import ast, copy, pickle from .tools import log from .namesets import * from .display import printFunction def cmp(a, b): if type(a) == type(b) == complex: return (a.real > b.real) - (a.real < b.real) return (a > b) - (a < b) def builtInName(id): """Determines whether the given id is a built-in name""" if id in builtInNames + exceptionClasses: return True elif id in builtInFunctions.keys(): return True elif id in list(allPythonFunctions.keys()) + supportedLibraries: return False def importedName(id, importList): for imp in importList: if type(imp) == ast.Import: for name in imp.names: if hasattr(name, "asname") and name.asname != None: if id == name.asname: return True else: if id == return True elif type(imp) == ast.ImportFrom: if hasattr(imp, "module"): if imp.module in supportedLibraries: libMap = libraryMap[imp.module] for name in imp.names: if == '*' and id in libMap: return True if hasattr(name, "asname") and name.asname != None: if id == name.asname: return True else: if id == return True else: log("astTools\timportedName\tUnsupported library: " + printFunction(imp), "bug") else: log("astTools\timportedName\tWhy no module? " + printFunction(imp), "bug") return False def isConstant(x): """Determine whether the provided AST is a constant""" return (type(x) in [ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.Bytes, ast.NameConstant]) def isIterableType(t): """Can the given type be iterated over""" return t in [ dict, list, set, str, bytes, tuple ] def isStatement(a): """Determine whether the given node is a statement (vs an expression)""" return type(a) in [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Expression, ast.Suite, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.Return, ast.Delete, ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign, ast.For, ast.While, ast.If, ast.With, ast.Raise, ast.Try, ast.Assert, ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom, ast.Global, ast.Expr, ast.Pass, ast.Break, ast.Continue ] def codeLength(a): """Returns the number of characters in this AST""" if type(a) == list: return sum([codeLength(x) for x in a]) return len(printFunction(a)) def applyToChildren(a, f): """Apply the given function to all the children of a""" if a == None: return a for field in a._fields: child = getattr(a, field) if type(child) == list: i = 0 while i < len(child): temp = f(child[i]) if type(temp) == list: child = child[:i] + temp + child[i+1:] i += len(temp) else: child[i] = temp i += 1 else: child = f(child) setattr(a, field, child) return a def occursIn(sub, super): """Does the first AST occur as a subtree of the second?""" superStatementTypes = [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Suite, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.For, ast.While, ast.If, ast.With, ast.Try, ast.ExceptHandler ] if (not isinstance(super, ast.AST)): return False if type(sub) == type(super) and compareASTs(sub, super, checkEquality=True) == 0: return True # we know that a statement can never occur in an expression # (or in a non-statement-holding statement), so cut the search off now to save time. if isStatement(sub) and type(super) not in superStatementTypes: return False for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(super): if occursIn(sub, child): return True return False def countOccurances(a, value): """How many instances of this node type appear in the AST?""" if type(a) == list: return sum([countOccurances(x, value) for x in a]) if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return 0 count = 0 for node in ast.walk(a): if isinstance(node, value): count += 1 return count def countVariables(a, id): """Count the number of times the given variable appears in the AST""" if type(a) == list: return sum([countVariables(x, id) for x in a]) if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return 0 count = 0 for node in ast.walk(a): if type(node) == ast.Name and == id: count += 1 return count def gatherAllNames(a, keep_orig=True): """Gather all names in the tree (variable or otherwise). Names are returned along with their original names (which are used in variable mapping)""" if type(a) == list: allIds = set() for line in a: allIds |= gatherAllNames(line) return allIds if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return set() allIds = set() for node in ast.walk(a): if type(node) == ast.Name: origName = node.originalId if (keep_orig and hasattr(node, "originalId")) else None allIds |= set([(, origName)]) return allIds def gatherAllVariables(a, keep_orig=True): """Gather all variable names in the tree. Names are returned along with their original names (which are used in variable mapping)""" if type(a) == list: allIds = set() for line in a: allIds |= gatherAllVariables(line) return allIds if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return set() allIds = set() for node in ast.walk(a): if type(node) == ast.Name or type(node) == ast.arg: currentId = if type(node) == ast.Name else node.arg # Only take variables if not (builtInName(currentId) or hasattr(node, "dontChangeName")): origName = node.originalId if (keep_orig and hasattr(node, "originalId")) else None if (currentId, origName) not in allIds: for pair in allIds: if pair[0] == currentId: if pair[1] == None: allIds -= {pair} allIds |= {(currentId, origName)} elif origName == None: