diff options
3 files changed, 124 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 4246391..8a00863 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -101,16 +101,8 @@ Running
- run the session daemon: python3
- run the web server for client communication: node web/main.js
-Add a new problem to the database by running
- python -m scripts.add_problem
-in the toplevel directory. This will ask for language and problem group (groups
-can be shared between languages, e.g. Introduction can be used for both Prolog
-and Python). The script will print the ID and path for the new problem.
You can test stuff in a python interpreter:
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index d8462cf..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-import db
-from .utils import filenamefy
-conn = db.get_connection()
- cur = conn.cursor()
- try:
- new_lidentifier = None
- # Get or add language.
- cur.execute('select id, name, identifier from language order by id asc')
- languages = cur.fetchall()
- print('Languages:')
- for lid, lname, lidentifier in languages:
- print(' {}: {}'.format(lid, lname))
- new_lid = input("Enter language ID or 'n' for new): ")
- if new_lid == 'n':
- new_lname = input('Enter name of the new language: ')
- new_lidentifier = filenamefy(new_lname)
- cur.execute('insert into language (name, identifier) values (%s, %s) returning id',
- (new_lname, new_lidentifier))
- new_lid = cur.fetchone()[0]
- print('Added new language "{}" with ID {} and identifier {}'.format(
- new_lname, new_lid, new_lidentifier))
- else:
- new_lid = int(new_lid)
- for lid, lname, lidentifier in languages:
- print(lid, lname, lidentifier)
- if lid == new_lid:
- new_lidentifier = lidentifier
- break
- if new_lidentifier is None:
- raise Exception('Language with ID {} does not exist'.format(new_lid))
- print('Selected langauge {}'.format(new_lid))
- print()
- # Get or add problem group.
- new_gidentifier = None
- cur.execute('select id, name, identifier from problem_group order by id asc')
- groups = cur.fetchall()
- print('Problem groups:')
- for gid, gname, gidentifier in groups:
- print(' {}: {}'.format(gid, gname))
- new_gid = input("Enter problem group ID or 'n' for new): ")
- if new_gid == 'n':
- new_gname = input('Enter name of the new problem group: ')
- new_gidentifier = filenamefy(new_gname)
- cur.execute('insert into problem_group (name, identifier) values (%s, %s) returning id',
- (new_gname, new_gidentifier))
- new_gid = cur.fetchone()[0]
- print('Added new problem group "{}" with ID {} and identifier {}'.format(
- new_gname, new_gid, new_gidentifier))
- else:
- new_gid = int(new_gid)
- for gid, gname, gidentifier in groups:
- if gid == new_gid:
- new_gidentifier = gidentifier
- break
- if new_gidentifier is None:
- raise Exception('Group with ID {} does not exist'.format(new_gid))
- print('Selected problem group {}'.format(new_gid))
- print()
- # Add problem.
- new_pname = input('Enter name of the new problem: ')
- new_pidentifier = filenamefy(new_pname)
- cur.execute('insert into problem (language_id, problem_group_id, name, identifier, is_visible) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) returning id',
- (new_lid, new_gid, new_pname, new_pidentifier, True))
- new_pid = cur.fetchone()[0]
- print('Added new problem "{}" with ID {} and identifier {}'.format(
- new_pname, new_pid, new_pidentifier))
- print('Data files should be placed in "{}/problems/{}/{}"'.format(
- new_lidentifier, new_gidentifier, new_pidentifier))
- finally:
- cur.close()
- conn.commit()
- conn.rollback()
- raise
- db.return_connection(conn)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 9a4ccec..e581fd0 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# coding=utf-8
-"""This tool processes all problem files and database data, and outputs JSON
-files to describe problems, to be used as static web resources.
+"""This tool processes all problem files, and outputs JSON files to describe
+problems, to be used as static web resources. It also adds missing problem
+identifiers in the database.
Before running the script define the following environment variables, if defaults are not okay:
CODEQ_WEB_OUTPUT - directory where to write the output, defaults to /var/www/html/data
CODEQ_PROBLEMS - directory where you have codeq-problems checked out, defaults to /var/local/codeq-problems
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ language_props = { # for translation files inside the language subdirectory
'hint': {}
language_common_props = { # for inside the language subdirectory
+ 'id': None, # database ID of the language
'hint_type': {} # type definitions of common hints
group_props = { # for translation files inside the problem group subdirectory
@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ group_props = { # for translation files inside the problem group subdirectory
'description': 'Description not set'
group_common_props = { # for inside the problem group subdirectory
+ 'id': None, # database ID of the problem group
'number': 1 # display index of the problem group
problem_props = { # for translation files inside the problem subdirectory
@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ problem_props = { # for translation files inside the problem subdirectory
'hint': {}
problem_common_props = { # for inside the problem subdirectory
+ 'id': None, # database ID of the problem
'number': 1, # display index of problems inside their groups
'visible': True, # whether the problem is enabled (disabled problems are excluded from the application)
'hint_type': {} # type definitions of problem hints
@@ -65,9 +69,6 @@ groups = {} # problem groups, info from database
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
-conn = db.get_connection()
-cur = conn.cursor()
def load_translation_data(package, defaults):
result = {}
path = os.sep.join(package.split('.'))
