path: root/canonicalize/
diff options
authorTimotej Lazar <>2017-12-28 12:47:19 +0100
committerTimotej Lazar <>2017-12-28 14:51:00 +0100
commite50145eaf491f61a2ab3604f5b413a8b5e316602 (patch)
tree5805b1c78cb09e6023b2f9365fd75c2f4aac73c3 /canonicalize/
Import canonicalization module from ITAP
Code by Kelly Rivers found at
Diffstat (limited to 'canonicalize/')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/canonicalize/ b/canonicalize/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5523f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canonicalize/
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+import ast, collections
+supportedLibraries = [ "string", "math", "random", "__future__", "copy" ]
+builtInTypes = [ bool, bytes, complex, dict, float, int, list,
+ set, str, tuple, type ]
+staticTypeCastBuiltInFunctions = {
+ "bool" : { (object,) : bool },
+ "bytes" : bytes,
+ "complex" : { (str, int) : complex, (str, float) : complex, (int, int) : complex,
+ (int, float) : complex, (float, int) : complex, (float, float) : complex },
+ "dict" : { (collections.Iterable,) : dict },
+ "enumerate" : { (collections.Iterable,) : enumerate },
+ "float" : { (str,) : float, (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "frozenset" : frozenset,
+ "int" : { (str,) : int, (float,) : int, (int,) : int, (str, int) : int },
+ "list" : { (collections.Iterable,) : list },
+ "memoryview" : None, #TODO
+ "object" : { () : object },
+ "property" : property, #TODO
+ "reversed" : { (str,) : reversed, (list,) : reversed },
+ "set" : { () : None, (collections.Iterable,) : None }, #TODO
+ "slice" : { (int,) : slice, (int, int) : slice, (int, int, int) : slice },
+ "str" : { (object,) : str },
+ "tuple" : { () : tuple, (collections.Iterable,) : tuple },
+ "type" : { (object,) : type },
+ }
+mutatingTypeCastBuiltInFunctions = {
+ "bytearray" : { () : list },
+ "classmethod" : None,
+ "file" : None,
+ "staticmethod" : None, #TOOD
+ "super" : None
+ }
+builtInNames = [ "None", "True", "False", "NotImplemented", "Ellipsis" ]
+staticBuiltInFunctions = {
+ "abs" : { (int,) : int, (float,) : float },
+ "all" : { (collections.Iterable,) : bool },
+ "any" : { (collections.Iterable,) : bool },
+ "bin" : { (int,) : str },
+ "callable" : { (object,) : bool },
+ "chr" : { (int,) : str },
+ "cmp" : { (object, object) : int },
+ "coerce" : tuple, #TODO
+ "compile" : { (str, str, str) : ast, (ast, str, str) : ast },
+ "dir" : { () : list },
+ "divmod" : { (int, int) : tuple, (int, float) : tuple,
+ (float, int) : tuple, (float, float) : tuple },
+ "filter" : { (type(lambda x : x), collections.Iterable) : list },
+ "getattr" : None,
+ "globals" : dict,
+ "hasattr" : bool, #TODO
+ "hash" : int,
+ "hex" : str,
+ "id" : int, #TODO
+ "isinstance" : { (None, None) : bool },
+ "issubclass" : bool, #TODO
+ "iter" : { (collections.Iterable,) : None, (None, object) : None },
+ "len" : { (str,) : int, (tuple,) : int, (list,) : int, (dict,) : int },
+ "locals" : dict,
+ "map" : { (None, collections.Iterable) : list }, #TODO
+ "max" : { (collections.Iterable,) : None },
+ "min" : { (collections.Iterable,) : None },
+ "oct" : { (int,) : str },
+ "ord" : { (str,) : int },
+ "pow" : { (int, int) : int, (int, float) : float,
+ (float, int) : float, (float, float) : float },
+ "print" : None,
+ "range" : { (int,) : list, (int, int) : list, (int, int, int) : list },
+ "repr" : {(object,) : str },
+ "round" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float, (int, int) : float, (float, int) : float },
+ "sorted" : { (collections.Iterable,) : list },
+ "sum" : { (collections.Iterable,) : None },
+ "vars" : dict, #TODO
+ "zip" : { () : list, (collections.Iterable,) : list}
