path: root/tasks/radius_mysql_pam
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3 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/en/index.html b/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/en/index.html
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+<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
+<strong><h1>Radius mysql:</h1></strong>
+<p><strong><h2>Quick how to:</h2></strong><br>
+ Setup the OpenRadius server and add users. Use MySql as the database.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Create two virtual machines - SimpleArbiter (use the simpleArbiterDhcp.vdi disk) and RadiusServer. Discs for virtual machines are located on</li>
+ <li>Create another two virtual machines using the disks VPNCLient.vdi and SimpleArbiterVPN.vdi.</li>
+ <li>Setup both VMs so that they use two network adapters - NAT and Internal network.</li>
+ <li>Login with the username <strong>student</strong> and password <strong>student</strong> on both VMs.</li>
+ </ol>
+<h3><u><strong><em>Part one: Setup OpenRadius.</em></strong></u></h3>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Install OpenRadius on the RadiusServer VM (configuration files are: /etc/openradius/configuration and /etc/openradius/behaviour)</li>
+ <li>Add a user and assign him a shared secret. This should be configured in the /etc/openradius/configuration file. (More info: <a href = ""> </a>)</li>
+ <li>Create a connection from SimpleArbiter to RadiusServer using the secret you configured.</strong></li>
+ </ol>
+<u><strong><em><h3>Part two: Install and setup a MySQL database on RadiusServer</h3></em></strong></u>
+ <ol>
+ <li>OpenRadius can use the module RadSQL to store users in database.</li>
+ <li>Setup a MySQL server: sudo apt-get install mysql-server.</li>
+ <li>Connect to the MySQL server: mysql -u root -p.</li>
+ <li>Create a database: CREATE DATABASE <database-name>. Create a table <strong>users</strong> with columns <strong>username</strong> and <strong>password</strong>.</li>
+ </ol>
diff --git a/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/si/index.html b/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/si/index.html
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+<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
+<strong><h1>Radius mysql:</h1></strong>
+<p><strong><h2>Naloga na hitro:</h2></strong><br>
+ Postaviti je treba RADIUS strežnik in podatkovno bazo.<br>
+ Za RADIUS strežnik uporabite FreeRADIUS, za podatkovno bazo pa MySQL.
+ 1. Ustvarite dva navidezna računalnika z imenom SimpleArbiter in RadiusServer.<br>
+ Za SimpleArbiter uporabite simpleArbiterDhcp, za RadiusServer pa lahko uporabite poljubno virtualko.<br>
+ ( virtualke dobiš na<br>
+ 2. Z VirtualBoxom (ali ostalim programom za virtualne računalnike) ustvarite dva virtualna računalnika in jim kot disk za shranjevanje podajte simpleArbiterDhcp.vdi ter base-student-console-2014.vdi.<br>
+ 3. Na obeh nastavite dva omrežna vmesnika (NAT in Internal) in jih zaženite.<br>
+ 4. Na oba VM-a se prijavite z uporabnikom <strong>student</strong> in geslom <strong>vaje</strong> .</p>
+<p><h3><u><strong><em>Prvi del naloge: Postavi OpenRadius.</em></strong></u></h3>
+ 1. Namesti FreeRadius na virtualki RadiusServer z ukazom "sudo apt-get install freeradius".<br>
+ ( pomembni sta dve konfiguracijski datoteki /etc/openradius/configuration in /etc/openradius/behaviour<br>
+ 2. Dodaj uporabnika in mu dodaj skupno skrivnost v /etc/openradius/configuration datoteko (več o dodajanju lahko izveš na: "" <br>
+ 3. Nato se z to skrivnostjo povežete iz SimpleArbiter na RadiusServer</strong><br>
+ Namestimo freeradius z ukazom apt-get install freeradius-mysql
+ V datoteku /etc/freeradius/client.conf spremenimo skrivnost (secret)
+ Nato pa v datoteki /etc/freeradius/users dodamo uporabnika
+<u><strong><em><h3>Drugi del naloge: Namestitev in vzpostavitev baze MySQL na RadiusServer </h3></em></strong></u>
+ 1. Pri OpenRadius-u imamo modul RadSQL, s katerim lahko vzpostavimo hranjenje uporabnikov v bazi<br>
+ 2. Namestimo MySQL server z ukazom "sudo apt-get install mysql-server"<br/>
+ 3. VNato se prijavimo v Mysql server z ukazom mysql -u root -p <br/>
+ 4. Bazo ustvarimo z ukazom primer:
+ GRANT ALL ON kwhbRgJY.* To MajaNovak80@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "y06gmo2Z";
diff --git a/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/ b/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/
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--- /dev/null
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+# kpov_util should be imported by
+instructions = {
+ 'si': '''\
+Ustvari dva navidezna računalnika: <em>SimpleArbiter</em> in <em>RadiusServer</em>. Na <em>RadiusServer</em> namesti FreeRadius ter MySQL.
