path: root/prolog/
diff options
authorTimotej Lazar <>2014-12-31 16:44:46 +0100
committerAleš Smodiš <>2015-08-11 14:26:01 +0200
commit79527522a5c53e57fd15589d7cc12946a8372afb (patch)
tree77cdd0a118740c6c84ebd0a9212a5d09158f85be /prolog/
parent164cf022747b06d1f9058f4ff3729098e4412310 (diff)
Delegate testing to a Prolog server
... which obsoletes *a lot* of effort in making the testing procedure more robust in the past two years. Oh well. It seems to be the sanest way of coping with more than one simultaneous user (who could have predicted this use case?). The new way involves a PEngine server, and it seems to work quite well. Remember Knuth: premature optimization (as in ignoring possible solutions because they _might_ be to slow) is stupid. TODO: - library loading (again) - use of previous solution (again) - fix issues when converting non-ground terms to json Side note, constructivism works: in the past few days I have reached a much better but fundamentally ineffable intuition about Prolog, more so than in the past two years teaching it. So, fuck ITS and rather fix the schools by giving students something meaningful to do. Sigh.
Diffstat (limited to 'prolog/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/prolog/ b/prolog/
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--- a/prolog/
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Part of SWI-Prolog
- Author: Jan Wielemaker
- E-mail:
- WWW:
- Copyright (C): 2009-2013, VU University Amsterdam
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
- compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
- library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
- by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
- invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
- the GNU General Public License.
-:- module(sandbox,
- [ safe_goal/1 % :Goal
- ]).
-:- use_module(library(assoc)).
-:- use_module(library(lists)).
-:- use_module(library(debug)).
-:- use_module(library(apply_macros), [expand_phrase/2]).
-:- multifile
- safe_primitive/1, % Goal
- safe_meta/2. % Goal, Calls
-% :- debug(sandbox).
-/** <module> Sandboxed Prolog code
-Prolog is a full-featured Turing complete programming language in which
-it is easy to write programs that can harm your computer. On the other
-hand, Prolog is a logic based _query language_ which can be exploited to
-query data interactively from, e.g., the web. This library provides
-safe_goal/1, which determines whether it is safe to call its argument.
-@tbd Handling of ^ and // meta predicates
-:- meta_predicate
- safe_goal(0).
-%% safe_goal(:Goal) is det.
-% True if calling Goal provides no security risc. This implies
-% that:
-% - The call-graph can be fully expanded. Full expansion *stops*
-% if a meta-goal is found for which we cannot determine enough
-% details to know which predicate will be called.
-% - All predicates referenced from the fully expanded are
-% whitelisted by the predicate safe_primitive/1 and safe_meta/2.
-% @error instantiation_error if the analysis encounters a term in
-% a callable position that is insufficiently instantiated
-% to determine the predicate called.
-% @error permission_error(call, sandboxed, Goal) if Goal is in
-% the call-tree and not white-listed.
-safe_goal(M:Goal) :-
- empty_assoc(Safe0),
- safe(Goal, M, [], Safe0, _).
-%% safe(+Goal, +Module, +Parents, +Safe0, -Safe) is semidet.
-% Is true if Goal can only call safe code.
-safe(V, _, Parents, _, _) :-
- var(V), !,
- throw(error(instantiation_error, sandbox(V, Parents))).
-safe(M:G, _, Parent, Safe0, Safe) :- !,
- safe(G, M, Parent, Safe0, Safe).
-safe(G, _, Parents, _, _) :-
- debugging(sandbox(show)),
- length(Parents, Level),
- debug(sandbox(show), '[~D] SAFE ~q?', [Level, G]),
- fail.
-safe(G, _, _, Safe, Safe) :-
- safe_primitive(G),
- predicate_property(G, iso), !.
-safe(G, M, _, Safe, Safe) :-
- ( predicate_property(M:G, imported_from(M2))
- -> true
- ; M2 = M
- ),
- safe_primitive(M2:G), !.
-safe(G, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
- safe_meta(G, Called), !,
- safe_list(Called, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe).
-safe(G, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
- goal_id(M:G, Id, Gen),
- ( get_assoc(Id, Safe0, _)
- -> Safe = Safe0
- ; put_assoc(Id, Safe0, true, Safe1),
- safe_clauses(Gen, M, [Id|Parents], Safe1, Safe)
- ).