+ }
+mutatingBuiltInFunctions = {
+ "__import__" : None,
+ "apply" : None,
+ "delattr" : { (object, str) : None },
+ "eval" : { (str,) : None },
+ "execfile" : None,
+ "format" : None,
+ "input" : { () : None, (object,) : None },
+ "intern" : str, #TOOD
+ "next" : { () : None, (None,) : None },
+ "open" : None,
+ "raw_input" : { () : str, (object,) : str },
+ "reduce" : None,
+ "reload" : None,
+ "setattr" : None
+ }
+builtInSafeFunctions = [
+ "abs", "all", "any", "bin", "bool", "cmp", "len",
+ "list", "max", "min", "pow", "repr", "round", "slice", "str", "type"
+ ]
+exceptionClasses = [
+ "ArithmeticError",
+ "AssertionError",
+ "AttributeError",
+ "BaseException",
+ "BufferError",
+ "BytesWarning",
+ "DeprecationWarning",
+ "EOFError",
+ "EnvironmentError",
+ "Exception",
+ "FloatingPointError",
+ "FutureWarning",
+ "GeneratorExit",
+ "IOError",
+ "ImportError",
+ "ImportWarning",
+ "IndentationError",
+ "IndexError",
+ "KeyError",
+ "KeyboardInterrupt",
+ "LookupError",
+ "MemoryError",
+ "NameError",
+ "NotImplementedError",
+ "OSError",
+ "OverflowError",
+ "PendingDeprecationWarning",
+ "ReferenceError",
+ "RuntimeError",
+ "RuntimeWarning",
+ "StandardError",
+ "StopIteration",
+ "SyntaxError",
+ "SyntaxWarning",
+ "SystemError",
+ "SystemExit",
+ "TabError",
+ "TypeError",
+ "UnboundLocalError",
+ "UnicodeDecodeError",
+ "UnicodeEncodeError",
+ "UnicodeError",
+ "UnicodeTranslateError",
+ "UnicodeWarning",
+ "UserWarning",
+ "ValueError",
+ "Warning",
+ "ZeroDivisionError",
+ "WindowsError", "BlockingIOError", "ChildProcessError",
+ "ConnectionError", "BrokenPipeError", "ConnectionAbortedError",
+ "ConnectionRefusedError", "ConnectionResetError", "FileExistsError",
+ "FileNotFoundError", "InterruptedError", "IsADirectoryError", "NotADirectoryError",
+ "PermissionError", "ProcessLookupError", "TimeoutError",
+ "ResourceWarning", "RecursionError", "StopAsyncIteration" ]
+builtInFunctions = dict(list(staticBuiltInFunctions.items()) + \
+ list(mutatingBuiltInFunctions.items()) + \
+ list(staticTypeCastBuiltInFunctions.items()) + \
+ list(mutatingTypeCastBuiltInFunctions.items()))
+# All string functions do not mutate the caller, they return copies instead
+builtInStringFunctions = {
+ "capitalize" : { () : str },
+ "center" : { (int,) : str, (int, str) : str },
+ "count" : { (str,) : int, (str, int) : int, (str, int, int) : int },
+ "decode" : { () : str },
+ "encode" : { () : str },
+ "endswith" : { (str,) : bool },
+ "expandtabs" : { () : str, (int,) : str },
+ "find" : { (str,) : int, (str, int) : int, (str, int, int) : int },
+ "format" : { (list, list) : str },
+ "index" : { (str,) : int, (str,int) : int, (str,int,int) : int },
+ "isalnum" : { () : bool },
+ "isalpha" : { () : bool },
+ "isdecimal" : { () : bool },
+ "isdigit" : { () : bool },
+ "islower" : { () : bool },
+ "isnumeric" : { () : bool },
+ "isspace" : { () : bool },
+ "istitle" : { () : bool },
+ "isupper" : { () : bool },
+ "join" : { (collections.Iterable,) : str, (collections.Iterable,str) : str },
+ "ljust" : { (int,) : str },
+ "lower" : { () : str },
+ "lstrip" : { () : str, (str,) : str },
+ "partition" : { (str,) : tuple },
+ "replace" : { (str, str) : str, (str, str, int) : str },
+ "rfind" : { (str,) : int, (str,int) : int, (str,int,int) : int },
+ "rindex" : { (str,) : int },
+ "rjust" : { (int,) : str },
+ "rpartition" : { (str,) : tuple },
+ "rsplit" : { () : list },
+ "rstrip" : { () : str },
+ "split" : { () : list, (str,) : list, (str, int) : list },
+ "splitlines" : { () : list },
+ "startswith" : { (str,) : bool },
+ "strip" : { () : str, (str,) : str },
+ "swapcase" : { () : str },
+ "title" : { () : str },
+ "translate" : { (str,) : str },