+Ustvari podatkovno bazo MySQL z imenom <code>{{MYSQL_DB_NAME}}</code>. Ustvari uporabnika za MySQL z imenom <code>{{MYSQL_ADMIN_USER}}</code> in geslom <code>{{MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD}}</code>, ki naj ima poln dostop do te baze. Prijava za tega uporabnika mora biti omogočena tudi s <em>SimpleArbiter</em>.
+Nastavi FreeRadius tako, da bo podatke o uporabnikih in geslih pobiral iz baze MySQL z imenom <code>{{MYSQL_DB_NAME}}</code>. Podatkovna shema (imena tabel) naj ostane
+Dostop do strežnika Radius na <em>RadiusServer</em> s <em>SimpleArbiter</em> naj bo mogoč ob uporabi skrivnosti <code>{{RADIUS_SECRET}}</code>.
+V bazi ustvari vnos, ki bo omogočil, da se na <em>RadiusServer</em> s pomočjo protokola Radius avtenticira uporabnik <code>{{RADIUS_USERNAME}}</code> z geslom <code>{{RADIUS_PASSWORD}}</code>.
+Nastavi PAM za prijavo (login) tako, da bo dovolj, če se uporabnik na SSH predstavi z uporabniškim imenom in geslom, ki sta veljavna na FreeRadius, ne glede na <code>/etc/shadow</code> oziroma <code>/etc/password</code>.
+ 'en': '''\
+Create two virtual machines: <em>SimpleArbiter</em> and <em>RadiusServer</em>. On <em>RadiusServer</em>, install FreeRadius and MySQL.
+Create a MySQL database named <code>{{MYSQL_DB_NAME}}</code>. Create a mysql user with the username <code>{{MYSQL_ADMIN_USER}}</code> and password <code>{{MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD}}</code>. Make sure this user can access the database from <em>SimpleArbiter</em> and has administrative rights over the <code>{{MYSQL_DB_NAME}}</code> database.
+Set up FreeRadius so that the data about users and passwords is stored in the MySQL database. Keep the default schema (table names).
+Make the Radius server on <em>RadiusServer</em> accessible from <em>SimpleArbiter</em> using <code>{{RADIUS_SECRET}}</code> as the secret.
+Create an entry in the database which will enable a user with the username <code>{{RADIUS_USERNAME}}</code> to authenticate themself against the Radius server using the password <code>{{RADIUS_PASSWORD}}</code>.
+Set up PAM to enable login over SSH using a username and password which are
+valida on the FreeRadius server, regardless of the entries in <code>/etc/shadow</code>
+and/or <code>/etc/password</code>.
