path: root/kpov_judge/tasks/nat_vlc
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-<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
-<strong><h1>NAT VLC:</h1></strong>
- Set up a computer so that it forwards all packets meant for a certain address, to another computer.</p>
- <h3>1. Create two VMs. SimpleArbiter using the disk simpleArbiter and NATServer. </h3>
- You can get the disks at As for the NATServer VM, you can use any disk you want like base-student-desktop-2014.
- <h3>2. NATServer should have two network interfaces, one should connect to the simpleArbiter VM and the other to the internet.</h3>
- Adapter 1 should be NAT and adapter 2 should be Internal Network.<br>
- Simple Arbiter must be connected to the Internal Network.
- <img style="width: 500px; height: 310px;" src="../images/1.jpg" alt="slika-1"></img>
- <h3>3.On NATServer use ifconfig or /etc/network/interfaces to configure the network interfaces you created in virtualbox.<br></h3>
- -vim /etc/network/interfaces<br>
- -Set it up like this:<br>
- auto eth1<br>
- iface eth1 inet static<br>
- NETMASK # Specify based on your requirement<br>
- IPADDR # Gateway of the LAN<br>
- NETWORK # Optional<br>
- ADDRESS <br>
- -ifdown eth1<br>
- -ifup eth1
-<img style="width: 500px; height: 310px;" src="../images/2.jpg" alt="slika-2"></img>
- <h3>4. Configure SimpleArbiter so that it uses NATServer as the default gateway.</h3>
- <h3> 5. Set up DNS (etc/resolv.conf) on NATServer.</h3>
- vim /etc/resolv.conf
- nameserver # Primary DNS Server provided by the ISP<br>
- nameserver # Secondary DNS Server provided by the ISP<br>
- Than we set up the host:<br>
- vim /etc/hosts<br>
- Replace the first line with:<br>
- nat localhost.localdomain localhost<br>
- <h3>6. Enable IP forwarding on NATServerju (should be run as root).</h3>
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- <h3>7. Set up NAT on NATServer using iptables.</h3>
- apt-get install iptables<br>
- iptables -F<br>
- ptables -t nat -F<br>
- iptables -t mangle -F <br>
- iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE<br>
- iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT<br><br>
- service iptables restart
- <h3>8. Use vlc on simpleArbiter to watch the video over your network. </h3> <br>
- <h3>8. Additional resources </h3> <br>
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-<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
-<strong><h1>NAT VLC:</h1></strong>
-<p><strong><h2>Naloga na hitro:</h2></strong><br>
- Nastavi računalnik tako, da bo vse pakete za določene naslove prepošiljal na drug računalnik, vzpostavi NAT.</p>
- <h3>1. Postavi dva navidezna računalnika. SimpleArbiter z diskom simpleArbiter ter NATServer. </h3>
- Virtualke dobiš na ( Za NATServer lahko uporabiš base-student-desktop-2014.
- <h3>2. Postavi NAT server tako, da ima dva omrežna vmesnika. Z enim naj bo povezan na simpleArbiter, z drugim pa na internet.</h3>
- (settings-Network) Adapter 1 nastavimo na NAT (omrežje), adapter 2 pa na InternalNetwork (lokalno).<br>
- Simple Arbiter nastavimo na InternalNetwork(lokalno).
