change the network settings in Virtual box for 1. and 2. network interface, then restart the virtual computer.
  5. Run the script run_test.py.
  6. Enter "03.predvaja" as assignment name.
  7. Read the maliNetworkManager's static IP . Leave SimpleArbiterDhcp running in the background until you have setup the maliNetworkManager.
  8. Start maliNetworkManager.
  9. Sign in the GUI(graphical user interface) using username "student" and password "vaje".
  10. ikona network manager
    Right click on the icon for network settings.
  11. Menu NetworkManager
    Choose "Edit Connections"
  12. Menu NetworkManager
    Click "Edit"
  13. Menu NetworkManager
    In tab "IPv4" change the "Method" to "Manual". Click "Add". Set the SimpleArbiterDhcp's static IP as static IP A.
    Add Arnes DNS: to DNS servers.
  14. Click "Save"
  15. Switch to SimpleArbiterDhcp. Click "Enter" or "OK".
  16. Read maliBrezNetworkManager's IP . Click "OK". Read the DNS server's address .
  17. Switch to maliBrezNetworkManager. Switch to first console using combination CTRL+ALT+F1. Sign in as root (su) with password "kaboom".
  18. Open the file /etc/network/interfaces. Edit the settings according to the information you got on SimpleArbiter. Entry for network interface should look something like this:
    allow-hotplug eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
  19. Save the settings. Use the command
    to restart maliBrezNetworkManager. On boot the NetworkManager reads which network interfaces are configured in /etc/network/interfaces. After that NetworkManager doesn't manage these interfaces anymore.
  20. Press OK on SimpleArbiterDhcp. If all went ok, you have completed this assignment.