path: root/js/codeq.js
diff options
authorAleš Smodiš <>2015-10-02 11:22:06 +0200
committerAleš Smodiš <>2015-10-02 11:22:06 +0200
commit0c168d0027f3350344d0fcdf16c554dcc8f3c92b (patch)
treeb263d19109400d33c31e3e0c5c5a256d03a4cae4 /js/codeq.js
parentf72d4a175d44283e1d2d35bccff706093600c1c2 (diff)
Remove deprecated files.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/codeq.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 749 deletions
diff --git a/js/codeq.js b/js/codeq.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 702ccfa..0000000
--- a/js/codeq.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,749 +0,0 @@
-// introduce the namespace object for codeq
-window.codeq = {};
-window.siteDefinition = { logLevel: 'debug' }; // for debug purposes
-window.phandler = null; // TODO: this is for debug only
-// type definitions, so the IDE and coders have easier work
- * @typedef {Object} ServerHint a hint sent by the server
- * @property {string} id the hint ID
- * @property {Object} args optional arguments for the hint in case of a pop-up or static hint
- * @property {string[]} choices array of choices in case of a drop-down hint
- * @property {number} start the starting position of the highlighted code, in case of a pop-up or drop-down hint
- * @property {number} end the ending position of the highlighted code, in case of a pop-up or drop-down hint
- */
-(function () {
- // regular expressions for the templating function, the logging system, etc.
- var regexpQuote = new RegExp('"', 'g'),
- regexpBackslash = new RegExp('\\\\', 'g'),
- regexpWhiteSpaceStart = new RegExp('^[ \r\n\t]+'),
- regexpWhiteSpaceEnd = new RegExp('[ \r\n\t]+$'),
- regexpWhiteSpaceNonPrintable = new RegExp('[\r\n\t]', 'g'),
- regexpWhiteSpaceBeforeTag = new RegExp('[ \r\n\t]+(?=<)', 'g'),
- regexpWhiteSpaceAfterTag = new RegExp('>[ \r\n\t]+', 'g'),
- regexpIKeyMarker = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)(ikey-marker.*)(?:$|\\s)'),
- regexpWhiteSpace = new RegExp('[ \\r\\n\\t]+');
- // ================================================================================
- // The log module: contains methods for logging, sending logs to the server
- // ================================================================================
- var jsonize; // JSONization function
- if (JSON && JSON.stringify) {
- jsonize = JSON.stringify;
- }
- else {
- jsonize = function (obj) {
- var t, buffer, i, isFirst;
- if (null === obj) return 'null';
- t = typeof obj;
- if (t === 'string') {
- return '"' + obj.replace(regexpBackslash, '\\\\').replace(regexpQuote, '\\"') + '"';
- }
- if (t === 'number') {
- if (isFinite(obj)) return obj.toString();
- throw new Error('Cannot jsonize a non-finite number: ' + obj.toString());
- }
- if (t === 'boolean') {
- if (obj) return 'true';
- return 'false';
- }
- if (t === 'object') {
- if (obj instanceof String) return jsonize(obj.valueOf());
- if (obj instanceof Number) return jsonize(obj.valueOf());
- if (obj instanceof Boolean) return jsonize(obj.valueOf());
- if (obj instanceof Array) {
- buffer = [ '[' ];
- isFirst = true;
- for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
- if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
- else buffer.push(',');
- buffer.push(jsonize(obj[i]));
- }
- buffer.push(']');
- return buffer.join('');
- }
- buffer = [ '{' ];
- isFirst = true;
- for (i in obj) {
- if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
- else buffer.push(',');
- buffer.push(jsonize(i), ':', jsonize(obj[i]));
- }
- buffer.push('}');
- return buffer.join('');
- }
- throw new Error('Cannot jsonize ' + t);
- };
- }
- codeq.jsonize = jsonize;
- codeq.log = {};
- (function () {
- var assembleOutput = function (stuff, e) {
- var lines = [ stuff ];
- if (e && e.stack) lines.push(e.stack);
- return lines.join('\n');
- };
- if (window.siteDefinition && window.siteDefinition.logService) {
- var url = window.siteDefinition.logService,
- logs = [],
- storeLog = function (level, stuff, e) {
- logs.push({
- 't':,
- 'l': level,
- 'm': assembleOutput(stuff, e)
- });
- };
