# Online Python Tutor # https://github.com/pgbovine/OnlinePythonTutor/ # # Copyright (C) Philip J. Guo (philip@pgbovine.net) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # This is the meat of the Online Python Tutor back-end. It implements a # full logger for Python program execution (based on pdb, the standard # Python debugger imported via the bdb module), printing out the values # of all in-scope data structures after each executed instruction. import imp import sys import bdb # the KEY import here! import re import traceback import types # TODO: use the 'six' package to smooth out Py2 and Py3 differences is_python3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3) # NB: don't use cStringIO since it doesn't support unicode!!! if is_python3: import io as StringIO import io # expose regular io for Python3 users too else: import StringIO from . import pg_encoder # TODO: not threadsafe: # upper-bound on the number of executed lines, in order to guard against # infinite loops #MAX_EXECUTED_LINES = 300 MAX_EXECUTED_LINES = 10000 # on 2016-05-01, I increased the limit from 300 to 1000 for Python due to popular user demand! and I also improved the warning message #DEBUG = False DEBUG = True BREAKPOINT_STR = '#break' CLASS_RE = re.compile('class\s+') # simple sandboxing scheme: # # - use resource.setrlimit to deprive this process of ANY file descriptors # (which will cause file read/write and subprocess shell launches to fail) # - restrict user builtins and module imports # (beware that this is NOT foolproof at all ... there are known flaws!) # # ALWAYS use defense-in-depth and don't just rely on these simple mechanisms try: import resource resource_module_loaded = True except ImportError: # Google App Engine doesn't seem to have the 'resource' module resource_module_loaded = False # From http://coreygoldberg.blogspot.com/2009/05/python-redirect-or-turn-off-stdout-and.html class NullDevice(): def write(self, s): pass # These could lead to XSS or other code injection attacks, so be careful: # these are now deprecated as of 2016-06-28 __html__ = None def setHTML(htmlStr): global __html__ __html__ = htmlStr __css__ = None def setCSS(cssStr): global __css__ __css__ = cssStr __js__ = None def setJS(jsStr): global __js__ __js__ = jsStr # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module, # so just handle both cases ... UGLY! if type(__builtins__) is dict: BUILTIN_IMPORT = __builtins__['__import__'] else: assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType BUILTIN_IMPORT = __builtins__.__import__ # whitelist of module imports ALLOWED_STDLIB_MODULE_IMPORTS = ('math', 'random', 'time', 'datetime', 'functools', 'itertools', 'operator', 'string', 'collections', 're', 'json', 'heapq', 'bisect', 'copy', 'hashlib') # allow users to import but don't explicitly import it since it's # already been done above OTHER_STDLIB_WHITELIST = ('StringIO', 'io') # TODO: 2017-01-14: this CUSTOM_MODULE_IMPORTS thing is now DEPRECATED ... # whitelist of custom modules to import into OPT # (TODO: support modules in a subdirectory, but there are various # logistical problems with doing so that I can't overcome at the moment, # especially getting setHTML, setCSS, and setJS to work in the imported # modules.) CUSTOM_MODULE_IMPORTS = () # ignore these for now # ('callback_module', # 'ttt_module', # 'html_module', # 'htmlexample_module', # ignore these troublesome imports for now # 'watch_module', # 'import sys' might be troublesome # 'bintree_module', # 'GChartWrapper', # 'matrix', # 'htmlFrame') # PREEMPTIVELY import all of these modules, so that when the user's # script imports them, it won't try to do a file read (since they've # already been imported and cached in memory). Remember that when # the user's code runs, resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (0, 0)) # will already be in effect, so no more files can be opened. # # NB: All modules in CUSTOM_MODULE_IMPORTS will be imported, warts and # all, so they better work on Python 2 and 3! for m in ALLOWED_STDLIB_MODULE_IMPORTS + CUSTOM_MODULE_IMPORTS: __import__(m) # Restrict imports to a whitelist def __restricted_import__(*args): # filter args to ONLY take in real strings so that someone can't # subclass str and bypass the 'in' test on the next line args = [e for e in args if type(e) is str] if args[0] in ALLOWED_STDLIB_MODULE_IMPORTS + CUSTOM_MODULE_IMPORTS + OTHER_STDLIB_WHITELIST: imported_mod = BUILTIN_IMPORT(*args) if args[0] in CUSTOM_MODULE_IMPORTS: # add special magical functions to custom imported modules setattr(imported_mod, 'setHTML', setHTML) setattr(imported_mod, 'setCSS', setCSS) setattr(imported_mod, 'setJS', setJS) # somewhat weak protection against imported modules that contain one # of these troublesome builtins. again, NOTHING is foolproof ... # just more defense in depth :) for mod in ('os', 'sys', 'posix', 'gc'): if hasattr(imported_mod, mod): delattr(imported_mod, mod) return imported_mod else: raise ImportError('{0} not supported'.format(args[0])) # Support interactive user input by: # # 1. running the entire program up to a call to raw_input (or input in py3), # 2. bailing and returning a trace ending in a special 'raw_input' event, # 3. letting the web frontend issue a prompt to the user to grab a string, # 4. RE-RUNNING the whole program with that string added to input_string_queue, # 5. which should bring execution to the next raw_input call (if # available), or to termination. # Repeat until no more raw_input calls are encountered. # Note that this is mad inefficient, but is simple to implement! # VERY IMPORTANT -- set random seed to 0 to ensure deterministic execution: import random random.seed(0) # queue of input strings passed from either raw_input or mouse_input input_string_queue = [] def open_wrapper(*args): if is_python3: raise Exception('''open() is not supported by Python Tutor. Instead use io.StringIO() to simulate a file. Here is an example: http://goo.gl/uNvBGl''') else: raise Exception('''open() is not supported by Python Tutor. Instead use StringIO.StringIO() to simulate a file. Here is an example: http://goo.gl/Q9xQ4p''') # create a more sensible error message for unsupported features def