path: root/prolog/
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authorTimotej Lazar <>2014-01-29 13:23:04 +0100
committerAleš Smodiš <>2015-08-11 14:25:59 +0200
commit1a99d21e12dad4c01d4c892ed4e8a0506bcf36aa (patch)
tree5b98529f8fd2d546b1a7338fbe6765d4989aa5b3 /prolog/
Initial commit for pymonkey
Diffstat (limited to 'prolog/')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prolog/ b/prolog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba5af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prolog/
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+/* Part of SWI-Prolog
+ Author: Jan Wielemaker
+ E-mail:
+ WWW:
+ Copyright (C): 2009-2013, VU University Amsterdam
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
+ compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
+ library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
+ by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
+ invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
+ the GNU General Public License.
+:- module(sandbox,
+ [ safe_goal/1 % :Goal
+ ]).
+:- use_module(library(assoc)).
+:- use_module(library(lists)).
+:- use_module(library(debug)).
+:- use_module(library(apply_macros), [expand_phrase/2]).
+:- multifile
+ safe_primitive/1, % Goal
+ safe_meta/2. % Goal, Calls
+% :- debug(sandbox).
+/** <module> Sandboxed Prolog code
+Prolog is a full-featured Turing complete programming language in which
+it is easy to write programs that can harm your computer. On the other
+hand, Prolog is a logic based _query language_ which can be exploited to
+query data interactively from, e.g., the web. This library provides
+safe_goal/1, which determines whether it is safe to call its argument.
+@tbd Handling of ^ and // meta predicates
+:- meta_predicate
+ safe_goal(0).
+%% safe_goal(:Goal) is det.
+% True if calling Goal provides no security risc. This implies
+% that:
+% - The call-graph can be fully expanded. Full expansion *stops*
+% if a meta-goal is found for which we cannot determine enough
+% details to know which predicate will be called.
+% - All predicates referenced from the fully expanded are
+% whitelisted by the predicate safe_primitive/1 and safe_meta/2.
+% @error instantiation_error if the analysis encounters a term in
+% a callable position that is insufficiently instantiated
+% to determine the predicate called.
+% @error permission_error(call, sandboxed, Goal) if Goal is in
+% the call-tree and not white-listed.
+safe_goal(M:Goal) :-
+ empty_assoc(Safe0),
+ safe(Goal, M, [], Safe0, _).
+%% safe(+Goal, +Module, +Parents, +Safe0, -Safe) is semidet.
+% Is true if Goal can only call safe code.
+safe(V, _, Parents, _, _) :-
+ var(V), !,
+ throw(error(instantiation_error, sandbox(V, Parents))).
+safe(M:G, _, Parent, Safe0, Safe) :- !,
+ safe(G, M, Parent, Safe0, Safe).
+safe(G, _, Parents, _, _) :-
+ debugging(sandbox(show)),
+ length(Parents, Level),
+ debug(sandbox(show), '[~D] SAFE ~q?', [Level, G]),
+ fail.
+safe(G, _, _, Safe, Safe) :-
+ safe_primitive(G),
+ predicate_property(G, iso), !.
+safe(G, M, _, Safe, Safe) :-
+ ( predicate_property(M:G, imported_from(M2))
+ -> true
+ ; M2 = M
+ ),
+ safe_primitive(M2:G), !.
+safe(G, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
+ safe_meta(G, Called), !,
+ safe_list(Called, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe).
+safe(G, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
+ goal_id(M:G, Id, Gen),
+ ( get_assoc(Id, Safe0, _)
+ -> Safe = Safe0
+ ; put_assoc(Id, Safe0, true, Safe1),
+ safe_clauses(Gen, M, [Id|Parents], Safe1, Safe)
+ ).
+safe_clauses(G, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
+ predicate_property(M:G, interpreted), !,
+% \+ predicate_property(M:G, meta_predicate(_)), !,
+ def_module(M:G, MD:QG),
+ findall(Body, clause(MD:QG, Body), Bodies),
+ safe_list(Bodies, MD, Parents, Safe0, Safe).
