import ast from .tools import log #=============================================================================== # These functions are used for displaying ASTs. printAst displays the tree, # while printFunction displays the syntax #=============================================================================== # TODO: add AsyncFunctionDef, AsyncFor, AsyncWith, AnnAssign, Nonlocal, Await, YieldFrom, FormattedValue, JoinedStr, Starred def printFunction(a, indent=0): s = "" if a == None: return "" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): log("display\tprintFunction\tNot AST: " + str(type(a)) + "," + str(a), "bug") return str(a) t = type(a) if t in [ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Suite]: for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent) elif t == ast.Expression: s += printFunction(a.body, indent) elif t == ast.FunctionDef: for dec in a.decorator_list: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "@" + printFunction(dec, indent) + "\n" s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "def " + + "(" + \ printFunction(a.args, indent) + "):\n" for stmt in a.body: s += printFunction(stmt, indent+1) # TODO: returns elif t == ast.ClassDef: for dec in a.decorator_list: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "@" + printFunction(dec, indent) + "\n" s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "class " + if len(a.bases) > 0 or len(a.keywords) > 0: s += "(" for base in a.bases: s += printFunction(base, indent) + ", " for keyword in a.keywords: s += printFunction(keyword, indent) + ", " s += s[:-2] + ")" s += ":\n" for stmt in a.body: s += printFunction(stmt, indent+1) elif t == ast.Return: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "return " + \ printFunction(a.value, indent) + "\n" elif t == ast.Delete: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "del " for target in a.targets: s += printFunction(target, indent) + ", " if len(a.targets) >= 1: s = s[:-2] s += "\n" elif t == ast.Assign: s += (indent * 4 * " ") for target in a.targets: s += printFunction(target, indent) + " = " s += printFunction(a.value, indent) + "\n" elif t == ast.AugAssign: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += printFunction(, indent) + " " + \ printFunction(a.op, indent) + "= " + \ printFunction(a.value, indent) + "\n" elif t == ast.For: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "for " + \ printFunction(, indent) + " in " + \ printFunction(a.iter, indent) + ":\n" for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) if len(a.orelse) > 0: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "else:\n" for line in a.orelse: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) elif t == ast.While: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "while " + printFunction(a.test, indent) + ":\n" for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) if len(a.orelse) > 0: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "else:\n" for line in a.orelse: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) elif t == ast.If: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "if " + printFunction(a.test, indent) + ":\n" for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) branch = a.orelse # elifs while len(branch) == 1 and type(branch[0]) == ast.If: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "elif " + printFunction(branch[0].test, indent) + ":\n" for line in branch[0].body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) branch = branch[0].orelse if len(branch) > 0: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "else:\n" for line in branch: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) elif t == ast.With: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "with " for item in a.items: s += printFunction(item, indent) + ", " if len(a.items) > 0: s = s[:-2] s += ":\n" for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) elif t == ast.Raise: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "raise" if a.exc != None: s += " " + printFunction(a.exc, indent) # TODO: what is cause?!? s += "\n" elif type(a) == ast.Try: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "try:\n" for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) for handler in a.handlers: s += printFunction(handler, indent) if len(a.orelse) > 0: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "else:\n" for line in a.orelse: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) if len(a.finalbody) > 0: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "finally:\n" for line in a.finalbody: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) elif t == ast.Assert: s += (indent * 4 * " ") s += "assert " + printFunction(a.test, indent) if a.msg != None: s += ", " + printFunction(a.msg, indent) s += "\n" elif t == ast.Import: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "import " for n in a.names: s += printFunction(n, indent) + ", " if len(a.names) > 0: s = s[:-2] s += "\n" elif t == ast.ImportFrom: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "from " s += ("." * a.level if a.level != None else "") + a.module + " import " for name in a.names: s += printFunction(name, indent) + ", " if len(a.names) > 0: s = s[:-2] s += "\n" elif t == ast.Global: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "global " for name in a.names: s += name + ", " s = s[:-2] + "\n" elif t == ast.Expr: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + printFunction(a.value, indent) + "\n" elif t == ast.Pass: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "pass\n" elif t == ast.Break: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "break\n" elif t == ast.Continue: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "continue\n" elif t == ast.BoolOp: s += "(" + printFunction(a.values[0], indent) for i in range(1, len(a.values)): s += " " + printFunction(a.op, indent) + " " + \ printFunction(a.values[i], indent) s += ")" elif t == ast.BinOp: s += "(" + printFunction(a.left, indent) s += " " + printFunction(a.op, indent) + " " s += printFunction(a.right, indent) + ")" elif t == ast.UnaryOp: s += "(" + printFunction(a.op, indent) + " " s += printFunction(a.operand, indent) + ")" elif t == ast.Lambda: s += "lambda " s += printFunction(a.arguments, indent) + ": " s += printFunction(a.body, indent) elif t == ast.IfExp: s += "(" + printFunction(a.body, indent) s += " if " + printFunction(a.test, indent) s += " else " + printFunction(a.orelse, indent) + ")" elif t == ast.Dict: s += "{ " for i in range(len(a.keys)): s += printFunction(a.keys[i], indent) s += " : " s += printFunction(a.values[i], indent) s += ", " if len(a.keys) >= 1: s = s[:-2] s += " }" elif t == ast.Set: # Empty sets must be initialized in a special way if len(a.elts) == 0: s += "set()" else: s += "{" for elt in a.elts: s += printFunction(elt, indent) + ", " s = s[:-2] s += "}" elif t == ast.ListComp: s += "[" s += printFunction(a.elt, indent) + " " for gen in a.generators: s += printFunction(gen, indent) + " " s = s[:-1] s += "]" elif t == ast.SetComp: s += "{" s += printFunction(a.elt, indent) + " " for gen in a.generators: s += printFunction(gen, indent) + " " s = s[:-1] s += "}" elif t == ast.DictComp: s += "{" s += printFunction(a.key, indent) + " : " + \ printFunction(a.value, indent) + " " for gen in a.generators: s += printFunction(gen, indent) + " " s = s[:-1] s += "}" elif t == ast.GeneratorExp: s += "(" s += printFunction(a.elt, indent) + " " for gen in a.generators: s += printFunction(gen, indent) + " " s = s[:-1] s += ")" elif t == ast.Yield: s += "yield " + printFunction(a.value, indent) elif t == ast.Compare: s += "(" + printFunction(a.left, indent) for i in range(len(a.ops)): s += " " + printFunction(a.ops[i], indent) if i < len(a.comparators): s += " " + printFunction(a.comparators[i], indent) if len(a.comparators) > len(a.ops): for i in range(len(a.ops), len(a.comparators)): s += " " + printFunction(a.comparators[i], indent) s += ")" elif t == ast.Call: s += printFunction(a.func, indent) + "(" for arg in a.args: s += printFunction(arg, indent) + ", " for key in a.keywords: s += printFunction(key, indent) + ", " if len(a.args) + len(a.keywords) >= 1: s = s[:-2] s += ")" elif t == ast.Num: if a.n != None: if (type(a.n) == complex) or (type(a.n) != complex and a.n < 0): s += '(' + str(a.n) + ')' else: s += str(a.n) elif t == ast.Str: if a.s != None: val = repr(a.s) if val[0] == '"': # There must be a single quote in there... val = "'''" + val[1:len(val)-1] + "'''" s += val #s += "'" + a.s.replace("'", "\\'").replace('"', "\\'").replace("\n","\\n") + "'" elif t == ast.Bytes: s += str(a.s) elif t == ast.NameConstant: s += str(a.value) elif t == ast.Attribute: s += printFunction(a.value, indent) + "." + str(a.attr) elif t == ast.Subscript: s += printFunction(a.value, indent) + "[" + printFunction(a.slice, indent) + "]" elif t == ast.Name: s += elif t == ast.List: s += "[" for elt in a.elts: s += printFunction(elt, indent) + ", " if len(a.elts) >= 1: s = s[:-2] s += "]" elif t == ast.Tuple: s += "(" for elt in a.elts: s += printFunction(elt, indent) + ", " if len(a.elts) > 1: s = s[:-2] elif len(a.elts) == 1: s = s[:-1] # don't get rid of the comma! It clarifies that this is a tuple s += ")" elif t == ast.Starred: s += "*" + printFunction(a.value, indent) elif t == ast.Ellipsis: s += "..." elif t == ast.Slice: if a.lower != None: s += printFunction(a.lower, indent) s += ":" if a.upper != None: s += printFunction(a.upper, indent) if a.step != None: s += ":" + printFunction(a.step, indent) elif t == ast.ExtSlice: for dim in a.dims: s += printFunction(dim, indent) + ", " if