pass else: log("astTools\tgatherAllVariables\tConflicting originalIds? " + pair[0] + " : " + pair[1] + " , " + origName + "\n" + printFunction(a), "bug") break else: allIds |= {(currentId, origName)} return allIds def gatherAllParameters(a, keep_orig=True): """Gather all parameters in the tree. Names are returned along with their original names (which are used in variable mapping)""" if type(a) == list: allIds = set() for line in a: allIds |= gatherAllVariables(line) return allIds if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return set() allIds = set() for node in ast.walk(a): if type(node) == ast.arg: origName = node.originalId if (keep_orig and hasattr(node, "originalId")) else None allIds |= set([(node.arg, origName)]) return allIds def gatherAllHelpers(a, restricted_names): """Gather all helper function names in the tree that have been anonymized""" if type(a) != ast.Module: return set() helpers = set() for item in a.body: if type(item) == ast.FunctionDef: if not hasattr(item, "dontChangeName") and not in restricted_names: # this got anonymized origName = item.originalId if hasattr(item, "originalId") else None helpers |= set([(, origName)]) return helpers def gatherAllFunctionNames(a): """Gather all helper function names in the tree that have been anonymized""" if type(a) != ast.Module: return set() helpers = set() for item in a.body: if type(item) == ast.FunctionDef: origName = item.originalId if hasattr(item, "originalId") else None helpers |= set([(, origName)]) return helpers def gatherAssignedVars(targets): """Take a list of assigned variables and extract the names/subscripts/attributes""" if type(targets) != list: targets = [targets] newTargets = [] for target in targets: if type(target) in [ast.Tuple, ast.List]: newTargets += gatherAssignedVars(target.elts) elif type(target) in [ast.Name, ast.Subscript, ast.Attribute]: newTargets.append(target) else: log("astTools\tgatherAssignedVars\tWeird Assign Type: " + str(type(target)),"bug") return newTargets def gatherAssignedVarIds(targets): """Just get the ids of Names""" vars = gatherAssignedVars(targets) return [ for y in filter(lambda x : type(x) == ast.Name, vars)] def getAllAssignedVarIds(a): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return [] ids = [] for child in ast.walk(a): if type(child) == ast.Assign: ids += gatherAssignedVarIds(child.targets) elif type(child) == ast.AugAssign: ids += gatherAssignedVarIds([]) elif type(child) == ast.For: ids += gatherAssignedVarIds([]) return ids def getAllAssignedVars(a): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return [] vars = [] for child in ast.walk(a): if type(child) == ast.Assign: vars += gatherAssignedVars(child.targets) elif type(child) == ast.AugAssign: vars += gatherAssignedVars([]) elif type(child) == ast.For: vars += gatherAssignedVars([]) return vars def getAllFunctions(a): """Collects all the functions in the given module""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return [] functions = [] for child in ast.walk(a): if type(child) == ast.FunctionDef: functions.append( return functions def getAllImports(a): """Gather all imported module names""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return [] imports = [] for child in ast.walk(a): if type(child) == ast.Import: for alias in child.names: if in supportedLibraries: imports.append(alias.asname if alias.asname != None else else: log("astTools\tgetAllImports\tUnknown library: " +, "bug") elif type(child) == ast.ImportFrom: if child.module in supportedLibraries: for alias in child.names: # these are all functions if in libraryMap[child.module]: imports.append(alias.asname if alias.asname != None else else: log("astTools\tgetAllImports\tUnknown import from name: " + \ child.module + "," +, "bug") else: log("astTools\tgetAllImports\tUnknown library: " + child.module, "bug") return imports def getAllImportStatements(a): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return [] imports = [] for child in ast.walk(a): if type(child) == ast.Import: imports.append(child) elif type(child) == ast.ImportFrom: imports.append(child) return imports def getAllGlobalNames(a): # Finds all names that can be accessed at the global level in the AST if type(a) != ast.Module: return [] names = [] for obj in a.body: if type(obj) in [ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef]: names.append( elif type(obj) in [ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign]: targets = obj.targets if type(obj) == ast.Assign else [] for target in obj.targets: if type(target) == ast.Name: names.append( elif type(target) in [ast.Tuple, ast.List]: for elt in target.elts: if type(elt) == ast.Name: names.append( elif type(obj) in [ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom]: for module in obj.names: names.append(module.asname if module.asname != None else return names def doBinaryOp(op, l, r): """Perform the given AST binary operation on the values""" top = type(op) if top == ast.Add: return l + r elif top == ast.Sub: return l - r elif top == ast.Mult: return l * r elif top == ast.Div: # Don't bother if this will be a really long float- it won't work properly! # Also, in Python 3 this is floating division, so perform it accordingly. val = 1.0 * l / r if (val * 1e10 % 1.0) != 0: raise Exception("Repeating Float") return val elif