+safe_clauses(_, _M, [G|Parents], _, _) :-
+ throw(error(permission_error(call, sandboxed, G),
+ sandbox(G, Parents))).
+safe_list([], _, _, Safe, Safe).
+safe_list([H|T], M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
+ copy_term(H, H1),
+ safe(H1, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe1),
+ safe_list(T, M, Parents, Safe1, Safe).
+def_module(M:G, MD:QG) :-
+ predicate_property(M:G, imported_from(MD)), !,
+ meta_qualify(MD:G, M, QG).
+def_module(M:G, M:QG) :-
+ meta_qualify(M:G, M, QG).
+%% meta_qualify(:G, +M, -QG) is det.
+% Perform meta-qualification of the goal-argument
+meta_qualify(MD:G, M, QG) :-
+ predicate_property(MD:G, meta_predicate(Head)), !,
+ G =.. [Name|Args],
+ Head =.. [_|Q],
+ qualify_args(Q, M, Args, QArgs),
+ QG =.. [Name|QArgs].
+meta_qualify(_:G, _, G).
+qualify_args([], _, [], []).
+qualify_args([H|T], M, [A|AT], [Q|QT]) :-
+ qualify_arg(H, M, A, Q),
+ qualify_args(T, M, AT, QT).
+qualify_arg(S, M, A, Q) :-
+ q_arg(S), !,
+ qualify(A, M, Q).
+qualify_arg(_, _, A, A).
+q_arg(I) :- integer(I), !.
+qualify(A, M, MZ:Q) :-
+ strip_module(M:A, MZ, Q).
+%% goal_id(:Goal, -Id, -Gen) is nondet.
+% Generate an identifier for the goal proven to be safe. We
+% first try to prove the most general form of the goal. If
+% this fails, we try to prove more specific versions.
+% @tbd Do step-by-step generalisation instead of the current
+% two levels (most general and most specific).
+goal_id(M:Goal, M:Id, Gen) :- !,
+ goal_id(Goal, Id, Gen).
+goal_id(Term, _, _) :-
+ \+ callable(Term), !, fail.
+goal_id(Term, Name/Arity, Gen) :- % most general form
+ functor(Term, Name, Arity),
+ functor(Gen, Name, Arity).
+goal_id(Term, Skolem, Term) :- % most specific form
+ copy_term(Term, Skolem),
+ numbervars(Skolem, 0, _).
+%% safe_primitive(?Goal) is nondet.
+% True if Goal is safe to call (i.e., cannot access dangerous
+% system-resources and cannot upset other parts of the Prolog
+% process). There are two types of facts. ISO built-ins are
+% declared without a module prefix. This is safe because it is not
+% allowed to (re-)define these primitives (i.e., give them an
+% unsafe implementation) and the way around
+% (redefine_system_predicate/1) is unsafe. The other group are
+% module-qualified and only match if the system infers that the
+% predicate is (or will be) imported from the given module.
+% First, all ISO system predicates that are considered safe
+ % types
+ % ordering
+ % unification and equivalence
+ % arithmetic
+ % term-handling
+safe_primitive(_ =.. _).
+ % atoms
+safe_primitive(atom_chars(_, _)).
+ % Lists
+ % exceptions
+ % misc
+safe_primitive(asserta(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
+safe_primitive(assertz(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
+safe_primitive(retract(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
+safe_primitive(retractall(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
+% The non-ISO system predicates. These can be redefined, so we must
+% be careful to ensure the system ones are used.
+ % attributes
+ % globals
+safe_primitive(system:assert(X)) :-
+ safe_assert(X).
+% use_module/1. We only allow for .pl files that are loaded from
+% relative paths that do not contain /../
+safe_primitive(system:use_module(Spec)) :-
+ ground(Spec),
+ ( atom(Spec)
+ -> Path = Spec
+ ; Spec =.. [_Alias, Segments],
+ phrase(segments_to_path(Segments), List),
+ atomic_list_concat(List, Path)
+ ),
+ \+ is_absolute_file_name(Path),
+ \+ sub_atom(Path, _, _, _, '/../'),
+ absolute_file_name(Spec, AbsFile,
+ [ access(read),
+ file_type(prolog),
+ file_errors(fail)
+ ]),
+ file_name_extension(_, Ext, AbsFile),
+ save_extension(Ext).
