path: root/tasks/openvpn_multiple_hops
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Diffstat (limited to 'tasks/openvpn_multiple_hops')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/openvpn_multiple_hops/ b/tasks/openvpn_multiple_hops/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ad8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/openvpn_multiple_hops/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# kpov_util should be imported by
+instructions = {
+ 'si':"""
+<pre>Postavi 4 navidezne računalnike - SimpleArbiter z diska simpleArbiterDhcp, A, B ter C.
+Na računalnikih A, B in C ustvari uporabnika test z geslom test.
+Poskrbi, da bodo vsi štirje na istem navideznem fizičnem omrežju. Naslov omrežja (NET_PHYS) ter naslove
+(IP_A, IP_B, IP_C) preberi na SimpleArbiter. S pomočjo OpenVPN postavi navidezno omrežje med A in B na naslovih NET_VPN1.
+Nato s pomočjo OpenVPN postavi še navidezno omrežje med B in C na naslovih NET_VPN2.
+Poskrbi, da bo promet z A prek VPN prišel do C in obratno. Za avtentikacijo uporabi skupne skrivnosti, ki
+jih prebereš na SimpleArbiter - med A in B SECRET_AB ter med B in C SECRET_BC.</pre>
+computers = {
+ 'SimpleArbiter': {
+ 'disks': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'simpleArbiterDhcp',
+ }
+ ],
+ 'network_interfaces': [
+ {
+ 'network': 'nat'
+ },
+ {
+ 'network': 'net1'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
+ 'config_drive': False
+ },
+ 'VPNClient1': {
+ 'disks': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'student-VPNClient1',
+ }
+ ],
+ 'network_interfaces': [
+ {
+ 'network': 'net1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'network': 'vpnAB'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
+ 'config_drive': False
+ },
+ 'VPNClient2': {
+ 'disks': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'student-VPNClient2',
+ }
+ ],
+ 'network_interfaces': [
+ {
+ 'network': 'net1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'network': 'vpnAB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'network': 'vpnBC'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
+ 'config_drive': False
+ },
+ 'VPNClient3': {
+ 'disks': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'student-VPNClient3',
+ }
+ ],
+ 'network_interfaces': [
+ {
+ 'network': 'net1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'network': 'vpnBC'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
+ 'config_drive': False
+ }
+networks = {
+ 'nat': {
+ 'public': True
+ },
+ 'net1': {
+ 'public': True
+ },
+ # Used for VPN
+ 'vpnAB': {
+ 'public': False
+ },
+ 'vpnBC': {
+ 'public': False
+ }
+#Tukaj sem generiral osem parametrov, prosil bi če se upoštevali pri Tasku.
+params_meta = {
+ 'IP_VPNClient1': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta A na VPN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True},
+ 'IP_LANClient1': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta A na LAN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': False},
+ 'IP1_VPNClient2': {'descriptions':{'si':'1. IP klienta B na VPN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True},
+ 'IP2_VPNClient2': {'descriptions':{'si':'2. IP klienta B na VPN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True},
+ 'IP_LANClient2': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta B na LAN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': False},
+ 'IP_VPNClient3': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta C na VPN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': True},
+ 'IP_LANClient3': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP klienta C na LAN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': False},
+ 'IP_SimpleArbiterLAN': {'descriptions':{'si':'IP za SimpleArbiter na LAN'}, 'w': True, 'public': True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': False}
+def task(IP_SimpleArbiterLAN, IP_VPNClient1, IP_LANClient1, IP1_VPNClient2, IP2_VPNClient2, IP_LANClient2, IP_VPNClient3, IP_LANClient3):
+ tests = {
+ ('VPNClient1', IP_LANClient1): [
+ ('VPNClient1_ping_C2', 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP1_VPNClient2)),
+ ('VPNClient1_ping_C3', 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP_VPNClient3)),
+ ('VPNClient1_traceroute_C3', 'traceroute {}'.format(IP_VPNClient3)),
+ ],
+ ('VPNClient2', IP_LANClient2): [
+ ('VPNClient2_ping_C1', 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP_VPNClient1)),
+ ('VPNClient2_ping_C3', 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP_VPNClient3)),
+ ],
+ ('VPNClient3', IP_LANClient3): [
+ ('VPNClient3_ping_C1', 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP_VPNClient1)),
+ ('VPNClient3_ping_C2', 'ping -c 3 {}'.format(IP2_VPNClient2)),
+ ('VPNClient3_traceroute_C1', 'traceroute {}'.format(IP_VPNClient1)),
+ ],
+ }
+ for (name, host), host_tests in tests.items():
+ host_tests += [
+ (name+'_ifconfig', '/sbin/ifconfig -a'),
+ (name+'_route', '/sbin/route -n'),
+ ]
+ results = collections.defaultdict(str)
+ for (name, host), host_tests in tests.items():
+ results.update(kpov_util.ssh_test(host, 'test', 'test', host_tests))
+ return results
+def gen_params(user_id, params_meta):
+ params = dict()
+ import random
+ r = random.Random(user_id)
+ net = kpov_util.IPv4_subnet_gen(r, '', 24)
+ params['IP_VPNClient1'], params['IP1_VPNClient2'] = kpov_util.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 2)
+ net = kpov_util.IPv4_subnet_gen(r, '', 24)
+ params['IP_VPNClient3'], params['IP2_VPNClient2'] = kpov_util.IPv4_addr_gen(r, net, 2)
+ return params
+def task_check(results, params):
+ import re
+ score = 0
+ hints = []
+ IP_C1 = params['IP_VPNClient1'].replace('.', '\.')