+ "upper" : { () : str },
+ "zfill" : { (int,) : str }
+ }
+safeStringFunctions = [
+ "capitalize", "center", "count", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find",
+ "isalnum", "isalpha", "isdigit", "islower", "isspace", "istitle",
+ "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "partition", "replace",
+ "rfind", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines",
+ "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill",
+ "isdecimal", "isnumeric"]
+mutatingListFunctions = {
+ "append" : { (object,) : None },
+ "extend" : { (list,) : None },
+ "insert" : { (int, object) : None },
+ "remove" : { (object,) : None },
+ "pop" : { () : None, (int,) : None },
+ "sort" : { () : None },
+ "reverse" : { () : None }
+ }
+staticListFunctions = {
+ "index" : { (object,) : int, (object,int) : int, (object,int,int) : int },
+ "count" : { (object,) : int, (object,int) : int, (object,int,int) : int }
+ }
+safeListFunctions = [ "append", "extend", "insert", "count", "sort", "reverse"]
+builtInListFunctions = dict(list(mutatingListFunctions.items()) + list(staticListFunctions.items()))
+staticDictFunctions = {
+ "get" : { (object,) : object, (object, object) : object },
+ "items" : { () : list }
+ }
+builtInDictFunctions = staticDictFunctions
+mathFunctions = {
+ "ceil" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "copysign" : { (int, int) : float, (int, float) : float,
+ (float, int) : float, (float, float) : float },
+ "fabs" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "factorial" : { (int,) : int, (float,) : int },
+ "floor" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "fmod" : { (int, int) : float, (int, float) : float,
+ (float, int) : float, (float, float) : float },
+ "frexp" : int,
+ "fsum" : int, #TODO
+ "isinf" : { (int,) : bool, (float,) : bool },
+ "isnan" : { (int,) : bool, (float,) : bool },
+ "ldexp" : int,
+ "modf" : tuple,
+ "trunc" : None, #TODO
+ "exp" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "expm1" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "log" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float,
+ (int,int) : float, (int,float) : float,
+ (float, int) : float, (float, float) : float },
+ "log1p" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "log10" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "pow" : { (int, int) : float, (int, float) : float,
+ (float, int) : float, (float, float) : float },
+ "sqrt" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "acos" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "asin" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "atan" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "atan2" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "cos" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "hypot" : { (int, int) : float, (int, float) : float,
+ (float, int) : float, (float, float) : float },
+ "sin" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "tan" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "degrees" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "radians" : { (int,) : float, (float,) : float },
+ "acosh" : int,
+ "asinh" : int,
+ "atanh" : int,
+ "cosh" : int,
+ "sinh" : int,
+ "tanh" : int,#TODO
+ "erf" : int,
+ "erfc" : int,
+ "gamma" : int,
+ "lgamma" : int #TODO
+ }
+safeMathFunctions = [
+ "ceil", "copysign", "fabs", "floor", "fmod", "isinf",
+ "isnan", "exp", "expm1", "cos", "hypot", "sin", "tan",
+ "degrees", "radians" ]
+randomFunctions = {
+ "seed" : { () : None, (collections.Hashable,) : None },
+ "getstate" : { () : object },
+ "setstate" : { (object,) : None },
+ "jumpahead" : { (int,) : None },
+ "getrandbits" : { (int,) : int },
