path: root/kpov_judge
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Diffstat (limited to 'kpov_judge')
4 files changed, 101 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/kpov_judge/tasks/edit_find_grep_compile_convert/ b/kpov_judge/tasks/edit_find_grep_compile_convert/
index 60353fd..705ddf6 100644
--- a/kpov_judge/tasks/edit_find_grep_compile_convert/
+++ b/kpov_judge/tasks/edit_find_grep_compile_convert/
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ Brati naj jo ima pravico samo lastnik, pisati lastnik in skupina, poganjati nih
V {dstfile} zamenjaj vse vrstice oblike poXYZlz, kjer so XYZ poljubni znaki, tako, da bo namesto XYZ niz "kaka".
Napiši program v poljubnem programskem jeziku, ki kot argument sprejme število B med 0 in 7.
-Program naj prebere znak s standardnega izhoda in izpiše vrstico z nizom "ta",
-če je B-ti bit v znaku nastavljen na 1, in "ti" sicer.
+Program naj prebere znak s standardnega izhoda.
+Če je B-ti bit v znaku nastavljen na 1, naj izpiše "ta".
+Če je B-ti bit nastavljen na 0, naj program izpiše "ti".
Program poimenuj {progname} in ga spravi v domači imenik {testuser}.
'en': u'''
@@ -71,12 +72,14 @@ computers = {
'network_interfaces': [
'network': 'net1',
+ },
+ {
'network': 'net2',
'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
'config_drive': False,
- }
+ },
'SmallStudent': {
'disks': [
@@ -190,20 +193,31 @@ params_meta = {
def task(testip, testuser, passwd, magicstr, dstfile, progname, pubseed):
from pexpect import pxssh
import random
- # ideally, this would be done using a SFTP client instead of pxssh
+ N_TITA = 40
target = pxssh.pxssh()
target.login(testip, testuser, passwd)
+ target.sendline('ls -l ~/{}'.format(dstfile))
+ target.prompt()
+ dst_ls = target.before
+ target.sendline('cat ~/{}'.format(dstfile))
+ target.prompt()
+ dst_file_contents = target.before
+ target.sendline('ls ~/'.format(dstfile))
+ target.prompt()
+ home_ls = target.before
results = {
- 'dst_ls':'ls -l ~/{}'.format(dstfile))
- 'dst_file_contents':'cat ~/{}'.format(dstfile))
- 'home_ls':'ls ~/')
+ 'dst_ls': dst_ls,
+ 'dst_file_contents': dst_file_contents,
+ 'home_ls': home_ls,
tita_return = ""
r = random.Random(pubseed)
- for i in range(10):
+ for i in range(N_TITA):
b = r.randint(0, 7)
x = oct(r.randint(37, 127)).replace('o', '')
- tita_return +='echo -e "\0{}" | ~/{} {}'.format(x, progname, b))
+ target.sendline('echo -e "\\{}" | ~/{} {}'.format(x, progname, b))
+ target.prompt()
+ tita_return += target.before
results['tita_return'] = tita_return
return results
@@ -221,49 +235,70 @@ def gen_params(user_id, params_meta):
params['progname'] = kpov_random_helpers.default_generators['filename'](r)
while params['dstfile'] == params['progname']:
params['progname'] = kpov_random_helpers.default_generators['filename'](r)
- params['pubseed'] = kpov_random_helpers.alnum_gen(8)
- params['rndseed'] = kpov_random_helpers.alnum_gen(8)
+ params['pubseed'] = kpov_random_helpers.alnum_gen(r, 8)
+ params['rndseed'] = kpov_random_helpers.alnum_gen(r, 8)
return params
def task_check(results, params):
import os
import re
+ N_TITA = 40
hints = []
score = 0
hidden_contents = params['magicstr']
r = random.Random(params['rndseed'])
for i in range(1000):
- x = "".join([r.choice(["po", "p0", "no", "ko", "fo", "qo"]) for i in range(20)])
- x += "".join([r.choice("uiasdfghjkyxcvbnm1234567890ASDFGHJKYZXCVBNM") for i in range(60)])
- x += r.choice(["lz", "1z", "Iz", "iz", "l2", "I2", "12"])
- hidden_contents += x + "\n\r"
- expected_contents = re.sub("\n\rpo.*lz\n",
- "\n\rpokakalz\n",
- hidden_contents,
- expected_contents = re.sub("\n\rpo.*lz$",
- "\n\rpokakalz",
- expected_contents,