+ IP1_C2 = params['IP1_VPNClient2'].replace('.', '\.')
+ IP2_C2 = params['IP2_VPNClient2'].replace('.', '\.')
+ IP_C3 = params['IP_VPNClient3'].replace('.', '\.')
+ # testi za ifconfig
+ # C1
+ rs = r"tun0.*\n.*inet.*{}".format(IP_C1)
+ if,
+ results['VPNClient1_ifconfig']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("ifconfig on VPNClient1 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C2
+ rs = r"tun.*\n.*inet.*{}".format(IP1_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient2_ifconfig']):
+ rs = r"tun.*\n.*inet.*{}".format(IP2_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient2_ifconfig']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("ifconfig on VPNClient2 is not OK")
+ pass
+ else:
+ hints.append("ifconfig on VPNClient2 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C3
+ rs = r"tun0.*\n.*inet.*{}".format(IP_C3)
+ if, results['VPNClient3_ifconfig']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("ifconfig on VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # testi za route
+ # C1
+ rs = r"{}.*tun0".format(IP1_C2)
+ if IP_C3[:-1].endswith('.'):
+ ASD = IP_C3[:-1]+"0"
+ elif IP_C3[:-2].endswith('.'):
+ ASD = IP_C3[:-2]+"0"
+ else:
+ ASD = IP_C3[:-3]+"0"
+ if, results['VPNClient1_route']):
+ rs = r"{} {}.*tun0".format(ASD, IP1_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient1_route']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("route on VPNClient1 is not OK")
+ else:
+ hints.append("route on VPNClient1 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C2
+ rs = r"{}.*tun".format(IP_C1)
+ if, results['VPNClient2_route']):
+ rs = r"{}.*tun".format(IP_C3)
+ if, results['VPNClient2_route']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("route on VPNClient2 is not OK")
+ else:
+ hints.append("route on VPNClient2 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C3
+ rs = r"{}.*tun0".format(IP2_C2)
+ if IP_C1[:-1].endswith('.'):
+ ASD = IP_C1[:-1]+"0"
+ elif IP_C1[:-2].endswith('.'):
+ ASD = IP_C1[:-2]+"0"
+ else:
+ ASD = IP_C1[:-3]+"0"
+ if, results['VPNClient3_route']):
+ rs = r"{} {}.*tun0".format(ASD, IP2_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient3_route']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("route on VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ else:
+ hints.append("route on VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # testi za ping
+ # C1
+ rs = r"64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=[0-9]+ time=\d+\.\d+ ms".format(IP1_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient1_ping_C2']):
+ score += 0.5
+ else:
+ hints.append("ping from VPNClient1 to VPNClient2 is not OK")
+ pass
+ rs = r"64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=[0-9]+ time=\d+\.\d+ ms".format(IP_C3)
+ if, results['VPNClient1_ping_C3']):
+ score += 0.5
+ else:
+ hints.append("ping from VPNClient1 to VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C2
+ rs = r"64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=[0-9]+ time=\d+\.\d+ ms".format(IP_C1)
+ if, results['VPNClient2_ping_C1']):
+ score += 0.5
+ else:
+ hints.append("ping from VPNClient2 to VPNClient1 is not OK")
+ pass
+ rs = r"64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=[0-9]+ time=\d+\.\d+ ms".format(IP_C3)
+ if, results['VPNClient2_ping_C3']):
+ score += 0.5
+ else:
+ hints.append("ping from VPNClient2 to VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C3
+ rs = r"64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=[0-9]+ ttl=[0-9]+ time=\d+\.\d+ ms".format(IP_C1)
+ if, results['VPNClient3_ping_C1']):
+ score += 0.5
+ else:
+ hints.append("ping from VPNClient3 to VPNClient1 is not OK")
+ pass
+ rs = r"64 bytes from {}: icmp_seq=1 ttl=[0-9]+ time=\d+\.\d+ ms".format(IP2_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient3_ping_C2']):
+ score += 0.5
+ else:
+ hints.append("ping from VPNClient3 to VPNClient2 is not OK")
+ pass
+ #score = int(score)
+ # testi za tracetoute
+ # C1
+ rs = r"1 {}".format(IP1_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient1_traceroute_C3']):
+ rs = r"2 {}".format(IP_C3)
+ if, results['VPNClient1_traceroute_C3']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("traceroute from VPNClient1 to VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ else:
+ hints.append("traceroute from VPNClient1 to VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ # C3
+ rs = r"1 {}".format(IP2_C2)
+ if, results['VPNClient3_traceroute_C1']):
+ rs = r"2 {}".format(IP_C1)
+ if, results['VPNClient3_traceroute_C1']):
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("traceroute from VPNClient1 to VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ else:
+ hints.append("traceroute from VPNClient1 to VPNClient3 is not OK")
+ pass
+ if score > 10 :
+ score -= 1
+ score = int(score)
+ return score, hints
+def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):
+ write_default_config(templates['simpleArbiterDhcp'], global_params)