+% Other library predicates.
+ % rdf
+ % http
+ % random
+ % porter
+% support predicates for safe_primitive, validating the safety of
+% arguments to certain goals.
+segments_to_path(A/B) --> !,
+ segments_to_path(A),
+ [/],
+ segments_to_path(B).
+segments_to_path(X) -->
+ [X].
+%% safe_assert(+Term) is semidet.
+% True if assert(Term) is safe, which means it asserts in the
+% current module. Cross-module asserts are considered unsafe. We
+% only allow for adding facts. In theory, we could also allow for
+% rules if we prove the safety of the body.
+safe_assert(C) :- cyclic_term(C), !, fail.
+safe_assert(X) :- var(X), !, fail.
+safe_assert(_Head:-_Body) :- !, fail.
+safe_assert(_:_) :- !, fail.
+%% safe_meta(+Goal, -Called) is semidet.
+% True if Goal is a meta-predicate that is considered safe iff all
+% elements in Called are safe.
+safe_meta(put_attr(_,M,A), [M:attr_unify_hook(A, _)]) :-
+ atom(M), !.
+safe_meta(Phrase, [Goal]) :-
+ expand_phrase(Phrase, Goal), !.
+safe_meta(Goal, Called) :-
+ generic_goal(Goal, Gen),
+ safe_meta(Gen),
+ findall(C, called(Gen, Goal, C), Called).
+called(Gen, Goal, Called) :-
+ arg(I, Gen, Spec),
+ integer(Spec),
+ arg(I, Goal, Called0),
+ extend(Spec, Called0, Called).
+generic_goal(G, Gen) :-
+ functor(G, Name, Arity),
+ functor(Gen, Name, Arity).
+extend(0, G, G) :- !.
+extend(I, G0, G) :-
+ G0 =.. List,
+ length(Extra, I),
+ append(List, Extra, All),
+ G =.. All.
+safe_meta(setof(_,0,_)). % TBD
+safe_meta(maplist(1, _)).
+safe_meta(maplist(2, _, _)).
+safe_meta(maplist(3, _, _, _)).
+safe_meta(call(1, _)).
+safe_meta(call(2, _, _)).
+safe_meta(call(3, _, _, _)).
+safe_meta(call(4, _, _, _, _)).
+safe_meta(call(5, _, _, _, _, _)).
+ /*******************************
+ *******************************/
+:- multifile
+ prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive/1,
+ prolog:sandbox_allowed_expansion/1.
+%% prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive(:G) is det.
+% Throws an exception if G is not considered a safe directive.
+prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive(M:PredAttr) :-
+ safe_directive(PredAttr),
+ ( prolog_load_context(module, M)
+ -> PredAttr =.. [Attr, Preds],
+ safe_pattr(Preds, Attr)
+ ; permission_error(directive, sandboxed, (:- M:PredAttr))
+ ).
+prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive(G) :-
+ safe_goal(G).
+safe_pattr(Var, _) :-
+ var(Var), !,
+ instantiation_error(Var).
+safe_pattr((A,B), Attr) :- !,
+ safe_pattr(A, Attr),
+ safe_pattr(B, Attr).
+safe_pattr(M:G, Attr) :- !,
+ ( atom(M),
+ prolog_load_context(module, M)
+ -> true
+ ; Goal =.. [Attr,M:G],
+ permission_error(directive, sandboxed, (:- Goal))
+ ).
+safe_pattr(_, _).
+%% prolog:sandbox_allowed_expansion(:G) is det.
+% Throws an exception if G is not considered a safe expansion
+% goal. This deals with call-backs from the compiler for
+% - goal_expansion/2
+% - term_expansion/2
+% - Quasi quotations.
+prolog:sandbox_allowed_expansion(G) :-
+ safe_goal(G).