create_banned_builtins_wrapper(fn_name): def err_func(*args): raise Exception("'" + fn_name + "' is not supported by Python Tutor.") return err_func class RawInputException(Exception): pass def raw_input_wrapper(prompt=''): if input_string_queue: input_str = input_string_queue.pop(0) # write the prompt and user input to stdout, to emulate what happens # at the terminal sys.stdout.write(str(prompt)) # always convert prompt into a string sys.stdout.write(input_str + "\n") # newline to simulate the user hitting Enter return input_str raise RawInputException(str(prompt)) # always convert prompt into a string # Python 2 input() does eval(raw_input()) def python2_input_wrapper(prompt=''): if input_string_queue: input_str = input_string_queue.pop(0) # write the prompt and user input to stdout, to emulate what happens # at the terminal sys.stdout.write(str(prompt)) # always convert prompt into a string sys.stdout.write(input_str + "\n") # newline to simulate the user hitting Enter return eval(input_str) # remember to eval! raise RawInputException(str(prompt)) # always convert prompt into a string class MouseInputException(Exception): pass def mouse_input_wrapper(prompt=''): if input_string_queue: return input_string_queue.pop(0) raise MouseInputException(prompt) # blacklist of builtins BANNED_BUILTINS = ['reload', 'open', 'compile', 'file', 'eval', 'exec', 'execfile', 'exit', 'quit', 'help', 'dir', 'globals', 'locals', 'vars'] # Peter says 'apply' isn't dangerous, so don't ban it IGNORE_VARS = set(('__builtins__', '__name__', '__exception__', '__doc__', '__package__')) ''' 2013-12-26 Okay, what's with this f_valuestack business? If you compile your own CPython and patch Objects/frameobject.c to add a Python accessor for f_valuestack, then you can actually access the value stack, which is useful for, say, grabbbing the objects within list/set/dict comprehensions as they're being built. e.g., try: z = [x*y for x in range(5) for y in range(5)] Note that on pythontutor.com, I am currently running custom-compiled versions of Python-2.7.6 and Python-3.3.3 with this f_valuestack hack. Unless you run your own custom CPython, you won't get these benefits. Patch: static PyObject * frame_getlineno(PyFrameObject *f, void *closure) { return PyLong_FromLong(PyFrame_GetLineNumber(f)); } +// copied from Py2crazy, which was for Python 2, but let's hope this still works! +static PyObject * +frame_getvaluestack(PyFrameObject* f) { + // pgbovine - TODO: will this memory leak? hopefully not, + // since all other accessors seem to follow the same idiom + PyObject* lst = PyList_New(0); + if (f->f_stacktop != NULL) { + PyObject** p = NULL; + for (p = f->f_valuestack; p < f->f_stacktop; p++) { + PyList_Append(lst, *p); + } + } + + return lst; +} + /* Setter for f_lineno - you can set f_lineno from within a trace function in * order to jump to a given line of code, subject to some restrictions. Most * lines are OK to jump to because they don't make any assumptions about the @@ -368,6 +384,11 @@ static PyGetSetDef frame_getsetlist[] = { {"f_locals", (getter)frame_getlocals, NULL, NULL}, {"f_lineno", (getter)frame_getlineno, (setter)frame_setlineno, NULL}, {"f_trace", (getter)frame_gettrace, (setter)frame_settrace, NULL}, + + // pgbovine + {"f_valuestack",(getter)frame_getvaluestack, + (setter)NULL /* don't let it be set */, NULL}, + {0} }; ''' # at_global_scope should be true only if 'frame' represents the global scope def get_user_globals(frame, at_global_scope=False): d = filter_var_dict(frame.f_globals) # don't blurt out all of f_valuestack for now ... ''' if at_global_scope and hasattr(frame, 'f_valuestack'): for (i, e) in enumerate(frame.f_valuestack): d['_tmp' + str(i+1)] = e ''' # print out list objects being built up in Python 2.x list comprehensions # (which don't have its own special frame, sadly) if not is_python3 and hasattr(frame, 'f_valuestack'): for (i, e) in enumerate([e for e in frame.f_valuestack if type(e) is list]): d['_tmp' + str(i+1)] = e # also filter out __return__ for globals only, but NOT for locals if '__return__' in d: del d['__return__'] return d def get_user_locals(frame): ret = filter_var_dict(frame.f_locals) # don't blurt out all of f_valuestack for now ... ''' if hasattr(frame, 'f_valuestack'): for (i, e) in enumerate(frame.f_valuestack): ret['_tmp' + str(i+1)] = e ''' # special printing of list/set/dict comprehension objects as they are # being built up incrementally ... f_name = frame.f_code.co_name if hasattr(frame, 'f_valuestack'): # print out list objects being built up in Python 2.x list comprehensions # (which don't have its own special frame, sadly) if not is_python3: for (i, e) in enumerate([e for e in frame.f_valuestack if type(e) is list]): ret['_tmp' + str(i+1)] = e # for dict and set comprehensions, which have their own frames: if f_name.endswith('comp>'): for (i, e) in enumerate([e for e in frame.f_valuestack if type(e) in (list, set, dict)]): ret['_tmp' + str(i+1)] = e return ret def filter_var_dict(d): ret = {} for (k,v) in d.items(): if k not in IGNORE_VARS: ret[k] = v return ret # yield all function objects locally-reachable from frame, # making sure to traverse inside all compound objects ... def visit_all_locally_reachable_function_objs(frame): for (k, v) in get_user_locals(frame).items(): for e in visit_function_obj(v, set()): if e: # only non-null if it's a function object assert type(e) in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType) yield e # TODO: this might be slow if we're traversing inside lots of objects: def visit_function_obj(v, ids_seen_set): v_id = id(v) # to prevent infinite loop if v_id in ids_seen_set: yield None else: ids_seen_set.add(v_id) typ = type(v) # simple base case if typ in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType): yield v # recursive cases elif typ in (list, tuple, set): for child in v: for child_res in visit_function_obj(child, ids_seen_set): yield child_res elif typ == dict or pg_encoder.is_class(v) or pg_encoder.is_instance(v): contents_dict = None if typ == dict: contents_dict = v # warning: some classes or instances don't have __dict__ attributes elif hasattr(v, '__dict__'): contents_dict = v.