+ start = "".join([r.choice(["po", "p0", "no", "ko", "fo", "qo"]) for i in range(20)])
+ mid = "".join([r.choice("uiasdfghjkyxcvbnm1234567890ASDFGHJKYZXCVBNM") for i in range(60)])
+ end = r.choice(["lz", "1z", "Iz", "iz", "l2", "I2", "12"])
+ if start[:2] == "po" and end == "lz":
+ start = "po"
+ mid = "kaka"
+ x = start + mid + end
+ hidden_contents += x + "\r\n"
+ expected_contents = hidden_contents
+ #expected_contents = re.sub(r"^po.*lz\r$",
+ # r"pokakalz\r",
+ # hidden_contents,
+ expected_contents = "cat ~/{}\r\n".format(params['dstfile']) + expected_contents
if results["dst_file_contents"] == expected_contents:
score += 3
+ #diff_pos = None
+ #for i, c in enumerate(results["dst_file_contents"]):
+ # if len(expected_contents) < i or c != expected_contents[i]:
+ # start = max(0, i-20)
+ # end = min(len(expected_contents), len(results["dst_file_contents"]), i+200)
+ # diff_pos = (i, expected_contents[start:end], results["dst_file_contents"][start:end])
+ # break
+ #hints += ["wrong file contents\n" + str(diff_pos)]
hints += ["wrong file contents"]
- expected_ls = "-rw--w---- 1 {testuser} bilbo .* {dstfile}".format(**params)
- if re.match(expected_ls, results["dstfile_ls"]):
+ expected_ls = u"ls -l ~/{dstfile}\r\n-rw--w---- 1 {testuser} bilbo .*{dstfile}\r\n".format(**params)
+ if re.match(expected_ls, results["dst_ls"]):
score += 3
- hints += ["missing file or wrong user/permissions"]
+ hints += ["missing file or wrong user/permissions\n" + str((results["dst_ls"], expected_ls))]
if results["home_ls"].find(params['progname']) > -1:
score += 2
hints += ["missing program"]
- expected_tita = ""
+ expected_tita = u""
+ r = random.Random(params['pubseed'])
+ for i in range(N_TITA):
+ b = r.randint(0, 7)
+ x_i = r.randint(37, 127)
+ x = oct(x_i).replace('o', '')
+ expected_tita += u'echo -e "\\{}" | ~/{} {}\r\n'.format(x, params['progname'], b)
+ if x_i & (1 << b):
+ expected_tita += u"ta\r\n"
+ else:
+ expected_tita += u"ti\r\n"
if results["tita_return"] == expected_tita:
score += 2
- hints += ["program output incorrect" + results["tita_return"]]
+ hints += ["program output incorrect\n" + str((results["tita_return"],)) + "\n" + str((expected_tita,))]
return score, hints
@@ -273,7 +308,7 @@ def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):
#print "Haha!"
#print params
#print templates
- d = templates['SmallStudent']
+ d = templates['student-entrance2']
# first create the file contents to make it easyer to check.
hidden_contents = task_params['magicstr']
r = random.Random(task_params['rndseed'])
@@ -292,16 +327,16 @@ def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):
potential_dir = os.path.join('/home/bilbo/.config', potential_dir)
- d.chown(1002, 1002, potential_dir)
+ d.chown(1001, 1001, potential_dir)
- for i in r.randint(2, 20):
+ for i in range(r.randint(2, 20)):
rndstr2 = r.choice(start_list) + \
r.choice(file_letters) + r.choice(ending_list)
hidden_file_name = os.path.join(potential_dir,
- d.chown(1002, 1002, hidden_file_name)
d.write(hidden_file_name, hidden_contents)
+ d.chown(1001, 1001, hidden_file_name)
file_letters = ["stamp", "", "dev", "re"]
hidden_contents = "".join([r.choice("asdfghjkyxcvbnm1234567890 \n") for j in range(10000)])
file_letters = file_letters + ["mod", "co"]
diff --git a/kpov_judge/tasks/ldap_search/ b/kpov_judge/tasks/ldap_search/
index 6889b13..0e906ae 100644
--- a/kpov_judge/tasks/ldap_search/
+++ b/kpov_judge/tasks/ldap_search/
@@ -15,25 +15,22 @@ Na LDAPServer namesti strežnik LDAP. Strežnik naj skrbi za domeno
V imeniku ustvari uporabnika
z geslom {LDAP_PASSWORD} in uporabnika
z geslom {BIND_PASSWORD}
Poskrbi, da se bo lahko klient s simpleArbiterDhcp povezal na LDAP strežnik na LDAPServer.