-safe_clauses(G, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
- predicate_property(M:G, interpreted), !,
-% \+ predicate_property(M:G, meta_predicate(_)), !,
- def_module(M:G, MD:QG),
- findall(Body, clause(MD:QG, Body), Bodies),
- safe_list(Bodies, MD, Parents, Safe0, Safe).
-safe_clauses(_, _M, [G|Parents], _, _) :-
- throw(error(permission_error(call, sandboxed, G),
- sandbox(G, Parents))).
-safe_list([], _, _, Safe, Safe).
-safe_list([H|T], M, Parents, Safe0, Safe) :-
- copy_term(H, H1),
- safe(H1, M, Parents, Safe0, Safe1),
- safe_list(T, M, Parents, Safe1, Safe).
-def_module(M:G, MD:QG) :-
- predicate_property(M:G, imported_from(MD)), !,
- meta_qualify(MD:G, M, QG).
-def_module(M:G, M:QG) :-
- meta_qualify(M:G, M, QG).
-%% meta_qualify(:G, +M, -QG) is det.
-% Perform meta-qualification of the goal-argument
-meta_qualify(MD:G, M, QG) :-
- predicate_property(MD:G, meta_predicate(Head)), !,
- G =.. [Name|Args],
- Head =.. [_|Q],
- qualify_args(Q, M, Args, QArgs),
- QG =.. [Name|QArgs].
-meta_qualify(_:G, _, G).
-qualify_args([], _, [], []).
-qualify_args([H|T], M, [A|AT], [Q|QT]) :-
- qualify_arg(H, M, A, Q),
- qualify_args(T, M, AT, QT).
-qualify_arg(S, M, A, Q) :-
- q_arg(S), !,
- qualify(A, M, Q).
-qualify_arg(_, _, A, A).
-q_arg(I) :- integer(I), !.
-qualify(A, M, MZ:Q) :-
- strip_module(M:A, MZ, Q).
-%% goal_id(:Goal, -Id, -Gen) is nondet.
-% Generate an identifier for the goal proven to be safe. We
-% first try to prove the most general form of the goal. If
-% this fails, we try to prove more specific versions.
-% @tbd Do step-by-step generalisation instead of the current
-% two levels (most general and most specific).
-goal_id(M:Goal, M:Id, Gen) :- !,
- goal_id(Goal, Id, Gen).
-goal_id(Term, _, _) :-
- \+ callable(Term), !, fail.
-goal_id(Term, Name/Arity, Gen) :- % most general form
- functor(Term, Name, Arity),
- functor(Gen, Name, Arity).
-goal_id(Term, Skolem, Term) :- % most specific form
- copy_term(Term, Skolem),
- numbervars(Skolem, 0, _).
-%% safe_primitive(?Goal) is nondet.
-% True if Goal is safe to call (i.e., cannot access dangerous
-% system-resources and cannot upset other parts of the Prolog
-% process). There are two types of facts. ISO built-ins are
-% declared without a module prefix. This is safe because it is not
-% allowed to (re-)define these primitives (i.e., give them an
-% unsafe implementation) and the way around
-% (redefine_system_predicate/1) is unsafe. The other group are
-% module-qualified and only match if the system infers that the
-% predicate is (or will be) imported from the given module.
-% First, all ISO system predicates that are considered safe
- % types
- % ordering
- % unification and equivalence
- % arithmetic
- % term-handling
-safe_primitive(_ =.. _).
- % atoms
-safe_primitive(atom_chars(_, _)).
- % Lists
- % exceptions
- % misc
-safe_primitive(asserta(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
-safe_primitive(assertz(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
-safe_primitive(retract(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
-safe_primitive(retractall(X)) :- safe_assert(X).
-% The non-ISO system predicates. These can be redefined, so we must
-% be careful to ensure the system ones are used.
- % attributes
- % globals
-safe_primitive(system:assert(X)) :-
- safe_assert(X).