__dict__ if contents_dict: for (key_child, val_child) in contents_dict.items(): for key_child_res in visit_function_obj(key_child, ids_seen_set): yield key_child_res for val_child_res in visit_function_obj(val_child, ids_seen_set): yield val_child_res # degenerate base case yield None class PGLogger(bdb.Bdb): # if custom_modules is non-empty, it should be a dict mapping module # names to the python source code of each module. when _runscript is # called, it will do "from import *" for all modules in # custom_modules before running the user's script and then trace all # code within custom_modules # # if separate_stdout_by_module, then have a separate stdout stream # for each module rather than all stdout going to a single stream def __init__(self, cumulative_mode, heap_primitives, show_only_outputs, finalizer_func, disable_security_checks=False, crazy_mode=False, custom_modules=None, separate_stdout_by_module=False, probe_exprs=None): bdb.Bdb.__init__(self) self.mainpyfile = '' self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 0 if probe_exprs: self.probe_exprs = probe_exprs else: self.probe_exprs = None self.separate_stdout_by_module = separate_stdout_by_module self.stdout_by_module = {} # Key: module name, Value: StringIO faux-stdout self.modules_to_trace = set(['__main__']) # always trace __main__! # Key: module name # Value: module's python code as a string self.custom_modules = custom_modules if self.custom_modules: for module_name in self.custom_modules: self.modules_to_trace.add(module_name) self.disable_security_checks = disable_security_checks # if True, then displays ALL stack frames that have ever existed # rather than only those currently on the stack (and their # lexical parents) self.cumulative_mode = cumulative_mode # if True, then render certain primitive objects as heap objects self.render_heap_primitives = heap_primitives # if True, then don't render any data structures in the trace, # and show only outputs self.show_only_outputs = show_only_outputs # Run using the custom Py2crazy Python interpreter self.crazy_mode = crazy_mode # a function that takes the output trace as a parameter and # processes it self.finalizer_func = finalizer_func # each entry contains a dict with the information for a single # executed line self.trace = [] # if this is true, don't put any more stuff into self.trace self.done = False # if this is non-null, don't do any more tracing until a # 'return' instruction with a stack gotten from # get_stack_code_IDs() that matches wait_for_return_stack self.wait_for_return_stack = None #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112396/in-python-in-google-app-engine-how-do-you-capture-output-produced-by-the-print self.GAE_STDOUT = sys.stdout # Key: function object # Value: parent frame self.closures = {} # Key: code object for a lambda # Value: parent frame self.lambda_closures = {} # set of function objects that were defined in the global scope self.globally_defined_funcs = set() # Key: frame object # Value: monotonically increasing small ID, based on call order self.frame_ordered_ids = {} self.cur_frame_id = 1 # List of frames to KEEP AROUND after the function exits. # If cumulative_mode is True, then keep ALL frames in # zombie_frames; otherwise keep only frames where # nested functions were defined within them. self.zombie_frames = [] # set of elements within zombie_frames that are also # LEXICAL PARENTS of other frames self.parent_frames_set = set() # all globals that ever appeared in the program, in the order in # which they appeared. note that this might be a superset of all # the globals that exist at any particular execution point, # since globals might have been deleted (using, say, 'del') self.all_globals_in_order = [] # very important for this single object to persist throughout # execution, or else canonical small IDs won't be consistent. self.encoder = pg_encoder.ObjectEncoder(self.render_heap_primitives) self.executed_script = None # Python script to be executed! # if there is at least one line that ends with BREAKPOINT_STR, # then activate "breakpoint mode", where execution should stop # ONLY at breakpoint lines. self.breakpoints = [] self.prev_lineno = -1 # keep track of previous line just executed def get_user_stdout(self): def encode_stringio(sio): # This is SUPER KRAZY! In Python 2, the buflist inside of a StringIO # instance can be made up of both str and unicode, so we need to convert # the str to unicode and replace invalid characters with the Unicode '?' # But leave unicode elements alone. This way, EVERYTHING inside buflist # will be unicode. (Note that in Python 3, everything is already unicode, # so we're fine.) if not is_python3: sio.buflist = [(e.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if type(e) is str else e) for e in sio.buflist] return sio.getvalue() if self.separate_stdout_by_module: ret = {} for module_name in self.stdout_by_module: ret[module_name] = encode_stringio(self.stdout_by_module[module_name]) return ret else: # common case - single stdout stream return encode_stringio(self.user_stdout) def get_frame_id(self, cur_frame): return self.frame_ordered_ids[cur_frame] # Returns the (lexical) parent of a function value. def get_parent_of_function(self, val): if val in self.closures: return self.get_frame_id(self.closures[val]) elif val in self.lambda_closures: return self.get_frame_id(self.lambda_closures[val]) else: return None # Returns the (lexical) parent frame of the function that was called # to create the stack frame 'frame'. # # OKAY, this is a SUPER hack, but I don't see a way around it # since it's impossible to tell exactly which function # ('closure') object was called to create 'frame'. # # The Python interpreter doesn't maintain this information, # so unless we hack the interpreter, we will simply have # to make an educated guess based on the contents of local # variables inherited from possible parent frame candidates. def get_parent_frame(self, frame): #print >> sys.stderr, 'get_parent_frame: frame.f_code', frame.f_code for (func_obj, parent_frame) in self.closures.items(): # ok, there's a possible match, but let's compare the # local variables in parent_frame to those of frame # to make sure. this is a hack that happens to work because in # Python, each stack frame inherits ('inlines') a copy of the # variables from its (lexical) parent frame. if func_obj.