path: root/aied2018
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-02-06Optimize tableTimotej Lazar
2018-02-06Optimize bibliographyTimotej Lazar
2018-02-06Update pattern descriptionTimotej Lazar
2018-02-06Added evaluation.Martin Mozina
2018-02-05Fixed total/correct values in the table.Martin
2018-02-05Compactify sections 3 and 4, prettify rulesTimotej Lazar
2018-02-05Added greatest absolutistMartin Mozina
2018-02-04Add evaluation for patternsTimotej Lazar
2018-02-04Tweak minorlyTimotej Lazar
2018-02-04Add introductionTimotej Lazar
2018-02-02Fahrenheits and CelsiusMartin
2018-02-01Add section on patternsTimotej Lazar
2018-02-01Algorithm for rule learning.Martin Mozina
2018-01-29Changed title.Martin Mozina
2018-01-27aied2018: add working title and abstractTimotej Lazar