top == ast.Mod: return l % r elif top == ast.Pow: return l ** r elif top == ast.LShift: return l << r elif top == ast.RShift: return l >> r elif top == ast.BitOr: return l | r elif top == ast.BitXor: return l ^ r elif top == ast.BitAnd: return l & r elif top == ast.FloorDiv: return l // r def doUnaryOp(op, val): """Perform the given AST unary operation on the value""" top = type(op) if top == ast.Invert: return ~ val elif top == ast.Not: return not val elif top == ast.UAdd: return val elif top == ast.USub: return -val def doCompare(op, left, right): """Perform the given AST comparison on the values""" top = type(op) if top == ast.Eq: return left == right elif top == ast.NotEq: return left != right elif top == ast.Lt: return left < right elif top == ast.LtE: return left <= right elif top == ast.Gt: return left > right elif top == ast.GtE: return left >= right elif top == ast.Is: return left is right elif top == ast.IsNot: return left is not right elif top == ast.In: return left in right elif top == ast.NotIn: return left not in right def num_negate(op): top = type(op) neg = not op.num_negated if hasattr(op, "num_negated") else True if top == ast.Add: newOp = ast.Sub() elif top == ast.Sub: newOp = ast.Add() elif top in [ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv]: return None # can't negate this elif top in [ast.Num, ast.Name]: # this is a normal value, so put a - in front of it newOp = ast.UnaryOp(ast.USub(addedNeg=True), op) else: log("astTools\tnum_negate\tUnusual type: " + str(top), "bug") transferMetaData(op, newOp) newOp.num_negated = neg return newOp def negate(op): """Return the negation of the provided operator""" if op == None: return None top = type(op) neg = not op.negated if hasattr(op, "negated") else True if top == ast.And: newOp = ast.Or() elif top == ast.Or: newOp = ast.And() elif top == ast.Eq: newOp = ast.NotEq() elif top == ast.NotEq: newOp = ast.Eq() elif top == ast.Lt: newOp = ast.GtE() elif top == ast.GtE: newOp = ast.Lt() elif top == ast.Gt: newOp = ast.LtE() elif top == ast.LtE: newOp = ast.Gt() elif top == ast.Is: newOp = ast.IsNot() elif top == ast.IsNot: newOp = ast.Is() elif top == ast.In: newOp = ast.NotIn() elif top == ast.NotIn: newOp = ast.In() elif top == ast.NameConstant and op.value in [True, False]: op.value = not op.value op.negated = neg return op elif top == ast.Compare: if len(op.ops) == 1: op.ops[0] = negate(op.ops[0]) op.negated = neg return op else: values = [] allOperands = [op.left] + op.comparators for i in range(len(op.ops)): values.append(ast.Compare(allOperands[i], [negate(op.ops[i])], [allOperands[i+1]], multiCompPart=True)) newOp = ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(multiCompOp=True), values, multiComp=True) elif top == ast.UnaryOp and type(op.op) == ast.Not and \ eventualType(op.operand) == bool: # this can mess things up type-wise return op.operand else: # this is a normal value, so put a not around it newOp = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(addedNot=True), op) transferMetaData(op, newOp) newOp.negated = neg return newOp def couldCrash(a): """Determines whether the given AST could possibly crash""" typeCrashes = True # toggle based on whether you care about potential crashes caused by types if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return False if type(a) == ast.Try: for handler in a.handlers: for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(handler): if couldCrash(child): return True for other in a.orelse: for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(other): if couldCrash(child): return True for line in a.finalbody: for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(line): if couldCrash(child): return True return False # If any child could crash, this can crash for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(a): if couldCrash(child): return True if type(a) == ast.FunctionDef: argNames = [] for arg in a.args.args: if arg.arg in argNames: # conflicting arg names! return True else: argNames.append(arg.arg) if type(a) == ast.Assign: for target in a.targets: if type(target) != ast.Name: # can crash if it's a tuple and we can't unpack the value return True elif type(a) in [ast.For, ast.comprehension]: # check if the target or iter will break things if type( not in [ast.Name, ast.Tuple, ast.List]: return True elif type( in [ast.Tuple, ast.List]: for x in if type(x) != ast.Name: return True elif isIterableType(eventualType(a.iter)): return True elif type(a) == ast.Import: for name in a.names: if name not in supportedLibraries: return True elif type(a) == ast.ImportFrom: if a.module not in supportedLibraries: return True if a.level != None: return True for name in a.names: if name not in libraryMap[a.module]: return True elif type(a) == ast.BinOp: l = eventualType(a.left) r = eventualType(a.right) if type(a.op) == ast.Add: if not ((l == r == str) or (l in [int, float] and r in [int, float])): return typeCrashes elif type(a.op) == ast.Mult: if not ((l == str and r == int) or (l == int and r == str) or \ (l in [int, float] and r in [int, float])): return typeCrashes elif type(a.op) in [ast.Sub, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd]: if not (l in [int, float] and r in [int, float]): return typeCrashes elif type(a.op) == ast.Pow: if not ((l in [int, float] and r == int) or \ (l in [int, float] and type(a.right) == ast.Num and \ type(a.right.n) != complex and \ (a.right.n >= 1 or a.right.n == 0 or a.right.n <= -1))): return True else: # ast.Div, ast.FloorDiv, ast.Mod if type(a.right) == ast.Num and a.right.n != 0: if l not in [int, float]: return typeCrashes else: return True # Divide by zero error elif type(a) == ast.UnaryOp: if type(a.op) in [ast.UAdd, ast.USub]: if eventualType(a.operand) not in [int, float]: return typeCrashes elif type(a.op) == ast.Invert: if eventualType(a.operand) != int: return typeCrashes elif type(a) == ast.Compare: if len(a.ops) != len(a.comparators): return True elif type(a.ops[0]) in [ast.In, ast.NotIn]: if not isIterableType(eventualType(a.comparators[0])): return True elif eventualType(a.comparators[0]) in [str, bytes] and eventualType(a.left) not in [str, bytes]: return True elif type(a.ops[0]) in [ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE]: # In Python3, you can't compare different types. BOOOOOO!! firstType = eventualType(a.left) if firstType == None: return True for comp in a.comparators: if eventualType(comp) != firstType: return True elif type(a) == ast.Call: env = [] # TODO: what if the environments aren't imported? # First, gather up the needed variables if type(a.func) == ast.Name: funName = if funName not in builtInSafeFunctions: return True funDict = builtInFunctions elif type(a.func) == ast.Attribute: if type(a.func.value) == a.Name and \ (not hasattr(a.func.value, "varID")) and \ in supportedLibraries: funName = a.func.attr if funName not in safeLibraryMap( return True funDict = libraryMap[] elif eventualType(a.func.value) == str: funName = a.func.attr if funName not in safeStringFunctions: return True funDict = builtInStringFunctions else: # list and dict are definitely crashable return True else: return True if funName in ["max", "min"]: return False # Special functions that have infinite args # First, load up the arg types argTypes = [] for i in range(len(a.args)): eventual = eventualType(a.args[i]) if (eventual == None and typeCrashes): return True argTypes.append(eventual) if funDict[funName] != None: for argSet in funDict[funName]: # the given possibilities of arg types if len(argSet) != len(argTypes): continue if not typeCrashes: # If we don't care about types, stop now return False for i in range(len(argSet)): if not (argSet[i] == argTypes[i] or issubclass(argTypes[i], argSet[i])): break else: # if all types matched return False return True # Didn't fit any of the options elif type(a) == ast.Subscript: # can only get an index from a string or list return eventualType(a.value) not in [str, list, tuple] elif type(a) == ast.Name: # If it's an undefined variable, it might crash if hasattr(a, "randomVar"): return True elif type(a) == ast.Slice: if a.lower != None and eventualType(a.lower) != int: return True if a.upper != None and eventualType(a.upper) != int: return True if a.step != None and eventualType(a.step) != int: return True elif type(a) in [ast.Raise, ast.Assert, ast.Pass, ast.Break, \ ast.Continue, ast.Yield, ast.Attribute, ast.ExtSlice, ast.Index, \ ast.Starred]: # All of these cases can definitely crash. return True return False def eventualType(a): """Get the type the expression will eventually be, if possible The expression might also crash! But we don't care about that here, we'll deal with it elsewhere. Returning 'None' means that we cannot say at the moment""" if type(a) in builtInTypes: return type(a) if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return None elif type(a) == ast.BoolOp: # In Python, it's the type of all the values in it # this may work differently in other languages t = eventualType(a.values[0]) for i in range(1, len(a.values)): if eventualType(a.values[i]) != t: return None return t elif type(a) == ast.BinOp: l = eventualType(a.left) r = eventualType(a.right) # It is possible to add/multiply sequences if type(a.op) in [ast.Add, ast.Mult]: if isIterableType(l): return l elif isIterableType(r): return r elif l == float or r == float: return float elif l == int and r == int: return int return None elif type(a.op) == ast.Div: return float # always a float now # For others, check if we know whether it's a float or an int elif type(a.op) in [ast.FloorDiv, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitAnd, ast.BitXor]: return int elif float in [l, r]: return float elif l == int and r == int: return int else: return None # Otherwise, it could be a float- we don't know elif type(a) == ast.UnaryOp: if type(a.op) == ast.Invert: return int elif type(a.op) in [ast.UAdd, ast.USub]: return eventualType(a.operand) else: # Not op return bool elif type(a) == ast.Lambda: return function elif type(a) == ast.IfExp: l = eventualType(a.body) r = eventualType(a.orelse) if l == r: return l else: return None elif type(a) in [ast.Dict, ast.DictComp]: return dict elif type(a) in [ast.Set, ast.SetComp]: return set elif type(a) in [ast.List, ast.ListComp]: return list elif type(a) == ast.GeneratorExp: return None # can't represent a generator elif type(a) == ast.Yield: return None # we don't know elif type(a) == ast.Compare: return bool elif type(a) == ast.Call: # Go through our different sets of known functions to see if we know the type argTypes = [eventualType(x) for x in a.args] if type(a.func) == ast.Name: funDict = builtInFunctions funName = elif type(a.func) == ast.Attribute: # TODO: get a better solution than this funName = a.func.attr if type(a.func.value) == ast.Name and \ (not hasattr(a.func.value, "varID")) and \ in supportedLibraries: funDict = libraryDictMap[] if in ["string", "str", "list", "dict"] and len(argTypes) > 0: argTypes.pop(0) # get rid of the first string arg elif eventualType(a.func.value) == str: funDict = builtInStringFunctions elif eventualType(a.func.value) == list: funDict = builtInListFunctions elif eventualType(a.func.value) == dict: funDict = builtInDictFunctions else: return None else: return None if funName in ["max", "min"]: # If all args are the same type, that's our type uniqueTypes = set(argTypes) if len(uniqueTypes) == 1: return uniqueTypes.pop() return None if funName in funDict and funDict[funName] != None: possibleTypes = [] for argSet in funDict[funName]: if len(argSet) == len(argTypes): # All types must match! for i in range(len(argSet)): if argSet[i] == None or argTypes[i] == None: # We don't know, but that's okay continue if not (argSet[i] == argTypes[i] or (issubclass(argTypes[i], argSet[i]))): break else: possibleTypes.append(funDict[funName][argSet]) possibleTypes = set(possibleTypes) if len(possibleTypes) == 1: # If there's only one possibility, that's our type! return possibleTypes.pop() return None elif type(a) in [ast.Str, ast.Bytes]: if containsTokenStepString(a): return None return str elif type(a) == ast.Num: return type(a.n) elif type(a) == ast.Attribute: return None # we have no way of knowing elif type(a) == ast.Subscript: # We're slicing the object, so the type will stay the same t = eventualType(a.value) if t == None: return None elif t == str: return str # indexing a string elif t in [list, tuple]: if type(a.slice) == ast.Slice: return t # Otherwise, we need the types of the elements if type(a.value) in [ast.List, ast.Tuple]: if len(a.value.elts) == 0: return None # We don't know else: eltType = eventualType(a.value.elts[0]) for elt in a.value.elts: if eventualType(elt) != eltType: return None # Disagreement! return eltType elif t in [dict, int]: return None else: log("astTools\teventualType\tUnknown type in subscript: " + str(t), "bug") return None # We can't know for now... elif type(a) == ast.NameConstant: if a.value == True or a.value == False: return bool elif a.value == None: return type(None) return None elif type(a) == ast.Name: if hasattr(a, "type"): # If it's a variable we categorized return a.type return None elif type(a) == ast.Tuple: return tuple elif type(a) == ast.Starred: return None # too complicated else: log("astTools\teventualType\tUnimplemented type " + str(type(a)), "bug") return None def depthOfAST(a): """Determine the depth of the AST""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return 0 m = 0 for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(a): tmp = depthOfAST(child) if tmp > m: m = tmp return m + 1 def compareASTs(a, b, checkEquality=False): """A comparison function for ASTs""" # None before others if a == b == None: return 0 elif a == None or b == None: return -1 if a == None else 1 if type(a) == type(b) == list: if len(a) != len(b): return len(a) - len(b) for i in range(len(a)): r = compareASTs(a[i], b[i], checkEquality=checkEquality) if r != 0: return r return 0 # AST before primitive if (not isinstance(a, ast.AST)) and (not isinstance(b, ast.AST)): if type(a) != type(b): builtins = [bool, int, float, str, bytes, complex] if type(a) not in builtins or type(b) not in builtins: log("MISSING BUILT-IN TYPE: " + str(type(a)) + "," + str(type(b)), "bug") return builtins.index(type(a)) - builtins.index(type(b)) return cmp(a, b) elif (not isinstance(a, ast.AST)) or (not isinstance(b, ast.AST)): return -1 if isinstance(a, ast.AST) else 1 # Order by differing types if type(a) != type(b): # Here is a brief ordering of types that we care about blehTypes = [ ast.Load, ast.Store, ast.Del, ast.AugLoad, ast.AugStore, ast.Param ] if type(a) in blehTypes and type(b) in blehTypes: return 0 elif type(a) in blehTypes or type(b) in blehTypes: return -1 if type(a) in blehTypes else 1 types = [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Expression, ast.Suite, ast.Break, ast.Continue, ast.Pass, ast.Global, ast.Expr, ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign, ast.Return, ast.Assert, ast.Delete, ast.If, ast.For, ast.While, ast.With, ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom, ast.Raise, ast.Try, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.BinOp, ast.BoolOp, ast.Compare, ast.UnaryOp, ast.DictComp, ast.ListComp, ast.SetComp, ast.GeneratorExp, ast.Yield, ast.Lambda, ast.IfExp, ast.Call, ast.Subscript, ast.Attribute, ast.Dict, ast.List, ast.Tuple, ast.Set, ast.Name, ast.Str, ast.Bytes, ast.Num, ast.NameConstant, ast.Starred, ast.Ellipsis, ast.Index, ast.Slice, ast.ExtSlice, ast.And, ast.Or, ast.Add, ast.Sub, ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv, ast.Invert, ast.Not, ast.UAdd, ast.USub, ast.Eq, ast.NotEq, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE, ast.Is, ast.IsNot, ast.In, ast.NotIn, ast.alias, ast.keyword, ast.arguments, ast.arg, ast.comprehension, ast.ExceptHandler, ast.withitem ] if (type(a) not in types) or (type(b) not in types): log("astTools\tcompareASTs\tmissing