__code__ == frame.f_code: all_matched = True for k in frame.f_locals: # Do not try to match local names if k in frame.f_code.co_varnames: continue if k != '__return__' and k in parent_frame.f_locals: if parent_frame.f_locals[k] != frame.f_locals[k]: all_matched = False break if all_matched: return parent_frame for (lambda_code_obj, parent_frame) in self.lambda_closures.items(): if lambda_code_obj == frame.f_code: # TODO: should we do more verification like above?!? return parent_frame return None def lookup_zombie_frame_by_id(self, frame_id): # TODO: kinda inefficient for e in self.zombie_frames: if self.get_frame_id(e) == frame_id: return e assert False # should never get here # unused ... #def reset(self): # bdb.Bdb.reset(self) # self.forget() def forget(self): self.lineno = None self.stack = [] self.curindex = 0 self.curframe = None def setup(self, f, t): self.forget() self.stack, self.curindex = self.get_stack(f, t) self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] # should be a reasonably unique ID to match calls and returns: def get_stack_code_IDs(self): return [id(e[0].f_code) for e in self.stack] # Override Bdb methods def user_call(self, frame, argument_list): """This method is called when there is the remote possibility that we ever need to stop in this function.""" # TODO: figure out a way to move this down to 'def interaction' # or right before self.trace.append ... if self.done: return if self._wait_for_mainpyfile: return if self.stop_here(frame): # delete __return__ so that on subsequent calls to # a generator function, the OLD yielded (returned) # value gets deleted from the frame ... try: del frame.f_locals['__return__'] except KeyError: pass self.interaction(frame, None, 'call') def user_line(self, frame): """This function is called when we stop or break at this line.""" if self.done: return if self._wait_for_mainpyfile: if ((frame.f_globals['__name__'] not in self.modules_to_trace) or frame.f_lineno <= 0): # older code: #if (self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) != "" or # frame.f_lineno <= 0): return self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 0 self.interaction(frame, None, 'step_line') def user_return(self, frame, return_value): """This function is called when a return trap is set here.""" if self.done: return frame.f_locals['__return__'] = return_value self.interaction(frame, None, 'return') def user_exception(self, frame, exc_info): """This function is called if an exception occurs, but only if we are to stop at or just below this level.""" if self.done: return exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = exc_info frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exc_type, exc_value if type(exc_type) == type(''): exc_type_name = exc_type else: exc_type_name = exc_type.__name__ if exc_type_name == 'RawInputException': raw_input_arg = str(exc_value.args[0]) # make sure it's a string so it's JSON serializable! self.trace.append(dict(event='raw_input', prompt=raw_input_arg)) self.done = True elif exc_type_name == 'MouseInputException': mouse_input_arg = str(exc_value.args[0]) # make sure it's a string so it's JSON serializable! self.trace.append(dict(event='mouse_input', prompt=mouse_input_arg)) self.done = True else: self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback, 'exception') def get_script_line(self, n): return self.executed_script_lines[n-1] # General interaction function def interaction(self, frame, traceback, event_type): self.setup(frame, traceback) tos = self.stack[self.curindex] top_frame = tos[0] lineno = tos[1] topframe_module = top_frame.f_globals['__name__'] # debug ... ''' print >> sys.stderr print >> sys.stderr, '=== STACK ===', 'curindex:', self.curindex for (e,ln) in self.stack: print >> sys.stderr, e.f_code.co_name + ' ' + e.f_code.co_filename + ' ' + str(ln) print >> sys.stderr, "top_frame", top_frame.f_code.co_name, top_frame.f_code ''' # don't trace inside of ANY functions that aren't user-written code # (e.g., those from imported modules -- e.g., random, re -- or the # __restricted_import__ function in this file) # # empirically, it seems like the FIRST entry in self.stack is # the 'run' function from bdb.py, but everything else on the # stack is the user program's "real stack" # Look only at the "topmost" frame on the stack ... # if we're not in a module that we are explicitly tracing, skip: # (this comes up in tests/backend-tests/namedtuple.txt) if topframe_module not in self.modules_to_trace: return # also don't trace inside of the magic "constructor" code if top_frame.f_code.co_name == '__new__': return # or __repr__, which is often called when running print statements if top_frame.f_code.co_name == '__repr__': return # don't trace if wait_for_return_stack is non-null ... if self.wait_for_return_stack: if event_type == 'return' and \ (self.wait_for_return_stack == self.get_stack_code_IDs()): self.wait_for_return_stack = None # reset! return # always bail! else: # Skip all "calls" that are actually class definitions, since # those faux calls produce lots of ugly cruft in the trace. # # NB: Only trigger on calls to functions defined in # user-written code (i.e., co_filename == ''), but that # should already be ensured by the above check for whether we're # in user-written code. if event_type == 'call': first_lineno = top_frame.f_code.co_firstlineno if topframe_module == "__main__": func_line = self.get_script_line(first_lineno) elif topframe_module in self.custom_modules: module_code = self.custom_modules[topframe_module] module_code_lines = module_code.splitlines() # TODO: maybe pre-split lines? func_line = module_code_lines[first_lineno-1] else: # you're hosed func_line = '' #print >> sys.stderr, func_line if CLASS_RE.match(func_line.lstrip()): # ignore leading spaces self.wait_for_return_stack = self.get_stack_code_IDs() return self.encoder.reset_heap() # VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT, # or else we won't properly capture heap object mutations in the trace! if event_type == 'call': # Don't be so strict about this assertion because it FAILS # when you're