V primeru, da se klient poveže kot {BIND_USERNAME} z geslom {BIND_PASSWORD},
naj strežnik omogoči spreminjanje podatkov za objekt
ter ustvarjanje novih objektov v DC={DOMAIN},DC=kpov,DC=lusy,DC=fri,DC=uni-lj,DC=si
CN = Common Name
+O = Organization
OU = Organizational Unit
DC = Domain Component
-Na SimpleArbiter ustvari program, ki bo s pomočjo ldapsearch izpisal seznam lastnosti (otrok),
-ki jih ima poljuben objekt v domeni {DOMAIN}
-Ime objekta (CN) naj program sprejme kot prvi argument.
'en': u"""
Create two virtual machines - SimpleArbiter using the disk simpleArbiterDhcp
@@ -43,10 +40,10 @@ Set up an LDAP server on LDAPServer. Make it responsible for
Create a user
with the password {LDAP_PASSWORD} and a user
with the password {LDAP_PASSWORD} .
@@ -54,16 +51,14 @@ Make sure that a client from simpleArbiterDhcp can connect to the LDAP server on
LDAPServer. If the client identifies themself as {BIND_USERNAME} with the password
{BIND_PASSWORD}, allow it to change data for the object
and to create objects in DC={DOMAIN},DC=kpov,DC=lusy,DC=fri,DC=uni-lj,DC=si
CN = Common Name
+O = Organization
OU = Organizational Unit
DC = Domain Component
-Create a program on SimpleArbiter which will use ldapsearch to output the list of properties
-(children) of an arbitrary object under {DOMAIN}
-The program will be given the CN of the object as it's first argument.
results = dict()
FULLDOMAIN = "dc={DOMAIN},dc=kpov,dc=lusy,dc=fri,dc=uni-lj,dc=si".format(
- BIND_DN = "uid={BIND_USERNAME},ou=Users,{FULLDOMAIN}".format(**locals())
+ BIND_DN = "cn={BIND_USERNAME},ou=Users,{FULLDOMAIN}".format(**locals())
s = "ldapsearch -D {BIND_DN} -b {FULLDOMAIN} -w {BIND_PASSWORD}\
-h {LDAP_IP}".format(
s = "ldapmodify -D {BIND_DN} -w {BIND_PASSWORD} -h {LDAP_IP}".format(
modify = pexpect.spawn(s)
- FORTUNE = kpov_random_helpers.fortune(random.Random(), 20)
- results['FORTUNE'] = FORTUNE
+ FORTUNE = kpov_random_helpers.hostname_gen(random.Random(str(LDAP_USERNAME)))
+ results['fortune'] = FORTUNE
s1 = """
-dn: uid={LDAP_USERNAME},ou=Users,{FULLDOMAIN}
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: {FORTUNE}
@@ -154,38 +149,38 @@ def task_check(results, params):
import re
score = 0
hints = []
- s = """.*dn: dc={DOMAIN},dc=kpov,dc=lusy,dc=fri,dc=uni-lj,dc=si\r
+ s = """.*dn: dc={DOMAIN},dc=kpov,dc=lusy,dc=fri,dc=uni-lj,dc=si\r[^#]*
objectClass: top\r
objectClass: dcObject\r
objectClass: organization\r
#dc: {DOMAIN}\r
- fortune = results['FORTUNE']
if re.match(s, results['ldapsearch_before'], re.DOTALL):
score += 2
- hints += [s + str(results['ldapsearch_before'])]
- s = ".*uid: {}.*".format(re.escape(params['LDAP_USERNAME']))
+ hints += ["domain missing in ldapsearch result"]
+ s = ".*cn: {}.*".format(re.escape(params['LDAP_USERNAME']))
if, results['ldapsearch_before']):
score += 2
- hints += [s + str(results['ldapsearch_before'])]
- s = ".*uid: {0}.*description: {1}.*".format(
- re.escape(params['LDAP_USERNAME']), re.escape(fortune[:40]))
+ hints += ["LDAP_USERNAME missing in: " + s + str(results['ldapsearch_before'])]
+ fortune = kpov_random_helpers.hostname_gen(random.Random(str(params['LDAP_USERNAME'])))
+ s = ".*cn: {0}.*description: {1}.*".format(
+ re.escape(params['LDAP_USERNAME']), re.escape(fortune))
if re.match(s, results['ldapsearch_after'], re.DOTALL):
score += 2
- hints += [s + str(results['ldapsearch_after'])]
+ hints += ["description missing after update:" + fortune + "\n" + s + str(results['modify']) + str(results['ldapsearch_after'])]
if results['ldapsearch_before'][:100] == results['ldapsearch_after'][:100]:
score += 2
- hints += ["ldapsearch wrong"]
- s = '.*\r\nmodifying entry "uid={LDAP_USERNAME},ou=Users,dc={DOMAIN},dc=kpov,dc=lusy,dc=fri,dc=uni-lj,dc=si".*'.format(
+ hints += ["ldapsearch before equals after. This should not happen."]