- <img style="width: 500px; height: 310px;" src="../images/1.jpg" alt="slika-1"></img>
- <h3>3.Na NATServer z ukazom ifconfig in z datoteko /etc/network/interfaces skonfiguriraj omrežne vmesnike<br>
- tako, da bo en povezan v WAN (internet) in en vmesnik na LAN (simpleArbiter).</h3>
- -vim /etc/network/interfaces<br>
- -dopišemo:<br>
- auto eth1<br>
- iface eth1 inet static<br>
- NETMASK # Specify based on your requirement<br>
- IPADDR # Gateway of the LAN<br>
- NETWORK # Optional<br>
- ADDRESS <br>
- -ifdown eth1<br>
- -ifup eth1
-<img style="width: 500px; height: 310px;" src="../images/2.jpg" alt="slika-2"></img>
- <h3>4. SimpleArbiter skofiguriraj tako, da bo privzeti prehod uporabljal NATServer.</h3>
- Nastavi gateway, da ima IP od NATServerja.<br>
- route add -net IP netmask MASK default gw IP dev eth0<br>
- <h3> 5. Nastavi DNS (etc/resolv.conf) na NATServerju.</h3>
- vim /etc/resolv.conf
- nameserver # Primary DNS Server provided by the ISP<br>
- nameserver # Secondary DNS Server provided by the ISP<br>
- Nato nastavimo še host:<br>
- vim /etc/hosts<br>
- Prvo vrstico zamenjamo z:<br>
- nat localhost.localdomain localhost<br>
- <h3>6. Omogoči posredovanje IP naslovov na NATServerju.</h3>
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- <h3>7. Nastavi NAT z uporabo paketa iptables na NATServerju.</h3>
- apt-get install iptables<br>
- iptables -F<br>
- ptables -t nat -F<br>
- iptables -t mangle -F <br>
- iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE<br>
- iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT<br><br>
- service iptables restart
- <h3>8. Na simpleArbiter z vlc preberi naslov, na katerem si lahko ogledaš kratek filmček. </h3>
- apt-get install vlc-nox<br>
- Nastavitev naslova:<br>
- Open Media > OpenNetwork ....<br>
- <h3>8. Dodatni viri </h3> <br>
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-# kpov_util should be imported by
-# Poglej nek film na nekem določenem URL.
-# (?md5 vsota filma?)
-# Nastavi nek računalnik tako, da bo izvajal NAT.
-#TODO: finish this
-instructions = {
- 'si': '''\
-Postavi dva navidezna računalnika: <em>SimpleArbiter</em> in <em>NATServer</em>. <em>NATServer</em> naj ima dva omrežna vmesnika - z enim naj bo povezan na lokalno omrežje, na katerem naj bo tudi simpleArbiter, z drugim pa na Internet.
-Na <em>NATServer</em> skonfiguriraj omrežne vmesnike tako, da bo imel dostop do Interneta in da bo imel na lokalnem omrežju <code>{{IP_NAT}}</code>. Na <em>NATServer</em> ustvarite še uporabnika <code>{{IP_NAT_user}}</code>.
-Poskrbi, da bo <em>SimpleArbiter</em> prek DHCP dobil naslov <code>{{IP_simple}}</code>. Poskrbi, da bo <em>NATServer</em> deloval kot prehod za <em>SimpleArbiter</em> in izvajal NAT.
- 'en': '''\
-Set up two virtual machines: <em>SimpleArbiter</em> and
-<em>NATServer</em>. <em>NATServer</em> should have two network
-adapters. Connect the first adapter to <em>SimpleArbiter</em> and the
-second adapter to the Internet.
-Configure the network in <em>NATServer</em> so that one interface is connected to the Internet while the other is connected to <em>SimpleArbiter</em> and has the address <code>{{IP_NAT}}</code>. Create a user called <code>{{IP_NAT_user}}</code> on <em>NATServer</em>.
-Configure a DHCP server on <em>NATServer</em> so that <em>SimpleArbiter</em> gets the IP <code>{{IP_simple}}</code>. Also, set up NAT on <em>NATServer</em> and set it as the gateway for <em>SimpleArbiter</em>.
-computers = {
- 'NATServer': {
- 'disks': [
- { 'name': 'student-NATServer',
- },
- ],
- 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}, {'network': 'test-net'}],
- 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
- 'config_drive': False
- },
- 'SimpleArbiter': {
- 'disks': [
- { 'name': 'simpleArbiter',
- },
- ],
- 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}],
- 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
- 'config_drive': False
- },
-networks = { 'net1': {'public': False}, 'test-net': {'public': True} }
-#ne potrebujemo dnsjev in ip za malibreznewtork manager?
