path: root/db
diff options
authorAleš Smodiš <>2015-08-13 16:51:14 +0200
committerAleš Smodiš <>2015-08-13 16:51:14 +0200
commitc7820c61e376774abd65bb1c13ea12239ce87be4 (patch)
tree845c6da971844c7b5344318ecaefdbf899ee4866 /db
parent7c60e736e514ffb81b12f5ccd45e36c8fcdcaffa (diff)
Initial PostgreSQL data model: codeq_user and solution tables.
Converted the to use the new model.
Diffstat (limited to 'db')
2 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db/create.sql b/db/create.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b3fc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/create.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* initial (server preparatory) statements:
+ create user codeq with password 'c0d3q';
+ create user vladar with password 'vl4d4r' superuser createdb createrole;
+ * to create the database (logged in as vladar):
+ create database codeq with encoding 'UTF8' template template0;
+ \c codeq
+ \i create.sql
+ grant all privileges on all tables in schema public to codeq;
+ grant all privileges on codeq_user_id_seq to codeq;
+ grant all privileges on solution_id_seq to codeq;
+ */
+create sequence codeq_user_id_seq;
+create sequence solution_id_seq;
+create table codeq_user (
+ id integer not null default nextval('codeq_user_id_seq'),
+ username varchar(30) not null,
+ password varchar(128) not null,
+ first_name varchar(30) not null,
+ last_name varchar(30) not null,
+ email varchar(254) not null,
+ is_superuser bool not null,
+ is_staff bool not null,
+ is_active bool not null,
+ date_joined timestamp not null,
+ last_login timestamp not null,
+ constraint codeq_user_pk primary key (id),
+ constraint codeq_user_uq1 unique (username)
+create table solution (
+ id integer not null default nextval('solution_id_seq'),
+ done bool not null,
+ content text not null,
+ problem_id integer not null,
+ codeq_user_id integer not null,
+ trace jsonb not null default '[]'::jsonb,
+ constraint solution_pk primary key (id),
+ constraint solution_fk1 foreign key (codeq_user_id) references codeq_user (id) on delete cascade on update cascade
diff --git a/db/ b/db/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..994e819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import os, collections, psycopg2, json
+_conn = None # the database connection
+_host = None # the database hostname/IP
+_port = None # the database port number
+_database = None # the name of the database
+_username = None # the username to access the database
+_password = None # the password to access the database
+class CodeqUser(collections.namedtuple('CodeqUser', ['id', 'username', 'password', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'is_superuser', 'is_staff', 'is_active', 'date_joined', 'last_login'])):
+ __sql_prefix = 'select id, username, password, first_name, last_name, email, is_superuser, is_staff, is_active, date_joined, last_login from codeq_user'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get(**kwargs):
+ return _general_get(kwargs, CodeqUser, CodeqUser.__sql_prefix)
+ @staticmethod
+ def list():
+ return _general_list(CodeqUser, CodeqUser.__sql_prefix)
+ @staticmethod
+ def filter(**kwargs):
+ return _general_filter(kwargs, CodeqUser, CodeqUser.__sql_prefix)
+# known as Attempt in the original code
+class Solution(collections.namedtuple('Solution', ['id', 'done', 'content', 'problem_id', 'codeq_user_id', 'trace'])):
+ __sql_prefix = 'select id, done, content, problem_id, codeq_user_id, trace::text from solution'
+ __row_conversion = lambda row: (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], json.loads(row[5]))
+ @staticmethod
+ def get(**kwargs):
+ return _general_get(kwargs, Solution, Solution.__sql_prefix, Solution.__row_conversion)
+ @staticmethod
+ def list():
+ return _general_list(Solution, Solution.__sql_prefix, Solution.__row_conversion)
+ @staticmethod
+ def filter(**kwargs):
+ return _general_filter(kwargs, Solution, Solution.__sql_prefix, Solution.__row_conversion)
+def _get_connection():
+ global _conn, _host, _port, _database, _username, _password
+ if _conn == None:
+ _conn = psycopg2.connect(host=_host, port=_port, database=_database, user=_username, password=_password)
+ return _conn
+def _no_row_conversion(row):
+ return row
+def _general_get(kwargs_dict, clazz, sql_select, row_conversion_fn=_no_row_conversion):
+ conditions = []
+ parameters = []
+ for field_name, field_value in kwargs_dict.items():
+ conditions.append(field_name + ' = %s')
+ parameters.append(field_value)
+ if len(conditions) == 0:
+ return None
+ conn = _get_connection()
+ cur = conn.cursor('crsr1') # a named cursor: scrolling is done on the server
+ cur.arraysize = 1 # scroll unit in the number of rows
+ try:
+ cur.execute(sql_select + ' where ' + ' and '.join(conditions), parameters)
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row:
+ return clazz(*row_conversion_fn(row))
+ return None
+ finally:
+ cur.close()
+def _general_filter(kwargs_dict, clazz, sql_select, row_conversion_fn=_no_row_conversion):
+ conditions = []
+ parameters = []
+ for field_name, field_value in kwargs_dict.items():
+ conditions.append(field_name + ' = %s')
+ parameters.append(field_value)
+ if len(conditions) == 0:
+ return _general_list(clazz, sql_select)
+ conn = _get_connection()
+ cur = conn.cursor('crsr2') # a named cursor: scrolling is done on the server
+ cur.arraysize = 10000 # scroll unit in the number of rows
+ try:
+ cur.execute(sql_select + ' where ' + ' and '.join(conditions) + ' order by id', parameters)
+ result = []
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ while row:
+ result.append(clazz(*row_conversion_fn(row)))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ return result
+ finally:
+ cur.close()
+def _general_list(clazz, sql_select, row_conversion_fn=_no_row_conversion):
+ conn = _get_connection()
+ cur = conn.cursor('crsr3') # a named cursor: scrolling is done on the server
+ cur.arraysize = 10000 # scroll unit in the number of rows
+ try:
+ cur.execute(sql_select + ' order by id')
+ result = []
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ while row:
+ result.append(clazz(*row_conversion_fn(row)))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ return result
+ finally:
+ cur.close()
+def init():
+ global _host, _port, _database, _username, _password
+ _host = os.environ.get('CODEQ_DB_HOST') or 'localhost'
+ try:
+ _port = int(os.environ.get('CODEQ_DB_PORT')) or 5432
+ except:
+ _port = 5432
+ _database = os.environ.get('CODEQ_DB_DATABASE') or 'codeq'
+ _username = os.environ.get('CODEQ_DB_USER') or 'codeq'
+ _password = os.environ.get('CODEQ_DB_PASS') or 'c0d3q'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ init()