+computers = {
+ 'RadiusServer': {
+ 'disks': [
+ { 'name': 'student-RadiusServer',
+ },
+ ],
+ 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}],
+ 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
+ 'config_drive': False
+ },
+ 'SimpleArbiter': {
+ 'disks': [
+ { 'name': 'simpleArbiterDhcpGW',
+ },
+ ],
+ 'network_interfaces': [{'network': 'net1'}, {'network': 'test-net'}],
+ 'flavor': 'm1.tiny',
+ 'config_drive': False
+ }
+networks = { 'net1': {'public': False}, 'test-net': {'public': True} }
+params_meta = {
+ 'IP_RS': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Naslov RadiusServer', 'en': 'RadiusServer IP address'}, 'w': True, 'public':True, 'type': 'IP', 'generated': False},
+ 'RADIUS_SECRET':{'descriptions': {'si': 'Skrivnost RADIUS', 'en': 'RADIUS secret'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'password', 'generated': True},
+ 'RADIUS_USERNAME': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Uporabniško ime', 'en': 'Username'}, 'w': True, 'public':True, 'type': 'username', 'generated': False},
+ 'RADIUS_PASSWORD': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Geslo uporabnika', 'en': 'Password'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': None, 'generated': True},
+ 'MYSQL_DB_NAME': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Ime baze v mysql', 'en': 'Database name'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': None, 'generated': True},
+ 'MYSQL_ADMIN_USER':{'descriptions': {'si': 'Uporabniško ime za dostop do MySQL', 'en': 'MySQL username'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': 'username', 'generated': True},
+ 'MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD': {'descriptions': {'si': 'Geslo za dostop do MySQL', 'en': 'MySQL password'}, 'w': True, 'public':True, 'type': 'password', 'generated': True},
+ 'MYSQL_SEED':{'descriptions': {'si': 'seed', 'en': 'seed'}, 'w': False, 'public':True, 'type': None, 'generated': True},
+ import collections
+ import random
+ import pexpect
+ r = random.Random(MYSQL_SEED)
+ MYSQL_TEST_USER = kpov_util.username_gen(r)
+ MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 7)
+ RADIUS_NEW_PASSWORD = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 7)
+ results = collections.defaultdict(str)
+ # Testiranje radius strežnika
+ results['Test_RadiusServer'] ='radtest {0} {1} {2} 1812 {3}'.format(
+ # Testiranje podatkovne base mysql
+ mysql = pexpect.spawn('mysql -u {MYSQL_ADMIN_USER} -p{MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD} -h {IP_RS}'.format(**locals()))
+ mysql.expect("mysql>")
+ results['mysql_login'] = mysql.before
+ mysql.sendline('USE {MYSQL_DB_NAME}'.format(**locals()))
+ mysql.expect("mysql>")
+ results['database_connect'] = mysql.before
+ mysql.sendline('SELECT UserName, Value FROM radcheck;')
+ mysql.expect("mysql>")
+ results['select_from_users'] = mysql.before
+ mysql.sendline("INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName, Attribute, Value, Op) VALUES ('{MYSQL_TEST_USER}', 'Cleartext-Password', '{MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD}', ':=');".format(**locals()))
+ mysql.expect("mysql>")
+ results['radtest_OK'] ='radtest {0} {1} {2} 1812 {3}'.format(
+ results['radtest_NOK'] ='radtest {0} {1} {2} 1812 {3}'.format(
+ results['radtest_NOK'] ='radtest {0} {1} {2} 1812 {3}'.format(
+ mysql.sendline("UPDATE radcheck SET value='{RADIUS_NEW_PASSWORD}' where UserName='{RADIUS_USERNAME}' and Attribute='Cleartext-Password';".format(**locals()))
+ results.update(kpov_util.ssh_test(IP_RS, RADIUS_USERNAME, RADIUS_NEW_PASSWORD))
+ mysql.sendline("UPDATE radcheck SET value='{RADIUS_PASSWORD}' where UserName='{RADIUS_USERNAME}' and Attribute='Cleartext-Password';".format(**locals()))
+ mysql.expect('mysql>')
+ mysql.sendline("DELETE FROM radcheck where UserName='{MYSQL_TEST_USER}' and Attribute='Cleartext-Password';".format(**locals()))
+ mysql.expect('mysql>')
+ mysql.sendline('\q');
