Dorian's Personal Home Page

After I was born as a typical Gemini in Kranj, Slovenia, my life turned to be atypical. I shared my early teenager nights with computers in classroom no.7, thanks to my friend Marko. Than free-climbing became my obsession. I left school, get rid of military service, and spent my youth in places far from civilization. 

Overhanging wall in front, a friend on the other side of the rope, and a thin line between the next hold and a frightful fall where the only things that mattered. I spent a few years in Europe's most famous sport-climbing spots as Verdon and Cimai in France and Frankenjura in Germany. Sore fingers, empty wallet, slipping bad and a rusty car were my usual companions.   

One place, which I like very much is Osp, a small village near Koper in Slovenia. It is famous for friendly people, good vine and overhanging rocks. Ciquita(pictures above), Sun in the Eyes and Bird's Perspective are some of my favourite routes there.


After a finger injury I got back to school and I found it quite amusing, to my surprise. Now I'm old and tired, go to work, do the cooking, or the laundry and even watch TV.  Once in a while I pack my things and go anywhere. I like travelling, sun, see, mountains and good company. I like good books, science fiction and everything else. I love Japanese and Italian food. I adore windsurfing, skiing, climbing, hiking, mountain-biking. Badminton is my obsession -unfortunately it usually ends as in the picture bellow. When I get really depressed I hit the gym or the bars.


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