- if (window.siteDefinition && (window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'debug')) {
- codeq.log.debug = function (stuff, e) { storeLog('debug', stuff, e); };
- }
- else codeq.log.debug = function () {};
- if (window.siteDefinition && ((window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'info') || (window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'debug'))) {
- = function (stuff, e) { storeLog('info', stuff, e); };
- }
- else = function () {};
- codeq.log.error = function (stuff, e) { storeLog('error', stuff, e); };
- setInterval(function () {
- var copyOfLogs;
- if (logs.length < 1) return;
- copyOfLogs = jsonize({'logs': logs});
- logs = [];
- $.ajax({
- contentType: 'application/json',
- dataType: 'application/json',
- type: 'POST',
- url: url,
- data: copyOfLogs,
- error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- if (window.console && console.log) console.log(assembleOutput('Posting of logs to ' + url + ' failed: ' + textStatus, errorThrown));
- else dump(assembleOutput('Posting of logs to ' + url + ' failed: ' + textStatus, errorThrown));
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
- }
- });
- }, 1000);
- }
- else if (window.console && console.log) {
- if (window.siteDefinition && (window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'debug')) {
- codeq.log.debug = function (stuff, e) { console.log(assembleOutput('DEBUG: ' + stuff, e)); };
- }
- else codeq.log.debug = function () {};
- if (window.siteDefinition && ((window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'info') || (window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'debug'))) {
- = function (stuff, e) { console.log(assembleOutput('INFO: ' + stuff, e)); };
- }
- else = function () {};
- codeq.log.error = function (stuff, e) { console.log(assembleOutput('ERROR: ' + stuff, e)); };
- }
- else {
- if (window.siteDefinition && (window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'debug')) {
- codeq.log.debug = function (stuff, e) { dump(assembleOutput('DEBUG: ' + stuff, e)); };
- }
- else codeq.log.debug = function () {};
- if (window.siteDefinition && ((window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'info') || (window.siteDefinition.logLevel == 'debug'))) {
- = function (stuff, e) { dump(assembleOutput('INFO: ' + stuff, e)); };
- }
- else = function () {};
- codeq.log.error = function (stuff, e) { dump(assembleOutput('ERROR: ' + stuff, e)); };
- }
- })();
- // ================================================================================
- // The system module: contains essential methods for the operation of the app
- // ================================================================================
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The templating part: the createTemplate() and its utility functions
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // jQuery extension
- jQuery.fn.makeUnselectable = function () {
- this.attr("unselectable", "on").attr("draggable", "false");
- this.find("*").attr("unselectable", "on").attr("draggable", "false");
- return this;
- };
- var
- emptyConstObject = {}; // for use as a default read-only parameter in various methods, so we don't instantiate empty objects for no reason
- // convert a string into its definition
- var stringToDef = function (str) {
- return str.replace(regexpBackslash, '\\\\').replace(regexpQuote, '\\"').replace(regexpWhiteSpaceNonPrintable, ' ');
- };
- // given a HTML source, remove whitespace among tags
- var cleanHtml = function (html) {
- // JavaScript doesn't support lookbehind, so we use the split-join trick
- return html.replace(regexpWhiteSpaceBeforeTag, '').split(regexpWhiteSpaceAfterTag).join('>');
- };
- var trailingBackslashCount = function (s) {
- var n = 0, i = s.length - 1;
- while ((i >= 0) && (s.charAt(i) === '\\')) {
- n++;
- i--;
- }
- return n;
- };
- /**
- * Takes a string of "argName=argValue" arguments separated with a comma.
- * Creates and returns an array of arguments, where each argument is
- * represented as an object in the form { name: "argName", value: "argValue" }.
- * Heading and trailing whitespace is auto-removed.