-params_meta = {
- 'IP_simple': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov SimpleArbiter', 'en': 'SimpleArbiter address'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True},
- 'IP_NAT': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov NATServer', 'en': 'NATServer address'}, 'w': False, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True },
- 'IP_NAT_user': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Username na NATServer', 'en': 'Username on NATServer'}, 'w': False, 'public' : True, 'type' : 'username', 'generated' : True},
- 'IP_NAT_passwd': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Password na NATServer', 'en': 'Password on NATServer'}, 'w': True,'public' : True, 'type' : 'passwd', 'generated' : False},
-def task(IP_simple, IP_NAT, IP_NAT_user, IP_NAT_passwd):
- import pexpect
- results = kpov_util.ssh_test(IP_NAT, IP_NAT_user, IP_NAT_passwd, (
- ('IP_NAT_ip_forward', 'cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'),
- ))
- # Check if If IP_simple is connected to NAT
- results['IP_simple_ping_to_NAT'] ='ping -c 5 {}'.format(IP_NAT), encoding='utf-8')
- # Check routing table on IP_simple
- results['IP_simple_routing_table'] ='route -n', encoding='utf-8', env={'PATH': '/bin:/sbin'})
- # Tracert Check if IP_simple is connected to internet
- results['IP_simple_to_internet'] ='traceroute', encoding='utf-8')
- return results
-def gen_params(user_id, params_meta):
- params = dict()
- r = random.Random(user_id)
- # IP_NM, DNS_NM, IP_static, DNS_static)
- # dns_servers = ['', '', '', '', '', '']
- net = kpov_util.IPv4_net_gen(r, 253, True, False)
- # params['DNS_NM'] = r.choice(dns_servers)
- params['IP_NAT'], params['IP_simple'] = kpov_util.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 2)
- params['IP_NAT_user'] = kpov_util.default_generators['username'](r)
- # params['IP_NM']
- # params['IP_simple'] = kpov_util.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 1)
- # params['DNS_static'] = r.choice(dns_servers)
- return params
-def task_check(results, params):
- import re
- score = 0
- hints = []
- if
- "PING.*\r\n64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=64 time=[0-9.]* ms".format(
- params['IP_NAT']), results['IP_simple_ping_to_NAT']):
- score += 3
- else:
- hints.append("Ping to NAT incorrect")
- if results['IP_NAT_ip_forward'].strip() == "1":
- score += 2
- else:
- hints.append("ip_forward not set on NAT?")
- rs = r"1 +{0} +\({0}\)".format(params['IP_NAT'])
- if,
- results['IP_simple_to_internet']):
- score += 3
- else:
- hints.append("traceroute not OK")
- gateway=r'0\.0\.0\.0 +{} +0\.0\.0\.0 +UG'.format(params['IP_NAT'].replace('.', '\.'))
- if,results['IP_simple_routing_table']) and \
-"Kernel IP routing table\r\nDestination", results['IP_simple_routing_table']):
- score += 2
- else:
- hints.append("route not OK")
- return score, hints
-def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):
- write_default_config(templates['simpleArbiter'], global_params)
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-import string, random, os
-#You need to find PIL library on the internet. Just GOOGLE it!!! Other imports are standard.
-from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
-#Method for generating random string
-def randomString():
- return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in range(30))
-image ="RGBA", (600,150), (255,255,255))
-draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
-#Font option is optional. If you don't want to use it figure out how to increase font size, because default is veeeeery small.
-font = ImageFont.truetype("georgia.ttf", 36)
-txt = randomString()
-draw.text((20,50), txt, (20,100,0), font)
-img_resized = image.resize((600,80), Image.ANTIALIAS)"out.png")
-#Creates .mp4 video from image out.png. Video is 1 second long.
-bashCommand = "avconv -r 1/5 -i out.png -b:v 1000k video.mp4"
-# Converts .mp4 video to .avi format. Still 1 second long. ( 2x )
-bashCommand = "avconv -i video.mp4 -c:a copy video.avi"
-bashCommand = "avconv -i video.mp4 -c:a copy video1.avi"
-# This loop will increas videos length by adding more picesec of the original video.
-last = int(input("Set video length in seconds: "))
-bashCommand = "avconv -i concat:video.avi\|video1.avi -c copy video.avi"
-for i in range(0, last-2):
- os.system(bashCommand)