+ # TODO Testiranje PAM s testnim uporabnikom
+ return results
+def gen_params(user_id, params_meta):
+ params = dict()
+ r = random.Random(user_id)
+ params['RADIUS_SECRET'] = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 8)
+ params['RADIUS_PASSWORD'] = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 8)
+ params['RADIUS_USERNAME'] = kpov_util.username_gen(r)
+ params['MYSQL_ADMIN_USER'] = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 6)
+ params['MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD'] = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 6)
+ params['MYSQL_DB_NAME'] = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 4)
+ params['MYSQL_SEED'] = str(r.random())
+ return params
+def task_check(results, params):
+ import re
+ import pickle
+ score = 0
+ hints = []
+ r = random.Random(params['MYSQL_SEED'])
+ MYSQL_TEST_USER = kpov_util.username_gen(r)
+ MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 7)
+ RADIUS_NEW_PASSWORD = kpov_util.alnum_gen(r, 7)
+ s = r"Sent Access-Request Id [0-9]+ from ([0-9]|\.)+:[0-9]+ to {IP_RS}:1812 length [0-9]+\r\n\tUser-Name = \"{RADIUS_USERNAME}\"\r\n\tUser-Password = \"{RADIUS_PASSWORD}\".*Access-Accept Id [0-9]+ from {IP_RS}".format(**params)
+ #with open('test.pickle', 'w') as f:
+ # pickle.dump({'pattern': s, 'res': results['Test_RadiusServer']}, f)
+ if, results['Test_RadiusServer'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "Test OK"
+ score += 2
+ else:
+ hints.append('radtest connect output incorrect:' + results['Test_RadiusServer'])
+ print((results['Test_RadiusServer'], s))
+ # Testiranje podatkovne base mysql
+ s = "Welcome to the MySQL monitor.*Type 'help;' or '\\\\h' for help\\. Type '\\\\c' to clear the current input statement\\.\r\n"
+ if, results['mysql_login'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "mysql_login OK"
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append("mysql connection string incorrect")
+ print((results['mysql_login'], s))
+ s = " USE {MYSQL_DB_NAME}\r\nReading table information.*Database changed\r\n".format(**params)
+ if, results['database_connect'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "database_connect OK"
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append('mysql table information string incorrect')
+ print((results['database_connect'],))
+ s = " SELECT UserName, Value FROM radcheck;\r\n.*{RADIUS_USERNAME} *| *{RADIUS_PASSWORD}".format(**params)
+ if, results['select_from_users'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "select_from_users OK"
+ score += 2
+ else:
+ hints.append('mysql user entry in table check failed')
+ print((results['select_from_users'], ))
+ s = r"Sent Access-Request Id [0-9]+ from ([0-9]|\.)+:[0-9]+ to {0}:1812 length [0-9]+\r\n\tUser-Name = \"{1}\"\r\n\tUser-Password = \"{2}\".*Access-Accept Id [0-9]+ from {0}".format(params['IP_RS'], MYSQL_TEST_USER, MYSQL_TEST_PASSWORD)
+ if, results['radtest_OK'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "radtest_OK OK"
+ score += 2
+ else:
+ hints.append('radtest output incorrect:' + results['radtest_OK'])
+ print((s, results['radtest_OK']))
+ s = r"Sent Access-Request Id [0-9]+ from ([0-9]|\.)+:[0-9]+ to {0}:1812 length [0-9]+\r\n\tUser-Name = \"{1}\"\r\n\tUser-Password = \"Flügzeug\".*Access-Reject Id [0-9]+ from {0}".format(params['IP_RS'], MYSQL_TEST_USER)
+ if, results['radtest_NOK'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "radtest_NOK OK"
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append('radtest negative output incorrect: ' + results['radtest_NOK'])
+ print((results['radtest_NOK'], s))
+ s = "{RADIUS_USERNAME}@.*:".format(**params)
+ if, results['motd'], flags=re.DOTALL):
+ # print "login_test OK"
+ score += 1
+ else:
+ hints.append('login test failed')
+ print((results['login_test'],s))
+ return score, hints
+def prepare_disks(templates, task_params, global_params):
+ write_default_config(templates['simpleArbiterDhcpGW'], global_params)