- */
- var splitComponentArguments = function (s) {
- var commaParts = s.split(','),
- args = [], // array of arguments, an argument is an object with the properties name and value (atomL and atomR)
- doubleParts, singleParts, i, atom, j, k, l,
- doublePart, singlePart, doubleLastIndex, singleLastIndex,
- equalsParts, atomL, atomR,
- singleOpen = false, doubleOpen = false;
- atom = []; // substrings of the currently assembling atom
- atomL = false; // the left-side atom
- atomR = false; // the right-side atom, between them is an equals sign
- for (i = 0; i < commaParts.length; i++) {
- doubleParts = commaParts[i].split('"'); // first split after double quotes
- doubleLastIndex = doubleParts.length - 1;
- for (j = 0; j < doubleParts.length; j++) { // and process the parts
- doublePart = doubleParts[j];
- singleParts = doublePart.split("'"); // split after single quotes
- singleLastIndex = singleParts.length - 1;
- for (k = 0; k < singleParts.length; k++) { // process the parts delimited by single quotes
- if (atomL || singleOpen || doubleOpen) { // left side of the assignment was already found, or quotes are active
- atom.push(singleParts[k]); // don't search for the equals sign
- }
- else { // we don't have the left side of the assignment yet and no quotes are open
- equalsParts = singleParts[k].split('='); // search for the equals sign
- atom.push(equalsParts[0]);
- if (equalsParts.length > 1) { // equals sign was found: we have the left side of the assignment
- atomL = jQuery.trim(atom.join('')); // store the left side of the assignment
- if (atomL === '') throw new Error('splitComponentArguments(): left side of the argument at index ' + args.length + ' is empty: ' + s);
- atom = []; // and reset the atom buffer
- atom.push(equalsParts[1]); // save the rest into the atom buffer
- for (l = 2; l < equalsParts.length; l++) { // there may be more than 1 equals sign, store them, too
- atom.push('=');
- atom.push(equalsParts[l]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (k < singleLastIndex) { // the last item does not have a quote attached
- atom.push("'");
- if (!doubleOpen) {
- if ((trailingBackslashCount(singleParts[k]) % 2) == 0) singleOpen = !singleOpen;
- }
- }
- }
- if (j < doubleLastIndex) { // the last item does not have a quote attached
- atom.push('"');
- if (!singleOpen) {
- if ((trailingBackslashCount(doublePart) % 2) == 0) doubleOpen = !doubleOpen;
- }
- }
- }
- if (singleOpen || doubleOpen) { // a quote is still open: include the comma
- atom.push(',');
- }
- else { // no open quotes, and a comma or end-of-line encoutered: means end of an atom
- if (!atomL) throw new Error('splitComponentArguments(): the argument at index ' + args.length + ' does not contain a parameter assignment: ' + s);
- atomR = jQuery.trim(atom.join(''));
- args.push({ 'name': atomL, 'value': atomR });
- atomL = false;
- atomR = false;
- atom = [];
- }
- }
- if (atomL || (atom.length > 0)) throw new Error('splitComponentArguments(): premature end of the last argument: ' + s);
- return args;
- };
- var QuotesWalker = function (s, isLongQuotes) {
- var doubleQuotes, singleQuotes, quoteLen, iteration = 0,
- n = s.length,
- startCharPos = 0,
- unescapedIndexOf = function (s, quotes, startPos) {
- var n = s.length, pos;
- while (startPos < n) {
- pos = s.indexOf(quotes, startPos);
- if (pos <= 0) return pos;
- if (s.charAt(pos-1) != '\\') return pos;
- startPos = pos + 1;
- }
- return -1;
- };
- if (isLongQuotes) {
- doubleQuotes= '"""';
- singleQuotes = "'''";
- quoteLen = 3;
- }
- else {
- doubleQuotes= '"';
- singleQuotes = "'";
- quoteLen = 1;
- }
- this.prefixString = '';
- this.quotedString = '';
- this.quoteType = '';
- = function () {
- var doubleQuotePos, singleQuotePos, quotePos, quoteType;
- iteration++;
- if (startCharPos >= n) {
- this.prefixString = '';
- this.quotedString = '';
- this.quoteType = '';
- codeq.log.debug("QuotesWalker #" + iteration + ': no more data, returning false');
- return false;
- }
- // with which quotes to start, single or double?
