path: root/kpov_judge/tasks
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mode: <>2014-12-11 20:26:48 +0000 <>2014-12-11 20:26:48 +0000
commit764b0423a521d029636a7533c9b836586188fb56 (patch)
tree78a6ab85261636be5d819a1ed41cd0ac264dede6 /kpov_judge/tasks
parent1ac3ab2bb4bfbefa3dbc10bd1770392a3066f2e5 (diff)
prevedel howto pri četrtem sklopu v angleščino
git-svn-id: 5cf9fbd1-b2bc-434c-b4b7-e852f4f63414
Diffstat (limited to 'kpov_judge/tasks')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/kpov_judge/tasks/copy_rename_20_files_tail_env/howtos/si/index.html b/kpov_judge/tasks/copy_rename_20_files_tail_env/howtos/si/index.html
index f64fc8a..cdbffa8 100644
--- a/kpov_judge/tasks/copy_rename_20_files_tail_env/howtos/si/index.html
+++ b/kpov_judge/tasks/copy_rename_20_files_tail_env/howtos/si/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,16 @@ V domai mapi najde imenik Mapa z 20 datotekami.
- Napii ukaz, ki bo 5s sledil vsebini /var/log/syslog. V primeru, da se v syslogu pojavi niz "zmeda", naj program izpie "imam ga". Poleg tega naj program med sledenjem syslog-u odteva od 5 do 1 (vsako sekundo naj se izpie naslednja tevilka.
- Nastavi okoljsko spremenljivko TEST, da bo imela isto vrednost kot okoljska spremenljivka USER + tevilo okoljskih spremenljivk, ki v imenu ali vrednosti ne vsebujejo besede TEST. Primer: polz37
+Log into the system.
+in the home directory find the directory Mapa with 20 files.
+ -rename all the files in a such a manner that u replace al the minuses with an underscore
+ -write the shortest command possible to move all the files from /home/user/mapa/mojimenik to home/user/novi
+ -write a command which (with the help of the command grep) in the file "mama.txt" writes all the normal files (not hidden) in the current directory that contain the word "mama", and any mistakes to the file "napake.txt" (such as that the files are actually directories or wrong symbolic links)
+ -write a command which will follow the content of /var/log/syslog for 5s. In the case that the expresion "zmeda" appears in the syslog print out "imam ga". Also for every second of following the syslog print out the a number, counting down from 5 to 1.
+ -set the environment variable TEST, so it has the same value as the environmental variable USER + the number of invironmental variables which in their name do not contain the word TEST (example: polz37)
<h2>Namen vaje</h2>
<p>Nau?ite se uporabe nekaj BASH ukazov.</p>
<h2>Naloga na hitro</h2>
@@ -21,4 +30,4 @@ V domai mapi najde imenik Mapa z 20 datotekami.
<li>V datoteko "mama.txt" zapiite vse navadne datoteke v trenutnem imeniku, ki vsebujejo niz "mama", v datoteko "napake.txt" pa zapiite vse morebitne napake z ukazom: "find . -type f | grep mama 1> mama.txt 2> napake.txt".</li>
<li>Sledite vsebini /var/log/syslog za 5 sekund in v primeru, da se v syslogu pojavi niz "zmeda", izpiite "imam ga". Poleg tega med sledenjem syslog-u odtevajte od 5 do 1 z ukazom: "for i in 5 4 3 2 1; do echo $i; echo $(sed -n "$i p" /var/log/syslog | grep zmeda > /dev/null && echo "imam ga"); sleep 1; done".</li>
<li>Nastavite okoljsko spremenljivko TEST, da bo imela isto vrednost kot okoljska spremenljivka USER + tevilo okoljskih spremenljivk, ki v imenu ali vrednosti ne vsebujejo besede TEST tako, da na koncu datoteke ~/.bashrc dodate: "export TEST=$USER" + "$(env | grep -v TEST | wc -l)"</li>
-</ol></h2> \ No newline at end of file