path: root/kpov_judge/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kpov_judge/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/kpov_judge/ b/kpov_judge/
deleted file mode 100755
index d4a7cfd..0000000
--- a/kpov_judge/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import hashlib
-import collections
-import fcntl
-import glob
-import inspect
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import guestfs
-import pymongo
-import settings
-import kpov_util
-from util import write_default_config
-def get_prepare_disks(db, class_id, task_id):
- prepare_disks_source = db.prepare_disks.find_one({'class_id': class_id, 'task_id': task_id})['source']
- d = {}
- exec(compile(prepare_disks_source, '', 'exec'), globals(), d)
- return d['prepare_disks']
-def create_snapshot(class_id, task_id, student_id, computer_name, disk_name, fmt='vmdk', overwrite=True):
- # add a hash to filename to allow multiple students using the same directory
- snap_hash = hashlib.sha1((student_id+class_id).encode()).hexdigest()[:3]
- snap = '{}-{}-{}-{}.{}'.format(
- task_id, snap_hash, computer_name, disk_name, fmt)
- backing = []
- template = disk_name + '.' + fmt
- task_dir = os.path.join(student_id, class_id, task_id)
- task_path = os.path.join(settings.STUDENT_DISK_PATH, task_dir)
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_path)) or overwrite:
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.DISK_TEMPLATE_PATH, template)):
- raise Exception('template not found: {}'.format(template))
- # ensure task dir exists
- os.makedirs(task_path, exist_ok=True)
- if fmt in ('vdi', 'vmdk'):
- # don’t use backing files, just copy the template
- os.chdir(task_path)
- if settings.STUDENT_DISK_COW:
-['cp', '--reflink=always', os.path.join(settings.DISK_TEMPLATE_PATH, template), snap])
- else:
-['cp', os.path.join(settings.DISK_TEMPLATE_PATH, template), snap])
- elif fmt == 'qcow2':
- # qemu-img create stores backing-file path as given, so link all
- # backing images to task directory where target image will be
- # generated
- os.chdir(settings.DISK_TEMPLATE_PATH) # qemu-img info is saner when called from image directory
- output = subprocess.check_output(
- ['qemu-img', 'info', '--backing-chain', template], universal_newlines=True)
- for image in [template] + [ for m in re.finditer(r'backing file: (.*)', output)]:
- backing += [image]
- dest = os.path.join(task_path, image)
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- os.symlink(os.path.join(settings.DISK_TEMPLATE_PATH, image), dest)
- # would be great if someone finds a way to avoid the stuff above
- # make overlay image
- os.chdir(task_path)
-['qemu-img', 'create',
- '-f', fmt,
- '-b', template, snap])
- return task_dir, snap, backing
-def prepare_task_disks(class_id, task_id, student_id, fmt, computers):
- disks = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- templates = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- for computer in computers:
- lock_fp.write('creating computer ' + computer['name'] + '\n')
- if not computer['disks']:
- continue
- manual_disks = []
- try_automount = False
- g = guestfs.GuestFS()
- for disk in computer['disks']:
- lock_fp.write("register " + disk['name'] + '\n')
- task_dir, snap, backing = create_snapshot(class_id, task_id, student_id, computer['name'], disk['name'], fmt=fmt)
- snap_file = os.path.join(settings.STUDENT_DISK_PATH, task_dir, snap)
- if 'options' in disk:
- g.add_drive_opts(snap_file, **(disk['options']))
- else:
- g.add_drive(snap_file)
- if 'parts' in disk:
- for p in disk['parts']:
- lock_fp.write("part {}: {}\n".format(
- settings.GUESTFS_DEV_PREFIX + p['dev'], p['path']))
- manual_disks.append(
- (settings.GUESTFS_DEV_PREFIX + p['dev'], p['path'], p.get('options', None)))
- else:
- try_automount = True
- templates[disk['name']] = g
- lock_fp.write(" templates[{}] = {}\n".format(disk['name'], disk))
- # add disk or update existing record with new format
- disks[computer['name']][disk['name']] = [snap] + backing
- g.launch()
- mounted = set()
- if try_automount:
- roots = g.inspect_os()
- for root in roots:
- mps = g.inspect_get_mountpoints(root)
- lock_fp.write('detected: ' + str(mps) + '\n')
- for mountpoint, device in sorted(mps):
- if mountpoint not in mounted:
- try:
- g.mount(device, mountpoint, )
- lock_fp.write( 'mounted ' + device + ' on ' + mountpoint + '\n')
- except RuntimeError as msg:
- lock_fp.write( "%s (ignored)\n" % msg)
- mounted.add(mountpoint)
- for device, mountpoint, opts in manual_disks:
- try:
- if opts is not None:
- g.mount_options(opts, device, mountpoint)
- else:
- g.mount(device, mountpoint)
- lock_fp.write('manually mounted ' + device + " on " + mountpoint + '\n')
- except RuntimeError as msg:
- lock_fp.write( "%s (ignored)\n" % msg)
- lock_fp.write("preparing disks\n")
- global_params = {
- 'task_name': task_id,
- 'class_id': class_id,
- 'username': student_id
- }
- if 'TASK_URL' in vars(settings):
- global_params['task_url'] = settings.TASK_URL + '/' + class_id + '/'
- task_params = db.task_params.find_one({'class_id': class_id, 'task_id': task_id, 'student_id': student_id})['params']
- prepare_disks = get_prepare_disks(db, class_id, task_id)
- prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params)
- # pospravi za seboj.
- lock_fp.write("unmounting\n")
- for g in set(templates.values()):
- g.umount_all()
- g.close()
- return disks
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) != 1:
- print("Usage: {0}")
- print("Create the pending disk images")
- db = pymongo.MongoClient(settings.DB_URI).get_default_database()
- all_computers = collections.defaultdict(list)
- for computer in db.student_computers.find({"disk_urls": {"$exists": False}}):
- all_computers[(computer['class_id'], computer['task_id'], computer['student_id'])] += [computer]
- for (class_id, task_id, student_id), computers in all_computers.items():
- if db.student_computers.find_one({'class_id': class_id, 'task_id': task_id, 'student_id': student_id}) is None:
- continue
- lock_file = os.path.join(settings.STUDENT_LOCKFILE_PATH,
- '{0}-{1}-{2}.lock'.format(student_id, class_id, task_id))
- with open(lock_file, 'w') as lock_fp:
- try:
- fcntl.lockf(lock_fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
- except IOError:
- continue
- all_disks = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- for fmt in settings.STUDENT_DISK_FORMATS:
- print("Creating {}/{} for {} [format={}]".format(class_id, task_id, student_id, fmt))
- try:
- for computer, disks in prepare_task_disks(class_id, task_id, student_id, fmt, computers).items():
- for disk, urls in disks.items():
- d = all_disks[computer].setdefault(disk, {'formats': []})
- d['formats'] += [fmt]
- d[fmt] = urls
- except Exception as ex:
- print(ex)
- continue
- lock_fp.write("saving URLs\n")
- for computer in computers:
- comp_name = computer['name']
- disks = all_disks[comp_name]
- lock_fp.write('urls: '+ str(disks) + '\n')
- db.student_computers.update({
- 'disk_urls': {'$exists': False},
- 'student_id': student_id,
- 'task_id': task_id,
- 'class_id': class_id,
- 'name': comp_name},
- {'$set': { 'disk_urls': disks }})
- os.unlink(lock_file)