- doubleQuotePos = unescapedIndexOf(s, doubleQuotes, startCharPos);
- singleQuotePos = unescapedIndexOf(s, singleQuotes, startCharPos);
- if (doubleQuotePos < 0) {
- if (singleQuotePos < 0) {
- // the end
- this.prefixString = s.slice(startCharPos, n);
- this.quotedString = '';
- this.quoteType = '';
- startCharPos = n;
- codeq.log.debug("QuotesWalker #" + iteration + ': last data, remaining string: ' + this.prefixString);
- return true;
- }
- quotePos = singleQuotePos;
- quoteType = singleQuotes;
- }
- else if (singleQuotePos < 0) {
- quotePos = doubleQuotePos;
- quoteType = doubleQuotes;
- }
- else if (doubleQuotePos < singleQuotePos) {
- quotePos = doubleQuotePos;
- quoteType = doubleQuotes;
- }
- else {
- quotePos = singleQuotePos;
- quoteType = singleQuotes;
- }
- this.quoteType = quoteType;
- this.prefixString = s.slice(startCharPos, quotePos);
- startCharPos = quotePos + quoteLen;
- quotePos = unescapedIndexOf(s, quoteType, startCharPos);
- this.quotedString = s.slice(startCharPos, quotePos);
- startCharPos = quotePos + quoteLen;
- codeq.log.debug('QuotesWalker #' + iteration + ': quoteType=' + this.quoteType + ', data:\nprefix=' + this.prefixString + '\nquoted=' + this.quotedString);
- return true;
- };
- };
- var escapePythonicLongString = function (s, output) {
- var pos = 0,
- parts = s.split("'"),
- n = parts.length,
- i, part, previousPart;
- output.push("'"); // starting quote
- previousPart = parts[0];
- output.push(previousPart.split('\r').join('\\r').split('\t').join('\\t').split('\n').join('\\n'));
- for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- part = parts[i];
- // first escape the single quote, if required
- if (previousPart.charAt(previousPart.length - 1) != '\\') output.push('\\');
- // escape \r, \n, \t
- output.push(part.split('\r').join('\\r').split('\t').join('\\t').split('\n').join('\\n'));
- previousPart = part;
- }
- output.push("'"); // ending quote
- };
- // the "engine" of codeq
- codeq.system = {
- // define XML namespaces, for use in generating HTML content
- ns: {
- svg: ''
- },
- // the method for creating a templating function from the given string template
- createTemplate: function (str, templateName, _internalDoLog_) {
- var f, parts, i, subparts, subpart,
- isSvg = str.substring(0, 4) === '<svg',
-// nodeName = isSvg ? 'tspan' : 'span', // translation container node name, depends on whether this is SVG or HTML
- src = [ 'var _result = [], _tmp, _counter = 0, echo = function (s) { _result.push(s); };\n' ],
- componentName, atoms, j, atom, debugPrefix;
- if (!templateName) templateName = 'unknown template';
- debugPrefix = '[' + templateName + ']';
- // remove comments
- parts = str.split('[%--'); // break on start-of-comment
- atoms = [ parts[0] ]; // first part is not a comment
- for (i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { // iterate over start-of-comments
- atom = parts[i].split('--%]'); // break on end-of-comment
- if (atom.length > 1) { // if end-of-comment was encountered
- atoms.push(atom[1]); // add whatever is trailing it
- for (j = 2; j < atom.length; j++) { // re-add even dangling end-of-comments
- atoms.push('--%]');
- atoms.push(atom[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- // start processing
- parts = atoms.join('').split('[%');
- if (parts[0].length > 0) src.push('_result.push("', stringToDef(cleanHtml(parts[0])), '");\n'); // the first part that doesn't begin with '[%'