+ "randrange" : { (int,) : int, (int, int) : int, (int, int, int) : int },
+ "randint" : { (int, int) : int },
+ "choice" : { (collections.Iterable,) : object },
+ "shuffle" : { (collections.Iterable,) : None,
+ (collections.Iterable, type(lambda x : x)) : None },
+ "sample" : { (collections.Iterable, int) : list },
+ "random" : { () : float },
+ "uniform" : { (float, float) : float }
+ }
+futureFunctions = {
+ "nested_scopes" : None,
+ "generators" : None,
+ "division" : None,
+ "absolute_import" : None,
+ "with_statement" : None,
+ "print_function" : None,
+ "unicode_literals" : None
+ }
+copyFunctions = {
+ "copy" : None,
+ "deepcopy" : None
+timeFunctions = {
+ "clock" : { () : float },
+ "time" : { () : float }
+ }
+errorFunctions = {
+ "AssertionError" : { (str,) : object }
+ }
+allStaticFunctions = dict(list(staticBuiltInFunctions.items()) + list(staticTypeCastBuiltInFunctions.items()) + \
+ list(builtInStringFunctions.items()) + list(staticListFunctions.items()) + \
+ list(staticDictFunctions.items()) + list(mathFunctions.items()))
+allMutatingFunctions = dict(list(mutatingBuiltInFunctions.items()) + list(mutatingTypeCastBuiltInFunctions.items()) + \
+ list(mutatingListFunctions.items()) + list(randomFunctions.items()) + list(timeFunctions.items()))
+allPythonFunctions = dict(list(allStaticFunctions.items()) + list(allMutatingFunctions.items()))
+safeLibraryMap = { "string" : [ "ascii_letters", "ascii_lowercase", "ascii_uppercase",
+ "digits", "hexdigits", "letters", "lowercase", "octdigits",
+ "punctuation", "printable", "uppercase", "whitespace",
+ "capitalize", "expandtabs", "find", "rfind", "count",
+ "lower", "split", "rsplit", "splitfields", "join",
+ "joinfields", "lstrip", "rstrip", "strip", "swapcase",
+ "upper", "ljust", "rjust", "center", "zfill", "replace"],
+ "math" : [ "ceil", "copysign", "fabs", "floor", "fmod",
+ "frexp", "fsum", "isinf", "isnan", "ldexp", "modf", "trunc", "exp",
+ "expm1", "log", "log1p", "log10", "sqrt", "acos", "asin",
+ "atan", "atan2", "cos", "hypot", "sin", "tan", "degrees", "radians",
+ "acosh", "asinh", "atanh", "cosh", "sinh", "tanh", "erf", "erfc",
+ "gamma", "lgamma", "pi", "e" ],
+ "random" : [ ],
+ "__future__" : ["nested_scopes", "generators", "division", "absolute_import",
+ "with_statement", "print_function", "unicode_literals"] }
+libraryMap = { "string" : [ "ascii_letters", "ascii_lowercase", "ascii_uppercase",
+ "digits", "hexdigits", "letters", "lowercase", "octdigits",
+ "punctuation", "printable", "uppercase", "whitespace",
+ "capwords", "maketrans", "atof", "atoi", "atol", "capitalize",
+ "expandtabs", "find", "rfind", "index", "rindex", "count",
+ "lower", "split", "rsplit", "splitfields", "join",
+ "joinfields", "lstrip", "rstrip", "strip", "swapcase",
+ "translate", "upper", "ljust", "rjust", "center", "zfill",
+ "replace", "Template", "Formatter" ],
+ "math" : [ "ceil", "copysign", "fabs", "factorial", "floor", "fmod",
+ "frexp", "fsum", "isinf", "isnan", "ldexp", "modf", "trunc", "exp",
+ "expm1", "log", "log1p", "log10", "pow", "sqrt", "acos", "asin",
+ "atan", "atan2", "cos", "hypot", "sin", "tan", "degrees", "radians",
+ "acosh", "asinh", "atanh", "cosh", "sinh", "tanh", "erf", "erfc",
+ "gamma", "lgamma", "pi", "e" ],
+ "random" : ["seed", "getstate", "setstate", "jumpahead", "getrandbits",
+ "randrange", "randrange", "randint", "choice", "shuffle", "sample",
+ "random", "uniform", "triangular", "betavariate", "expovariate",
+ "gammavariate", "gauss", "lognormvariate", "normalvariate",
+ "vonmisesvariate", "paretovariate", "weibullvariate", "WichmannHill",
+ "whseed", "SystemRandom" ],
+ "__future__" : ["nested_scopes", "generators", "division", "absolute_import",