len(a.dims) > 0: s = s[:-2] elif t == ast.Index: s += printFunction(a.value, indent) elif t == ast.comprehension: s += "for " s += printFunction(, indent) + " " s += "in " s += printFunction(a.iter, indent) + " " for cond in a.ifs: s += "if " s += printFunction(cond, indent) + " " s = s[:-1] elif t == ast.ExceptHandler: s += (indent * 4 * " ") + "except" if a.type != None: s += " " + printFunction(a.type, indent) if != None: s += " as " + s += ":\n" for line in a.body: s += printFunction(line, indent + 1) elif t == ast.arguments: # Defaults are only applied AFTER non-defaults defaultStart = len(a.args) - len(a.defaults) for i in range(len(a.args)): s += printFunction(a.args[i], indent) if i >= defaultStart: s += "=" + printFunction(a.defaults[i - defaultStart], indent) s += ", " if a.vararg != None: s += "*" + printFunction(a.vararg, indent) + ", " if a.kwarg != None: s += "**" + printFunction(a.kwarg, indent) + ", " if a.vararg == None and a.kwarg == None and len(a.kwonlyargs) > 0: s += "*, " if len(a.kwonlyargs) > 0: for i in range(len(a.kwonlyargs)): s += printFunction(a.kwonlyargs[i], indent) s += "=" + printFunction(a.kw_defaults, indent) + ", " if (len(a.args) > 0 or a.vararg != None or a.kwarg != None or len(a.kwonlyargs) > 0): s = s[:-2] elif t == ast.arg: s += a.arg if a.annotation != None: s += ": " + printFunction(a.annotation, indent) elif t == ast.keyword: s += a.arg + "=" + printFunction(a.value, indent) elif t == ast.alias: s += if a.asname != None: s += " as " + a.asname elif t == ast.withitem: s += printFunction(a.context_expr, indent) if a.optional_vars != None: s += " as " + printFunction(a.optional_vars, indent) else: ops = { ast.And : "and", ast.Or : "or", ast.Add : "+", ast.Sub : "-", ast.Mult : "*", ast.Div : "/", ast.Mod : "%", ast.Pow : "**", ast.LShift : "<<", ast.RShift : ">>", ast.BitOr : "|", ast.BitXor : "^", ast.BitAnd : "&", ast.FloorDiv : "//", ast.Invert : "~", ast.Not : "not", ast.UAdd : "+", ast.USub : "-", ast.Eq : "==", ast.NotEq : "!=", ast.Lt : "<", ast.LtE : "<=", ast.Gt : ">", ast.GtE : ">=", ast.Is : "is", ast.IsNot : "is not", ast.In : "in", ast.NotIn : "not in"} if type(a) in ops: return ops[type(a)] if type(a) in [ast.Load, ast.Store, ast.Del, ast.AugLoad, ast.AugStore, ast.Param]: return "" log("display\tMissing type: " + str(t), "bug") return s def formatContext(trace, verb): traceD = { "value" : { "Return" : ("return statement"), "Assign" : ("right side of the assignment"), "AugAssign" : ("right side of the assignment"), "Expression" : ("expression"), "Dict Comprehension" : ("left value of the dict comprehension"), "Yield" : ("yield expression"), "Repr" : ("repr expression"), "Attribute" : ("attribute value"), "Subscript" : ("outer part of the subscript"), "Index" : ("inner part of the subscript"), "Keyword" : ("right side of the keyword"), "Starred" : ("value of the starred expression"), "Name Constant" : ("constant value") }, "values" : { "Print" : ("print statement"), "Boolean Operation" : ("boolean operation"), "Dict" : ("values of the dictionary") }, "name" : { "Function Definition" : ("function name"), "Class Definition" : ("class name"), "Except Handler" : ("name of the except statement"), "Alias" : ("alias") }, "names" : { "Import" : ("import"), "ImportFrom" : ("import"), "Global" : ("global variables") }, "elt" : { "List Comprehension" : ("left element of the list comprehension"), "Set Comprehension" : ("left element of the set comprehension"), "Generator" : ("left element of the generator") }, "elts" : { "Set" : ("set"), "List" : ("list"), "Tuple" : ("tuple") }, "target" : { "AugAssign" : ("left side of the assignment"), "For" : ("target of the for loop"), "Comprehension" : ("target of the comprehension") }, "targets" : { "Delete" : ("delete statement"), "Assign" : ("left side of the assignment") }, "op" : { "AugAssign" : ("assignment"), "Boolean Operation" : ("boolean operation"), "Binary Operation" : ("binary operation"), "Unary Operation" : ("unary operation") }, "ops" : { "Compare" : ("comparison operation") }, "arg" : { "Keyword" : ("left side of the keyword"), "Argument" : ("argument") }, "args" : { "Function Definition" : ("function arguments"), # single item "Lambda" : ("lambda arguments"), # single item "Call" : ("arguments of the function call"), "Arguments" : ("function arguments") }, "key" : { "Dict Comprehension" : ("left key of the dict comprehension") }, "keys" : { "Dict" : ("keys of the dictionary") }, "kwarg" : { "Arguments" : ("keyword arg") }, "kwargs" : { "Call" : ("keyword args of the function call") }, # single item "body" : { "Module" : ("main codebase"), # list "Interactive" : ("main codebase"), # list "Expression" : ("main codebase"), "Suite" : ("main codebase"), # list "Function Definition" : ("function