type:" + str(type(a)) + "," + str(type(b)), "bug") return 0 return types.index(type(a)) - types.index(type(b)) # Then, more complex expressions- but don't bother with this if we're just checking equality if not checkEquality: ad = depthOfAST(a) bd = depthOfAST(b) if ad != bd: return bd - ad # NameConstants are special if type(a) == ast.NameConstant: if a.value == None or b.value == None: return 1 if a.value != None else (0 if b.value == None else -1) # short and works if a.value in [True, False] or b.value in [True, False]: return 1 if a.value not in [True, False] else (cmp(a.value, b.value) if b.value in [True, False] else -1) if type(a) == ast.Name: return cmp(, # Operations and attributes are all ok elif type(a) in [ ast.And, ast.Or, ast.Add, ast.Sub, ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv, ast.Invert, ast.Not, ast.UAdd, ast.USub, ast.Eq, ast.NotEq, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE, ast.Is, ast.IsNot, ast.In, ast.NotIn, ast.Load, ast.Store, ast.Del, ast.AugLoad, ast.AugStore, ast.Param, ast.Ellipsis, ast.Pass, ast.Break, ast.Continue ]: return 0 # Now compare based on the attributes in the identical types for attr in a._fields: r = compareASTs(getattr(a, attr), getattr(b, attr), checkEquality=checkEquality) if r != 0: return r # If all attributes are identical, they're equal return 0 def deepcopyList(l): """Deepcopy of a list""" if l == None: return None if isinstance(l, ast.AST): return deepcopy(l) if type(l) != list: log("astTools\tdeepcopyList\tNot a list: " + str(type(l)), "bug") return copy.deepcopy(l) newList = [] for line in l: newList.append(deepcopy(line)) return newList def deepcopy(a): """Let's try to keep this as quick as possible""" if a == None: return None if type(a) == list: return deepcopyList(a) elif type(a) in [int, float, str, bool]: return a if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): log("astTools\tdeepcopy\tNot an AST: " + str(type(a)), "bug") return copy.deepcopy(a) g = a.global_id if hasattr(a, "global_id") else None cp = None # Objects without lineno, col_offset if type(a) in [ ast.And, ast.Or, ast.Add, ast.Sub, ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv, ast.Invert, ast.Not, ast.UAdd, ast.USub, ast.Eq, ast.NotEq, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE, ast.Is, ast.IsNot, ast.In, ast.NotIn, ast.Load, ast.Store, ast.Del, ast.AugLoad, ast.AugStore, ast.Param ]: return a elif type(a) == ast.Module: cp = ast.Module(deepcopyList(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.Interactive: cp = ast.Interactive(deepcopyList(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.Expression: cp = ast.Expression(deepcopy(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.Suite: cp = ast.Suite(deepcopyList(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.FunctionDef: cp = ast.FunctionDef(, deepcopy(a.args), deepcopyList(a.body), deepcopyList(a.decorator_list), deepcopy(a.returns)) elif type(a) == ast.ClassDef: cp = ast.ClassDef(, deepcopyList(a.bases), deepcopyList(a.keywords), deepcopyList(a.body), deepcopyList(a.decorator_list)) elif type(a) == ast.Return: cp = ast.Return(deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.Delete: cp = ast.Delete(deepcopyList(a.targets)) elif type(a) == ast.Assign: cp = ast.Assign(deepcopyList(a.targets), deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.AugAssign: cp = ast.AugAssign(deepcopy(, deepcopy(a.op), deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.For: cp = ast.For(deepcopy(, deepcopy(a.iter), deepcopyList(a.body), deepcopyList(a.orelse)) elif type(a) == ast.While: cp = ast.While(deepcopy(a.test), deepcopyList(a.body), deepcopyList(a.orelse)) elif type(a) == ast.If: cp = ast.If(deepcopy(a.test), deepcopyList(a.body), deepcopyList(a.orelse)) elif type(a) == ast.With: cp = ast.With(deepcopyList(a.items),deepcopyList(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.Raise: cp = ast.Raise(deepcopy(a.exc), deepcopy(a.cause)) elif type(a) == ast.Try: cp = ast.Try(deepcopyList(a.body), deepcopyList(a.handlers), deepcopyList(a.orelse), deepcopyList(a.finalbody)) elif type(a) == ast.Assert: cp = ast.Assert(deepcopy(a.test), deepcopy(a.msg)) elif type(a) == ast.Import: cp = ast.Import(deepcopyList(a.names)) elif type(a) == ast.ImportFrom: cp = ast.ImportFrom(a.module, deepcopyList(a.names), a.level) elif type(a) == ast.Global: cp = ast.Global(a.names[:]) elif type(a) == ast.Expr: cp = ast.Expr(deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.Pass: cp = ast.Pass() elif type(a) == ast.Break: cp = ast.Break() elif type(a) == ast.Continue: cp = ast.Continue() elif type(a) == ast.BoolOp: cp = ast.BoolOp(a.op, deepcopyList(a.values)) elif type(a) == ast.BinOp: cp = ast.BinOp(deepcopy(a.left), a.op, deepcopy(a.right)) elif type(a) == ast.UnaryOp: cp = ast.UnaryOp(a.op, deepcopy(a.operand)) elif type(a) == ast.Lambda: cp = ast.Lambda(deepcopy(a.args), deepcopy(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.IfExp: cp = ast.IfExp(deepcopy(a.test), deepcopy(a.body), deepcopy(a.orelse)) elif type(a) == ast.Dict: cp = ast.Dict(deepcopyList(a.keys), deepcopyList(a.values)) elif type(a) == ast.Set: cp = ast.Set(deepcopyList(a.elts)) elif type(a) == ast.ListComp: cp = ast.ListComp(deepcopy(a.elt), deepcopyList(a.generators)) elif type(a) == ast.SetComp: cp = ast.SetComp(deepcopy(a.elt), deepcopyList(a.generators)) elif type(a) == ast.DictComp: cp = ast.DictComp(deepcopy(a.key), deepcopy(a.value), deepcopyList(a.generators)) elif type(a) == ast.GeneratorExp: cp = ast.GeneratorExp(deepcopy(a.elt), deepcopyList(a.generators)) elif type(a) == ast.Yield: cp = ast.Yield(deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.Compare: cp = ast.Compare(deepcopy(a.left), a.ops[:], deepcopyList(a.comparators)) elif type(a) == ast.Call: cp = ast.Call(deepcopy(a.func), deepcopyList(a.args), deepcopyList(a.keywords)) elif type(a) == ast.Num: cp = ast.Num(a.n) elif type(a) == ast.Str: cp = ast.Str(a.s) elif type(a) == ast.Bytes: cp = ast.Bytes(a.s) elif type(a) == ast.NameConstant: cp = ast.NameConstant(a.value) elif type(a) == ast.Attribute: cp = ast.Attribute(deepcopy(a.value), a.attr, a.ctx) elif type(a) == ast.Subscript: cp = ast.Subscript(deepcopy(a.value), deepcopy(a.slice), a.ctx) elif type(a) == ast.Name: cp = ast.Name(, a.ctx) elif type(a) == ast.List: cp = ast.List(deepcopyList(a.elts), a.ctx) elif type(a) == ast.Tuple: cp = ast.Tuple(deepcopyList(a.elts), a.ctx) elif type(a) == ast.Starred: cp = ast.Starred(deepcopy(a.value), a.ctx) elif type(a) == ast.Slice: cp = ast.Slice(deepcopy(a.lower), deepcopy(a.upper), deepcopy(a.step)) elif type(a) == ast.ExtSlice: cp = ast.ExtSlice(deepcopyList(a.dims)) elif type(a) == ast.Index: cp = ast.Index(deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.comprehension: cp = ast.comprehension(deepcopy(, deepcopy(a.iter), deepcopyList(a.ifs)) elif type(a) == ast.ExceptHandler: cp = ast.ExceptHandler(deepcopy(a.type),, deepcopyList(a.body)) elif type(a) == ast.arguments: cp = ast.arguments(deepcopyList(a.args), deepcopy(a.vararg), deepcopyList(a.kwonlyargs), deepcopyList(a.kw_defaults), deepcopy(a.kwarg), deepcopyList(a.defaults)) elif type(a) == ast.arg: cp = ast.arg(a.arg, deepcopy(a.annotation)) elif type(a) == ast.keyword: cp = ast.keyword(a.arg, deepcopy(a.value)) elif type(a) == ast.alias: cp = ast.alias(, a.asname) elif type(a) == ast.withitem: cp = ast.withitem(deepcopy(a.context_expr), deepcopy(a.optional_vars)) else: log("astTools\tdeepcopy\tNot implemented: " + str(type(a)), "bug") cp = copy.deepcopy(a) transferMetaData(a, cp) return cp def exportToJson(a): """Export the ast to json format""" if a == None: return "null" elif type(a) in [int, float]: return str(a) elif type(a) == str: return '"' + a + '"' elif not isinstance(a, ast.AST): log("astTools\texportToJson\tMissing type: " + str(type(a)), "bug") s = "{\n" if type(a) in astNames: s += '"' + astNames[type(a)] + '": {\n' for field in a._fields: s += '"' + field + '": ' value = getattr(a, field) if type(value) == list: s += "[" for item in value: s += exportToJson(item) + ", " if len(value) > 0: s = s[:-2] s += "]" else: s += exportToJson(value) s += ", " if len(a._fields) > 0: s = s[:-2] s += "}" else: log("astTools\texportToJson\tMissing AST type: " + str(type(a)), "bug") s += "}" return s ### ITAP/Canonicalization Functions ### def isTokenStepString(s): """Determine whether this is a placeholder string""" if len(s) < 2: return False return s[0] == "~" and s[-1] == "~" def getParentFunction(s): underscoreSep = s.split("_") if len(underscoreSep) == 1: return None result = "_".join(underscoreSep[1:]) if result == "newvar" or result == "global": return None return result def isAnonVariable(s): """Specificies whether the given string is an anonymized variable name""" preUnderscore = s.split("_")[0] # the part before the function name return len(preUnderscore) > 1 and \ preUnderscore[0] in ["g", "p", "v", "r", "n", "z"] and \ preUnderscore[1:].isdigit() def isDefault(a): """Our programs have a default setting of return 42, so we should detect that""" if type(a) == ast.Module and len(a.body) == 1: a = a.body[0] else: return False if type(a) != ast.FunctionDef: return False if len(a.body) == 0: return True elif len(a.body) == 1: if type(a.body[0]) == ast.Return: if a.body[0].value == None or \ type(a.body[0].value) == ast.Num and a.body[0].value.n == 42: return True return False def transferMetaData(a, b): """Transfer the metadata of a onto b""" properties = [ "global_id", "second_global_id", "lineno", "col_offset", "originalId", "varID", "variableGlobalId", "randomVar", "propagatedVariable", "loadedVariable", "dontChangeName", "reversed", "negated", "inverted", "augAssignVal", "augAssignBinOp", "combinedConditional", "combinedConditionalOp", "multiComp", "multiCompPart", "multiCompMiddle", "multiCompOp", "addedNot", "addedNotOp", "addedOther", "addedOtherOp", "addedNeg", "collapsedExpr", "removedLines", "helperVar", "helperReturnVal", "helperParamAssign", "helperReturnAssign", "orderedBinOp", "typeCastFunction", "moved_line" ] for prop in properties: if hasattr(a, prop): setattr(b, prop, getattr(a, prop)) def assignPropertyToAll(a, prop): """Assign the provided property to all children""" if type(a) == list: for child in a: assignPropertyToAll(child, prop) elif isinstance(a, ast.AST): for node in ast.walk(a): setattr(node, prop, True) def removePropertyFromAll(a, prop): if type(a) == list: for child in a: removePropertyFromAll(child, prop) elif isinstance(a, ast.AST): for node in ast.walk(a): if hasattr(node, prop): delattr(node, prop) def containsTokenStepString(a): """This is used to keep token-level hint chaining from breaking.""