+ s = '.*\r\nmodifying entry "cn={LDAP_USERNAME},ou=Users,dc={DOMAIN},dc=kpov,dc=lusy,dc=fri,dc=uni-lj,dc=si".*'.format(
if re.match(s, results['modify'], re.DOTALL):
score += 2
- hints += [s + str(results['modify'])]
+ hints += ['Modify error' + s + str(results['modify'])]
return score, hints
def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):
diff --git a/kpov_judge/tasks/mock_entrance_exam/howtos/en/index.html b/kpov_judge/tasks/mock_entrance_exam/howtos/en/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kpov_judge/tasks/mock_entrance_exam/howtos/en/index.html
diff --git a/kpov_judge/tasks/vlc_stream_rtp/ b/kpov_judge/tasks/vlc_stream_rtp/
index 4ae435d..ea9b905 100644
--- a/kpov_judge/tasks/vlc_stream_rtp/
+++ b/kpov_judge/tasks/vlc_stream_rtp/
@@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ instructions = {
Postavi navidezni računalnik SimpleArbiter z diska simpleArbiter
ter StudentVLC z diska student-VLC. Poskrbi, da bosta na istem omrežju, od
-koder bosta imela dostop tudi do Interneta
-Na StudentVLC posodobi datoteko /etc/apt/sources.list, preveri posodobitve in
-naloži VLC.
+koder bosta imela dostop tudi do Interneta Na StudentVLC posodobi datoteko
+/etc/apt/sources.list, preveri posodobitve in naloži VLC.
Posnemi ali kako drugače ustvari film ter poskrbi, da bo film dostopen na
-lokalnem omrežju prek RTP z imenom toka {TOK} na naslovu {NASLOV}.
+lokalnem omrežju prek RTP z imenom toka {TOK} na naslovu {NASLOV}, vrata {PORT}.
Računaj, da bodo film lahko videli tvoji sošolci. Kršenje avtorskih pravic
je pri reševanju te naloge strogo prepovedano.
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ VLC.
Record or otherwise create a movie and make sure the movie is avaliable
on your local network via RTP with the name of the stream {TOK} at the address
+{NASLOV} on port {PORT}.
Take into account that the movie may be seen by your classmates.
Copyright infrigement while solving this task is strictly prohibited.
@@ -102,15 +101,19 @@ def task_check(results, params):
p1_d = p1_l[1:-1]
p1_s = ""
for i in p1_d:
- p1_s += "".join([j for j in i.split(' ')[1:]])
- sname = "".join([ hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in params['TOK']])
+ p1_s = p1_s + "".join([j.strip() for j in i.split(' ')[1:]])
+ sname = "".join([hex(ord(i))[2:] for i in params['TOK']])
if p1_s.find(sname) > 2:
score += 5
- s = "IP [^ ]* > {}.{}: UDP, length [0-9]+\n\r".format(
+ else:
+ hints.append("stream name not found in stream announcement")
+ s = "IP [^ ]* > {}.{}: UDP, length [0-9]+".format(
if, results['tcpdump']):
score += 5
+ else:
+ hints.append("RTP stream not detected in " + results['tcpdump'])
return score, hints
def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):