calling a generator (not for the first time), # since that frame has already previously been on the stack ... #assert top_frame not in self.frame_ordered_ids self.frame_ordered_ids[top_frame] = self.cur_frame_id self.cur_frame_id += 1 if self.cumulative_mode: self.zombie_frames.append(top_frame) # kinda tricky to get the timing right -- basically, as soon as you # make a call, set sys.stdout to the stream for the appropriate # module, and as soon as you return, set sys.stdout to the # stream for your caller's module. we need to do this on the # return call since we want to immediately start picking up # prints to stdout *right after* this function returns if self.separate_stdout_by_module: if event_type == 'call': if topframe_module in self.stdout_by_module: sys.stdout = self.stdout_by_module[topframe_module] else: sys.stdout = self.stdout_by_module[""] elif event_type == 'return' and self.curindex > 0: prev_tos = self.stack[self.curindex - 1] prev_topframe = prev_tos[0] prev_topframe_module = prev_topframe.f_globals['__name__'] if prev_topframe_module in self.stdout_by_module: sys.stdout = self.stdout_by_module[prev_topframe_module] else: sys.stdout = self.stdout_by_module[""] # only render zombie frames that are NO LONGER on the stack # # subtle: self.stack[:self.curindex+1] is the real stack, since # everything after self.curindex+1 is beyond the top of the # stack. this seems to be relevant only when there's an exception, # since the ENTIRE stack is preserved but self.curindex # starts decrementing as the exception bubbles up the stack. cur_stack_frames = [e[0] for e in self.stack[:self.curindex+1]] zombie_frames_to_render = [e for e in self.zombie_frames if e not in cur_stack_frames] # each element is a pair of (function name, ENCODED locals dict) encoded_stack_locals = [] # returns a dict with keys: function name, frame id, id of parent frame, encoded_locals dict def create_encoded_stack_entry(cur_frame): #print >> sys.stderr, '- create_encoded_stack_entry', cur_frame, self.closures, self.lambda_closures ret = {} parent_frame_id_list = [] f = cur_frame while True: p = self.get_parent_frame(f) if p: pid = self.get_frame_id(p) assert pid parent_frame_id_list.append(pid) f = p else: break cur_name = cur_frame.f_code.co_name if cur_name == '': cur_name = 'unnamed function' # augment lambdas with line number if cur_name == '': cur_name += pg_encoder.create_lambda_line_number(cur_frame.f_code, self.encoder.line_to_lambda_code) # encode in a JSON-friendly format now, in order to prevent ill # effects of aliasing later down the line ... encoded_locals = {} for (k, v) in get_user_locals(cur_frame).items(): is_in_parent_frame = False # don't display locals that appear in your parents' stack frames, # since that's redundant for pid in parent_frame_id_list: parent_frame = self.lookup_zombie_frame_by_id(pid) if k in parent_frame.f_locals: # ignore __return__, which is never copied if k != '__return__': # these values SHOULD BE ALIASES # (don't do an 'is' check since it might not fire for primitives) if parent_frame.f_locals[k] == v: is_in_parent_frame = True if is_in_parent_frame and k not in cur_frame.f_code.co_varnames: continue # don't display some built-in locals ... if k == '__module__': continue encoded_val = self.encoder.encode(v, self.get_parent_of_function) encoded_locals[k] = encoded_val # order the variable names in a sensible way: # Let's start with co_varnames, since it (often) contains all # variables in this frame, some of which might not exist yet. ordered_varnames = [] for e in cur_frame.f_code.co_varnames: if e in encoded_locals: ordered_varnames.append(e) # sometimes co_varnames doesn't contain all of the true local # variables: e.g., when executing a 'class' definition. in that # case, iterate over encoded_locals and push them onto the end # of ordered_varnames in alphabetical order for e in sorted(encoded_locals.keys()): if e != '__return__' and e not in ordered_varnames: ordered_varnames.append(e) # finally, put __return__ at the very end if '__return__' in encoded_locals: ordered_varnames.append('__return__') # doctor Python 3 initializer to look like a normal function (denero) if '__locals__' in encoded_locals: ordered_varnames.remove('__locals__') local = encoded_locals.pop('__locals__') if encoded_locals.get('__return__', True) is None: encoded_locals['__return__'] = local # crucial sanity checks! assert len(ordered_varnames) == len(encoded_locals) for e in ordered_varnames: assert e in encoded_locals return dict(func_name=cur_name, is_parent=(cur_frame in self.parent_frames_set), frame_id=self.get_frame_id(cur_frame), parent_frame_id_list=parent_frame_id_list, encoded_locals=encoded_locals, ordered_varnames=ordered_varnames) i = self.curindex # look for whether a nested function has been defined during # this particular call: if i > 1: # i == 1 implies that there's only a global scope visible for v in visit_all_locally_reachable_function_objs(top_frame): if (v not in self.closures and \ v not in self.globally_defined_funcs): # Look for the presence of the code object (v.func_code # for Python 2 or v.__code__ for Python 3) in the # constant pool (f_code.co_consts) of an enclosing # stack frame, and set that frame as your parent. # # This technique properly handles lambdas passed as # function parameters. e.g., this example: # # def foo(x): # bar(lambda y: x + y) # def bar(a): # print a(20) # foo(10) chosen_parent_frame = None # SUPER hacky but seems to work -- use reversed(self.stack) # because we want to traverse starting from the TOP of the stack # (most recent frame) and find the first frame containing # a constant code object that matches v.__code__ or v.func_code # # required for this example from Berkeley CS61a: # # def f(p, k): # def g(): # print(k) # if k == 0: # f(g, 1) # f(None, 0) # # there are two calls to f, each of which defines a # closure g that should point to the respective frame. # # note that for the second call to f, the parent of the # g defined in there should be that frame, which is at # the TOP of the stack. this reversed() hack does the # right thing. note that if you don't traverse the stack # backwards, then you will mistakenly get the parent as # the FIRST f frame (bottom of the stack). for (my_frame, my_lineno) in reversed(self.stack): if chosen_parent_frame: break for frame_const in my_frame.f_code.co_consts: if frame_const is (v.