path: root/kpov_judge/tasks/openvpn_simple_smb/howtos/en/index.html
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authorTimotej Lazar <>2019-02-24 21:05:27 +0100
committerTimotej Lazar <>2019-02-24 21:05:27 +0100
commit8081a5520a441b43a8a7a73f3a90c7aacfaa8e10 (patch)
treec7f49bd33ed19d53afc0ee9df8b2c82c200c5910 /kpov_judge/tasks/openvpn_simple_smb/howtos/en/index.html
parent9963b74f777edf985540eac71b1ca095f88b8bca (diff)
Move everything one level up
Diffstat (limited to 'kpov_judge/tasks/openvpn_simple_smb/howtos/en/index.html')
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-<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
-<strong><h1>OpenVPN and SMB task:</h1></strong>
-<p><strong><h2>Quick task:</h2></strong><br>
- Connect to VPN with OpenVPN. Enable access to files through NFS and copy them through SMB.</p>
- 1. From Directory with images of virtual computers drag twice the picture SimpleArbiterVPN and VPNClient.<br>
- 2. With VirtualBox (or other programs for virtual computers) create two virtual computers and give them VPNCLient.vdi and SimpleArbiterVPN.vdi as disk for storage.<br>
- 3. On both set two network interface(NAT and Internal) and run them.<br>
- 4. On both VM login with username <strong>root</strong> and password <strong>kaboom</strong> .</p>
-<p><h3><u><strong><em>First part: Set up OpenVPN on SimpleArbiterVPN and VPNClient.</em></strong></u></h3>
-<p><h4><u><strong><em>Settings on the server:</em></strong></u></h4>
- 1. Download packages <strong>uml-utilities</strong> -> to adjust the virtual network interfaces and packet (<strong>openvpn</strong>). example: sudo apt-get install openvpn<br>
- 2. The new virtual network interface create with <strong>tunctl</strong> and specify IP with <strong>sudo ifconfig tap0 10.P.Q.R netmask</strong><br>
- 3. Then generirate common key (you will share that key with client) with the command: <strong>openvpn --genkey --secret vpnkljuc.key</strong><br>
- 4. On server set the configuration file tap0.conf, which should contain (split by lines) "dev tap0","proto tcp-server", "secret vpnkljuc.key"<br>
- 5. Run openvpn with <strong>openvpn --config /some_directory/somewhere/tap0.conf</strong><br/>
-<p><h4><u><strong><em>Settings on the client:</em></strong></u></h4>
-1., 2. steps are the same as the settings on the server<br>
-3. Create configuration file tap0.conf, which should contain (split by lines) "remote IP_OF_YOUR_VPN_SERVR", "dev tap0", "proto tcp-client", "secret vpnkljuc.key"<br>
-4. On OpenVPN server connect to <strong>openvpn --config /some_directory/somewhere/tap0.conf</strong><br/>
- <u><strong><em><h3>Second part: Access to imenika /home/test/IME_IMENIKA over NFS</h3></em></strong></u>
-<p><h4><u><strong><em>Client settings:</em></strong></u></h4>
- 1. Using "sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server" we install nfs service<br>
- 2. Create a directory /home/test/IME_IMENIKA<br/>
- 3. To /etc/exports add line /home/test/bla IP_client
- 4. Use sudo exportfs -a to save
- 5. Restart service using "sudo service nfs-kernel-server start"
-<p><h4><u><strong><em>Client settings:</em></strong></u></h4>
- 1. Instal client for nfs with command "sudo apt-get install nfs-common"<br/>
- 2. Create mounting directory "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/home/test" and mount servers file "sudo mount IP_SERVER:/home/test"<br/>
- 3. For automatic mounting we add previous commands to /etc/fstab <br/>
-<p><h3><u><strong><em>How-to za uporabo kpov-judge za OpenVPN</em></strong></u></h3>
- </font>
-howto: task_check(results, params):
- Metoda dobi, kot prvi argument rezultat metode task(...), kot drugi pa
- rezultat funkcije gen_params().
- Vrne stevilo pridobljenih tock.
-howto: task(...):
- Metoda prejme naslednje argumente:
- - IP naslov VPN streznika
- - DNS naslov VPN streznika
- - IP naslov klienta 1
- - DNS naslov klienta 1
- - IP naslov klienta 2
- - DNS naslov klienta 2
- Vrne slovar rezultatov:
- results['SimpleArbiter_is_VPN_set_up']
- pove ali je VPN streznik nastavljen
- results['SimpleArbiter_is_VPN_running']
- pove ali je VPN streznik zagnan
- results['SimpleArbiter_ping_C1']
- ping rezultati (streznik -> klient1)
- results['SimpleArbiter_ping_C2']
- ping rezultati (streznik -> klient2)
- results['SimpleArbiter_nmap_results']
- pove ali sta oba klienta povezana na pravi VPN streznik
- results['SimpleArbiter_dir_vpn_contents']
- kljuc, ce se ta nahaja v ustreznem imeniku
- results['SimpleArbiter_nfs_access_control_list']
- preveri ce NFS dovoljuje dostop do /home/test/IME_UPORABNIKA
- results['VPNClient1_ping_VPN_server']
- ping rezultati (klient 1 -> strežnik)
- results['VPNClient2_ping_VPN_server']
- ping rezultati (klient 2 -> strežnik)