- for (i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { // for every part that begins with '[%'
- if (parts[i].slice(0, 2) === '--') { // a comment start
- subparts = parts[i].split('--%]'); // split at comment end
- }
- else { // a start of a statement or of a value reference
- subparts = parts[i].split('%]'); // there should be only one terminating '%]', find it
- subpart = subparts[0].replace(regexpWhiteSpaceStart, '').replace(regexpWhiteSpaceEnd, ''); // trim the white space
- if (subpart.length > 0) {
- if (subpart[0] === '=') { // a value reference
- src.push('_result.push(', subpart.slice(1), ');\n');
- }
- else if (subpart[0] === '@') { // a component directive, this gets processed in two phases
- atoms = subpart.slice(1).replace(regexpWhiteSpaceStart, ''); // get the whole directive, remove any heading whitespace
- componentName = atoms.split(regexpWhiteSpace, 1)[0]; // extract the component name
- atoms = splitComponentArguments(atoms.slice(componentName.length)); // extract the atoms
- src.push('_tmp={"name":"', stringToDef(componentName), '","params":{},"key":"image"+_counter};\n');
- src.push('_components_.push(_tmp);\n');
- src.push('_tmp=_tmp.params;\n');
- for (j = 0; j < atoms.length; j++) {
- atom = atoms[j];
- src.push('_tmp["', stringToDef(, '"]=', atom.value, ';\n');
- }
-// src.push('_result.push(\'<', nodeName, ' class="image\', _counter, \'"></', nodeName, '>\');\n');
- src.push('_result.push(\'<a class="image\', _counter, \'"></a>\');\n');
- src.push('_counter++;\n');
- }
- else { // a statement
- src.push(subpart, '\n');
- }
- }
- }
- if ((subparts.length > 1) && (subparts[1].length > 0)) { // there's a trailing text
- src.push('_result.push("', stringToDef(cleanHtml(subparts[1])), '");\n');
- }
- }
- src.push('return _result.join("");');
- if (_internalDoLog_) codeq.log.debug('createTemplate(): ' + debugPrefix + ' creating templating function:\nfunction(_components_) {\n' + src.join('') + '\n}\n=== Created from template: ===\n' + str);
- try {
- f = new Function('_components_', src.join('')); // create a function that takes the single argument named _components_ (an array)
- }
- catch (e) {
- codeq.log.error('createTemplate(): ' + debugPrefix + ' Failed to instantiate template function: ' + e + '\nfunction(_components_) {\n' + src.join('') + '\n}\n=== Created from template: ===\n' + str, e);
- throw e;
- }
- return function () { // takes params, callback
- var param, templateParams, callback, html, components = [], i, jq, jqContainer, processDom;
- // parse arguments
- // first set defaults
- templateParams = false;
- callback = false;
- jqContainer = false;
- for (i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- param = arguments[i];
- if (param instanceof Function) {
- // set the optional callback that will be invoked with a jQuery argument representing the "compiled" template, after the template is all set up
- if (callback) throw new Error(debugPrefix + ' More than one callback provided to a template function');
- callback = param;
- }
- else if (param instanceof jQuery) {
- // set the container that will receive the template content, the container is mandatory for SVG
- if (jqContainer) throw new Error(debugPrefix + ' More than one jQuery container provided to a template function');
- jqContainer = param;
- }
- else if (param instanceof Object) { // BEWARE: this one catches all Objects, so do testing for descendants (e.g.: Function, jQuery) before testing for Object!