__code__ if is_python3 else v.func_code): chosen_parent_frame = my_frame break # 2013-12-01 commented out this line so tests/backend-tests/papajohn-monster.txt # works without an assertion failure ... #assert chosen_parent_frame # I hope this always passes :0 # this condition should be False for functions declared in global scope ... if chosen_parent_frame in self.frame_ordered_ids: self.closures[v] = chosen_parent_frame self.parent_frames_set.add(chosen_parent_frame) # unequivocally add to this set!!! if not chosen_parent_frame in self.zombie_frames: self.zombie_frames.append(chosen_parent_frame) else: # look for code objects of lambdas defined within this # function, which comes up in cases like line 2 of: # def x(y): # (lambda z: lambda w: z+y)(y) # # x(42) if top_frame.f_code.co_consts: for e in top_frame.f_code.co_consts: if type(e) == types.CodeType and e.co_name == '': # TODO: what if it's already in lambda_closures? self.lambda_closures[e] = top_frame self.parent_frames_set.add(top_frame) # copy-paste from above if not top_frame in self.zombie_frames: self.zombie_frames.append(top_frame) else: # if there is only a global scope visible ... for (k, v) in get_user_globals(top_frame).items(): if (type(v) in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType) and \ v not in self.closures): self.globally_defined_funcs.add(v) # climb up until you find '', which is (hopefully) the global scope top_frame = None while True: cur_frame = self.stack[i][0] cur_name = cur_frame.f_code.co_name if cur_name == '': break # do this check because in some cases, certain frames on the # stack might NOT be tracked, so don't push a stack entry for # those frames. this happens when you have a callback function # in an imported module. e.g., your code: # def foo(): # bar(baz) # # def baz(): pass # # imported module code: # def bar(callback_func): # callback_func() # # when baz is executing, the real stack is [foo, bar, baz] but # bar is in imported module code, so pg_logger doesn't trace # it, and it doesn't show up in frame_ordered_ids. thus, the # stack to render should only be [foo, baz]. if cur_frame in self.frame_ordered_ids: encoded_stack_locals.append(create_encoded_stack_entry(cur_frame)) if not top_frame: top_frame = cur_frame i -= 1 zombie_encoded_stack_locals = [create_encoded_stack_entry(e) for e in zombie_frames_to_render] # encode in a JSON-friendly format now, in order to prevent ill # effects of aliasing later down the line ... encoded_globals = {} cur_globals_dict = get_user_globals(tos[0], at_global_scope=(self.curindex <= 1)) for (k, v) in cur_globals_dict.items(): encoded_val = self.encoder.encode(v, self.get_parent_of_function) encoded_globals[k] = encoded_val if k not in self.all_globals_in_order: self.all_globals_in_order.append(k) # filter out globals that don't exist at this execution point # (because they've been, say, deleted with 'del') ordered_globals = [e for e in self.all_globals_in_order if e in encoded_globals] assert len(ordered_globals) == len(encoded_globals) # merge zombie_encoded_stack_locals and encoded_stack_locals # into one master ordered list using some simple rules for # making it look aesthetically pretty stack_to_render = []; # first push all regular stack entries if encoded_stack_locals: for e in encoded_stack_locals: e['is_zombie'] = False e['is_highlighted'] = False stack_to_render.append(e) # highlight the top-most active stack entry stack_to_render[0]['is_highlighted'] = True # now push all zombie stack entries for e in zombie_encoded_stack_locals: # don't display return value for zombie frames # TODO: reconsider ... ''' try: e['ordered_varnames'].remove('__return__') except ValueError: pass ''' e['is_zombie'] = True e['is_highlighted'] = False # never highlight zombie entries stack_to_render.append(e) # now sort by frame_id since that sorts frames in "chronological # order" based on the order they were invoked stack_to_render.sort(key=lambda e: e['frame_id']) # create a unique hash for this stack entry, so that the # frontend can uniquely identify it when doing incremental # rendering. the strategy is to use a frankenstein-like mix of the # relevant fields to properly disambiguate closures and recursive # calls to the same function for e in stack_to_render: hash_str = e['func_name'] # frame_id is UNIQUE, so it can disambiguate recursive calls hash_str += '_f' + str(e['frame_id']) # needed to refresh GUI display ... if e['is_parent']: hash_str += '_p' # TODO: this is no longer needed, right? (since frame_id is unique) #if e['parent_frame_id_list']: # hash_str += '_p' + '_'.join([str(i) for i in e['parent_frame_id_list']]) if e['is_zombie']: hash_str += '_z' e['unique_hash'] = hash_str # handle probe_exprs *before* encoding the heap with self.encoder.get_heap encoded_probe_vals = {} if self.probe_exprs: if top_frame: # are we in a function call? top_frame_locals = get_user_locals(top_frame) else: top_frame_locals = {} for e in self.probe_exprs: try: # evaluate it with globals + locals of the top frame ... probe_val = eval(e, cur_globals_dict, top_frame_locals) encoded_probe_vals[e] = self.encoder.encode(probe_val, self.get_parent_of_function) except: pass # don't encode the value if there's been an error if self.show_only_outputs: trace_entry = dict(line=lineno, event=event_type, func_name=tos[0].f_code.co_name, globals={}, ordered_globals=[], stack_to_render=[], heap={}, stdout=self.get_user_stdout()) else: trace_entry = dict(line=lineno, event=event_type, func_name=tos[0].f_code.co_name, globals=encoded_globals, ordered_globals=ordered_globals, stack_to_render=stack_to_render, heap=self.encoder.get_heap(), stdout=self.get_user_stdout()) if encoded_probe_vals: trace_entry['probe_exprs'] = encoded_probe_vals # optional column numbers for greater precision # (only relevant in Py2crazy, a hacked CPython that supports column numbers) if self.crazy_mode: # at the very least, grab the column number trace_entry['column'] = frame.f_colno # now try to find start_col and extent # (-1 is an invalid instruction index) if frame.f_lasti >= 0: key = (frame.f_code.co_code, frame.f_lineno, frame.f_colno,frame.f_lasti) if key in self.bytecode_map: v = self.bytecode_map[key] trace_entry['expr_start_col'] = v.start_col trace_entry['expr_width'] = v.extent trace_entry['opcode'] = v.opcode # set a 'custom_module_name' field if we're executing in a module # that's not the __main__ script: if topframe_module != "__main__": trace_entry['custom_module_name'] = topframe_module # TODO: refactor into a non-global # these are now deprecated as of 2016-06-28 global __html__, __css__, __js__ if __html__: trace_entry['html_output'] = __html__ if __css__: trace_entry['css_output'] = __css__ if __js__: trace_entry['js_output'] = __js__ # if there's an exception, then record its info: if event_type == 'exception': # always check in f_locals exc = frame.f_locals['__exception__'] trace_entry['exception_msg'] = exc[0].