path: root/server
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authorAleš Smodiš <>2015-11-06 15:39:06 +0100
committerAleš Smodiš <>2015-11-06 15:39:06 +0100
commitbfe3be04dde8b72bba1d0dd30ce48625b48cffa4 (patch)
tree5d83207c4910d7526026d8d25d1dfd79b5317f17 /server
parent9b0915cb2ac613d2da04381772f2bf840f99068b (diff)
Fix SAML login: account upgrading is done via the email attribute, username is eduPersonPrincipalName.
Diffstat (limited to 'server')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
index 8a2e88e..79dc93d 100644
--- a/server/
+++ b/server/
@@ -118,11 +118,25 @@ class UserSession(object):
def saml_login_or_signup(self, saml_data, gui_lang, can_upgrade_account, upgrade_password):
+ """Logs in the SAML-authenticated user using the provided SAML login data.
+ Algorithm outline:
+ - eduPersonPrincipalName is a required SAML attribute
+ - first UPDATE is tried by username=eduPersonPrincipalName and password is NULL
+ - if the UPDATE returns 0 rows then the account does not exist yet and needs to be created
+ - if email was not provided, create a new SAML account with no email
+ - else a SELECT FOR UPDATE is made by email=email
+ - if no rows are returned then the new SAML account is created
+ - else if merge data is not available throw an AccountMergeRequired
+ - else if merge is denied create a new SAML account
+ - else
+ - if password authentication succeeds upgrade the common account to a SAML account, setting password=NULL
+ - else throw an AuthenticationFailed
+ """
#uuid = saml_data.get('schacUUID')
#if uuid is None:
# raise AuthenticationFailed('SAML data does not contain schacUUID')
name = saml_data.get('displayName')
- #email = saml_data.get('mail')
+ email = saml_data.get('mail')
eduPersonPrincipalName = saml_data.get('eduPersonPrincipalName')
if eduPersonPrincipalName is None:
raise AuthenticationFailed('SAML data does not contain eduPersonPrincipalName')
@@ -132,58 +146,46 @@ class UserSession(object):
cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute('select id, gui_lang, date_joined, robot_address, gui_layout, username, password from codeq_user where email = %s for update', (eduPersonPrincipalName,))
- data = cur.fetchone() # go through all the records and prefer the one without a password, that one will be the SAML account
- if data:
- stored_password = data[6]
- row = cur.fetchone()
- while row:
- if row[6] is None:
- data = row
- row = cur.fetchone()
- else:
- stored_password = None
- if data and ((not stored_password) or (can_upgrade_account is None) or can_upgrade_account):
- # the account already exists
- if stored_password:
- # the account has a password: an upgrade must be made
- if can_upgrade_account is None:
- raise AccountMergeRequired(data[5])
- # can_upgrade_account can only be True here
- if not verify_password(upgrade_password, stored_password):
- raise AuthenticationFailed('Password mismatch')
- cur.execute('update codeq_user set password = null, name = %s, email = %s, saml_data = %s, last_login = %s where id = %s', (name, eduPersonPrincipalName, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data), str(now), data[0]))
- self.uid = data[0]
- self.username = data[5]
- self.settings = {'gui_lang': gui_lang, 'robot_address': data[3], 'gui_layout': data[4]}
- date_joined = data[2]
- else:
- # a new account required
- cur.execute('insert into codeq_user (username, name, email, is_admin, is_active, date_joined, last_login, gui_lang, saml_data) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) returning id', (eduPersonPrincipalName, name, eduPersonPrincipalName, False, True, str(now), str(now), gui_lang, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data)))
- row = cur.fetchone()
- if row is None:
- raise SignupFailed('Sign-up failed')
+ cur.execute('update codeq_user set name = coalesce(%s, name), email = coalesce(%s, email), saml_data = %s, last_login = %s where username = %s and password is null returning id, gui_lang, date_joined, robot_address, gui_layout', (name, email, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data), str(now), eduPersonPrincipalName))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row:
self.uid = row[0]
self.username = eduPersonPrincipalName
- self.settings = {'gui_lang': gui_lang, 'robot_address': None, 'gui_layout': None}
- date_joined = now
- # cur.execute('update codeq_user set name = %s, email = %s, saml_data = %s, last_login = %s where username = %s and saml_data is not null returning id, gui_lang, date_joined, robot_address, gui_layout', (name, email, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data), str(now), uuid))
- # row = cur.fetchone()
- # if row:
- # self.uid = row[0]
- # self.username = uuid
- # self.settings = {'gui_lang': row[1], 'robot_address': row[3], 'gui_layout': row[4]}
- # return name, email, row[2], now
- # else:
- # cur.execute('insert into codeq_user (username, name, email, is_admin, is_active, date_joined, last_login, gui_lang, saml_data) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) returning id', (uuid, name, email, False, True, str(now), str(now), gui_lang, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data)))
- # row = cur.fetchone()
- # if row is None:
- # raise SignupFailed('Sign-up failed')
- # self.uid = row[0]
- # self.username = uuid
- # self.settings = {'gui_lang': gui_lang, 'robot_address': None, 'gui_layout': None}
- # return name, email, now, now
+ self.settings = {'gui_lang': row[1], 'robot_address': row[3], 'gui_layout': row[4]}
+ date_joined = row[2]
+ else:
+ # the account does not exist yet, either create one or upgrade an existing one
+ while True: # a trick loop, so we are able to exit the code block where ever we want
+ if email:
+ cur.execute('select id, gui_lang, date_joined, robot_address, gui_layout, username, password from codeq_user where email = %s and password is not null for update', (email,))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row:
+ # there is a password-protected account: an upgrade must be made
+ if can_upgrade_account is None:
+ raise AccountMergeRequired(row[5])
+ if can_upgrade_account:
+ if not verify_password(upgrade_password, row[6]):
+ raise AuthenticationFailed('Password mismatch')
+ uid = row[0]
+ cur.execute('update codeq_user set password = null, username = %s, name = coalesce(%s, name), saml_data = %s, last_login = %s where id = %s returning gui_lang, date_joined, robot_address, gui_layout', (eduPersonPrincipalName, name, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data), str(now), uid))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ raise SignupFailed('Account upgrade failed')
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.username = eduPersonPrincipalName
+ self.settings = {'gui_lang': row[0], 'robot_address': row[2], 'gui_layout': row[3]}
+ date_joined = row[1]
+ break
+ # insert a new SAML account
+ cur.execute('insert into codeq_user (username, name, email, is_admin, is_active, date_joined, last_login, gui_lang, saml_data) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) returning id', (eduPersonPrincipalName, name, email, False, True, str(now), str(now), gui_lang, psycopg2.extras.Json(saml_data)))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ raise SignupFailed('Sign-up failed')
+ self.uid = row[0]
+ self.username = eduPersonPrincipalName
+ self.settings = {'gui_lang': gui_lang, 'robot_address': None, 'gui_layout': None}
+ date_joined = now
+ break