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return False for node in ast.walk(a): if type(node) == ast.Str and isTokenStepString(node.s): return True return False def applyVariableMap(a, variableMap): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return a if type(a) == ast.Name: if in variableMap: = variableMap[] elif type(a) in [ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef]: if in variableMap: = variableMap[] return applyToChildren(a, lambda x : applyVariableMap(x, variableMap)) def applyHelperMap(a, helperMap): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return a if type(a) == ast.Name: if in helperMap: = helperMap[] elif type(a) == ast.FunctionDef: if in helperMap: = helperMap[] return applyToChildren(a, lambda x : applyHelperMap(x, helperMap)) def astFormat(x, gid=None): """Given a value, turn it into an AST if it's a constant; otherwise, leave it alone.""" if type(x) in [int, float, complex]: return ast.Num(x) elif type(x) == bool or x == None: return ast.NameConstant(x) elif type(x) == type: types = { bool : "bool", int : "int", float : "float", complex : "complex", str : "str", bytes : "bytes", unicode : "unicode", list : "list", tuple : "tuple", dict : "dict" } return ast.Name(types[x], ast.Load()) elif type(x) == str: # str or unicode return ast.Str(x) elif type(x) == bytes: return ast.Bytes(x) elif type(x) == list: elts = [astFormat(val) for val in x] return ast.List(elts, ast.Load()) elif type(x) == dict: keys = [] vals = [] for key in x: keys.append(astFormat(key)) vals.append(astFormat(x[key])) return ast.Dict(keys, vals) elif type(x) == tuple: elts = [astFormat(val) for val in x] return ast.Tuple(elts, ast.Load()) elif type(x) == set: elts = [astFormat(val) for val in x] if len(elts) == 0: # needs to be a call instead return ast.Call(ast.Name("set", ast.Load()), [], []) else: return ast.Set(elts) elif type(x) == slice: return ast.Slice(astFormat(x.start), astFormat(x.stop), astFormat(x.step)) elif isinstance(x, ast.AST): return x # Do not change if it's not constant! else: log("astTools\tastFormat\t" + str(type(x)) + "," + str(x),"bug") return None def basicFormat(x): """Given an AST, turn it into its value if it's constant; otherwise, leave it alone""" if type(x) == ast.Num: return x.n elif type(x) == ast.NameConstant: return x.value elif type(x) == ast.Str: return x.s elif type(x) == ast.Bytes: return x.s return x # Do not change if it's not a constant! def structureTree(a): if type(a) == list: for i in range(len(a)): a[i] = structureTree(a[i]) return a elif not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return a else: if type(a) == ast.FunctionDef: = "~name~" a.args = structureTree(a.args) a.body = structureTree(a.body) a.decorator_list = structureTree(a.decorator_list) a.returns = structureTree(a.returns) elif type(a) == ast.ClassDef: = "~name~" a.bases = structureTree(a.bases) a.keywords = structureTree(a.keywords) a.body = structureTree(a.body) a.decorator_list = structureTree(a.decorator_list) elif type(a) == ast.AugAssign: = structureTree( a.op = ast.Str("~op~") a.value = structureTree(a.value) elif type(a) == ast.Import: a.names = [ast.Str("~module~")] elif type(a) == ast.ImportFrom: a.module = "~module~" a.names = [ast.Str("~names~")] elif type(a) == ast.Global: a.names = ast.Str("~var~") elif type(a) == ast.BoolOp: a.op = ast.Str("~op~") a.values = structureTree(a.values) elif type(a) == ast.BinOp: a.op = ast.Str("~op~") a.left = structureTree(a.left) a.right = structureTree(a.right) elif type(a) == ast.UnaryOp: a.op = ast.Str("~op~") a.operand = structureTree(a.operand) elif type(a) == ast.Dict: return ast.Str("~dictionary~") elif type(a) == ast.Set: return ast.Str("~set~") elif type(a) == ast.Compare: a.ops = [ast.Str("~op~")]*len(a.ops) a.left = structureTree(a.left) a.comparators = structureTree(a.comparators) elif type(a) == ast.Call: # leave the function alone a.args = structureTree(a.args) a.keywords = structureTree(a.keywords) elif type(a) == ast.Num: return ast.Str("~number~") elif type(a) == ast.Str: return ast.Str("~string~") elif type(a) == ast.Bytes: return ast.Str("~bytes~") elif type(a) == ast.Attribute: a.value = structureTree(a.value) elif type(a) == ast.Name: = "~var~" elif type(a) == ast.List: return ast.Str("~list~") elif type(a) == ast.Tuple: return ast.Str("~tuple~") elif type(a) in [ast.And, ast.Or, ast.Add, ast.Sub, ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv, ast.Invert, ast.Not, ast.UAdd, ast.USub, ast.Eq, ast.NotEq, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.Gt, ast.GtE, ast.Is, ast.IsNot, ast.In, ast.NotIn ]: return ast.Str("~op~") elif type(a) == ast.arguments: a.args = structureTree(a.args) a.vararg = ast.Str("~arg~") if a.vararg != None else None a.kwonlyargs = structureTree(a.kwonlyargs) a.kw_defaults = structureTree(a.kw_defaults) a.kwarg = ast.Str("~keyword~") if a.kwarg != None else None a.defaults = structureTree(a.defaults) elif type(a) == ast.arg: a.arg = "~arg~" a.annotation = structureTree(a.annotation) elif type(a) == ast.keyword: a.arg = "~keyword~" a.value = structureTree(a.value) elif type(a) == ast.alias: = "~name~" a.asname = "~asname~" if a.asname != None else None else: for field in a._fields: setattr(a, field, structureTree(getattr(a, field))) return a