- // set the parameters to the template function, they are optional
- if (templateParams) throw new Error(debugPrefix + ' More than one object with template parameters provided to a template function');
- templateParams = param;
- }
- else throw new Error(debugPrefix + ' Unknown parameter provided to a template function: ' + typeof param);
- }
- // we need at least an empty object for the template function
- if (!templateParams) templateParams = emptyConstObject;
- // the container is mandatory for SVG
- //if (isSvg && !jqContainer) throw new Error(debugPrefix + ' jQuery object is a mandatory parameter to the template function when the template is a SVG object');
- // process DOM, after the template is instantiated
- processDom = function () {
- var componentDef, i, finishedIteration, finishComponent, cjq, params, key, variant, variantsCache,
- iterationCount, currentIteration, newJq;
-'templateName', templateName); // for debugging
- iterationCount = 1 + components.length; // first one is the sentinel
- currentIteration = 0; // how many iterations were processed
- finishedIteration = function () {
- currentIteration++;
- if (iterationCount === currentIteration) {
- jq.makeUnselectable();
- if (callback) callback(jq, templateParams);
- }
- };
- finishComponent = function (cjq, classes, params, reservedParams) {
- var attrName;
- if (params['class']) classes.push(params['class']);
- cjq.attr('class', classes.join(' '));
- for (attrName in params) {
- if (attrName === 'class') continue; // a fixed reserved parameter
- if (attrName in reservedParams) continue; // reserved parameters as specified by the corresponding handler
- cjq.attr(attrName, params[attrName]); // set the attribute
- }
- finishedIteration();
- };
- for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
- componentDef = components[i];
- params = componentDef.params;
- cjq = jq.find('.' + componentDef.key);
- if (cjq.length == 0) {
- if (jq.hasClass(componentDef.key)) cjq = jq;
- }
- if (cjq.length == 0) {
- codeq.log.error('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): internal error: could not obtain reference to a template component of type ' + + ', key=' + componentDef.key);
- continue;
- }
- if (_internalDoLog_) codeq.log.debug('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' searching for a component with class ' + componentDef.key + ', found ' + cjq.length);
- isSvg = 'ownerSVGElement' in cjq[0];
- switch ( {
- case 'text':
- key = params.key;
- if (!key) {
- codeq.log.error('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' A text component is missing the key');
- finishedIteration();
- }
- else {
- if (isSvg) newJq = $(document.createElementNS(codeq.ns.svg, 'tspan'));
- else newJq = $('<span></span>');
- cjq.replaceWith(newJq);
- if (jq === cjq) jq = newJq;
- cjq = newJq;
- cjq.attr('data-tkey', key);
- translate(cjq);
- if (_internalDoLog_) codeq.log.debug('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' Instantiated intellitext: key=' + key);
- finishComponent(cjq, ['intellitext'], params, {'key':true});
- }
- break;
- case 'image':
- key = params.key;
- if (isSvg) {
- codeq.log.error('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' Currently there is no support for inlining images into SVG');
- finishedIteration();
- }
- else if (!key) {
- codeq.log.error('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' An image component is missing the key');
- finishedIteration();
- }
- else {
- newJq = $('<span></span>');
- cjq.replaceWith(newJq);
- if (jq === cjq) jq = newJq;
- cjq = newJq;
- variant = params.variant || 'normal';
- cjq.attr('data-ikey', key); // HTML5 data
- cjq.attr('data-ivariant', variant);
-['ikey'] = key; // jQuery data
-['ivariant'] = variant;
-['ivariants'] = variantsCache = {};
- setButtonVariant(cjq, variantsCache, key, variant, (function (cjq, params, variant) {
- return function () {
- if (_internalDoLog_) codeq.log.debug('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' Instantiated image: key=' + params.key + ', variant=' + variant);
- finishComponent(cjq, ['intellimage'], params, {'key':true, 'variant':true});
- };
- })(cjq, params, variant));
- }
- break;
- default:
- codeq.log.error('codeq.system.createTemplate::fn(): ' + debugPrefix + ' Invalid component name: ' +;
- finishedIteration();
- break;
- }
- }
- finishedIteration(); // the sentinel
- };
- // create DOM
- try {
- html = f.apply(templateParams, [components]);
- if (_internalDoLog_) {
- codeq.log.debug('createTemplate(): ' + debugPrefix + ' instantiating template:\n' + html);
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- codeq.log.error('createTemplate(): ' + debugPrefix + ' Failed to invoke template function: ' + e + '\nfunction(_components_) {\n' + src.join('') + '\n}\n=== Created from template: ===\n' + str, e);