@@ -138,121 +139,135 @@ def copy_web_resources(package, dst_dir_fragments):
shutil.copy(full_filename, dst_path)
node[filename] = True
-cur.execute('select id, name, identifier from language')
-row = cur.fetchone()
-while row:
- languages[row[0]] = {'id': row[0], 'name': row[1], 'identifier': row[2]}
- row = cur.fetchone()
-cur.execute('select id, name, identifier from problem_group')
-row = cur.fetchone()
-while row:
- groups[row[0]] = {'id': row[0], 'name': row[1], 'identifier': row[2]}
- row = cur.fetchone()
-cur.execute('select id, language_id, problem_group_id, identifier from problem where is_visible = true order by language_id, problem_group_id')
-previous_language_id = None
-previous_group_id = None
-lang_output_path = None
-lang_index = None
-row = cur.fetchone()
-def dump_language_defs():
- if lang_index:
+def dump_language_defs(data, output_path):
+ if data:
# sort groups and problems
- groups = lang_index['groups']
+ groups = data['groups']
for group in groups:
group['problems'].sort(key=lambda p: p.get('number', 0))
groups.sort(key=lambda p: p.get('number', 0))
# write out the JSON file
- with open(os.path.join(lang_output_path, 'language.json'), 'w') as f:
- json.dump(lang_index, f, indent=2)
-while row:
- # process language data, it all goes into the language directory language.json
- try:
- language_id = row[1]
- if previous_language_id != language_id:
- language = languages[language_id]
- lang_identifier = language['identifier']
- language_path = os.path.join(problems_path, lang_identifier)
- if not (os.path.exists(language_path) and os.path.isdir(language_path)):
- print('ERROR: the directory for language {0} does not exist: {1}'.format(lang_identifier, language_path))
- continue
- dump_language_defs() # dump the previous language index
- lang_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, lang_identifier)
- if not os.path.exists(lang_output_path):
- os.mkdir(lang_output_path)
- previous_language_id = language_id
- problem_groups_list = []
- lang_index = load_common_data(lang_identifier, language_common_props)
- lang_index['hint_type'] = process_hint_type(lang_index.get('hint_type', {})) # process type definitions for common hints
- lang_index['id'] = language_id
- lang_index['identifier'] = lang_identifier
- lang_index['groups'] = problem_groups_list
- lang_index['translations'] = load_translation_data(lang_identifier, language_props)
- previous_group_id = None
- copy_web_resources(lang_identifier, [lang_identifier])
- # process problem group data, it all goes into the language directory language.json
- group_id = row[2]
- if previous_group_id != group_id:
- group = groups[group_id]
- group_identifier = group['identifier']
- group_path = os.path.join(language_path, 'problems', group_identifier)
- if not (os.path.exists(group_path) and os.path.isdir(group_path)):
- print('ERROR: the directory for group {0}/{1} does not exist: {2}'.format(lang_identifier, group_identifier, group_path))
+ with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'language.json'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
+conn = db.get_connection()
+cur = conn.cursor()
+def db_add(table, identifier, data):
+ cur.execute('select id from ' + table + ' where identifier = %s', (identifier,))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row is None:
+ data = sorted(data.items())
+ cols = [d[0] for d in data]
+ vals = [d[1] for d in data]
+ print('Inserting new {} in database: cols={} vals={}'.format(table, cols, vals))
+ args = ','.join(['%s'] * len(cols))
+ sql = 'insert into ' + table + ' (' + ','.join(cols) + ') values (' + args + ')'
+ cur.execute(sql, vals)
+ # get problem descriptors
+ for lang_identifier in os.listdir(problems_path):
+ lang_path = os.path.join(problems_path, lang_identifier)
+ if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lang_path, '')) or
+ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lang_path, 'problems'))):
+ continue
+ # create language output directory
+ lang_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, lang_identifier)
+ if not os.path.exists(lang_output_path):
+ os.mkdir(lang_output_path)
+ lang_data = load_common_data(lang_identifier, language_common_props)
+ lang_data['hint_type'] = process_hint_type(lang_data.get('hint_type', {}))
+ lang_data['identifier'] = lang_identifier
+ lang_data['groups'] = []
+ lang_data['translations'] = load_translation_data(lang_identifier, language_props)
+ copy_web_resources(lang_identifier, [lang_identifier])
+ db_add('language', lang_identifier,
+ {'id': lang_data['id'], 'name': lang_identifier, 'identifier': lang_identifier})
+ groups_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'problems')
+ for group_identifier in os.listdir(groups_path):
+ group_path = os.path.join(groups_path, group_identifier)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(group_path, '')):
+ # create group directory
group_output_path = os.path.join(lang_output_path, group_identifier)
if not os.path.exists(group_output_path):
group_package = lang_identifier + '.problems.' + group_identifier