__name__ + ': ' + str(exc[1]) # append to the trace only the breakpoint line and the next # executed line, so that if you set only ONE breakpoint, OPT shows # the state before and after that line gets executed. append_to_trace = True if self.breakpoints: if not ((lineno in self.breakpoints) or (self.prev_lineno in self.breakpoints)): append_to_trace = False # TRICKY -- however, if there's an exception, then ALWAYS # append it to the trace, so that the error can be displayed if event_type == 'exception': append_to_trace = True self.prev_lineno = lineno if append_to_trace: self.trace.append(trace_entry) # sanity check to make sure the state of the world at a 'call' instruction # is identical to that at the instruction immediately following it ... ''' if len(self.trace) > 1: cur = self.trace[-1] prev = self.trace[-2] if prev['event'] == 'call': assert cur['globals'] == prev['globals'] for (s1, s2) in zip(cur['stack_to_render'], prev['stack_to_render']): assert s1 == s2 assert cur['heap'] == prev['heap'] assert cur['stdout'] == prev['stdout'] ''' if len(self.trace) >= MAX_EXECUTED_LINES: self.trace.append(dict(event='instruction_limit_reached', exception_msg='Stopped after running ' + str(MAX_EXECUTED_LINES) + ' steps. Please shorten your code,\nsince Python Tutor is not designed to handle long-running code.')) self.force_terminate() self.forget() def _runscript(self, script_str): self.executed_script = script_str self.executed_script_lines = self.executed_script.splitlines() for (i, line) in enumerate(self.executed_script_lines): line_no = i + 1 if line.endswith(BREAKPOINT_STR): self.breakpoints.append(line_no) # populate an extent map to get more accurate ranges from code if self.crazy_mode: # in Py2crazy standard library as Python-2.7.5/Lib/super_dis.py import super_dis try: self.bytecode_map = super_dis.get_bytecode_map(self.executed_script) except: # failure oblivious self.bytecode_map = {} # When bdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see user_line and # user_call for details). self._wait_for_mainpyfile = 1 # ok, let's try to sorta 'sandbox' the user script by not # allowing certain potentially dangerous operations. user_builtins = {} # ugh, I can't figure out why in Python 2, __builtins__ seems to # be a dict, but in Python 3, __builtins__ seems to be a module, # so just handle both cases ... UGLY! if type(__builtins__) is dict: builtin_items = __builtins__.items() else: assert type(__builtins__) is types.ModuleType builtin_items = [] for k in dir(__builtins__): builtin_items.append((k, getattr(__builtins__, k))) for (k, v) in builtin_items: if k == 'open': # put this before BANNED_BUILTINS user_builtins[k] = open_wrapper elif k in BANNED_BUILTINS: user_builtins[k] = create_banned_builtins_wrapper(k) elif k == '__import__': user_builtins[k] = __restricted_import__ else: if k == 'raw_input': user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper elif k == 'input': if is_python3: # Python 3 input() is Python 2 raw_input() user_builtins[k] = raw_input_wrapper else: user_builtins[k] = python2_input_wrapper else: user_builtins[k] = v user_builtins['mouse_input'] = mouse_input_wrapper # TODO: we can disable these imports here, but a crafty user can # always get a hold of them by importing one of the external # modules, so there's no point in trying security by obscurity user_builtins['setHTML'] = setHTML user_builtins['setCSS'] = setCSS user_builtins['setJS'] = setJS if self.separate_stdout_by_module: self.stdout_by_module["__main__"] = StringIO.StringIO() if self.custom_modules: for module_name in self.custom_modules: self.stdout_by_module[module_name] = StringIO.StringIO() self.stdout_by_module[""] = StringIO.StringIO() # catch-all for all other modules we're NOT tracing sys.stdout = self.stdout_by_module[""] # start with else: # default -- a single unified stdout stream self.user_stdout = StringIO.StringIO() sys.stdout = self.user_stdout self.ORIGINAL_STDERR = sys.stderr # don't do this, or else certain kinds of errors, such as syntax # errors, will be silently ignored. WEIRD! #sys.stderr = NullDevice # silence errors user_globals = {} # if there are custom_modules, 'import' them into user_globals, # which emulates "from import *" if self.custom_modules: for mn in self.custom_modules: # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/82234-importing-a-dynamically-generated-module/ new_m = imp.new_module(mn) exec(self.custom_modules[mn], new_m.__dict__) # exec in custom globals user_globals.update(new_m.