body"), # list "Class Definition" : ("class body"), # list "For" : ("lines of the for loop"), # list "While" : ("lines of the while loop"), # list "If" : ("main lines of the if statement"), # list "With" : ("lines of the with block"), # list "Try" : ("lines of the try block"), # list "Execute" : ("exec expression"), "Lambda" : ("lambda body"), "Ternary" : ("ternary body"), "Except Handler" : ("lines of the except block") }, # list "orelse" : { "For" : ("else part of the for loop"), # list "While" : ("else part of the while loop"), # list "If" : ("lines of the else statement"), # list "Try" : ("lines of the else statement"), # list "Ternary" : ("ternary else value") }, "test" : { "While" : ("test case of the while statement"), "If" : ("test case of the if statement"), "Assert" : ("assert expression"), "Ternary" : ("test case of the ternary expression") }, "generators" : { "List Comprehension" : ("list comprehension"), "Set Comprehension" : ("set comprehension"), "Dict Comprehension" : ("dict comprehension"), "Generator" : ("generator") }, "decorator_list" : { "Function Definition" : ("function decorators"), # list "Class Definition" : ("class decorators") }, # list "iter" : { "For" : ("iterator of the for loop"), "Comprehension" : ("iterator of the comprehension") }, "type" : { "Raise" : ("raised type"), "Except Handler" : ("type of the except statement") }, "left" : { "Binary Operation" : ("left side of the binary operation"), "Compare" : ("left side of the comparison") }, "bases" : { "Class Definition" : ("class bases") }, "dest" : { "Print" : ("print destination") }, "nl" : { "Print" : ("comma at the end of the print statement") }, "context_expr" : { "With item" : ("context of the with statement") }, "optional_vars" : { "With item" : ("context of the with statement") }, # single item "inst" : { "Raise" : ("raise expression") }, "tback" : { "Raise" : ("raise expression") }, "handlers" : { "Try" : ("except block") }, "finalbody" : { "Try" : ("finally block") }, # list "msg" : { "Assert" : ("assert message") }, "module" : { "Import From" : ("import module") }, "level" : { "Import From" : ("import module") }, "globals" : { "Execute" : ("exec global value") }, # single item "locals" : { "Execute" : ("exec local value") }, # single item "right" : { "Binary Operation" : ("right side of the binary operation") }, "operand" : { "Unary Operation" : ("value of the unary operation") }, "comparators" : { "Compare" : ("right side of the comparison") }, "func" : { "Call" : ("function call") }, "keywords" : { "Call" : ("keywords of the function call") }, "starargs" : { "Call" : ("star args of the function call") }, # single item "attr" : { "Attribute" : ("attribute of the value") }, "slice" : { "Subscript" : ("inner part of the subscript") }, "lower" : { "Slice" : ("left side of the subscript slice") }, "upper" : { "Slice" : ("right side of the subscript slice") }, "step" : { "Step" : ("rightmost side of the subscript slice") }, "dims" : { "ExtSlice" : ("slice") }, "ifs" : { "Comprehension" : ("if part of the comprehension") }, "vararg" : { "Arguments" : ("vararg") }, "defaults" : { "Arguments" : ("default values of the arguments") }, "asname" : { "Alias" : ("new name") }, "items" : { "With" : ("context of the with statement") } } # Find what type this is by trying to find the closest container in the path i = 0 while i < len(trace): if type(trace[i]) == tuple: if trace[i][0] == "value" and trace[i][1] == "Attribute": pass elif trace[i][0] in traceD: break elif trace[i][0] in ["id", "n", "s"]: pass else: log("display\tformatContext\tSkipped field: " + str(trace[i]), "bug") i += 1 else: return "" # this is probably covered by the line number field,typ = trace[i] if field in traceD and typ in traceD[field]: context = traceD[field][typ] return verb + "the " + context else: log("display\tformatContext\tMissing field: " + str(field) + "," + str(typ), "bug") return "" def formatList(node, field): if type(node) != list: return None s = "" nameMap = { "body" : "line", "targets" : "value", "values" : "value", "orelse" : "line", "names" : "name", "keys" : "key", "elts" : "value", "ops" : "operator", "comparators" : "value", "args" : "argument", "keywords" : "keyword" } # Find what type this is itemType = nameMap[field] if field in nameMap else "line" if len(node) > 1: s = "the " + itemType + "s: " for line in node: s += formatNode(line) + ", " elif len(node) == 1: s = "the " + itemType + " " f = formatNode(node[0]) if itemType == "line": f = "[" + f + "]" s += f return s def formatNode(node): """Create a string version of the given node""" if node == None: return "" t = type(node) if t == str: return "'" + node + "'" elif t == int or t == float: return str(node) elif t == list: return formatList(node, None) else: return printFunction(node, 0)