- previous_group_id = group_id
- problems_list = []
group_data = load_common_data(group_package, group_common_props)
- group_data['id'] = group_id
group_data['identifier'] = group_identifier
- group_data['problems'] = problems_list
+ group_data['problems'] = []
group_data['translations'] = load_translation_data(group_package, group_props)
- problem_groups_list.append(group_data)
- copy_web_resources(group_package, [lang_identifier, group_identifier])
- # process problem data, from goes into the language directory language.json, others go into problem subdirectory's problem.json
- problem_id = row[0]
- problem_identifier = row[3]
- problem_path = os.path.join(group_path, problem_identifier)
- if not (os.path.exists(problem_path) and os.path.isdir(problem_path)):
- print('ERROR: the directory for problem {0}/{1}/{2} does not exist: {3}'.format(lang_identifier, group_identifier, problem_identifier, group_path))
- continue
- problem_package = group_package + '.' + problem_identifier
- # load common data, for the language directory
- common_data = load_common_data(problem_package, problem_common_props)
- if not common_data['visible']:
- continue # problem is not visible, do not generate anything
- del common_data['visible'] # we don't need this field in the GUI
- hint_type = process_hint_type(common_data['hint_type']) # save for later, to be used in problem_data below
- del common_data['hint_type'] # we don't need this field in the language index
- common_data['id'] = problem_id
- common_data['identifier'] = problem_identifier
- problems_list.append(common_data)
- # load translations, and copy only problem names to the common data
- problem_translations = load_translation_data(problem_package, problem_props)
- name_translations = {}
- for key, value in problem_translations.items():
- name_translations[key] = {'name': value.get('name')}
- common_data['translations'] = name_translations
- # dump translations, for the problem subdirectory's problem.json
- problem_data = {'id': problem_id, 'identifier': problem_identifier, 'translations': problem_translations, 'hint_type': hint_type}
- problem_output_path = os.path.join(group_output_path, problem_identifier)
- if not os.path.exists(problem_output_path):
- os.mkdir(problem_output_path)
- with open(os.path.join(problem_output_path, 'problem.json'), 'w') as f:
- json.dump(problem_data, f, indent=2)
- copy_web_resources(problem_package, [lang_identifier, group_identifier, problem_identifier])
- finally:
- row = cur.fetchone()
-dump_language_defs() # dump the last language index
+ db_add('problem_group', group_identifier,
+ {'id': group_data['id'], 'name': group_identifier, 'identifier': group_identifier})
+ for problem_identifier in os.listdir(group_path):
+ problem_path = os.path.join(group_path, problem_identifier)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(problem_path, '')):
+ continue
+ problem_package = group_package + '.' + problem_identifier
+ common_data = load_common_data(problem_package, problem_common_props)
+ common_data['identifier'] = problem_identifier
+ if not common_data['visible']:
+ continue # problem is not visible, do not generate anything
+ del common_data['visible'] # we don't need this field in the GUI
+ # save for later, to be used in problem_data below
+ hint_type = process_hint_type(common_data['hint_type'])
+ del common_data['hint_type'] # we don't need this field in the language index
+ group_data['problems'].append(common_data)
+ # load translations, and copy only problem names to the common data
+ problem_translations = load_translation_data(problem_package, problem_props)
+ name_translations = {}
+ for key, value in problem_translations.items():
+ name_translations[key] = {'name': value.get('name')}
+ common_data['translations'] = name_translations
+ problem_data = {
+ 'id': common_data['id'],
+ 'identifier': problem_identifier,
+ 'translations': problem_translations,
+ 'hint_type': hint_type
+ }
+ problem_output_path = os.path.join(group_output_path, problem_identifier)
+ if not os.path.exists(problem_output_path):
+ os.mkdir(problem_output_path)
+ with open(os.path.join(problem_output_path, 'problem.json'), 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(problem_data, f, indent=2)
+ copy_web_resources(problem_package, [lang_identifier, group_identifier, problem_identifier])
+ db_add('problem', problem_identifier, {
+ 'id': problem_data['id'],
+ 'language_id': lang_data['id'],
+ 'problem_group_id': group_data['id'],
+ 'name': problem_identifier,
+ 'identifier': problem_identifier
+ })
+ # add only non-empty problem groups
+ if group_data['problems']:
+ copy_web_resources(group_package, [lang_identifier, group_identifier])
+ lang_data['groups'].append(group_data)
+ dump_language_defs(lang_data, lang_output_path)
+ cur.close()
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.rollback()
+ raise
+ db.return_connection(conn)
# dump the tree of resources
with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'resources.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(resource_tree, f, indent=2)