+ "with_statement", "print_function", "unicode_literals"],
+ "copy" : ["copy", "deepcopy"] }
+libraryDictMap = { "string" : builtInStringFunctions,
+ "math" : mathFunctions,
+ "random" : randomFunctions,
+ "__future__" : futureFunctions,
+ "copy" : copyFunctions }
+typeMethodMap = {"string" : ["capitalize", "center", "count", "decode", "encode", "endswith",
+ "expandtabs", "find", "format", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha",
+ "isdigit", "islower", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join",
+ "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "partition", "replace", "rfind",
+ "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split",
+ "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title",
+ "translate", "upper", "zfill"],
+ "list" : [ "append", "extend", "count", "index", "insert", "pop", "remove",
+ "reverse", "sort"],
+ "set" : [ "isdisjoint", "issubset", "issuperset", "union", "intersection",
+ "difference", "symmetric_difference", "update", "intersection_update",
+ "difference_update", "symmetric_difference_update", "add",
+ "remove", "discard", "pop", "clear"],
+ "dict" : [ "iter", "clear", "copy", "fromkeys", "get", "has_key", "items",
+ "iteritems", "iterkeys", "itervalues", "keys", "pop", "popitem",
+ "setdefault", "update", "values", "viewitems", "viewkeys",
+ "viewvalues"] }
+astNames = {
+ ast.Module : "Module", ast.Interactive : "Interactive Module",
+ ast.Expression : "Expression Module", ast.Suite : "Suite",
+ ast.FunctionDef : "Function Definition",
+ ast.ClassDef : "Class Definition", ast.Return : "Return",
+ ast.Delete : "Delete", ast.Assign : "Assign",
+ ast.AugAssign : "AugAssign", ast.For : "For",
+ ast.While : "While", ast.If : "If", ast.With : "With",
+ ast.Raise : "Raise",
+ ast.Try : "Try", ast.Assert : "Assert",
+ ast.Import : "Import", ast.ImportFrom : "Import From",
+ ast.Global : "Global", ast.Expr : "Expression",
+ ast.Pass : "Pass", ast.Break : "Break", ast.Continue : "Continue",
+ ast.BoolOp : "Boolean Operation", ast.BinOp : "Binary Operation",
+ ast.UnaryOp : "Unary Operation", ast.Lambda : "Lambda",
+ ast.IfExp : "Ternary", ast.Dict : "Dictionary", ast.Set : "Set",
+ ast.ListComp : "List Comprehension", ast.SetComp : "Set Comprehension",
+ ast.DictComp : "Dict Comprehension",
+ ast.GeneratorExp : "Generator", ast.Yield : "Yield",
+ ast.Compare : "Compare", ast.Call : "Call",
+ ast.Num : "Number", ast.Str : "String", ast.Bytes : "Bytes",
+ ast.NameConstant : "Name Constant",
+ ast.Attribute : "Attribute",
+ ast.Subscript : "Subscript", ast.Name : "Name", ast.List : "List",
+ ast.Tuple : "Tuple", ast.Starred : "Starred",
+ ast.Load : "Load", ast.Store : "Store", ast.Del : "Delete",
+ ast.AugLoad : "AugLoad", ast.AugStore : "AugStore",
+ ast.Param : "Parameter",
+ ast.Ellipsis : "Ellipsis", ast.Slice : "Slice",
+ ast.ExtSlice : "ExtSlice", ast.Index : "Index",
+ ast.And : "And", ast.Or : "Or", ast.Add : "Add", ast.Sub : "Subtract",
+ ast.Mult : "Multiply", ast.Div : "Divide", ast.Mod : "Modulo",
+ ast.Pow : "Power", ast.LShift : "Left Shift",
+ ast.RShift : "Right Shift", ast.BitOr : "|", ast.BitXor : "^",
+ ast.BitAnd : "&", ast.FloorDiv : "Integer Divide",
+ ast.Invert : "Invert", ast.Not : "Not", ast.UAdd : "Unsigned Add",
+ ast.USub : "Unsigned Subtract", ast.Eq : "==", ast.NotEq : "!=",
+ ast.Lt : "<", ast.LtE : "<=", ast.Gt : ">", ast.GtE : ">=",
+ ast.Is : "Is", ast.IsNot : "Is Not", ast.In : "In",
+ ast.NotIn : "Not In",
+ ast.comprehension: "Comprehension",
+ ast.ExceptHandler : "Except Handler", ast.arguments : "Arguments", ast.arg : "Argument",
+ ast.keyword : "Keyword", ast.alias : "Alias", ast.withitem : "With item"
+ } \ No newline at end of file