-% use_module/1. We only allow for .pl files that are loaded from
-% relative paths that do not contain /../
-safe_primitive(system:use_module(Spec)) :-
- ground(Spec),
- ( atom(Spec)
- -> Path = Spec
- ; Spec =.. [_Alias, Segments],
- phrase(segments_to_path(Segments), List),
- atomic_list_concat(List, Path)
- ),
- \+ is_absolute_file_name(Path),
- \+ sub_atom(Path, _, _, _, '/../'),
- absolute_file_name(Spec, AbsFile,
- [ access(read),
- file_type(prolog),
- file_errors(fail)
- ]),
- file_name_extension(_, Ext, AbsFile),
- save_extension(Ext).
-% Other library predicates.
- % rdf
- % http
- % random
- % porter
-% support predicates for safe_primitive, validating the safety of
-% arguments to certain goals.
-segments_to_path(A/B) --> !,
- segments_to_path(A),
- [/],
- segments_to_path(B).
-segments_to_path(X) -->
- [X].
-%% safe_assert(+Term) is semidet.
-% True if assert(Term) is safe, which means it asserts in the
-% current module. Cross-module asserts are considered unsafe. We
-% only allow for adding facts. In theory, we could also allow for
-% rules if we prove the safety of the body.
-safe_assert(C) :- cyclic_term(C), !, fail.
-safe_assert(X) :- var(X), !, fail.
-safe_assert(_Head:-_Body) :- !, fail.
-safe_assert(_:_) :- !, fail.
-%% safe_meta(+Goal, -Called) is semidet.
-% True if Goal is a meta-predicate that is considered safe iff all
-% elements in Called are safe.
-safe_meta(put_attr(_,M,A), [M:attr_unify_hook(A, _)]) :-
- atom(M), !.
-safe_meta(Phrase, [Goal]) :-
- expand_phrase(Phrase, Goal), !.
-safe_meta(Goal, Called) :-
- generic_goal(Goal, Gen),
- safe_meta(Gen),
- findall(C, called(Gen, Goal, C), Called).
-called(Gen, Goal, Called) :-
- arg(I, Gen, Spec),
- integer(Spec),
- arg(I, Goal, Called0),
- extend(Spec, Called0, Called).
-generic_goal(G, Gen) :-
- functor(G, Name, Arity),
- functor(Gen, Name, Arity).
-extend(0, G, G) :- !.
-extend(I, G0, G) :-
- G0 =.. List,
- length(Extra, I),
- append(List, Extra, All),
- G =.. All.
-safe_meta(setof(_,0,_)). % TBD
-safe_meta(maplist(1, _)).
-safe_meta(maplist(2, _, _)).
-safe_meta(maplist(3, _, _, _)).
-safe_meta(call(1, _)).
-safe_meta(call(2, _, _)).
-safe_meta(call(3, _, _, _)).
-safe_meta(call(4, _, _, _, _)).
-safe_meta(call(5, _, _, _, _, _)).
- /*******************************
- *******************************/
-:- multifile
- prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive/1,
- prolog:sandbox_allowed_expansion/1.
-%% prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive(:G) is det.
-% Throws an exception if G is not considered a safe directive.
-prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive(M:PredAttr) :-
- safe_directive(PredAttr),
- ( prolog_load_context(module, M)
- -> PredAttr =.. [Attr, Preds],
- safe_pattr(Preds, Attr)
- ; permission_error(directive, sandboxed, (:- M:PredAttr))
- ).
-prolog:sandbox_allowed_directive(G) :-
- safe_goal(G).
-safe_pattr(Var, _) :-
- var(Var), !,
- instantiation_error(Var).
-safe_pattr((A,B), Attr) :- !,
- safe_pattr(A, Attr),
- safe_pattr(B, Attr).
-safe_pattr(M:G, Attr) :- !,
- ( atom(M),
- prolog_load_context(module, M)
- -> true
- ; Goal =.. [Attr,M:G],
- permission_error(directive, sandboxed, (:- Goal))
- ).
-safe_pattr(_, _).
-%% prolog:sandbox_allowed_expansion(:G) is det.
-% Throws an exception if G is not considered a safe expansion
-% goal. This deals with call-backs from the compiler for
-% - goal_expansion/2
-% - term_expansion/2
-% - Quasi quotations.
-prolog:sandbox_allowed_expansion(G) :-
- safe_goal(G).
-% tuProlog compatibility
-system:quicksort(L, <, S) :- msort(L, S).
-system:quicksort(L, @<, S) :- msort(L, S).