- throw e;
- }
- jq = $(html);
- if (jqContainer) jqContainer.append(jq);
- processDom();
- // TODO: what follows is the code that uses SVG jQuery plugin to instantiate SVG DOM, but the created images are not always correctly sized; needs analysis of what is happening
- /* if (isSvg) {
- jqContainer.empty().svg({
- 'loadURL': html,
- 'initPath': '/js/svg/', // where to load blank.svg from if needed
- 'changeSize': true, // get the size from the SVG markup, don't retain the existing size of the container
- 'onLoad': function (jqSvg) {
- // it should hold that jqContainer == jqSvg, but we ignore the parameter anyway
- jq = $(jqContainer.children()[0]);
- processDom();
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- jq = $(html);
- if (jqContainer) jqContainer.append(jq);
- processDom();
- }*/
- };
- }, // createTemplate
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Task info parser: converts simplified pythonic syntax to a JavaScript function
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // deprecated: use codeq.parseDefinition() instead
- parseInfo: function (infoText) {
- var parts = [],
- n, lines, line, i, j, len, walker, fn, obj;
- // convert pythonic long-strings to ordinary strings, escaping things as we go
- walker = new QuotesWalker(infoText, true);
- while ( {
- if (walker.prefixString.length > 0) parts.push(walker.prefixString);
- if (walker.quotedString.length > 0) escapePythonicLongString(walker.quotedString, parts);
- }
- // split into separate lines, remove comments, add semicolons
- lines = parts.join('').split('\n'); // split at line feed characters
- n = lines.length;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- line = lines[i];
- len = line.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- // if exists: find the first python's comment character (#) that is not in a string (between two quotes)
- parts = [];
- walker = new QuotesWalker(line, false);
- while ( {
- if (walker.prefixString.length > 0) {
- j = walker.prefixString.indexOf('#');
- if (j >= 0) {
- parts.push(walker.prefixString.slice(0, j));
- break; // commented out till the EOL
- }
- parts.push(walker.prefixString);
- }
- parts.push(walker.quoteType);
- parts.push(walker.quotedString);
- parts.push(walker.quoteType);
- }
- line = parts.join('').replace(regexpWhiteSpaceEnd, ''); // trim the white space at the end
- if ((line.length > 0) && (line[line.length - 1] != ';')) line = line + ';'; // and add a semicolon
- lines[i] = line;
- }
- }
- // compose the function
- lines.unshift("var description, hint;");
- lines.push("__params__.description = description;", "__params__.hint = hint;");
- codeq.log.debug("Creating a new parseInfo function having the body: ");
- codeq.log.debug(lines);
- fn = new Function("__params__", lines.join('\n'));
- obj = {};
- fn(obj);
- return obj; // obj now contains "description" and "hint"
- },
- load: function (request) {
- $.ajax({
- contentType: request.contentType,
- dataType: request.type,
- type: ? 'POST' : 'GET',
- url: request.url + '?_=' +,
- data:,
- error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- codeq.log.error('Loading of ' + request.url + ' failed: ' + textStatus, errorThrown);
- try {
- if (request.callback) request.callback(null, 'Error: ' + (errorThrown ? '' + errorThrown : textStatus), request.url);
- }
- catch (e) {
- codeq.log.error('Callback with error failed on request ' + request.url + ': ' + e, e);
- }
- },
- success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
- try {
- if (request.callback) request.callback(data, 'OK', request.url);
- }
- catch (e) {
- codeq.log.error('Callback failed on successful request ' + request.url + ': ' + e, e);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }; // codeq.system = {
- /**
- * Returns the number of Unicode code points in the given string.
- *
- * @param s {string}
- * @returns {number}
- */
- codeq.codePointCount = function (s) {
- var n = 0, i, code;
- if (typeof s !== 'string') {
- code = 'codePointCount(): argument not a string: type = ' + typeof s + ', is null = ' + (s === null);
- if ((typeof s === 'object') && (s !== null) && s.constructor) code += ', constructor = ' +;
- codeq.log.error(code);
- return 0;
- }
- for (i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- try {
- code = s.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- catch (e) {
- codeq.log.error('Invocation of charCodeAt() failed at iteration #' + i + ': ' + e, e);
- return 0;
- }
- if ((code >= 0xd800) && (code < 0xe000)) i++;
- n++;
- }
- return n;
- };
- var jqDisabled = $('#disabled'),
- waitCssEnter = {'cursor': 'wait', 'display': ''};
- codeq.wait = function (promise) {
- jqDisabled.css(waitCssEnter);
- return promise.fin(function () {
- jqDisabled.css('display', 'none');
- });
- };