__dict__) # important: do this LAST to get precedence over values in custom_modules user_globals.update({"__name__" : "__main__", "__builtins__" : user_builtins}) try: # enforce resource limits RIGHT BEFORE running script_str # set ~200MB virtual memory limit AND a 5-second CPU time # limit (tuned for Webfaction shared hosting) to protect against # memory bombs such as: # x = 2 # while True: x = x*x if resource_module_loaded and (not self.disable_security_checks): resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (200000000, 200000000)) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CPU, (5, 5)) # protect against unauthorized filesystem accesses ... resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (0, 0)) # no opened files allowed # VERY WEIRD. If you activate this resource limitation, it # ends up generating an EMPTY trace for the following program: # "x = 0\nfor i in range(10):\n x += 1\n print x\n x += 1\n" # (at least on my Webfaction hosting with Python 2.7) #resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_FSIZE, (0, 0)) # (redundancy for paranoia) # The posix module is a built-in and has a ton of OS access # facilities ... if you delete those functions from # sys.modules['posix'], it seems like they're gone EVEN IF # someone else imports posix in a roundabout way. Of course, # I don't know how foolproof this scheme is, though. # (It's not sufficient to just "del sys.modules['posix']"; # it can just be reimported without accessing an external # file and tripping RLIMIT_NOFILE, since the posix module # is baked into the python executable, ergh. Actually DON'T # "del sys.modules['posix']", since re-importing it will # refresh all of the attributes. ergh^2) for a in dir(sys.modules['posix']): delattr(sys.modules['posix'], a) # do the same with os for a in dir(sys.modules['os']): # 'path' is needed for __restricted_import__ to work # and 'stat' is needed for some errors to be reported properly if a not in ('path', 'stat'): delattr(sys.modules['os'], a) # ppl can dig up trashed objects with gc.get_objects() import gc for a in dir(sys.modules['gc']): delattr(sys.modules['gc'], a) del sys.modules['gc'] # sys.modules contains an in-memory cache of already-loaded # modules, so if you delete modules from here, they will # need to be re-loaded from the filesystem. # # Thus, as an extra precaution, remove these modules so that # they can't be re-imported without opening a new file, # which is disallowed by resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE # # Of course, this isn't a foolproof solution by any means, # and it might lead to UNEXPECTED FAILURES later in execution. del sys.modules['os'] del sys.modules['os.path'] del sys.modules['sys'] self.run(script_str, user_globals, user_globals) # sys.exit ... except SystemExit: #sys.exit(0) raise bdb.BdbQuit except: if DEBUG: traceback.print_exc() trace_entry = dict(event='uncaught_exception') (exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) = sys.exc_info() if hasattr(exc_val, 'lineno'): trace_entry['line'] = exc_val.lineno if hasattr(exc_val, 'offset'): trace_entry['offset'] = exc_val.offset trace_entry['exception_msg'] = type(exc_val).__name__ + ": " + str(exc_val) # SUPER SUBTLE! if ANY exception has already been recorded by # the program, then DON'T record it again as an uncaught_exception. # This looks kinda weird since the exact exception message doesn't # need to match up, but in practice, there should be at most only # ONE exception per trace. already_caught = False for e in self.trace: if e['event'] == 'exception': already_caught = True break if not already_caught: if not self.done: self.trace.append(trace_entry) raise bdb.BdbQuit # need to forceably STOP execution def force_terminate(self): #self.finalize() raise bdb.BdbQuit # need to forceably STOP execution def finalize(self): sys.stdout = self.GAE_STDOUT # very important! sys.stderr = self.ORIGINAL_STDERR assert len(self.trace) <= (MAX_EXECUTED_LINES + 1) # don't do this anymore ... ''' # filter all entries after 'return' from '', since they # seem extraneous: res = [] for e in self.trace: res.append(e) if e['event'] == 'return' and e['func_name'] == '': break ''' res = self.trace # if the SECOND to last entry is an 'exception' # and the last entry is return from , then axe the last # entry, for aesthetic reasons :) if len(res) >= 2 and \ res[-2]['event'] == 'exception' and \ res[-1]['event'] == 'return' and res[-1]['func_name'] == '': res.pop() self.trace = res if self.custom_modules: # when there's custom_modules, call with a dict as the first parameter return self.finalizer_func(dict(main_code=self.executed_script, custom_modules=self.custom_modules), self.trace) else: # common case return self.finalizer_func(self.executed_script, self.trace) import json # the MAIN meaty function!!! def exec_script_str(script_str, raw_input_lst_json, options_json, finalizer_func): if options_json: options = json.loads(options_json) else: # defaults options = {'cumulative_mode': False, 'heap_primitives': False, 'show_only_outputs': False} py_crazy_mode = ('py_crazy_mode' in options and options['py_crazy_mode']) logger = PGLogger(options['cumulative_mode'], options['heap_primitives'], options['show_only_outputs'], finalizer_func, crazy_mode=py_crazy_mode) # TODO: refactor these NOT to be globals global input_string_queue input_string_queue = [] if raw_input_lst_json: # TODO: if we want to support unicode, remove str() cast input_string_queue = [str(e) for e in json.loads(raw_input_lst_json)] global __html__, __css__, __js__ __html__, __css__, __js__ = None, None, None try: logger._runscript(script_str) except bdb.BdbQuit: pass finally: logger.finalize() # disables security check and returns the result of finalizer_func # WARNING: ONLY RUN THIS LOCALLY and never over the web, since # security checks are disabled # # [optional] probe_exprs is a list of strings representing # expressions whose values to probe at each step (advanced) def exec_script_str_local(script_str, raw_input_lst_json, cumulative_mode, heap_primitives, finalizer_func, probe_exprs=None): # TODO: add py_crazy_mode option here too ... logger = PGLogger(cumulative_mode, heap_primitives, False, finalizer_func, disable_security_checks=True, probe_exprs=probe_exprs) # TODO: refactor these NOT to be globals global input_string_queue input_string_queue = [] if raw_input_lst_json: # TODO: if we want to support unicode, remove str() cast input_string_queue = [str(e) for e in json.loads(raw_input_lst_json)] global __html__, __css__, __js__ __html__, __css__, __js__ = None, None, None try: logger._runscript(script_str) except bdb.BdbQuit: pass finally: return logger.finalize() # deprecated?!? def exec_str_with_user_ns(script_str, user_ns, finalizer_func): logger = PGLogger(False, False, False, finalizer_func, disable_security_checks=True) global __html__, __css__, __js__ __html__, __css__, __js__ = None, None, None try: logger._runscript(script_str, user_ns) except bdb.BdbQuit: pass finally: return logger.finalize()